bstroobery - Blue Strawberry System
Blue Strawberry System

Welcome to our main tumblr blog! We are the Blue Strawberry System!Our most active alters on this blog are shown above. From left to right: šŸ”¦, šŸž, šŸ“–, šŸ“, šŸ§”šŸ, šŸ’€, šŸ’», šŸ“ŗ, and šŸ„

477 posts

Um Hi. This Is My First Post Here.

Umā€¦ hi. This is my first post here.

Soā€¦ fun fact: Iā€™m a factive. Andā€¦ I feel like shit (as do my source-mates) because our sources absolutely soured FNAF for our system.

Likeā€¦ weā€™re going to see the FNaF movie (something everyone in our system has been looking forward to for several years now, even before we met our sources) and it feelsā€¦ horrible. Because our sources absolutely soured the taste of FNaF in our mouth.

For reference: my source-mates, Candy and Isaac, and I are introjects of real life people who have hurt our system. And I mean hurt our system. To the point where an event that happened with them caused us introjects to form as well as cause some severe psychological trauma.

Soā€¦ do any other factives deal with this?? Where you feel likeā€¦ like absolute shit because your source ruined something lovely for your system? Because Candy, Isaac, and I are dealing with it.

Our headmates tell us itā€™s not our fault, and we shouldnā€™t apologize for our sourcesā€™ actions, but I still feel like shitā€¦

Any advice from other factives who have dealt with this??


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    humansilly liked this · 1 year ago
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    bstroobery liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Bstroobery

1 year ago

Uhā€¦ so weā€™re working in a school this week and next. Andā€¦ uhā€¦


Wtf is happening at this school for Trunk or Treat this week????


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1 year ago

When you remember that the entire system lacks social skills and are completely unable to function socially because youā€™ve never had proper socialization in life. šŸ„²

God we really are a social disaster


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1 year ago
(Not Original Pic) Tiny Rant But The CoF Content On TikTok Is Either Really Good Artwork Or Like Actual

(Not original pic) Tiny rant but the CoF content on TikTok is either really good artwork or like actual children talking about Simon whimpering audiosā€¦ There are rarely any age appropriate fans posting or what I assume is happening is all the og fans have moved on from this fandom and the new gen fans are SUPER young like Iā€™ve had to block a few people for this.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I love how CoF is getting popular again!! Gives me more of an excuse to info dump about it, I just need more CoF mutuals and itā€™s so hard to find them around my age :,)

P.S. I love this image with my entire being, I could genuinely write an essay on it.

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1 year ago

OMG!!! Guys!!! SimonšŸ“– said he was gonna write something and post it to tumblr!! :D

Canā€™t wait for you guys to see his writing. I say itā€™s really good.


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