Hi! I'm Beetle! They/them This is my main blog where I just post whatever I'm into at the moment! I also do art sometimes!
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The Bad Kids (ft. Ragh) As Songs From TWICEs Album Feel Special
The Bad Kids (ft. Ragh) as songs from TWICE’s album “Feel Special”
Feel Special: Fabian. The title track. He’s the Bad Kid’s leader, and he sets the tone. This song in particular was written for one of the members, Mina, who took leave due to her anxiety. This song and album was her return to the group and group activities. It is a love letter from TWICE to her. In that vein, this is the Bad Kids’ love letter to Fabian. He’s not just their leader, not just some rich kid they hang out with, not just the son of Bill Seacaster. He’s their friend, Fabian. “One moment I feel like I’m nothing at all/ Like no one would notice if I were gone/ But then when I hear you calling me/ I feel loved, I feel so special.”
Rainbow: Gorgug. He’s struggled a lot with his rage and I feel like he has a lot of self-esteem issues. But we’ve seen how kind, considerate, and amazing he is! He’s the real opposite of what we expect a barbarian to be. But he’s started to grow into himself and started becoming who he wants to be, and not what people want of him. Drumming in Fig’s band, becoming an artificer, I don’t think Gorgug saw himself doing those things. But now that he’s allowing himself to be who he wants to be and just go for it, he’s showing all his colors. “Open up a new road behind the clouds/ Walk in the wide skies where your path will unfold/ You can go anywhere, wherever you want/ You can go anywhere, wherever you want/ It’s not too late, you can get to the purple line”
Get Loud: Adaine. When pushed, she’ll push back just as hard. There’s a lot of rage building up inside her. Overlooked; treated as the second; inferior to her sister and unsuitable in her parents’ eyes. Carving her own path, not being afraid to bare her teeth and raise a fist (or ladle) at anyone who dares cross on her on this path of her own making. Willing to defend her friends at any cost, supporting them and twisting fate in order to ensure their success. She’s been silent for long enough; you’re going to listen to her, or face her wrath. “I’ll pass the line in front of me at my feet (Get Loud)/ Stop with the dangerous jokes, or there’s going to be trouble/ In my eyes, it’s right at the edge/ If you take one step (Get Down)?/ It’s a very close call, this is really big trouble (Might Get-Get-Get Loud)”
Trick It: Fig. Honestly this song just gives me Fig vibes! I feel like this is a reflection of Fig before she starts dating Ayda and really starts to be herself. The idea that she has to “trick” Ayda into loving her, because the Real Fig is someone no one can love without there being some trickery involved. The way she first starts bonding and connecting with Ayda being disguise self induced shenanigans. Preparing to be misunderstood but hoping that Ayda will understand her regardless. “Good misunderstanding, bad misunderstanding/ I secretly prepared it/ My behavior is weird/ But I need you to understand it”
Love Foolish: Kristen. This song is about a toxic relationship--being in love with someone you shouldn’t be. The more Kristen learns about her God, the more she realizes that He isn’t who she thought she was. But, she still has that desire to serve a deity, to find divine answers to all the questions she has. The more she searches, the more doubt she has, but she still believes that Something, Someone, out there has the answers. And even if it's foolish, she’s going to try and find them. “Yeah, it’s true/The sweet ones were dangerous/I know I was a fool…I don’t know what’s going on, I can’t explain it/I’m trapped in a labyrinth of strange feelings”
21:29: Ragh. This is Twice’s love letter to their fans, and it’s Ragh’s to the Bad Kids. His whole life changed because of them! Ragh finished his schooling with them, graduated because of them, and is going on a soul searching journey with Tracker because of them. He was able to come out and accept himself because of their influence! I definitely think that Ragh and the Bad Kids are going to be friends for their entire lives, but even if they aren’t, they changed him. They made a profound impact on his life, and that’s not something you can forget or take back. “Even if it’s a dream, I like it/ Tomorrow, I’ll be there (This is for you)/ Even if you’re not/ That’s okay, I’ll remember you (You’re my dream)/ Little by little/ Our memories piled up/ I will always keep them/ As they were (This is for you)”
Breakthrough: Riz. Breakthroughs are when you hit that pivotal moment, find the one clue that brings the entire case together. A lot of Riz’s adventuring has been spent trying to reach this point. Going to Aguefort with the sole intent to locate Penny. Making friends to look for clues. Searching and searching until his hands are bleeding. He has to reach that point, or it’s meaningless. But then he starts to really trust the Bad Kids, starts to go on his own personal journey and find the clues for himself. And he’s reaching his own breakthrough, killing not only Kalvaxus but Kalina as well, avenging his father, solving the case, and becoming his own person. “Everybody break, break, breakthrough/ Cast aside all the doubts and grow up/ My heart links now to the future/ The beat is heating up, movin’ on, movin’ on/ Fight the weakness, gain strength from your heart/ Break the limit, baby/ Breakthrough let go”
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And there was another boy who, during a lab in our observatory where we would look at certain things in the sky, asked where the sun was. At 10pm in November. After some questioning it was revealed that he thought the moon and the sun were the same thing.
Practical Things I Think Witches Should Research
Cultural Appropriation
Closed paths and practices
Cult warning signs
Spiritual Discernment
Herb interactions (i.e. how they interact with your medications, if they are poisonous, if you are allergic, can you ingest them, etc.)
Fire safety (for candles, smoke cleansing, incense, etc.)
Crystal Care (learn if your crystals will dissolve in water, if they can be in the sun, if they can be in the cold, etc.)
Pet Care (make sure herbs don't have poor interactions with your pets, make sure you know what to keep away from them, etc.)
me making the most complicated and wild euphoria-esque au of the bad kids: these terrible children can fit so many complex relationships built on trauma :)

I got curious and made this. Which do you see when you read?