Factive - Tumblr Posts
I fucking hate TikTok, dude.
First of all the amount of syscourse and BLATANT misinformation makes me fucking sick. Saw a video a little bit ago that you HAVE to and should separate from your source or else it’s “problematic” and “harmful” if you don’t. I call bullshit. No one has to do shit. (They were promoting forcing it. Let alters have a damn choice was all I was saying.)
Also the absolutely sickening responses to the Wilbur situation. STOP FUCKING SUPPORTING A LITERAL DOMESTIC ABUSER. HE WAS A GROWN MAN, HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING.
The homophobia, transphobia, therian hate, etc, that runs utterly rampant and unchecked is disgusting.
And that’s not even the half of it.
I fucking hate the internet.
We are taking a collective break from both Tumblr and Tiktok, we are okay, we just need time. Too much drama all at once and we can’t handle all that on top of everything else.
Um… hi. This is my first post here.
So… fun fact: I’m a factive. And… I feel like shit (as do my source-mates) because our sources absolutely soured FNAF for our system.
Like… we’re going to see the FNaF movie (something everyone in our system has been looking forward to for several years now, even before we met our sources) and it feels… horrible. Because our sources absolutely soured the taste of FNaF in our mouth.
For reference: my source-mates, Candy and Isaac, and I are introjects of real life people who have hurt our system. And I mean hurt our system. To the point where an event that happened with them caused us introjects to form as well as cause some severe psychological trauma.
So… do any other factives deal with this?? Where you feel like… like absolute shit because your source ruined something lovely for your system? Because Candy, Isaac, and I are dealing with it.
Our headmates tell us it’s not our fault, and we shouldn’t apologize for our sources’ actions, but I still feel like shit…
Any advice from other factives who have dealt with this??

I drew myself as I am now in headspace.
Being a factive is super hard… especially when my source caused so much trauma for us (sadly, all of what my source had done was unintentional and with 0 malicious intent).
It… sucks. Knowing that my source is a real person out there living his life, completely unaware of everything we’ve gone through. Especially since he blocked us.
No one else in the system might hold resentment towards him, but I do. You might be able to tell who he is, since my art style is… really similar to his. Or at least how his was when we knew him.
It really sucks knowing what he’s gone through, and having my own ideas of what he’s currently going through. Knowing how badly my headmates want to contact him because they’re so worried about him. I completely understand.
It just sucks knowing that I’m just a copy of him formed because of the trauma he and his boyfriend caused us.
While we struggle and attempt to find a way to get better, to heal from the past trauma and attempt to build connections with people that might actually last, they have no idea. They don’t know what they did to us, do they? They have no idea how many nightmares our host has had about it. About the random triggers we find. About the things we can no longer enjoy because of the trauma they caused us.
We had a panic attack when going to see the FNaF movie, something people in this system have been looking forward to for 8 years, because of what they did. Because of the hurt they inflicted.
Ghost feels he can’t enjoy Taleblr anymore because of the hurt they inflicted. Blue handed him the TMNTPIE AU not only to focus more on the AFF, but because Taleblr is a source of trauma for us now because of what they did.
And knowing that my source was one of the causes for all of this… it hurts… especially when everyone here treats me so kindly… Blue and Ghost both call me their little sister. And I’m very grateful for that…
I just wish so badly that my source didn’t do this shit to us.
🩶👻: Oh! That art is cool! *likes and follows artist*
🧸: Uh……………….
🩶👻: What???
🧸: I……. I have nothing to say to you right now……
🧸: Do I tell him???
🍓: Nah. This is gonna be interesting
Ok… being a factive hurts so much fucking worse when you see online discourse of your source. So… uh… woohoo. Blocking that shit cuz it’s triggering as hell for me… online discourse fucking sucks. I get why it happens, but damn.
So… uh… please label things with a trigger warning when it comes to discourse as well?? Because we had that tag blocked but it still made its way on our dashboard because it wasn’t marked as a trigger warning… yay…
Hello! One question about systems with cdd/did that I have and which bothers me a lot, as a person who mostly have been in tulpa spaces and don't have CDDs is, well.
How do I support a fellow system with fictives, and treat them with respect without making them uncomfortable on accident if they share their source, or introject art? How do I even approach it?
Welcome!!! Welcome to the trauma side? na, na, just gonna forget I said that and move on..
A good start is ask them what they're comfortable with, or ask one of their system (if they know).
Introjects are a bit of a mixed bag - sometimes you'll get introjects who are fully comfortable with the fact they're in a system and others who despise it, or haven't accepted that they are in a system.
It's always good to remember introjects aren't their source even if they feel if they are - when my Link appeared in our system he had no idea that he wasn't at home in Hyrule, we had to explain to him what was going on and pick apart his confusion and discomfort around his new home. He eventually came around and he now understands that his memories and links (pun not intended) to his source character are due to our DID.
If they share art of themselves, it's usually to be celebrated! Just be aware of the tone of the message etc. If they're saying things like "I don't like how I look here :(" then treat it how you would any other friend.
Approaching an introject reallyyy depends on the introject, but a good start is to find out what name and pronouns they use, and if any of the system they belong to know what their role is and how they appear in source- that can be a good indicator of how they'll respond to interactions (eg. If they're stubborn and cut off in source, they're likely to have the same thing here).
Hope this helps! Feel free to DM me anytime if you need other help!
current update: playing the dangerous game of designing a DND character I relate to (and designing them to be a system) while hoping they don't introject to our system
certain fictives make me suspicious. i wont believe you're a system if you have a dream fictive, or anyone from hazbin hotel, or if you have the entire cast of one of those super popular shows. sorry. that's just how we work.
Interesting take and I do see where you're coming from, however this is essentially fake claiming an entire group of people, including those who have diagnosed systems who happen to have introjects from popular media.
There are a lot of reasons people split introjects, including stress and overwhelming experiences, and people with DID can split even after the brain has finished the majority of it's development, especially if they remain in an unsafe environment or they are stressed and already have a system caused by disassociation. Introjects are just another way that the brain choses to process trauma, albeit..a complicated one.
Some "introjects" are simply alters who feel they connect with a character, rather than someone they believe they are.
However, holding that in mind; systems online often chose to share alters, and experiences that they feel others may connect with, who wish to speak or who want to speak/post. We have many alters who don't post for various reasons, and experiences we don't talk about because they're too personal/too triggering etc, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist or didn't happen.
If someone states they have a lot of introjects from a recent popular show/film/fandom/book, and don't show other symptoms then I may become suspicious but flat out stating they can't be a system if they happen to have x character in their head is just... anyway-
Anon, unless you happen to be a psychologist, you don't have the right to entirely say that someone cannot have DID.
I hope I worded this okay. :)
Our another New blog
It’s kinda talked about but grief is real even if it is source memories.
Weather you’re an Interject with source memories and or brainmade with source memories it still feel the same as losing someone here in this outter world.
Before even knowing about DID/OSDD those memories felt the same, always felt like living in 2 universe at the same time.
Recently it’s just been strong not really missing it more of the why am I feeling this way feels.

#Bible - Verse of the Day
factives, factkin, and all other factfolk, i love you. never let yourself be chased out of our community for just existing as the way you are.
My favorite part about being a factive of someone who did shit to the system is when I talk shit about them and then someone ask my name, and when I told them the name I'm my source they normally end up "Oh-." cause for a bit of moment it's like someone talking shit about themselves
Holi!! lo siento si molesto pero tengo una duda y quisiera acudir a ustedez para respondermela, realmente es de los unicos sistemas que conozco que hablen spañol, sin mas rodeos mi pregunta es:
¿Un oc que esta basado en parte en una persona/alter cuenta como semi-factive o directamente aun es un oc completamente? - 👑🖤
Spanish version
Por temas de que el blog está mayormente en inglés pondré la respuesta en español y abajo la versión en inglés
No molestas con la pregunta en absoluto y con gusto la vamos a responder, también (momento mini promo jaja xd) tenemos un blog enfocado en responder dudas sobre sistemas y todo eso, aunque el blog está mayormente en inglés pueden hacernos preguntas en español también y las responderemos en los dos idiomas, por si llegas a querer un poco más de ayuda :)! (Blog: @syspport)
Semi-factive es un término para describir a las partes disociadas de una persona con algún trastorno disociativo complejo (TID, TID-P, OTDE), no para describir personajes como lo pueden ser los OCs
Los OCs casi siempre están basados en algo, es parte de la naturaleza de la creación poner pequeños pedazos de tu realidad y vida, eso es lo que hace al arte tan personal y única, ya que reflejas parte de tu vida e identidad en un OC
Sí no es más que ficción y un personaje, entonces es un OC
English version
Although the question is in spanish we're gonna answer it in both english and spanish just because this blog is mainly english
An oc that's partly based on someone (alter or singlet) counts as semi-factive or it's directly an oc? - 👑🖤
(Part of the spanish respond is a mini promo to the @syspport blog, our informative blog, so I'm not gonna put it here lol)
Semi-factive is a term to describe dissociated parts in a CDD, not to describe characters like OCs
Most of the time OCs are based on something, it's part of the creative nature put little fragments of your life and reality, it's what makes art so personal and unique because you're reflecting part of your life and identity in an OC
If it's not more than just a character and fiction, then is just an OC
As an introject of a whole system we knew and because I'm the head of a subsystem of introjects of alters of that system
Thanks, I appreciate the recognition and validation /pos
I love you systems who have introjects of other systems whether from how you view them as a whole, their alters, etc. You are based and your experience and existence isn't weird. Keep chugging that based alter juice, you deserve it