blood-of-fandoms - Fandom Imagines
Fandom Imagines

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67 posts

My Inbox Is Open So Send In As Many Requests As You Want!

My inbox is open so send in as many requests as you want!

Prompt List & Songfics

Since I’m not torturing myself enough with the five drafts I currently have from random ideas I came up with/ships/continuing stories….lets add some requests into the mix! For songfics, I thought it’d be fun if you gave me a character and a random number from 1-82. With the number, I’d pick a song on my music playlist and write a oneshot based on it. Now, prompts! These prompts were ones I found and compiled. If you see any that are yours, message me and I can give you credit if you’d like. Anyways, send me a character and a couple numbers from the list for prompts you want me to use. This is just something fun so send some requests in!

1. “Are you even listening to me?”

2. “Where are your pants?”

3. “I laugh because I hurt inside.”

4. “Please refrain from shooting her, we need her for later.”

5. “It wasn’t a jet, it was a helicopter.”

6. “That’s french for ‘go away’.“

7. “You know, I would help, but making fun of you is so much more satisfying.”

8. “And then the murders started.”

9. “What did you just do?!”

10. “It was all me, by the way.”

11. “I love you, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I can’t stop loving you.”

12. “You know ‘give me a warning’ means let me know BEFORE they come in here!”

13. “I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”

14. “Please. Just hold my hand.”

15. “I am very, very bad under pressure!”

16. “Shut up, it’s fine, just chill, we’re fine, I’m fine, everything is cool, everything is good! We’re chill, nothing is happening and I am not freaking out, not at all, we’re FINE.”

17. “Now, not to be forward, but I love you.”

18. “I’m 72 different flavors of done with you.”

19. “You’re not just a tool, you’re a whole box of tools! You’re a toolbox!”

20. “It’s do or die, most likely die.”

21. “I did NOT tell you to set it on fire!!”

22. “Jail can’t stop me.”

23. “I’m too sober for this shit.”

24. “Can someone shoot him?”

25. “Well this isn’t at all like High School Musical.“

26. “Quick, blend in!”

27. “Can I help you?”

28 “Don’t be intimidated by my bloody and battered figure.”

29. “I can see you, you know.”

30. “Well that was unsettling.”

31. “Don’t judge me, but I may have murdered someone.”

32. “Were you born a dick, or did you have to go out of your way to learn how to be one?”

33. “Let’s just say I mildly panicked…”

34. “You look like an open autopsy.”

35. “Break my heart and I’ll break your face.”

36. “What would I do without you?”

37. “That’s quite the bombshell you dropped on me at 3 am.”

38. “Wow. Muscles.”

39. “I can’t because it hurts too much to even think about.”

40. “I never want to see you again.”

41. “Why are you naked in my kitchen?”

42. “Are you wearing my shirt?”

43. “Shh… I’ve got you.”

44. “Fuck you and fuck your stupid fucking face.”

45. “Can’t a guy get a little gratitude?”

46. “What do you mean ‘what do you mean’?”

47. “I kept all of it. Every last thing.”

48. “Call me tonight, and I’ll make it feel like I’m there.”

49. “Focus on me.”

50. “Tell me to leave and I will.”

51. “I don’t know what to say.”

52. “His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.”

53. “It’s not a double date. We’re just… third and fourth wheeling.”

54. “You drive me fucking crazy.”

55. “You can fall apart if you want to.”

But seriously, credit to the creators of this! I would tag people but I’m not sure who wrote them originally so please let me know and I can give credit.

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More Posts from Blood-of-fandoms

7 years ago

harry potter asks!

What is your Hogwarts House and which of that House’s traits resonate the most with you?

What is your Patronus and what do you think it says about you?

Which is your favourite book and why?

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Which scene was left out of the films that you think should have been included?

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In your opinion, what was an Iconic Moment™?

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Do you agree with Dumbledore’s statement, ‘Sometimes I think we Sort too soon’?

If you could own one piece of HP memorabilia, what would it be?

If you could ask JKR one question, what would it be?

7 years ago

Cheating - Peter Parker

Warning: one (maybe two) swear word, but other than that it’s fine!

Life in the Avengers tower was normal. Well, as normal as it could be in a tower filled with Earth’s mightiest heroes. Things were finally settling down after the events of the ‘civil war’ as it was referred as, the inhabitants of the tower becoming used to being around each other again and the ever-present tense atmosphere slowly dispersing as interactions became more frequent and more amicable. It still wasn’t entirely unusual to hear a few arguments from time to time, but even the Avengers weren’t expecting to hear shouting this intense anymore, especially from the two people no one thought even knew how to argue with each other.

As the youngest Avengers, Peter and (Y/N) instantly grew close to each other, bonding over school problems and the struggle to balance normal life and their lives as heroes amongst numerous other things. As a result of time, and numerous not-so-subtle nudges from the other Avengers, the two finally admitted their feelings for each other and had been happily dating for the last year. Their relationship was a refreshing change for the rest of the Avengers, even Sam had to admit that. The two of them were almost always together, laughing at some random joke or speaking quietly to each other about lord knows what, and they reminded the others of the things they were fighting for.

The happy couple had never argued about anything more serious than the best ice cream flavour, a subject that still causes conflict between the two. Nevertheless, it seemed that nothing could ever tear the two apart. That idea started to crumble in the minds of Earth’s mightiest heroes when they heard shouting coming from the room the two of them had been in for the last 30 minutes.

“You cheated! How could you? You promised you wouldn’t!” (Y/N)’s voice rang out loudly. In the kitchen the rest of the group were sitting, looking at each other in a mixture of confusion and concern for the couple.

“Babe, no! I swear I didn’t cheat!” Peter replied quickly, trying to appease his girlfriend’s anger.

“Oh get fucked Parker!” At that they group in the kitchen decided it was time to intervene before the situation got too out of hand.

“Alright, everybody calm down, what’s going on?” Tony led the group into the room, all of them prepared to have to stop some sort of fight. The two teenagers twisted around from their spots on the floor, each sitting on their own bean bag.

“Peter’s a big fat cheater, that’s what’s going on!” (Y/N) exclaimed, making Peter throw his hands in the air.

“For the last time, I didn’t cheat! The blue shell is a perfectly valid tactic!” (Y/N) glared at Peter.

“What the hell are you two arguing about?” Tony asked, the group still completely in the dark about the cause of the dispute between the youngest Avengers.

“Peter blue-shelled me!”

“He what?” Natasha asked.

“(Y/N)’s angry that I won the race because I used a blue shell on her when she was in first place.” Peter explained.

“I still have no idea what they’re talking about.” Bruce muttered to Steve and Sam.

“Would one of you please explain what is going on, using normal English so that the rest of us can understand?” Steve asked, his facial expression displaying his growing exasperation at the still undetermined nature of the situation.

“I won at Mario Kart and (Y/N)’s annoyed because she was winning and then she wasn’t.” Peter explained, causing the group of adults to roll their eyes and sigh at the teenagers, realising that there was no real conflict happening and that they had left the comfort of their seats in the kitchen for nothing.

“Okay, well, I’m going back to my coffee.” Clint said, heading out the door, the others following him out except for Tony who stayed behind momentarily to look at the pair again, before chuckling to himself and finally following the others out, muttering something along the lines of “young love” under his breath.

As the door closed, the two remaining occupants of the room turned to look at each other. A moment of silence passed, before they broke it by breaking into laughter. Peter gently tugged on (Y/N)’s arm, prompting her to lean down to rest her head on his lap, his fingers automatically going to her hair.

“ ‘m sorry babe.” Peter muttered, twirling a strand of her hair between his fingers.

“It’s okay, I’ll forgive you this time.” The girl replied, a smile crossing both of their faces. “But next time I’m going to absolutely wreck you, mark my words.”

“Whatever you say babe.” Peter replied, smiling softly at the girl in his arms.

In that moment, the rest of the world faded away, even the game on the TV becoming a distant memory, as they fully relaxed into each other and entered into a state of pure contentedness in the presence of the one they loved.

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6 years ago


Peter Parker - Homework

Peter Parker - Homework

Requested by peterparkersnerdgirl : “Hey Can u do an imagine where Peter Parker was helping u with your homework and u get distracted by him and u started kissing him”


Your brain was a marvellous tool which allowed you to get into Midtown School of Science and Technology, a school full of kids who were geniuses in one way or another. Your natural talent for languages and maths was incredible, putting you in the high end of every class, except for one.

“Peter I don’t get why this is necessary, woodwork is such a useless and irrelevant class,” you whined to your boyfriend of a year, who just rolled his eyes and shook his head from his position on your bed. The two of you had a tradition of spending the weekend at each other’s house, which your parents and his aunt had eventually agreed to, provided the two of you did all your schoolwork. Unfortunately for you, this included your woodwork project.

“C’mon (Y/N), it’s not that bad.”

“Not for you it’s not, you’re actually good at it.” You got up from the foot of your bed and dramatically flopped down next to Peter, causing some of his pens to fall onto the floor.

“You’re good at it too babe, it’s a lot easier if you spend more than three minutes working on it though.” He retaliated, not taking his eyes off his page which was filled with physics equations and roughly sketched diagrams.

“But I’m not, Pete!”, you continued, “I know how it should work, but then I try it and it doesn’t work!” Even Peter couldn’t deny it, he’d seen first-hand how your attempts to construct even the simplest of things somehow managed to go wrong.


Peter glanced over to your workstation in class, only to do a double-take upon seeing the state of your project. You were supposed to be making a cupboard as your final project of the year, but you had somehow managed to put on the doors backwards with the handles facing in, making you unable to open it to fix it. You were sat there with a look which Peter had to make a real effort not to laugh at. Not out of malice, of course, but because the face which you pulled reminded him so much of a picture Ned had shown him in a study period earlier that day.


“Haven’t we done enough work anyway? We’ve been doing this for as long as I can remember!”

Peter laughed. “We’ve been doing homework for less than an hour, (Y/N).”

“What?!” You shot up from your lying down position, looking at him in despair before dropping back down. “Ughhhhhhh, I give up. Is it too late for me to drop out of high school?” Peter just chuckled and turned back to his homework, focusing back in on the question he was working on before your interruption.

You meant to try your work again, you really did, but instead you found yourself watching his face with a level of intensity that probably would’ve been creepy if the two of you hadn’t been together for as long as you had. His brow creased slightly and he pressed his lips together whilst twirling the pencil he held in his hand. His hair fell slightly in front of his eyes and god knows how many freckles he had dotted on his face.

“I really need to stop”, you thought, “this really is getting creepy.” But you couldn’t seem to pull your gaze away from his adorable face.

“How on Earth did I get so lucky with this guy?”

Somehow, maybe due to his spidey sense, Peter looked up from his work and back to you, feeling you watching him with such intensity and adoration. He smiled back down at you, raising his eyebrows slightly.

“Can I help you?” He joked, slowly coming to terms with the fact that the two of you probably wouldn’t be getting much more work done. He expected some kind of witty answer that you usually came out with, but was instead met with a pair of hands on his cheeks, pulling him down to your level, followed by a pair of lips being pressed to his. After a moment, he was released and pushed himself up slightly so he was hovering just above you.

“What was that for? Not that I’m complaining, obviously you can do that whenever you want, I really don’t mind, but-“ Peter’s high-speed rambling was cut off by a soft laugh which made him stop in his tracks and gaze down at who he thought was the most beautiful person who ever existed.

“God, I love you Pete.” His smile grew even wider, which you hadn’t even thought was possible at this point, and he leaned down again to press another gentle kiss to your lips.

“I love you too, (Y/N). Very much.”



Peter adjusted himself so he was lying next to you, taking your hand in his and gently playing with your fingers. After a moment of silence, you turned to him.

“Hey Pete?”


“How much self-restraint did it take for you to not quote Star Wars at me just then?”

“Oh god, so much, you wouldn’t believe how hard that was for me!”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry it took so long for me to write this but I hope you liked it! Also this is the picture I was talking about which is a constant mood tbh

Peter Parker - Homework

Requests are still open!

6 years ago

* love ♥ starters

‘ want me to stay? ’

‘ we’re almost home. ’

‘ you should be in bed. ’

‘ we can share it.’

‘ stay there. i’m coming to get you. ’

‘ shh, shh. you were dreaming. ’ 

‘ grab my hand. ’

‘ i’m just going to pick you up. ’

‘ everything okay? ’

‘ i won’t leave you behind. ’

‘ don’t worry. better out than in. ’

‘ who did that to you? ’ 

‘ sit down and rest. ’

‘ sweetie, i would never think that. ’

‘ come lay down in my lap. ’

‘ i know you think you’re all alone out there, but you’re not. ’

‘ call me when you get home. ’

‘ we should change those bandages. ’

‘ you’re safe here. ’

‘ honey… ’

‘ of course we love you. ’

‘ wait here. i’ll go run a bath for you. ’

‘ take my bed for tonight. ’

‘ i promise. ’ 

‘ you’re always welcome here. ’

‘ don’t talk like that. ’

‘ bad dream? ’

‘ talk to me. ’  

‘ it’s okay to cry. ’

‘ you need to be more careful.’

‘ we should hug this out. ’

‘ i worry about you. ’

‘ can i hold your hand? ’ 

‘ because i care about you. ’

‘ it made me think of you. ’ 

‘ take care of yourself. ’

‘ put your seatbelt on. ’ 

‘ where did you go? ’ 

‘ i didn’t mean to worry you. ’

‘ i made breakfast. ’

‘ sing something for me? ’

‘ open it and find out. ’

‘ how long have you been like this? ’

‘ you look nice. ’

‘ here, take my jacket. ’

‘ close your eyes and try to get some rest. ’

‘ focus on my voice. ’ 

‘ i meant every word. ’

‘ i was here all night. ’

‘ look both ways before you cross. ’

‘ you don’t have to talk. ’ 

‘ this is your favorite, right? ’

‘ you’ll feel better in the morning. ’

‘ you have a nice laugh. ’

‘ here, take my jacket. ’

‘ you could stay here. with me. ’

‘ we’ll figure it out together. ’

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8 years ago

D_WI - Ethan Nestor (Crankgameplays)

Requested by Anonymous: Can you do a what dating crankgameplays would be like please I understand if you can’t. 

I sure can, who doesn’t love our blue boy. Also has one swear word but other than that it’s clear. Enjoy!


- Competing with Chica for his love

- Being in livestreams with him 

- You, Amy and Kathryn being squad goals

 - Hanging out in the office with the others 

- Singing duets with Ethan 

- Pranks until you drop 

- Intense af Mario Kart competitions 

- If you go abroad he would be constantly texting you 

- Counting down the days until you get back 

- Skype every night 

- Being the only person able to keep up with his hyperness 

- The others think you’re all innocent and cute 


- You stub your toe on one of the office chairs 

- And out comes the most creative and intense string of swearing they’ve ever hear 

- There’s a shocked silence, then Mark breaks out into a grin 

- “Can we keep her?” 

- So many puns 

- Netflix binging in the evening 

- Regular Harry Potter reruns 

- Piggybacks all day every day 

- Quite a touchy couple 

- Constant hand holding 

- Sometimes it’s the whole hand, sometimes just a few fingers 

- 2 am conversations are a regular occurrence 

- “If you turned into a giant marshmallow and then ate a marshmallow, would it be cannibalism?” “Ethan go the fuck to sleep” 

- A loving smile appearing on his face when he sees you interact with kids 

- Giving each other random dares the whole time 

- Neither of you ever failed a dare 

- That is until you dared Ethan to go a whole week without any form of physical contact with you 

- He didn’t even last two days 

- You now own quite a few of his shirts 

- Cute gifts at every celebration 

- Unsuccessful baking 

- Stopping him from running across the road when there’s a tiny gap 

- Having a minor heart attack every time he does something impulsive and dangerous 

- You’re the wittiest person he knows 

- Being referred to as “Mum and Dad” in the fandom 

- Supporting him in everything he does and vice versa

- Literally the other halves of each other

Where can I buy an Ethan

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