163 posts
So Much Food And Not Enough Belly Pics On My Dash Rn...
So much food and not enough belly pics on my dash rn...
jugglesthegreat liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from Bigboyblue235
I love how whenever I buy veggies, they could sit in the fridge for weeks and never get eaten. But whenever I buy ice cream, I have it gone in, like, a day or two.
Look, I'm turned on by the idea of being a moderately overfed guy with a dadbod, and a lot of my diet is pretty carb-heavy. But I also like veggies and I like to cook. Fast-food is really convenient when I'm driving for work. I've been a bit lazy with cooking lately, and it's something I wanna reconnect with -- my inner foodie.
Weight Gain Fantasy Scenario #6?
You know what I wish for? I wish that every man would come to a point in his life when he’s okay with getting fatter and accepts it as part of his life, [EDIT (7/9): In fact he gets some belly pride], and then “inadvertently” pack on, like, 30-50 lbs...
This all sounds delightful! ☺
please someone give me a cute boy who is skinny now but just wants to get huge and plush and soft so i can fatten them up
i want a cute boyfriend who i can tease and cook tons of food for and always order them takeout when they want it and get extras of their favorite sweets and make sure they’re stuffed at every single moment they wish to be stuffed
like this has just been on my mind so often the past few days i want an adorable boy to admit to me all blushy that they wanna be all big and soft, and i will jump right into feeding them until they ask me to stop
i wanna watch as their belly pokes out, and gently rub it as they take in deep, labored breaths, and i can give them gentle little kisses all over and let them sleep off their food coma, only to wake them up with dozens of possibilities for more food throughout the day
i wanna watch them get bigger and bigger, measuring their weight every day just to see their progress, and watch how turned on we both get when they gain several pounds in a single day after a particularly fattening day of stuffing
i want to see what parts of their body gets bigger. will they have a big belly? big ass? large thighs? big tits? pillowy arms? how quickly will they develop a double chin? no matter what, i will kiss it and touch it and watch as it grows more every day
i want to play around with clothes, and see them try to get on an old pair of jeans or an old shirt, only for it to rip or be unable to even get halfway on correctly. i want to have them wear a button up shirt one night and stuff them till they lose a button or two, and then let me play with their big round tummy
i want to feel how plush they get, and knead their doughy belly and thighs and play with their nipples and belly button and love handles and kiss the sensitive skin of their inner thighs. i want to grind against their belly as we make out, as my hands feel up as much of them as i can reach. i want to feel them on top of me, and feel their weight press down on me as they kiss up and down my body to return the favor of all the kisses i lay on them
i want to cook them extravagant meals at home, and buy them fancy new clothes to take them out to a fancy restaurant where they can eat as much as they like while i quietly urge them on with compliments and praise, until the button on their waistcoat snaps and we take the rest of our dessert to go
i want to feed them until they get as big as they so desire, and compare our sizes every day, and watch as they waddle and huff around the house, bumping into me and into the furniture every now and then. i want to help them up after they break a few legs on a chair, and buy them new, sturdier chairs that they can continue to stuff themselves on, and make them feel as comfortable as possible so they can gain as much weight as they want
ugh i just want a cute boyfriend i can watch and help get fatter and fatter and feed them as much as they like and just admire and love them constantly
Body Journal #3
I recently shaved my beard, and I noticed my face is more "filled out" and rounder than it used to be.
Body Journal #2
I’m fast approaching my old record highest weight of 208 lbs. Dealing with a major food baby rn cuz I had two generous helpings of stuffed shells for lunch. Also had a side salad with a bit of Thousand Islands dressing over it. Not sure what I’m doing for dinner (if I’ll even eat anything cuz I’m so full!), but there are two half gallons of ice cream in the freezer that I plan on digging into for dessert. Growing a bit of a ball belly now and my thighs are making contact with each other when I walk, though thankfully not chaffing. I looked in the mirror and my butt might be slightly fuller, but it’s hard to tell. Definitely not my main feature; that’d be the belly. My belly’s about the size of a basketball, or even a small beach ball! My love handles are officially filling out enough where they’re a hair or two wider than the waistband of my pants. Yep, I’d say I’m definitely filling out, and it feels good! I bought Cooking Simulator on Steam the other day. Been getting inspired again to do some home cooking. The game is also making me realize why I would not be suited to being a chef at a restaurant.