caffeinatedenough - Coffee for Everyone
Coffee for Everyone

1386 posts

Your Triggers Are Your Responsibility. It Isn't The World's Obligation To Tiptoe Around You.

Your triggers are your responsibility. It isn't the world's obligation to tiptoe around you.

More Posts from Caffeinatedenough

10 months ago

"You are getting old. You should get married." Will marriage stop me from getting old?

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9 months ago

It's okay to have an opinion. It's okay to disagree with someone's opinion.

It's not okay to humiliate them because they don't think the same way you do.

Show some respect. Society needs more of that.

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10 months ago

Being overly independent is a defense mechanism from constantly being let down.

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10 months ago

i gotta admit i feel a little bad for the staff here because they have the interesting job of making a website work and make money while also marketing it to a userbase who are mostly looking for a website that sucks and doesnt work and does not make money

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