cannibalcoyote - Cannibal Coyote
Cannibal Coyote

Just an artist trying not to kms

122 posts



English Version is FIRST CHAPTER



她刚刚走了她的孩子,利塞特和阿隆索,他们漫长的车道上的校车等待,轻轻地挥手告别,因为它喧闹地开车走了,终于让她的微笑和手落在公交车出去的 回头走回家,她意识到鸟儿特别安静,异常如此,它使沉默不舒服,因为她被困在她不断的想法;甚至没有微风剑拔弩张落叶像往常一样响亮。 她平滑她的黑色编织的头发到一边,不安地扯在她的蓝灰色毛衣的袖子之前,紧紧地包裹着她的手臂在她的身体,她开始走回家,仔细听着她的鞋子下的紧缩,她的头脑仍然徘徊在混乱,她的丈夫,雷克,在哪里。 从她的门廊几步之遥,她放慢了她走,因为她听到一辆汽车的声音,她的脚步微微摇摇欲坠,因为她转身,揭示了一个贝尔蒙特突出的黑白图案,俄亥俄州警车 从灰色的天空对挡风玻璃的眩光使它无法看到谁在开车,让她不确定是否感到喜出望外或悲痛欲绝,在它的惊喜外观。

它越接近,她的心跳就越快,当她看着车停在几英尺远的地方时,呼吸更浅。 当她等待车门摆动打开时,她的双手下意识地扭着对方,突然感到不舒服,即使天气相当寒冷。 她知道她的丈夫是在危险,由于他的工作线,并知道他可能会受伤或杀害任何呼出;但没有什么会准备她的军官脸沮丧的样子,因为他走出了车。

雷克是随叫随到与他的合作伙伴在一个住宅区的破门而入,犯罪已经出去了回来,四舍五入的房子来了他们身后,因为他们去通过破获的门口进入,在运行 警方目前正在寻找他,但只有两个证人,一个看到他,因为他开始胸围打开他们的门,和一个邻居谁看到发生了什么事,叫警察。

当军官解释发生了什么,她的头脑一片空白,森林已经减弱的噪音完全消失,不舒服的热量突然消失,让她的身体反而感觉空虚。 她很快发现自己被迫回到现实,当军官伸出手去触摸她的肩膀时,这不是粗鲁或不受欢迎的,因为这个军官是自己和雷克的真正好朋友,但突然和意外的接触震惊了她,足以把她的肩膀拉开序幕,退后一步。 他立即收回了他的手臂,他的目光投向地板,而她恍然大悟了一个遗憾的样子,因为她意识到她的行动。

她最后说,"对不起卡特,我-我现在有点不知所措。"她的声音胆怯地安静,轻微的口吃,因为她试图理解和控制所有的情绪突然通过她运行。 一个理解的表情洗过他的脸,然后郑重地点头,转身回到他的车上,"再见萨登。"卡特说,在走进他的车开走之前,提供了一个简短而悲伤的微笑。

有很多想法冲过萨登的头,所有的消息还没有完全击中她。 随着她的头脑赛车,她慢慢地进入她的小屋回家,锁上门,然后将她的额头严厉打击染色的木头,给自己一个和平的时刻,然后推开,走向电话打几个电话。


房子是黑暗的,散发出不安和令人不安的光环;太阳还没有升起,附近没有灯光,但这里是一个男孩,他的校服和背包静静地关闭前门。 他开始迅速离开他的房子,他周围的焦虑气氛慢慢消散他得到的进一步,他紧张的肩膀和边缘看起来减轻到只是轻微的偏执狂。

他的眼睛上方有一个疤痕,它有点红色,对他苍白的皮肤很明显。 他得到了这个疤痕同时,他失去了他的母亲和同父异母的妹妹,车祸是残酷的,只有他和其他汽车乘客幸存下来的一个。

当他走在人行道上时,他的眼睛远离眩目的前灯,他的偏执狂消失得越近,他接近宾汉姆的池塘。 他找到了一个远离道路的地方,当他观察沉睡的天鹅和鸭子时,把他的包放下。 一个小小的微笑增光他的功能,因为他记得,当他和他的母亲,利兹,会来这里一大早说话,看日出放学前;他的笑容消失的速度一样快,因为它已经到达,因为他 他总是可以要求他的继父亚历克和他一起去,但他害怕亚历克给任何回应,特别是现在他是唯一一个在车祸中幸存下来的人。

为了摆脱过去的想法,他回头看着天鹅,欣赏他们对黑暗的水的美丽。 前几个太阳光线开始发光对昏暗的天空,轻微的微风使他颤抖,因为他没有统一的外套,因为这需要额外的钱。 当他坐下来,靠在一棵树上,他畏缩在他的背部燃烧起来的痛苦,然后把它甩掉,把他的包拉向他,解开冰冷的金属,伸手进去,拉出一个包含未完成作业的文件夹; 虽然他把它们整齐地放在一个文件夹中,但他们中的很多人都有皱褶和眼泪。 释放疲惫和恼怒的叹息,他开始工作,从他的名字开始,"弓箭手卡莱尔",他冰冷的手,使其更难写,并通过他的眼睛加重闪烁,因为他知道,他不会得到所有这 又叹了口气,他又回去工作了,试图尽可能快,尽可能准确地完成尽可能多的工作。



葬礼是昨天下午.. 我穿的黑色礼服现在是一堆灰灰在火坑里。 我的女儿Lisette和我一起去了,这是一个有风的日子,外面洒满了雨水;似乎世界甚至在哀悼损失,但这可能只是我把意义放在简单的事情上。 我的儿子阿隆索把他父亲的死亡很辛苦,我知道他们有多接近,看到我的儿子哭了一个眼泪打破了我的力量门面,但我不得不迅速擦掉,因为我拥抱了我哭泣的儿子。 他的哭声持续了一个小时,利塞特也开始哭了,当她看到阿尔的颤抖的形式被我的安慰。 那天晚上,我和他们呆在他们的房间里,坐在他们两张床之间的地毯上,一只手抓住我的每一个,因为我告诉他们故事让他们睡觉。 当我知道他们睡着了时,我继续握住他们的手,把头靠在木墙上,盯着天花板,月亮的光线在对面的墙上创造了树枝的阴影。 我只是坐在那里,想着我接到消息那天打来的电话; 下周我家剩下的就在我们苏格兰的小屋里远离这里远离他

我仍然需要告诉孩子们,我不知道如何告诉他们我们正在离开,远离一切让我们想起他们的父亲。 我只能希望他们不会因为这个决定而鄙视我,但只是呆在这个家里会让我的脑海里徘徊在一个我不会让自己进去的方向上。


当我冲进教室的关门时,钟声响起,在房间里瞥了一眼,我看到每个人都已经坐下了,老师尖锐地看着我。 降低我的目光,我理顺了我的家庭作业,并把在混乱完成的网页到篮子里,然后走过我的老师的办公桌到达我的座位,避免他和其他人的目光在任何时候。


Curraigh先生从他的电脑向我瞥了一眼,我紧张地吞下,并在我的座位上轻微地洗牌,因为我低头看着我微妙地放在我的办公桌上的纸张。 几分钟前,班上安静的谈话又开始了,但是当库雷先生把他靠在桌子上的身影从桌子上推下来,悠闲地大步走到班上的前面时,他很快又停止了。

"卡莱尔先生,想向全班解释一下你为什么迟到? 再来一次"他冷淡的第一句话与他严厉的'再次'的表达形成了很大的对比。 下意识地,我低下头,因为班级沉默,其他班级可能会傻笑,但他们知道不要在这个班级里乱搞。


"我听不到你的弓箭手。 你能向全班解释一下你为什么迟到吗?"他尖锐,重音的声音响了起来反对寂静,没有留下任何空间来避免他的问题。 我知道他正在看着我,因为他等待着他的答案。 我终于抬头看着他,静静地回答,因为我的目光在他和天花板之间不断闪烁。

"我睡过头了,先生,我不会让它再次发生。"我试图呈现一个平静的脸,希望阻止他再次打电话给我,我的脑海里都在想他是否会接受这个借口。 在他走回白板并开始写作之前,一秒钟就过去了,每个人都很快将其复制到笔记本中,谈话似乎被遗忘了。 担心的暗示继续唠叨在我的后脑勺,他知道我的借口是假的,但我没有时间给它任何沉思,因为我已经落后于笔记,我最近的手腕受伤也不会让我受益。

课终于结束了,大多数人都收拾好行李,在门边等钟声,只有少数人坐在自己的办公桌前。 我把分配的家庭作业塞进他们的文件夹,把我的笔记本也放在我的包里。 当另一只手首先抓住它时,我到达文件夹,一只不属于学生的手。 我keek我的眼睛之前迅速往下看书桌,这是先生.Curraigh谁拿着我的家庭作业文件夹,他靠在桌子上,因为他通过现在打开的文件夹脱脂.


"你想告诉我你总是迟到的真正原因吗?"Curraigh先生提问,他通常响亮而严厉的声音现在更安静,含有一丝担忧。 这是一个几分钟,我还没有回应时,他的声音,

"弓箭手,如果你有一个真正的理由,为什么你迟到了,我理解,但我不能再接受这些假借口了。 这是你第十次迟到了 如果你不能给我一个真正的理由,那么我必须给你留堂。"他的声音在整个句子中从来没有非常严格或苛刻,有更多的警告音,但我所能鼓起的回应是不安地摇头'不',因为我抬头迎接他的目光。 Curraigh先生只是期待了一秒钟,然后释放了一个恼怒的叹息,推开了桌子。

卡莱尔先生留堂别迟到"走回办公桌前,他只说了这么多话,钟声响起,学生们冲出门来,我自己马上跟上,以免迟到下一课。 我在一天的其余时间的想法都与亚历克将如何反应,当我回家晚了,他会如何反应,当我告诉他,我又被拘留蒙上阴影。 恐惧池在我的胸口,使它感觉紧张,空气窒息,因为我跋涉了一天。


在我们新家的第一天,这是我父母拥有的一间小屋,我继承了这间小屋。 远离俄亥俄州,远离莱克,一路在格拉斯哥,苏格兰,坐落在一个不错的区域与懒洋洋的绿色田野和石墙整齐地围绕着它.

Lisette和Alonso采取了比我预期的更好的举动,似乎他们像我一样想要离开。 我已经提前打电话,以确保山寨是准备好,当我们到达,和我父母的一个朋友过来看我的孩子,因为我必须尽快去我的工作. 冲出家门,我轻快地给朋友一个拥抱,迅速说明时间,我会在我租来的大众汽车赛车之前回家。 当我试图把所有东西都放在车里时,我很快就把它推到乘客座位上,然后调整后视镜并前往我的新工作。

灰色的云彩乱扔的天空让我想起了很多家,但这个繁忙的城市正是我需要摆脱我的小镇生活。 虽然在左侧驾驶是相当奇怪的,但需要一些时间来适应。

当我拉进停车场时,我注意到学校即将结束,我希望我在开始之前不会被解雇。 迅速地绊倒通过办公室门,我伸直了我的姿势和衬衫走到前台之前,并说明我是新的科学老师.我的第一件事是,我是一个很好的老师,我的第一件事是 女人打电话给别人之前微笑,我假设校长或者另一位老师。

等待大约2分钟后,办公室的门大声吵着打开,一个高大的男人,厚厚的浅棕色头发和一个令人生畏的身材大步走了进来,在接近我之前给女人点点头。 我站起来和他握手。

"你好,我是Curriagh先生或Aric,我在这里陪你去上课。"他的声音有一个厚厚的口音,这是我现在也必须习惯的,因为我住在苏格兰。 他令人生畏的姿势似乎与他提供的友好微笑形成鲜明对比。




"哦,我? 我一直都是文学爱好者"他的回答导致一个小小的微笑出现,事实上,这里的人是如此的好,欢迎是我喜欢的东西。 我们走了一会儿后停下来。

"嗯,这是你的课,虽然你迟到了一点。"当我们看到学生收拾行李时,他解释道。 我释放了一个安静的叹息,当然我会错过我工作的第一天。

"不要担心错过你的课,你可以弹出来帮助拘留或探索理由。"阿里克说,当他从窗户向我闪烁他的眼睛时,当钟声响起时,我即将作出回应,在教室门打开之前,在空荡荡的大厅里回荡,学生们退出。 我们都站在我的班级的窗户附近,直到大厅再次安静下来,只有少数学生站在周围,而有些学生正在整理包装。



"弓箭手。 拘留是在另一个方向。"阿里克说,他走到学生。 我希望任何学生在被老师叫出来时都会感到紧张,但这个学生Archer似乎吓坏了。

在Archer能够回应之前,Aric开始再次说话。 "这是你第二次试图跳过拘留,弓箭手。"在等待回应时给予轻微的休息,在没有收到任何回应后,他发出了一丝刺激,然后说:"跟我来弓箭手。"开始走回到我身边,弓箭手落后了几步,他的眼睛在地板上训练。


""很好,阿里克,介意我一起去吗? 我确实错过了第一天"我怀疑,看了一眼弓箭手,他的眼睛没有从地板上移动的全部时间。 阿里克在带路到拘留之前短暂点头。 我迅速跟进,试图跟上,听着Aric描述我们穿过的学校的部分。


这个人是谁? 她是新老师吗 她确实说她错过了第一天,我们的新科学老师无法出现。

我抬起头,我的眼睛看着她一会儿,因为我考虑我是否应该问我的问题。 我终于屈服于好奇心,问:"你是新来的科学老师吗?"我的问题似乎吓了他们两个出他们的闲聊,先生.Curraigh现在沉默,因为我等待她的回应. 她转向我,并在回答之前提供了一个友好的微笑,"是的,就是我,你可以叫我门罗夫人。"她的回答很好,但很短,当她说她的姓氏时,她的声音似乎有点动摇,导致我的头稍微倾斜,因为她不愿说出她的姓氏。

"很高兴见到你门罗夫人,我的名字是阿彻。"我回答说,我的声音似乎比我正常的语气更自信,更响亮,虽然我几乎没有给它任何想法。 我花了多少时间跟Monroe夫人谈话,不知道为什么,但她似乎更容易交谈,这可能是因为她不吓人的姿势和身高,或者她让我想起了我的母亲,这两者都是合理的。

当Curraigh先生停下来时,我们正在谈论我拿着的那本书,拘留室就在我们面前。 我伸手抓住手柄,暂时忘记了我的手腕受伤,直到我释放痛苦的咕噜声,立即拉动我的手腕,并将其放在我的胸前,因为我的系统充满了严酷的抓握痛苦,提醒我昨天。

Curraigh先生和Monroe夫人似乎对我突然爆发的疼痛感到震惊,Monroe夫人正要说些什么,但我没有时间去思考,绊倒向后我稍微转身逃跑。 我去的唯一的地方,我感到安全,宾汉姆的池塘,或天鹅池作为我的母亲曾经说过;只是记住,导致痛苦的浪潮席卷我的身体,所有这些事情,不断发生的是太 首先,我在车祸中失去了我的母亲和妹妹,然后我的继父(已经不喜欢我)指责我,现在我有一位老师让我想起了我的母亲,我根本不知道我应该如何感受或应对这些情况了。 我是如此陷入了这些多产的思想和疼痛的痛苦,我没有听到脚步声接近我。 这是突然的手放在我的肩膀上,使我惊讶地喘着气在另一个人的存在。 很快转过头来,我希望看到一个愤怒的Curraigh先生或可能是亚历克,但我却被梦露夫人的悲伤的笑容满足,因为她蹲在我旁边。 伸出她的手,我的手腕我退缩了,但又过了一秒钟,我让她看到我的手腕,忽略了可能的后果,她可能会质疑我是如何承受这种伤害的。

这是她的眼睛轻微扩大,使我跟随她的目光,我选择了从不看我的受伤,所以看到我的手腕肿胀和瘀伤导致我的眼睛也扩大了。 她轻轻触摸我的手腕,我立即拉远,疼痛灼热通过我的手臂。 她似乎坐在那里思考的时刻,仿佛在考虑她应该说什么。

"弓箭手。 这是怎么发生的?"就在那里,我不想听到的一件事。 我摇摇头,把目光移开,只是现在才意识到我的脸上流了几滴眼泪,用我的空闲手迅速擦拭。 我没有听到我拒绝的回应,所以我回头看,看到门罗夫人也忍住了眼泪,但为什么,我不知道。 摇摇头,她把自己从地板上推下来,伸出一只手给我,我慢慢地拿着。 现在,我站着用我的好手,松散地握住我的背包,等待她的问题。

她所做的一切似乎是在示意我跟着她之前摇头。 她带我回到学校,从不说话或向我瞥一眼,只是向前看,几乎是空虚的。 她带我到医疗室,告诉我在门口等她走开与护士交谈。 我不知道她在说什么,她怀疑我的继父造成这些伤害? 还是她认为是另一个学生干的? 我应该趁机逃跑吗 当门罗太太和护士走到我身边时,我的想法突然停止了,我的紧张情绪正在另一个人身上踢。

当护士把我的手腕包裹在一个冰袋里时,我试图不注意疼痛的爆发,因为外面的天气已经寒冷,寒冷使我发抖。 结冰我的手腕几分钟后,她带出一个压缩绷带,紧贴包裹我的手腕和手,疼痛减轻了,但保持了稳定的疼痛,围绕着我的整个手臂。 当她完成后,她给了我每天做的指示,并为班级写了一张纸条,因为这是我的写作手。

走到门口,我发现门罗夫人在那里等着,她友好的微笑被严肃而严厉的表情所取代,这让我的脚步更加犹豫。 我们离开医务室,走出去进入安静,荒凉的走廊,她的脸仍然严重,因为我们都停止。

"你是怎么得到的伤害弓箭手。"这不是一个问题,而是一个需要答案的问题,一个我非常不愿意给出的问题。 钓鱼我的脸离开她,我摇摇头"不"再次,不想告诉她真相,我的心高音,这将导致更多的痛苦比好,即使她不相信我,没有人会.


听到她的电话亚历克我的爸爸导致所有这些感情只是爆炸,我的愤怒是自由流动,我不禁反应混乱,"他不是我的爸爸!"我的喊声回荡在走廊上,在它的身后留下的沉默是不舒服的,所有的愤怒驱动的信心很快离开我的身体,因为我呼气。 她不傻,她会弄清楚发生了什么,我会被带离我的家,最后一个让我想起妈妈和姐姐的地方。


"我只想再问你一次。 是谁干的"她的声音非常安静,第二句话被严厉地阐明,没有任何借口的余地。 我终于面对她,虽然我的头还低着,我的眼睛闪烁了她每隔一段时间,因为我考虑我要说的话。

"....艾力克"我的声音几乎是耳语,虽然我知道她听到了,知道别人知道这个秘密只是让我感觉到。.. 脆弱.

More Posts from Cannibalcoyote

1 year ago

Rockstar: Your Story(Interview)

Rockstar: Your Story(Interview)

You're a famous rock star being interviewed about the beginning of your career to the current (includes mentions of Mick Ronson, David Bowie, and Mick Jagger):

"Ma'am, can you tell us a little bit about when you first met David Bowie?" The question was so sudden that I could only scrunch my eyebrows at it. I expected David to be brought up sometime, but I didn't expect the first question to be about him.

"Sure, let's see.... I can't remember the exact date, but my dear friend - Mick Ronson - had called me up saying some band was interested in having us as guitar players. I was hesitant because I enjoyed my job as an architect, but something pushed me to go with him; we hopped on the next train to London and did the audition." I explain, tilting my head up at the memories resurfacing. Ronno had been unsure as well, but I'm glad we went.

"We heard it wasn't a pleasant experience? What happened?" They emphasize 'wasn't', clearly looking for some juicy gossip on Bowie, and who am I to disappoint.

"Well, David had accepted Mick but rejected me, and Ronno originally turned down the offer because of that. He didn't even tell me the truth, just grabbed me by the arm and lugged me as well as the guitars out of the building. I knew it hadn't gone well because he had this angry glare in his eyes, which is strange, because if you've ever met him, then you'd know he's rather sweet, and has a very discerning disposition.

I asked what was wrong and he just said that they didn't want us. I knew he was lying, but I didn't want to argue with him. We spent the rest of the time wandering around London sightseeing." I state, folding my hands up in my lap as I look at the interviewer. I don't like looking back to the '70s, a lot of stuff happened, and I fear what they will bring up.

"What happened after that?" The interviewer continues hastily digging, wanting more information. I guess this person isn't going to quit until they get the full story.

"We had stopped by a restaurant and were having lunch. Ronno was saying we should catch the train home after, but we were interrupted by David. I don't know how he found us, I just remember being shocked when he started begging Ronno to join his band. I was also a little confused, and I remember saying, 'I thought you didn't want us?'

To which David responded, 'No, I want him, I just don't want you.' That line had run through my head the following 3 years until I realized how lucky I was David didn't want me." I say the last few sentences in a softer voice, not liking to relive that particular memory.

"He said what?!" The interviewer over exaggerates their movements, getting the audience laughing just as they had hoped. I laugh a little too, David saying something so rude does seem rather uncharacteristic.

"Yah, I was rather astonished as well because the words left him in such a casual way, as if choosing what bread to buy at the market." I say, gently chuckling at the visual of David buying bread in such a critical way.

"What- How, how did Mick react to that." Their eyes widen, the crowd quiets down as they await my answer.

"Oh, he almost punched David! But I grabbed him and pulled him aside, asking why he lied and all that stuff." I respond, remembering the beautiful anger that he so desperately wanted to act on.

"I bet the last thing you wanted was for him to join David's band, right?" The interviewer asks the question humorously.

"That's... Wrong actually. He was vehemently against playing in a band without me, this is mainly due to the fact that ever since we were 12, we've always played together. But, I wanted him to take the opportunity, to show the world his ability, and to be able to be a confident player without me." I explain in a gentle voice, vaguely thinking of how self-conscious he was at the time when it came to him playing guitar.

"You seem to be a really supportive friend, (Y/N)." The tone of their voice turns genuine, the whole conversation losing the humorous quality that had been sustained.

"I try to be, the last thing I want is for people's failings or regrets to be because of me." I smile, my relieved guilt ebbing away as I think of where he and I are now.

"As well as being supportive, you also seem to be fairly protective, at least, that's what I got when Mick told us the story of you traumatizing his high school bully! With that in mind, how did you feel when you learned he was earning next to nothing during the tour?" The beginning of the sentence sent the interviewer and audience into a bit of a laugh, I laugh as well at the memory of scaring off Ronno's bully.

The laughter lightly quiets down to a more serious tone at the end discussion.

"I was appalled! I hated myself for a while because of that, because I pushed him into this situation where he was barely getting paid. Which was the opposite of what I thought would happen, especially after their popularity went through the roof!"I exclaimed, my eyes widening as I relived the shock; the ebbing guilt rushing forward tenfold.

"I heard you went to some extreme measures in order to help him out, what exactly did you do?" The interviewer goes on, the questions digging into lesser known information.

"Well, I joined any band I could, I would try and get hired by restaurants for live music during nights, and then during the day I had a job as a waitress as well as working part time as a lyricist." I explain, just saying that makes me remember how tiring my schedule was back then.

"Now that's a lot to juggle, and I'm sure you have some great stories from those days, but we have a specific story. What happened during one of your many tiring nights of live music?" They ask, this question is sort of a bore to me, one I'm frequently asked to retell.

"I had been band hopping at the time, and was hired for a gig when I didn't have a supportive group, so I improvised. I played my guitar and was singing live, but before that I had recorded the drums and rhythm guitar parts for the songs I was scheduled to play, so when I got up there I just started the recording and played along.

This was for a club where they wanted rock, so it was heavier playing. It was during my guitar solo I noticed someone in the crowd." I divulged, deciding to add in some information I had never shared before.

"Ooh, is this when you met the Rolling Stones?!" Someone screams out, the crowd and interviewer looking in shock before they all burst out laughing at the person's eagerness.

"Yes... but I technically only met Mick Jagger that night. I wasn't a big fan of the Rolling Stones at the time, but I did have an appreciation for their music. I was actually playing one of their songs at the time. Either way, it just surprised me to see him." I continued after we had all calmed down.

"I know you joined their band after that, but can you tell us what exactly went down?" I squint slightly at my interviewer's vernacular before deciding to just answer them.

"I don't think I can tell you all the details, I worry J might get embarrassed! But, I can tell you that he met me backstage after I was done and asked me if I was available tomorrow to meet him at a recording studio. It was the weekend the next day, so I said yes, he wrote down the address and time on a piece of paper, handed it to me, then said goodbye and walked away." I state in a jovial tone, Jagger is one of my favorite people to talk about, because he loves to call immediately after the interview and schedule a meet up. He's strange like that.

"Sounds strange? How did you feel after that?" They looked intrigued, clearly wanting me to divulge the information that I withheld.

"I was shocked. The next day I went and met him and his band mates, then they started playing a song together and asked me to improv. I had never heard the song before, so I just started watching their movements and playing off of that; by the end they asked if I was interested in joining their band, which I clearly said yes to." I exclaim, the interviewer's face looking shocked by what I just said.

"Wow, that all sounds like it went really fast?"

"Oh it was, we had only been playing for 20 minutes when they all stopped and asked me to join. I was going to say no because I needed to make enough money to send to Ronno, but when they mentioned how much I would make weekly I immediately accepted." I reply, chuckling as I remember my astonishment.

"I know after joining the Stones, your career skyrocketed, your solo albums have done well, and you write all your own songs?" They continue, motioning to my newest album sitting on their desk.

"Yes, my solo albums have done surprisingly well, and I write my own songs. I do accept and sing other songs sometimes, but I usually have a story told throughout my albums, and throwing in a random song messes that up." I explained.

"Did you and Mick Ronson keep in contact during this?" They question, looking at me in interest.

"Of course! In the beginning, Ronno and I called every week at the least, and we would send letters sometimes too!" I state ecstatically before calming myself down.

"How did that work? He was touring at the time right?" They ask in a befuddled way.

"Yes he was, but he would tell me the places he would be as well as the dates that he would be there, and I would do the same with him. It was a little complicated, but it was worth it." I reply, my hands waving as I mimic us writing letters.

"Honestly though, what would you send him that couldn't be said over the phone?" They ask after a few moments, laughing as their mind runs.

"Photos, drawings, songs, food-"

"Photos?" I can hear what they're implying, and I can't help but squint my face in disgust. The crowd's laughter magnified at my reaction.

"Stop thinking like that, you all have dirty minds! I would take pictures of me and the band, as well as the places around me. I loved drawing as well, so I would send him some, as well as some songs that I thought he would enjoy playing. Lastly, I knew he was getting food, but I knew it wasn't food he was used to, so I would bake him something, or buy him local snacks and ship them off to the correct address." I explain, describing the different things I would send him.

"Did he ask you to do any of this?"

"No, Ronno was never a complainer, he hated telling people his issues. I was usually the exception, but he prefers telling me in person as compared to over the phone or in a letter. He did enjoy them though, and he would send me songs and pictures as well. I remember him snapping a picture of his drummer scarfing down some cookies I made!" I jubilantly state, smirking as I remember that the picture is still hanging on my fridge.

"You sent him all these lovely things, what did he send you?"

"I never asked for anything more than a letter or a phone call, but he would send me these extravagant songs, asking me how I thought they sounded and if I liked them. He would also send me drawings - he's not really an artist, but he knows I love the little doodles he does randomly, so he started sending them to me." I grin, knowing Ronni will be embarrassed by me sharing this information.

"Was this an easier time in your life or would you consider it one of the more stressful?" Ah, here it comes, the questions I am most dreading.

"The fame and fortune made my financial issues about none, but socially I felt isolated. I had played in popular bands before, but never like this, I was only consistently around my band mates and the people that worked for them. I only really talked with Jagger and Keith, and then Keith randomly started hating me, so I was down to only talking to Jagger." I reply almost subconsciously, my mind wanting to distance itself from these memories.

"What about Ronson? I thought you said you had weekly phone calls and sent letters?" They ask in confusion.

"We did, but about 3 months into that, David started complaining to Ronno that he spent too much time talking to me, and that he was ignoring his band mates for someone he might never see again." The answer in a short tone, clearly still holding resentment for David's decision.

"David said that?" They say in shock.

"Yah, he said it straight to Ronno's face. We obviously didn't stop talking, we kept calling and messaging each other, but it lessened after that to about 1 call every 2 weeks. They became much longer phone calls though, he said that David was limiting his amount of calls, but stated that David couldn't limit his time, so we would end up talking through the entire night!" I smile on glee, our weak form of rebellion still makes my heart warm.

"We've talked about Ronson and his band mates reactions, but how did your bandmates react?" They continue, going down a different avenue.

"Well, everyone basically made fun of me and said we were in love. They told me to stop being so desperate because I was probably annoying Ronno, that remark actually made me start to overthink a lot. I started worrying that I was annoying him, and that he didn't like talking to me anymore. I think that's around the time I began to develop anxiety, I was already depressed, so that just added on to my plate." I responded before realizing I was over sharing on live TV.

"Did you tell Ronson about that? How did he react?" They gratefully kept moving right along, not leaving an awkward silence.

"Well, I never actually told him about that, I think this is the first time he's hearing this." I smile in discomfort, and an uncertain smile on my face.

"Really? You never spoke to him about any of this?" They ask in surprise, slightly taken aback.

"My anxiety had me thinking that saying a single word to him was annoying him, so no, I didn't just start talking about this to him. It was a really dark spot for me, the person to pull me through was Jagger actually. He noticed my extensive isolation, how I stopped eating around others, how I stopped talking. He really pulled through for me, which is probably why I'm still friends with him." I voice solemnly, deciding that I might as well be honest about the situation since there is no going back now.

"I know this is a heavy topic for you, I have some more questions, but if you're uncomfortable we can move on." Wish you had said that earlier, but oh well.

"Ask away, we can just skip the ones I'm uncomfortable with." I smile in response.

"Alright, what did Mick do? Did he just pull you aside and talk to you?"

"No actually, he wrote a song and asked if I would listen to it." I responded.

"What?" Perhaps I should rephrase my vague response.

"That's honestly what he did. But he wrote a song with true meaning, it was rather dark, and it actually made me cry and begin to hyperventilate. We were alone, so he just rushed over and helped calm me down; he didn't ask me any questions until I had completely relaxed." I explained honestly.

"What did he say exactly?" They continue.

"He just apologized, asking if I wanted to talk. I said no at first, but then he asked why I've been distancing myself from him and the band, why all the songs I was writing were either dark or sad.

I told him the truth, that I was depressed, that I felt so intensely alone, and that I could no longer talk to Ronno because I was probably annoying him." An uncomfortable shiver ran up my spine, reliving those memories makes me feel nauseous.

"How did he react to that? I can't really picture him being the best at giving advice and comfort." She smiles in a joking way, attempting to lighten the conversation.

"He was lovely, he hugged me like a giant teddy bear and told me that he would help me through this. We talked for a while, he asked me why I thought I was annoying Ronno, and I told him what the band had said to me." I answer, feeling a small smile appear at the memory of Mick comforting me.

"What did he say to that?"

"He told me that they were a bunch of single idiots who were jealous, and that I shouldn't ruin a meaningful relationship with my best friend by believing the words of immature drug addicts." I respond, barely withholding my laughter as I watch everyone's reaction.

"He said that?!" They nearly yell, everyone laughing at my answer.

"Yes, and the next day he told them all off for belittling me. During our talk he spoke to me about my isolation, I explained that I did that when I was sad or feeling out of place, and he asked what he could do to make me feel like a part of the team. He honestly made me cry a couple of times from how caring he was. Then he started talking about heavier subjects, such as why I wasn't eating during lunch breaks, why I never accepted snacks, and why I was noticeably losing weight." I state, realizing that I was now broaching the subject of my eating disorder.

"That must've been tough." They state seriously.

"It was, I realized at that moment, how much I missed Ronno. I asked Jagger if he wanted me to leave the band since I was such a problem, but he told me to stop being an idiot. The next day I was given a few sheepish apologies from my band mates, and Jagger became a very prominent person in my life from that day on." I explained.

"That's good. So Mick Jagger stepping up to help you must've put him pretty high on your list of friends right?"

"Yes, I only realized how much he was doing for me when he barged into my room during a depressive episode and all but shoved the phone into my hand. I distinctly remember him telling me not to come out until tomorrow morning. When I held the phone up, he had actually dialed up Ronno, who sounded very tired and confused, as well as concerned." I smile, these are the memories that I hold onto dearly.

"Really? How did he know what number to call?"

"I assume he went snooping around my desk, in one of my drawers was a paper with dates, addresses, and numbers. It was one of the sweetest things anybody had ever done for me." The look on my face was genuine, that was honestly one of the sweetest things anyone has done for me.

"I know you two are still good friends, but was there ever the possibility of anything more?" Oh boy, I hate it when they try to talk about this subject.

"I did find him to be attractive if that's what you're asking, but I was never in love with him. He did ask me out on a date and I had said yes, the date was lovely, but we got caught in a crowd of fans and he was like how he normally is. It made me remember how many groupies I'd seen leaving his room, and how many women I've seen smothered over him at all times, and it scared me away from ever allowing myself to love him." I reply sincerely.

"Could there have been something? If you hadn't cut it off?" They continue to push the topic.

"There could've been something eventually - from the despondent look on his face when I said I didn't want a relationship, I think he wanted us to become something more. I don't regret what I did, I like the friendship I have with him, the last thing I wanted to do was ruin it with his promiscuity and my need for loyalty. We've moved on though, I kind of see him as the older brother I never had." I reply, explaining my reasoning and the aftermath.

"Well, since that ship has definitely sunk, what about Ronson? Was there ever anything there?" They just won't give up will they?

"No... Well, there was one time in high school when we thought we should try dating, but that was spurred on by our teenage inability to understand that we loved each other, but not in that way. We realized that that wasn't us when we tried to act like a couple and both noticed that it felt forced. Ever since then we've been best friends." I state.

"Gosh, you're shooting down all of the fan favorites. Are you interested in anyone? Anyone at all?" They sound slightly exasperated, maybe I should throw them a bone.

"Hmmm... Maybe." I smile, a mischievous glint surely in my eye.

"What do you mean maybe? You can't leave the fans hanging like that!" I can tell that I have their genuine attention now.

"Well, ever since David and I have become friends, I've been... slightly interested in him." I say, jumping straight into the deep end.

"..." The silence could almost be described as palpable, it almost makes me want to laugh at how everyone is stunned into silence.

"Well, don't just stare at me." I laugh lightly.

"... I'm sorry, just processing. Does David know this?" They ask in hurried confusion.

"Well, if he's watching like he said he would, then he knows now." I laughed once again, but this time it had an air of uncertainty to it.

"Don't tell me you just confessed over live TV, in an interview no less!" They say in shock, looking at me with wide eyes.

"What if he doesn't reciprocate!" Their response makes me shiver in discomfort at that possibility, but I respond in humor.

"Then I die of embarrassment, cut all ties, and become a hermit!" I state loudly.

"Oh don't do that Y/N! Only healthy reactions are allowed on this show." The crowd laughs lightly at our convo.

I'm about to respond, but my Motorola starts ringing in my bag. I look to the interviewer before quickly digging through my bag and pulling out the phone. I sheepishly glance at it, the audience having fallen silent at the interruption.

"Is it alright if I answer this? It might be important." I state, I know this sounds bad, but it could actually be important since I left my home and animals under the care of my neighbor.

"Of course, but you owe us one more question before you leave then." They respond, holding out their hand.

"Deal!" I agree, shaking their hand quickly.

"Hello, this is Y/N." I state in a professional tone, getting a funny look from the interviewer at my seriousness.

"Y/N darling!" I am thrown off by the happy and familiar tone.

"...David?!" I state in slight confusion, everyone seeming to lean in closer.

"...Yes?" He responds in the same tone, making fun of the way I responded.

"Why are you calling me? I'm in an interview." I explain, swiftly going back to my professional tone.

"Yes well, when someone confesses they are interested in dating you, I thought the first thing one should do is accept." He responds in a joking yet serious tone.

I'm silent for a few moments in surprise, did David just say he wants to date me too?

"Well, don't leave me without a response darling... Will you go on a date with me?" His serious and self assured tone dwindled slightly, I can hear his uncertainty.

"Yes." My response was short, it was rushed and all I could muster with my amount of shock.

"Good, I'll pick you up after the interview, so I'll see you in a few minutes." He stated before hanging up.

I can't contain the overjoyed smile that spreads across my face, most certainly accompanied by a warm blush. The audience snickers as I clumsily put my phone away, then they start laughing as the interviewer stares at me with a smug grin.

"Who was that?" They ask tauntingly.

"Ohhh... no one." I try to brush it off, but I know no one is believing.

"Really! Does this no one happen to be named David Bowie?" They continue.

I avert my eyes in embarrassment, the audience laughing even louder as I sheepishly nod my head.

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1 year ago

Balto's Sister Ch.1: The Big Race

Balto's Sister Ch.1: The Big Race


"3 mile marker!" Balto exclaims in excitement as he pulls Boris up onto the railing of the balcony we've climbed onto.


Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Luko, I'm a wolf/ husky mix like my brother Balto. I have black fur, and two white patches on my face, one above each eye.

I live in Nome, Alaska with Balto, the whole town seems to hate him because he's part wolf. I don't live with my brother though, he lives too far away, so I live in the town, usually with my friend Jenna, or under a building; no one knows that Balto and I are siblings though, probably because of how different we look.


"Come on Boris, we can cut around the back and watch the end of the race!" I hear Balto voice in excitement as he ignores Boris' complaining.

We both proceed to jump from balcony to balcony until we reach a clothes line, to which I choose to travel by ground whilst Balto continues via buildings. I've never really liked traveling on the ground, but it's safer than whatever the heck Balto does.

Anyways, I jump off the balcony into the fresh, powdery snow, and take off down the alley, dodging the trash on both sides until I see the crowds of people who have gathered around to watch the end of the race. I can hear the sound of a sled team's paw steps eating up the ground as they sprint at full speed to the finish line; I see a flare going off, and someone shouting it's the two mile mark.

Now I'm really excited, I weave through the crowd quickly as I want to see if a different team will win this time; all the other races, Steele always wins, and I'd like to see some change. Of course this is mainly because Steele and his group are always mean to Balto, and that really gets to me most of the time while Balto on the other hand manages to keep his anger in check.

I continue through the crowds and soon spot my favorite human, Rosie, and she's with Jenna. I jump in happiness as I practically bound over to them in joy; they're the only two that don't hold it against me that I'm a wolf, and for that I will always be grateful.

However as I get closer I see two other dogs that both hate me, and they made it clear that they didn't like me when I first met them; so as I try to slowly sink away back into the shadows, Jenna spots me, and barks out,

"Hey Luko! Want to join me, Rosie just got a new sled!" I look over, swallowing my irritation towards the other two dogs, striding over to Jenna with confidence. As soon as I reach them the other two look at me in slight disgust and quickly say a goodbye to Jenna before walking off. I shake my head in annoyance, but I quickly calm down since we're in public.

"Thank God you came to see the race, If you hadn't, I might've been stuck with those two for the rest of the day!" Jenna states in relief as she looks over to me.

"Yah, I'm just glad I spotted you, you looked like you were about to die of annoyance when you were with them." I bark back as I let out a little laugh at the end of my sentence.

"Hey, where's Balto, usually you two always watch the race together?" Jenna voices her confusion as she looks around to see if she missed him.

"Oh, I don't like Balto's method of traveling, so I split off and went my own way." I explain as we sit in an open area near the fence blocking off the street for the racers.

Just as we sit down, we hear the racers make the last turn, I hear Rosie tell us to stay, and as I look down I see Steele once again leading the race. I sigh in annoyance, until I see my brother down the line of the crowd, it seems like he's got a crush on Jenna.

I simply smirked at the thought of seeing him even try to talk to Jenna, it almost made me laugh out loud, he'd try and act tough, but I know he's so shy and sensitive sometimes.

Rosie hurries back, breaking my line of thoughts as she hugs Jenna, she notices I'm here and gives me a hug as well as she says that she's happy I'm here, and that maybe she can get her dad to allow me to join her sled team with Jenna.

As soon as she's done, she immediately turns her attention back to the race and waves her hat in the air as she cheers in Steele, but as she does this her hat gets picked up by a strong gust of wind, and blows straight into the middle of the race track.

I'm looking over as Rosie tries to get her hat, but she is quickly held back by Jenna. I'm about to make a leap for the hat, but I already see Balto in action.

Balto is sprinting after the team, and he catches up pretty quickly seeing as he is already beside Steele; I'm hoping Steele doesn't hurt Balto, but I also can't wait to see if Balto manages to get the hat. I'm soon set at ease as I see Balto have a burst of speed, grab the hat, and slide off to the other side safely.

I visibly relax my tensed muscles as Balto makes his way to us sheepishly with the hat in his jaws. I shake my head and smirk as he drops the hat down and gets bombarded by a hug from Rosie. I hear everybody cheering for Steele, but I ignore it, well, I ignore it till I look over and hear Steele's owner say,

"I don't know, do you think maybe Steele's losing his edge?" I practically almost burst out laughing as I saw how angry that made Steel. He looks like he's about to tear his owner apart; that is until he hears Rosie congratulating Balto on getting her hat.

I see Rosie beginning to put the sled gear on Balto until her father swoops over and grabs her away from him, as well as kicking some snow at Balto as he says for her to stay away from him, and that he's part wolf and might bite her. I can visibly see that he's hurt from the fathers actions, and I would be too. I glare at her father and have to hold back a growl at him. Rosie looks over to me and then back at her father saying,

"See, now you've hurt both of their feelings!" Her father looks at me, and then back at Rosie,

"Listen sweetie, I don't fully trust Luko either, and that's why I always want Jenna with you when she's around. Not to mention Balto is part wolf, he might bite you honey." He picks up the sled and starts walking away as Rosie follows. I begin to follow them, or at least until Steele blocks my path.

"So, you girls enjoy the race." He questions as his tongue glides obnoxiously across his large teeth after finishing his sentence. I walk next to Jenna as she replies. I don't hear her though since I was looking back to see Balto looking even more hurt.

"Hey Jenna, I'm going to go catch up with Balto." I state as I turn around, only to be blocked by Steele.

"You didn't answer my question." He states as he continues to block me. I'm getting annoyed now, so I jump over him with ease, and then start to speedily stride over to Balto.

"So, how're you doing?" I know it's a stupid question, but I had to see if he was alright.

"Oh, I'm doing fine, I got yelled at because I'm part wolf, and then Steele swoops back in and steals Jenna away from me, again!" He explains sarcastically as we continue down an alley-way where Boris then joins us. Boris looks as though he is about to say something, but seems at a loss for words, as am I.

We hear Rosie though, and that quickly perks Balto up as he races through the alley, only to slide right up against Jenna, their noses practically touching. Rosie calls her, and as she looks to them I watch Balto speedily sprint back through the fence and hide. I shake my head as I see him walk out in disappointment after Jenna runs to her people.

"Balto, there's somethings I can't teach you, I'm goose not Cupid." Boris states in exasperation as we walk back through the alley.


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1 year ago

Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.1: Life as the Little Brother

Scar's Adopted Brother Ch.1: Life As The Little Brother



Crow is a male, black maned lion with a rusty golden-red body, and coal black eyes with flecks of silver and green throughout his iris'. He is also smaller than other lions in his family's bloodline. All the other lions also have a golden-tan coloured body with a bright, golden mane with silver streaks throughout the mane with reddish brown eyes; the only probable reason as to why Crow has a black mane is because his father has a black mane.

His father was chosen by Crow's mother as her mate to rule this pride with her. Crow is the second born son to the king and queen of the Draconian savannah territory; with his older brother, Shyam; a large and bulky tannish brown male lion with a silvery-golden mane who's destined to be the next ruler of the Draconian territory. However Shyam is an arrogant, selfish lion who uses his power to get what he wants, he also bullies smaller lions including his only brother. Crow doesn't think about it too hard as he is currently training himself to take Shyam on for leadership.

Crow has been training secretly so that he has better endurance, speed, and agility; developing lean muscles so he's not too bulky but has great strength at the same time. He's been learning as much as he can about fighting strategies, the most common and used attacks, the best ways to navigate harsh terrain as well as how to intimidate someone, all so that one day he can overthrow Shyam.



Shyam has been the ruler for nearly three months now, he hasn't learned very much seeing as he almost always just thinks for himself. He even sent out a hunting party of only two lionesses. One of them came back badly injured from a fight with an antelope which managed to use their small number to its advantage. When she returned, Shyam merely waved off the injury and continued to move their pride through harsh days with scorching sun and barely any water.


(Story Begins)


Crow's POV:

It's the middle of winter now, Shyam has been ruler for nearly a year and we've already lost a quarter of our population to starvation, dehydration, or from dead tiredness. I'm extremely worried, however, mainly for my mother because she has fallen ill, and Shyam has been exiling elder lions who have fallen ill or need help to survive. I believe Shyam will even kill her if she refuses to leave, and I don't plan on letting that happen.


Shyam has settled the pride down in an area surrounded by some brush to try and keep the cold wind out partially. I see him walking towards me, I sit as tall as I can to not seem weak to him; heck I'm surprised he hasn't tried to kill me yet.

He simply walks past me, his golden-silver man flicking in the wind whilst his amber eyes shift menacingly over to our mother. He walks forward until he's standing right in front of her. Out of nowhere he pounces forward and tackles her to the ground, growls of anger and pain being produced from the tussle. Father only stares in shock knowing he's too weak to stop Shyam.

Anger bursting through my veins, I get up and ram my shoulder into Shyam's rib cage with such strength that he is thrown nearly seven feet away. My body is bursting with energy, adrenaline, and hatred; urging me to get revenge on all those years of fighting, and for hurting our mother - the only one who ever truly trusted and believed in me.

I stared at Shyam as he pushed his body off the ground and looked back to see who his attacker was. Unsurprisingly his face lit up with joy as I always knew he wanted a reason to fight and kill me, a valid reason to finally get rid of me once and for all.

"Well well well. If it isn't my baby brother Crow." Shyam snarled with malice as he strided forward and began to strut in a circle around me. I just stood there, my tail slowly flicking from side to side as I listened, watching his every move for the slightest hint on when and where he would try to attack me. Shyam turned and sharply lunged at me, but I simply fell to the ground, turning my body upwards, allowing me to claw at his belly, leaving several gash marks on his body which began to bleed profusely.

"I challenge you for leadership of this pride Shyam!" I roared, but it sounded more like the loudest thunder. I see him getting quite annoyed by not being able to land a single blow on me, so I decide to wait knowing his attacks would be out of anger which makes them much easier to see coming.

Shyam gives off a fake humorous laugh, then turns to me with a serious expression, and growling.

"If you challenge me, do not be afraid when I kill you."


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1 year ago

Ch.1: Before and Now

Ch.1: Before And Now


My father I remember only slightly. My mother had apparently been in love with a wolf from the forest and snuck away from her owners to be with him.

After a while she became bestowed with the responsibility of carrying me. When she gave birth she went back to her humans who then decided that I looked too much like a wolf, and then proceeded to rip me away from my mother to be taken to a wolf reserve park where we are fenced off and watched by human kind. It disgusts me.

I grew up different from the other wolves; my coat was more luscious, and I had a coat color similar to my mothers. We both have a coat color similar to the pattern and color of a Great White shark; well at least that's what a kid said when they were watching me. They also said that my eyes were quite uncommon, and that she had never seen the purple eye color before in a wolf, guess that makes me even more different, just great.

This place has taken away my puppy hood years, and I will not allow it to take away my adult years as well. I plan on escaping from this wretched place.

I've been watching humans, when they need to check on us they dart the one they need, that wolf then proceeds to fall into an unusual sleep that deeply disturbs me, but seems fine with the others since they just sit around. I've noticed that the humans seem to notice this and leave the doors open slightly when they do, that's my ticket out. I just have to get the timing correct and I can be in the while with a pack. Or I can be a lone wolf if the idiot of an alpha thinks I'm omega material.


It's dawn now, and it's been nearly 6 months since our last checkup. Two humans arrive, one takes out the dart gun and shoot a wolf. He fell asleep instantly. The human starts to walk over to the sleeping wolf, the other stands a few feet in our enclosure, but slightly to the side of the open door, their biggest mistake was thinking that I was liking it here.

I burst through the bush I was hiding in, startling the person, he tries to close the door but I'm already through and running towards the forest, and far away from this hell. I can hear the humans getting in their monsters that they call vehicles, and yelling at each other, probably how I got out. I know that I will have to run really far if I want to escape their searching grounds, I need to push myself a lot harder than I usually do, but I have been practicing my endurance running in the enclosure so I should be fine for at least a couple of weeks.


It's been weeks since I've escaped, and the humans have ceased their search parties. Well I don't know, I'm just assuming since I can't smell their wretched scent here. I do however catch the scent of a group of three females, and a male pup. They do however also carry the stale stench of humans as well.

'Who could they be? They might be like me where they also escaped their human captures, or they could be set free, but that is unlikely.'

As I near the scent I come to the tree line, and cautiously walk out and crouch slightly to look over the hill, to where I pinpointed the scent.

I looked to see exactly what I smelled, but now I see I missed the male packs scent. There are 4 males, but the largest seems to be the alpha. He takes a stance that is saying 'friend or foe' towards the group of females. I see the white wolf leap forward.

'They are definitely human mongrels, they don't even know how to respect an alpha'.

She is such an idiot, why did she do that? That action just challenged the alpha, it also disrespected him, but I can't let her get killed. Something about her seems lonely, and in need of a friend, not to mention that we both look different compared to the others. Her family does nothing as she gets attacked by the alpha; she reminds me of myself slightly.

I've had enough. I sprint over the hill startling both packs, except for the alpha and white wolf who are busy fighting. I put all my weight in my shoulder and ram straight into the alpha's ribs, sending him flying a few feet.

He'll probably take a while to get up from that. I learned that trick when an older wolf tried to take my food, but I wasn't having it.

I look down at the white wolf and help her up, however as soon as she is up I fail to hear the alpha charging at me. He grips onto my neck and throws me to the side; as I try to get up he uses his size to his advantage and throws all his weight on me as he bites down into my neck. I try to bite him but can't reach, and each time I try he tightens his grip; causing me to growl in anger and pain. I'm eventually tired due to my lack of food, and my continuous running to get away from the humans; resulting in my body eventually collapsing due to dehydration, starvation, as well as overall exhaustion.

I feel his weight lifting off me as he gets up; by now both the packs were waiting for the end result of the fight. The alpha won this one, but wait till I get my strength back, then we'll have a rematch.


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1 year ago



Ch.1: Introductions

Ch.2: Unhappy Ellie

Ch.3: The Family

Ch.4: Reacquainting

Ch.5: Tough Times

Ch.6: I Fucking Hate Reporters

Ch.7: Frustration

Ch.8: Dull


Balto's Sister:

Ch.1: The Big Race

Ch.2: Steele

Ch.3: Concerned


Feral Pride:

Ch.1: Before and Now

Ch.2: Pack Placements

Ch.3: The Hunter and the Hunted

Ch.4: An Encounter with Death

Ch.5: Secrets for the Future


Scar's Adopted Brother(Lion King):

Ch.1: Life as Little Brother

Ch.2: Fight for Leadership

Ch.3: New Rivals

Ch.4: Eavesdropper

Ch.5: Untrustworthy

Ch.6: Foreboding


The Elder Maximoff:

Ch.1: Hail Hydra

Ch.2: Captain America

Ch.3: The Meeting

Ch.4: Intimidation

Ch.5: More than a Confrontation

Ch.6: Safe House

Ch.7: Seoul

Ch.8: The Cradle

Ch.9: The Vision


Woodland Princess(The Hobbit):

Ch.1: A Journey Begins

Ch.2: The Company

Ch.3: The Conversation

Ch.4: The Adventure Begins

Ch.5: Confrontation

Ch.6: Expected

Ch.7: Turn of Events

Ch.8: The Great Chase

Ch.9: Memories


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