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67 posts
Harry Potter Asks!
harry potter asks!
What is your Hogwarts House and which of that House’s traits resonate the most with you?
What is your Patronus and what do you think it says about you?
Which is your favourite book and why?
Which is your favourite film and why?
Which scene was left out of the films that you think should have been included?
Which scene was added into the films that was a great addition?
In your opinion, what was an Iconic Moment™?
What is your favourite quote/passage?
Who is your favourite character and why?
Who is your least favourite character and why?
Who is your favourite non-human character?
Which character deserved better and why?
If you could swap one dead character for one character that survived, would would you revive and who would you kill?
Which character would you like to know more about?
Which character do you feel you have the most in common with?
Which character’s death hit you the hardest?
What is your OTP, nOTP, brOTP and OT3?
What would be your favourite and least favourite Hogwarts classes?
What is your favourite magical creature?
What is your favourite spell?
What do you think is the most useful spell?
What do you think Amortentia would smell like to you?
What do you think your Boggart would be and what would it change into?
What is your favourite magical object and why?
Which of the Deathly Hallows would you pick and why?
What is your opinion of Dumbledore and his actions throughout the series?
What is your opinion of Snape and his actions throughout the series?
Do you agree with Dumbledore’s statement, ‘Sometimes I think we Sort too soon’?
If you could own one piece of HP memorabilia, what would it be?
If you could ask JKR one question, what would it be?
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More Posts from Blood-of-fandoms
Pillow fort - Ethan Nestor
Anonymous asked: Can you do one where the reader has the apartment to her self and she doesn’t wanna be alone so she calls Ethan?
Sure thing, hope you like it! Also thank you all so much for the overwhelming response to my last CrankGamePlays post, I have no idea why it got such a large response! Let me know if you want a part two!
“Josh is here, I’m going! See ya later!” Your flat mate Elodie shouted from the other side of the apartment, followed by the sound of the door closing, leaving a slightly disturbing silence behind her. You glanced around, looking for something to do when you realised just how long it had been since you were last home alone. Usually Elodie or one of your other friends was here, or you were at the office with the team.
Suddenly, an idea came into your head and you picked up your phone, clicking on the contact labelled ‘My Bestest Bud In The Whole Entire Universe’ (you can guess who chose the name). After a few rings, you heard a voice on the other end of the line.
“Suuuuuuuh dude!” It said, making you roll your eyes.
“Hey Eth. What’re you up to?” You replied.
“Nothin’ really, just chilling at home. You?”
“Same as you. Anyway, Elodie’s gone out with Josh so I’m home alone and I was wondering if you wanted to come over.”
“Is this the real-life version of the ‘my parents aren’t home’ meme?” Ethan asked, laughing at his own joke.
“Haha, very funny Nestor. So, yes or no?”
“I’m on my way already.”
“No you’re not, you’re still in the same position you were when I called.”
“…that is correct. But I’m about to be on my way!”
“Cool, let yourself in when you arrive.”
“Okay byeeeeeeee!” He exclaimed before hanging up, leaving you to raid the fridge because that boy can eat.
If the sound of the lock clicking open hadn’t alerted you to Ethan’s arrival, his grand entrance certainly did. You were sitting on the couch, your back towards the door, scrolling on your phone when there were heavy footsteps and a cry of “INCOMING!”, shortly followed by a dip in the cushions as a second person appeared next to you.
“Took you long enough,” you greeted, barely flinching at his extravagance.
“Yeah, well I was leaving home when I saw a really fluffy pupper and I couldn’t just ignore it!”
“Fair enough. Anyways, what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know, what do you want to do?”
“I asked you first.”
“Well I asked you second.”
“My point exactly.” “…you got me.” Ethan conceded and glanced around the room, trying to decide what to do. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he leapt up off the couch.
“By golly I’ve got it!” He exclaimed in a British accent, making you raise an eyebrow as you waited for him to explain. However, due to your probably-too-long friendship, you simply followed his gaze and came to the same conclusion as he did.
“Pillow fort?”
“Hell yeah pillow fort!”
The two of you set to work gatherings pillows, blankets and chairs to construct your cosy den in front of your TV. After 15 minutes you secured the last sheet and stood back to admire your work.
“That looks rather good, if I do say so myself.” Ethan said, resuming his British accent.
“Oh yes, it looks absolutely spiffing!” You joined him, making the two of you laugh at your voices.
“After you m’lady.” He gestured to the entrance with one arm.
“Why thank you kind sir.” You curtsied before climbing in and lying down on the floor of pillows and waiting for Ethan to join you. As he settled himself in, you flicked through the movie choices before stopping on the first Harry Potter movie. An idea popped into your head, and you turned to Ethan, a big grin on your face.
“Harry Potter movie marathon?”
“Oh hell yeah!” He exclaimed, prompting you to leave the fort and put in the first DVD. As it loaded you went into your kitchen to get snacks, bringing out packs of crisps, two bags of popcorn and the ingredients for hot chocolate. As you put the mugs in the microwave to heat them you saw Ethan crawling out of the fort to join you, stopping to take a few pictures of it before entering the room.
He leant against the counter, watching as you moved around, preparing the drinks, a small smile appearing subconsciously on his face.
“You need any help?”
“I think I’m good,” you answered just as the microwave beeped loudly at you, signalling the end of the heating. “Can you bring the snacks and I’ll bring the drinks.”
“Okie dokie.” The two of you returned to the fort and repositioned yourselves before you hit play, signalling the beginning of a long night.
About half way through the second movie, you started throwing popcorn in the air and tried to catch it in your mouth, Ethan watching you in amusement.
“Try me,” he said, and you complied, throwing a piece at his mouth which he caught with ease.
“My turn,” you said, handing him the bag, marking the start of your new game which had you both grinning and laughing by the time you got to the end of the bag. When that happened, Ethan returned his attention to the movie whilst you observed him for a few more moments, watching as he gazed attentively at the screen with a child-like wonder as Harry fought the basilisk, a small smile appearing subconsciously on your face.
— —
At some point late at night (or early in the morning, hard to tell) you started feeling sleepy, finding it harder to pay attention to the film, your mind becoming more occupied by thoughts of rest, the blanket draped over you adding to your weariness. You felt yourself nodding off slowly, until you gave in and let your mind switch off as you fell asleep.
Ethan, on the other hand, was still very much awake but noticed your sleeping form next to him. He let his body take over as he pulled the blanket on top of you higher up so you would be warmer, but as he released it he felt your fingers wrap around two of his, holding him there. He looked at your face to see if he had woken you but discovered you were still slumbering peacefully.
Unable to bring himself to pull his hand away, he used his free hand to grab the remote and turn off the TV before positioning himself next to you, and without realising what he was doing he draped an arm across your waist as you moved closer to the new heat source, making him blush slightly before closing his eyes and joining you in the land of dreams.
My inbox is open so send in as many requests as you want!
Prompt List & Songfics
Since I’m not torturing myself enough with the five drafts I currently have from random ideas I came up with/ships/continuing stories….lets add some requests into the mix! For songfics, I thought it’d be fun if you gave me a character and a random number from 1-82. With the number, I’d pick a song on my music playlist and write a oneshot based on it. Now, prompts! These prompts were ones I found and compiled. If you see any that are yours, message me and I can give you credit if you’d like. Anyways, send me a character and a couple numbers from the list for prompts you want me to use. This is just something fun so send some requests in!
1. “Are you even listening to me?”
2. “Where are your pants?”
3. “I laugh because I hurt inside.”
4. “Please refrain from shooting her, we need her for later.”
5. “It wasn’t a jet, it was a helicopter.”
6. “That’s french for ‘go away’.“
7. “You know, I would help, but making fun of you is so much more satisfying.”
8. “And then the murders started.”
9. “What did you just do?!”
10. “It was all me, by the way.”
11. “I love you, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I can’t stop loving you.”
12. “You know ‘give me a warning’ means let me know BEFORE they come in here!”
13. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”
14. “Please. Just hold my hand.”
15. “I am very, very bad under pressure!”
16. “Shut up, it’s fine, just chill, we’re fine, I’m fine, everything is cool, everything is good! We’re chill, nothing is happening and I am not freaking out, not at all, we’re FINE.”
17. “Now, not to be forward, but I love you.”
18. “I’m 72 different flavors of done with you.”
19. “You’re not just a tool, you’re a whole box of tools! You’re a toolbox!”
20. “It’s do or die, most likely die.”
21. “I did NOT tell you to set it on fire!!”
22. “Jail can’t stop me.”
23. “I’m too sober for this shit.”
24. “Can someone shoot him?”
25. “Well this isn’t at all like High School Musical.“
26. “Quick, blend in!”
27. “Can I help you?”
28 “Don’t be intimidated by my bloody and battered figure.”
29. “I can see you, you know.”
30. “Well that was unsettling.”
31. “Don’t judge me, but I may have murdered someone.”
32. “Were you born a dick, or did you have to go out of your way to learn how to be one?”
33. “Let’s just say I mildly panicked…”
34. “You look like an open autopsy.”
35. “Break my heart and I’ll break your face.”
36. “What would I do without you?”
37. “That’s quite the bombshell you dropped on me at 3 am.”
38. “Wow. Muscles.”
39. “I can’t because it hurts too much to even think about.”
40. “I never want to see you again.”
41. “Why are you naked in my kitchen?”
42. “Are you wearing my shirt?”
43. “Shh… I’ve got you.”
44. “Fuck you and fuck your stupid fucking face.”
45. “Can’t a guy get a little gratitude?”
46. “What do you mean ‘what do you mean’?”
47. “I kept all of it. Every last thing.”
48. “Call me tonight, and I’ll make it feel like I’m there.”
49. “Focus on me.”
50. “Tell me to leave and I will.”
51. “I don’t know what to say.”
52. “His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.”
53. “It’s not a double date. We’re just… third and fourth wheeling.”
54. “You drive me fucking crazy.”
55. “You can fall apart if you want to.”
But seriously, credit to the creators of this! I would tag people but I’m not sure who wrote them originally so please let me know and I can give credit.
DCWI - Leo Fitz
Requested by Anon: Dating Leo Fitz would include PLEASE!
First meeting him on the Bus after you join Coulson’s team
He’s a complete mess the first time he sees you
Like he can’t get a coherent sentence out to you
You finding it adorable and giggling quietly
He just stops trying and smiles like an idiot when he hears you laugh
But listen up, your first kiss is literally the Scott and Kira first kiss
Like he does it absentmindedly and doesn't realise until like an hour later (he freaks out when he realises what he's done)
Really bonding over his inventions
He explains them to you as you nod and smile
You're always the one to test the new weapons on missions
Helping him in the lab when Simmons is busy
Buying him a toy monkey for his birthday
Marathon of films and TV shows at night
Finishing each other's sentences
Not even needing to speak to each other in full sentences (which is really weird for other people to see because they only get half the conversation)
Being best friends with Simmons and Skye
He asks them for help to get you the perfect present
He's worried you won't like it right up until you get it
You always absolutely love it
He's always proud when he makes you smile or laugh
Baking snacks for everyone
Visiting him in the lab
Late night talking
Board and card games
Him getting nervous whenever you go on a mission
Reassuring him that he's good enough and you're not going to leave him
Having neighbouring bunks
But you usually end up sharing one
Absolute goals
The rest of the team love you guys together
Seeing you two happy puts them in a good mood
Long hugs
Kissing his cheek
Him playing with your fingers
Liam Dunbar x Vampire
Could you dating Liam Dunbar and being a vampire would include??xx
I just found this on my laptop from idk when?? Here it is I guess?
Him nervously admitting that he’s a werewolf to you
“I know”
Making a joke when you're introduced to the pack
Whispering terrible puns from across the room to distract him
Calling each other by your surnames
Star Wars references with Stiles
Helping him practise lacrosse
Running races
Keeping a tally of the winner each time
“Suck it, Dunbar” when you win
Seeing who can sneak up on each other best
Texting until 2am
Being his anchor
Him asking for help in history class
Group gaming with you two and Mason
Watching Twilight for the sole purpose of arguing about which species is represented worse
Ruffling his hair before walking to class
Him escorting you to class from your locker
Stealing his food
“Do you really drink blood or..?” “Does silver really kill you?” “So is that a no?”
Forehead kisses
First kiss after helping him through a full moon for the first time
Hugs from behind
Always having some form of physical contact
Being goals tbh
* love ♥ starters
‘ want me to stay? ’
‘ we’re almost home. ’
‘ you should be in bed. ’
‘ we can share it.’
‘ stay there. i’m coming to get you. ’
‘ shh, shh. you were dreaming. ’
‘ grab my hand. ’
‘ i’m just going to pick you up. ’
‘ everything okay? ’
‘ i won’t leave you behind. ’
‘ don’t worry. better out than in. ’
‘ who did that to you? ’
‘ sit down and rest. ’
‘ sweetie, i would never think that. ’
‘ come lay down in my lap. ’
‘ i know you think you’re all alone out there, but you’re not. ’
‘ call me when you get home. ’
‘ we should change those bandages. ’
‘ you’re safe here. ’
‘ honey… ’
‘ of course we love you. ’
‘ wait here. i’ll go run a bath for you. ’
‘ take my bed for tonight. ’
‘ i promise. ’
‘ you’re always welcome here. ’
‘ don’t talk like that. ’
‘ bad dream? ’
‘ talk to me. ’
‘ it’s okay to cry. ’
‘ you need to be more careful.’
‘ we should hug this out. ’
‘ i worry about you. ’
‘ can i hold your hand? ’
‘ because i care about you. ’
‘ it made me think of you. ’
‘ take care of yourself. ’
‘ put your seatbelt on. ’
‘ where did you go? ’
‘ i didn’t mean to worry you. ’
‘ i made breakfast. ’
‘ sing something for me? ’
‘ open it and find out. ’
‘ how long have you been like this? ’
‘ you look nice. ’
‘ here, take my jacket. ’
‘ close your eyes and try to get some rest. ’
‘ focus on my voice. ’
‘ i meant every word. ’
‘ i was here all night. ’
‘ look both ways before you cross. ’
‘ you don’t have to talk. ’
‘ this is your favorite, right? ’
‘ you’ll feel better in the morning. ’
‘ you have a nice laugh. ’
‘ here, take my jacket. ’
‘ you could stay here. with me. ’
‘ we’ll figure it out together. ’