Tw Antisemitism - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Being Jewish in 2021 is just like

*walks into non-nuclear family dinner*

Everyone: *eating and whatever*

My dad: hey do any of you have today’s codes for the lazer? I think I misplaced mine.

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2 years ago

in light of how awful and disgusting dtblr and dreblr seem to be acting today, repeating literal neo-nazi rhetoric around as if it’s just a joke, i think it’s important to educate ourselves about antisemitism and how to identify nazi rhetoric and symbolism.

^ a website run by jews. it contains a lot of information about antisemitism, dogwhistles and how to spot evil when you see it. peace and love, and if i see any single one of you motherfuckers spreading some literal neonazi shit like that i will actually fucking kill you. you disgust me.

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2 years ago

JK Rowling didn't write Hogwarts Legacy.

Moira Squier did.

JK Rowling wrote about a short and swarthy ethnic minority legally denied the right to own certain kinds of property, excluded from most careers apart from finance, oppressed for hundreds of years but still ignored by equality activists, perceived as duplicitous and bloodthirsty, speaking a guttural language and having a culture considered inferior by mainstream society.

The film franchise gave them big hooked noses.

Moira Squier created a new character from this minority who was the victim of a brutal, life-threatening hate crime in his youth, which radicalised him against the society that oppressed his people. She wrote a narrative in which a marginalised person's resentment of their oppressors causes them to become morally corrupt, and the only "good" members of the marginalised group are the ones who can overcome that resentment. She created a story in which the protagonist must prevent a marginalised group from reclaiming their property, because doing so would make them too powerful, and that might threaten the status quo.

Troy Leavitt was the lead developer for the first several years of this game's creation. He runs an alt-right YouTube channel in which he defends cultural appropriation and sexual harassment apologism, among other things. He oversaw the design of a marginalised minority which bears an uncanny resemblance to Nazi propaganda:

Antisemitic propaganda poster depicting a Jew as a rat (caption translates to "RATS - DESTROY THEM") in profile with a large hooked nose, beady eyes, a scowl, and large pointed ears.
Screen capture of Ranrok the goblin in profile with a large hooked nose, beady eyes, a scowl, and large pointed ears.
"Der Ewige Jude" antisemitic propaganda poster depicting a Jewish man's head facing forwards, with sallow skin, pointed ears, a large nose pointed downwards, a heavy brow, and the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.
"The Hero of Hogwarts" trophy icon from Hogwarts Legacy depicting a goblin's head facing forwards, with sallow skin, pointed ears, a large nose pointed downwards, a heavy brow, and the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

JK Rowling is a bigot, but she's not the only one.

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2 years ago

just a quick and unfriendly fucking reminder that if you're sharing antisemitic shit, saying antisemitic shit, you are not fucking welcome on my page. we don't play that shit here. This extends to those of you defending K*nye, saying he's not that bad, or otherwise bending over backwards to excuse anything hateful he (or anyone else) says. In closing: get fucked.

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9 months ago

zach hadel did what??????

ive read this on a tweet her words not mine

Zach Hadel Did What??????

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10 months ago

"This American celebrity thing is a distraction from Rafah! Yes we get that most of nobody else in the world cares about the American Celebrity thing and not all Americans care about this event, and the fact that people often use these events purposefully to distract themselves from the world crumbling, but it's still a distraction from dying children and you're a Zionist if you don't think about them for 3 seconds!!!"

Fuck it, I’m saying this one on main, name and all.

Fuck It, Im Saying This One On Main, Name And All.

[Image ID: screenshot of a post in tumblr dark mode by user nottobeadickoranything, reading “Hey um, everyone,,,uhh do you think the Drake-Kendrick beef started to draw attention away from Israel doing a trail of tears in Rafah,,,,mayb??”

Under the post are the tags ‘kendrick lamar,’ ‘drake,’ and ‘free palestine.’

End ID]

We’re not doing this. We are not fucking giving space for this conspiratorial bullshit that mirrors white supremacist rhetoric about Jewish people using Black people and/or some cabal Illuminati nonsense.

Was the #beef manufactured at all? I don’t think so, but I don’t know.

Would an entire other government call up a pair of Black rappers and have them bringing up predator allegations years in the making only to start attacking once it all died down?

Use your brains! Help Palestinians escape if you can! Donate to the PCRF!

But this racist, antisemitic shit with no proof? We’re not fucking doing that.

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3 years ago
The Farhud Was An Iraqi Pogrom Carried Out In Baghdad, Iraq Against The Iraqi Jewish Population In 1941.
The Farhud Was An Iraqi Pogrom Carried Out In Baghdad, Iraq Against The Iraqi Jewish Population In 1941.

The Farhud was an Iraqi pogrom carried out in Baghdad, Iraq against the Iraqi Jewish population in 1941. The collapse of the pro-Nazi government Rashid Ali al-Gaylani led to a power vacuum in Iraq, which resulted in Arab nationalists attacking and killing at least 200 Jews. Two thousand more were injured, and more than 900 Jewish homes were destroyed during the violent pogrom.

Prior to the spread of Nazi propaganda in Iraq and other parts of the Mashriq, Mizrahim in Iraq enjoyed a dual Jewish and Arab culture and identity. Their non-Jewish neighbors accepted this identity and considered Mizrahim to be Arabs just as much as others in Iraq. However, Nazi propaganda led to the exclusion of Mizrahim from Arab nationalism–meaning that Mizrahim were no longer considered Arabs, and Jews were thought to exist as a separate entity from non-Jewish Arabs.

A Nazi youth group, called al-Futuwwa (a movement of the pan-Arab Nadi al-Muthanna), marked Jewish homes with red palm prints several days before the Farhud in order to set them apart as targets. Yunis al-Sabawi, a government minister, advised Rabbi Khaduri to tell the Jews to stay within their homes for three days as protective measure. This was two days before the Farhud.

The beginning of the violence of the Farhud was marked by Iraqi Jews traveling to met the Regent ‘Abd al-Ilah at the Qasr al-Zuhur. As they were traveling across Al Khurr Bridge, a mob attacked them. Violence continued into the next day, when Iraqi police joined in the attacks on Iraqi Jews. Synagogues, Jewish shops, and homes were looted and destroyed. 

After the Farhud, Jews were told not to testify about the torture and violence that their neighbors and family members endured. There was no report published until 1958, at which point ninety percent of Iraq’s Jewish population had already emigrated in hopes of finding a better home, away from violent anti-Semitism. An nearly absolute expulsion was completed by 1951.

Some of the ways that Nazi propaganda was spread among the public in Iraq included radio propaganda. Some of the illiterate population in Iraq listened to the pro-Nazi radio stations, which influenced some to participate in the Farhud. The German embassy in Iraq also contributed enormously to enabling the Farhud; it took over an Iraqi newspaper, called al-Alam al-Arabi, and used it to publish anti-Semitic articles (including an Arabic translation of Mein Kampf, which helped put even more anti-Jewish feelings in place). 

Every year on Shavuot, Iraqi Jews remember June ½, 1941–also known as the sixth and seventh of Sivan in 5071–as a violent time of anti-Semitism in the Mashriq, in a place where we had lived for 2,600 years alongside our other Arab neighbors. It is a time of mourning for us in a way that it is not for other Jews; we remember the Jews dead, injured, looted, and coercively expelled from a 2,600-year-old home. The Farhud is not a common topic of conversation and most people don’t know much, if anything, about it.

[Pictured: Two images of the mass grave in which up to 600 victims of the Farhud were buried.]

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3 years ago

Hey uh, so I've been living in the messianic comuinity for all of my life, my grandfather wrote some of the most popular messianic bibles and my dad works for Netivyah which is one of the biggest messianic orginaztions in the world I think. However, I lived my whole life with messianic versions of Jewish holidays and traditions (especially cos I lived in a more Jewish part of Isreal for the last 13 years) and I do want to continue living with these holidays and traditions, since they do mean a lot to me, but from what I heard from jumblr, the messianic comuinity has been harmful to Jews. Could you (if your willing) explain to me how messianic-nes is harmfull and what steps could I take to take the messianic part out of these Jewish traditions? Thanks ^-^

If you’ve seen this statement around Jumblr, you’ve already seen this explained, so I don’t know what you’re looking for here except for someone to tell you there’s a way to do it, and I’m gonna disappoint you and tell you there’s not. Messianic “Judaism” is not Judaism, it’s xtianity with an appropriative veneer. Not only that, but many of those traditions messianics have clumsily pasted into their own religion are ahistorical; for instance, at the time of the crucifixion, the Pesach Seder we use now was not around, but messianics use it thinking it’s authentic to the 2nd temple period.

I’m not going to say messianics aren’t Jews, because unfortunately, many are. What I mean by that is that many are ethnically Jewish, and that is because messianics have specifically targeted and misled them, especially Jews who didn’t grow up with a strong Jewish education. But messianicism isn’t Judaism, and their religion is xtianity. If these ethnic Jews want to deepen their connection to Jewish rituals, and I hope they do, it is their birthright to do so, but they need to seek out actual Jews/Jewish sources to teach them. If you are in Israel, you have no shortage of opportunities to do so. I also suggest groups like Hillel for college students and Chabad for everyone, keeping in mind that Chabad is Hasidic and that’s not everyone’s speed, but as a group they are particularly dedicated to helping Jews connect with Judaism and Jewish life, and they are pretty much everywhere.

People who are not Jewish who are messianics are…not Jewish. That’s that. If you are interested in Judaism, it is possible to convert, and in the process you will learn a lot about Jewish life and what it means to be a Jew. But it’s not compatible with belief in Yoshke.

You can be xtian and celebrate xtian holidays, but there’s no way to be an xtian and celebrate Jewish holidays/rituals without being appropriative. You have to decide if you want to be a Jew or xtian. Judaism does not have any kind of belief that non-Jews have to become Jewish or that non-Jews are less moral than Jews. It’s fine to not be Jewish. Judaism is an ethnoreligion. It is a culture and ethnicity in addition to being a religion. Just like, say, a Mexican person doesn’t think everyone must/should live a culturally Mexican life, Jews don’t think non-Jews must/should become Jewish or do Jewish things. It’s simply not part of the belief system. And just like it would be ok for a non-Mexican person to participate in Mexican cultural celebrations at the invitation of actual Mexican people, it’s ok for non-Jews to take part in Jewish things they have been invited to, but it’s not ok for non-Jews to pick up random Jewish things and start doing them on their own without real Jews and for their own, different religion. Do you see that?

Appropriation is not the same as cultural sharing or exchange. Consider the examples of indigenous American practices that non-indigenous people have taken as part of their own spiritual hodgepodge. It is not JUST that people are using smudging for instance in their practices without having the cultural background to understand it. It is also: overharvesting threatened species to do so, acting as an authority on someone else’s culture, treating that culture as an exotic accessory rather than a living thing that should be respected, and so on. But most importantly, it is a group of colonisers — people whose history is of systematically trying to destroy these cultures and oppress the people in them — claiming this thing as their own. Xtianity has done this same thing to Jews. So it’s not JUST that you have no idea what you’re doing and it’s disrespectful to play dress-up with our culture. It’s that YOUR group — xtians - have a long history of trying to wipe out Judaism. Messianics for the most part aren’t even actually trying to be “more authentic;” their DELIBERATE goal is to pretend to be Jewish so they can convert Jews through trickery and deceit. They claim to be Jews and that belief in Yoshke and the whole xtian cosmology is compatible with Judaism and that’s a bald-faced lie. Some even fake credentials and backstories to pretend to be Jews just so they can proselytise to Jews under a false guise. Xtianity is fundamentally based on the idea that everyone has to become xtian and that it’s part of a “new covenant” that supersedes the covenant between Gd and the Jewish people. This is called supersessionism and you can look it up for more detailed discussions of why it’s bad and how it’s harmed Jews for centuries. This group’s goal is the destruction of our group, and that goal is no different whether it’s through conquest, genocide, segregation, or conversion. There is simply no way you can continue to practice “Jewish” things while being an xtian without being an active part of this.

I get that this is how you grew up, and that makes the choice harder, but it doesn’t change the reality that “messianicism” is fundamentally antisemitic. It’s hard to break with your family and your upbringing, but when those things are wrong, you have to choose whether you will continue to uphold those wrongs in the name of family attachment or if you are going to break the chain. If you’re in Israel, and I’m going to assume that’s true, you’ll have no shortage of Jewish friends who invite you over for Purim parties and stuff like that and that’s fine. But don’t do it yourself and don’t claim it’s part of your religion and don’t try to convince anyone else to become messianic.

I reckon this is not the answer you were looking for, and I reckon I’m not the only person you asked, and I reckon you’ve heard this all before. The only reason I’m bothering re-explaining this is because there might still be people out there who haven’t heard it and need it explained, but none of this is new information that’s never been said before. You’ve seen it on Jumblr, so you know this. I’m not trying to be cruel, but I’m not going to pat you on head and tell you it’s ok to do what you’re doing, either. If you decide to become Jewish, then I welcome you. If not, that’s fine. It’s no skin off my nose what religion you are. Go celebrate Xmas and Easter. But if you truly want to be more respectful of Judaism, then you need to stop looking for loopholes to this question and for someone to give you the official Jew Approval stamp, and you need to face the real question before you: are you going to be Jewish, or are you going to be xtian? You can’t be both.

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3 years ago

Daily reminder that cavetown is antisemitic amd racist and that there are plenty of other gender affirming artists out there. Idgaf how comforting he is to you. If you wouldnt dismantle white supremacy because you don't want to lose your comfort white supremacist, newsflash, you're also a white supremacist.

If you're not Jewish or a POC you don't get to decide whether his fake ass apology is acceptable.

Tw antisemitism and racism

Daily Reminder That Cavetown Is Antisemitic Amd Racist And That There Are Plenty Of Other Gender Affirming
Daily Reminder That Cavetown Is Antisemitic Amd Racist And That There Are Plenty Of Other Gender Affirming
Daily Reminder That Cavetown Is Antisemitic Amd Racist And That There Are Plenty Of Other Gender Affirming
Daily Reminder That Cavetown Is Antisemitic Amd Racist And That There Are Plenty Of Other Gender Affirming

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9 months ago

being anti para is a nazi dogwhistle at this point, many of yall anti paras are close to demanding us euthanized for being paraphiles, and some of you conflate jews with them to blame them for the war in palestine when it isn’t their fault and demand that synagogues be burned.

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5 years ago

Non-Jewish Bernie Sanders supporters need to give serious thought to how Sanders being elected would affect global antisemitism and, particularly, how it would affect American diaspora Jews. 

If you want a Jewish man in the White House, you need to start educating yourselves about antisemitism. You have got to start giving a damn about supporting those of us would face the backlash. 

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3 years ago

someone made a post a while back about how a lot of villains are antisemitic stereotypes and i kept thinking about minecraft villagers and then i realized, it genuinely wouldn't surprise me if this was intentional given the other garbage tier takes notch has espoused in the past, super weird that this isnt talked about more

I don't wanna say "man it seems weird no one talks about it" cause I know people do talk about it that's how I know but, for how BIG Minecraft is it's weird that it's not like, a universally known constant on-going controversy that the villagers are just straight up antisemitic caricatures, right?

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3 years ago

actually no this is 100% intentional

Actually No This Is 100% Intentional

I don't wanna say "man it seems weird no one talks about it" cause I know people do talk about it that's how I know but, for how BIG Minecraft is it's weird that it's not like, a universally known constant on-going controversy that the villagers are just straight up antisemitic caricatures, right?

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2 years ago

Stranger Things and Netflix are trying to capitalize off the Holocaust.

No, this is not a joke. This is not a stretch of the imagination. And no, I’m not putting a read-more on this post because it deserves a full look-through. This is happening in Lithuania, right now, where Netflix has turned a former Nazi prison into a Stranger Things themed hotel.

Yes, you read that right. Just a quick Google search will confirm its existence. The Lukiškės Prison in Vilnius, Lithuania is a former Nazi prison. In a country that already tries to erase it’s involvement with the Holocaust (I’m still talking about Lithuania), this offense is particularly egregious.

Here’s the petition that @chaosklutz​ sent me that first alerted me to this abhorrent, insensitive bullshittery: 

Copy-pasted below is the description from the petition.

It has come to the attention of the Jewish and Rroma community that the new season for Stranger Things was filmed in the Lukiškės prison in Lithuania. Though having functioned as a prison centuries before, it became notorious during WWII for it’s Nazi involvement and the kidnapping, imprisonment, and torture of about 100,000 Jews, Rroma, and political prisoners.

To make matters worse, Stranger Things and Netflix have both agreed to turn Lukiškės into a fully functioning hotel, ran by Airbnb, where visitors can spend the night in themed cells, tour the Stranger Things themed building, and make waffles. The price ranges from about €104-114 a night and it was said to start it’s function June 4th.

Fans of Stranger Things are now getting numerical tattoos on their arms because they are inspired by the show, the Stranger Things Instagram has even reposted photos their fans have submitted; thus encouraging their behavior. Not only does this mock the shared trauma of the Jewish and Rroma community, but it further desecrates the living memories of Holocaust survivors (a significant portion are alive today) and their descendants.

Lithuania is already known for their outright denial of their participation in the Holocaust and their allyship with the Nazis. Lithuania turned Seventh Fort, a concentration camp responsible for one of the worst mass killings in Lithuanian history, into a wedding venue. A Nazi prison where Jews, Rroma, and political kid prisoners were kidnapped, starved, imprisoned, and tortured is now a wedding venue.

We refuse to let this continue.

We, Jews and Rroma, call you to sign this petition and hold Stranger Things and Netflix accountable for their Holocaust erasure. Money earned from this season should be put back into the Jewish and Rromani communities of Lithuania as reparations for the damage this season is causing and a public apology from Airbnb, Netflix, and Stranger Things should be issued immediately with a full understanding as to how this adds to the erasure of the victims of the Holocaust and the ongoing persecution of Romani communities.  We also demand the immediate shut down of the Airbnb.

We will not be erased. The Holocaust is not for the entertainment industry to build wealth off of and turn into theatre. It is our genocide and for Rroma it is ongoing.

We hope to reach out to current Jewish and Rroma communities in Lithuania in hopes of help for accountability. Either way, sharing this petition, signing it, and donating to the Jewish and Romani organizations and charities below would be a great help! Thank you!



LIETUVOS ZYDU (LITVAKU) BENDRUOMENÈ (Lithuania Jewish Community): donations accepted!

ERRC (European Rroma Rights Center): A perfect tool to learn, volunteer and donate

Domari Society: Rroma in Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip! Donate, learn about them and support their businesses! The Jewish Center for Community Development:

ERGO (European Rroma Grassroots Organization): donate, learn, volunteer, and support their projects!

Memorial Museum of Holocaust in Lithuania and Vilna Ghetto: ghetto/

Again, here is the petition link:

Please sign and share the petition, and donate if you can. The signature goal is 7.5k - they’re almost there! We can surpass that goal!

This kind of behavior is utterly disgusting and those at fault need to be held accountable. If your blood isn’t boiling after reading about this, read again.

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8 months ago

i am begging. begging antizionists (goyim specifically) to do some introspection. you are not empathetic, moral, or righteous for telling people you disagree with to kill themselves.

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8 months ago

i went to a teach-in on gaza held at my university last year. the point was to give context to what’s happening for students who were likely getting all their information from social media. the (gentile) professor ended the lecture by saying, “if anyone tells you hamas didn’t do terrible things on october seventh, then they are a liar.”

the mood noticeably shifted. the audience was stunned. no one clapped or said a word for maybe five beats, and even then the clapping seemed reluctant.

i think that was about when i started stepping away from the pro-pal movement- this was before the encampments when most people were still pretending to care about peace and coexistence. but these people were shocked by being reminded that hamas was not guilt-free, they couldn’t fathom being told that no, being oppressed does not give you a free pass to rape, murder, and kidnap- and i realized we did not share the same hope for peace.

Ariel Gold Was Responding To The Independent Investigation Conducted By Human Rights Watch - She Dared
Ariel Gold Was Responding To The Independent Investigation Conducted By Human Rights Watch - She Dared
Ariel Gold Was Responding To The Independent Investigation Conducted By Human Rights Watch - She Dared

Ariel Gold was responding to the independent investigation conducted by Human Rights Watch - she dared to acknowledge October 7th was bad, provided with indisputable evidence, but of course condemning that day is never acceptable to the crowd she’s been trying to appease.

“it’s always these Jews.” “Jews should not be welcomed (in the movement).” it’s almost like the problem is…well, you know.

Ariel Gold Was Responding To The Independent Investigation Conducted By Human Rights Watch - She Dared
October 7 Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes by Hamas-led Groups
Human Rights Watch
Hamas’ military wing – the Qassam Brigades – and at least four other Palestinian armed groups committed numerous war crimes and crimes again

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8 months ago

i watched someone on tiktok fall victim to the leopard eating face party and it was just so. awful. she was trying to explain that “zio” was a slur coined by white supremacists and so, so many people were calling her a zio or saying she supports genocide. and she very clearly wasn’t a zionist, she was just a jew who wasn’t silent about antisemitism within the pro-pal movement. and that’s enough to have everyone who would have tokenized her under different circumstances decide that she is the Enemy.

g-d it’s fucking scary.

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7 months ago

gotta say i am soooooo glad the people in my immediate circle are all normal about jews. i can come home and talk to my roommates about trying bamba for the first time and none of them flinch when i say it’s an israeli snack. my partner has hours-long drunk conversations with my friends about halacha. my partners mom made sure there were kosher options for me when i visited. i guess it’s just a comfort, knowing that the people with lives, who regularly go outside and touch grass, outnumber the antisemites (at least in my city)

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