cant-choose-a-bias - Can't Choose A Bias
Can't Choose A Bias

Masterlist I write for bts, mx, nct, got7, skz, exo, shinee, txt, svt and oneus

120 posts

Do You Remember That Day?

Do you remember that day?


Han Jisung x reader

Summary: To my older self, holding hands with a best friend doesn't necessarily mean something. But for my 14 year old self it meant a lot more.

Warnings: None

Genre: fluff & angst

Word count: 605 words


I can remember it like it was yesterday. The way I felt that day. It might have not meant much to you, but it did to me. Though, I like to think it meant something to you too.

I think our problem was always our bad timing. When these thoughts crossed your mind, they didn't cross mine and the other way around.

Changbin had told me, that six months before that day, you had admitted something to him. You had been feeling a way about me that a best friend isn’t supposed to feel. It was about a week before I admitted to him that I’ve been feeling those kinds of feelings for you too. I don't know why he didn't tell me right away, but it's understandable. He was supposed to keep our secrets like a good friend.

So, yeah. I think our problem was our bad timing. There is one day though, that felt like the only day we were in tune. The only day we both felt something about each other at the same time.

But we were so cowards. We acted as if nothing happened. We never talked about it again. I'm guessing you've probably forgotten about it. I haven't. Many years later and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

We were just two teenagers. Two teenagers watching a movie together.

You had come with my family and I on our vacation because I had begged you to do so. I really didn’t want to leave, knowing I’d be bored to death and you agreed to come with us easily, to keep me company. You woke up early, even though you never do that, just to prepare your things and come with me. I was so thankful for that.

At night, we sat on the couch and watched TV. After the first movie was over, we watched another one. It must have been about 2am. Everyone else was sleeping.

Somehow, our hands found their way towards each other. My left hand comfortably resting in your right hand. I secretly glanced at our hands and pretended I was putting some stray hair away. But I was also too immersed in the movie to see if you glanced at our hands too.

When the second movie was over, approximately 2 hours later, we let go of each other’s hands and turned off the TV. I don't know who let go first. But we did it without a word. Acting as if we weren't two best friends holding hands.

We collected our things, half empty glasses of water and our empty dinner plates, put them in the sink and headed to the room, where we exchanged a soft ‘good night’ and laid on our beds.

To my older self, holding hands with a best friend doesn't necessarily mean something. But for my 14 year old self it meant a lot more.

I still wonder how you felt. If you felt the same way. I wonder if you really remember it, or chose to forget it and replace the memory with new memories with other people.

We've now grown apart. We never contact each other anymore. But I still wonder. However I know I'll never get my answers.

I honestly don't think you remember any of this and if I ever told you, you'd probably just raise your eyebrow at me in confusion. I think I prefer not knowing the answer, than hating the answer.

But if you ever see this (even though I hope you never do) then tell me; Do you remember that day, Jisung? Did you feel the same way?

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More Posts from Cant-choose-a-bias

3 years ago

Rivalry part 3


Rivalry part 3

An enemies-to-lovers Chenle x reader au (ft Haechan x Mark, Jeno x Jaemin)

Summary: Y/n and Chenle’s parents have rival companies. They’ve been enemies their whole lives, always competing on everything. It seems as if the rivalry will go on forever, but fate has different plans. What could possibly make the two have a civil conversation and not turn everything into a competition?

Warnings: swear words here and there

Previous part / Next part

Rivalry Masterlist

Taglist: (if you want to be added lmk!) @itsyaapollochild​

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3 years ago

Easily charmed


Yoongi x reader Summary: You knew he was bad news, but that didn't stop you from developing a small crush for the man. You don’t know whether you regret dating Yoongi or not. It was an experience. You had been taught many lessons. Warnings: swear words, illegal activities, drugs and drug dealing, motorcycle stunt (that is dangerous if there are two people on it but anyways) being escorted to the police station for possible drug possession. Genre: angst Word count: 2.4k (2480 words)


"I already told you, I don't think it's a good idea to go see him while he's with his friends." You sighed but your friend Jiyoung insisted. She wanted to pass by where she knew her boyfriend and his friends were, but you really didn't want to go.

The reasons were obvious. She'd probably ditch you and you'd know no one else there. Also you didn't really trust her boyfriend. He wasn’t what you would call a good guy exactly. Actually, he wasn’t a good guy at all. You were pretty sure he was closely involved with drugs.

However you couldn't convince your friend not to go so you could only suffer. That day, in your mind, wasn't as bad as you thought it could go, but now as your future self you could only laugh at your past self.

Your friend spotted her boyfriend and his friends along with some girls she mentions from time to time when talking to you. They all already knew the two of you were on your way, so they purposely waited there for you. You approached the group of people and they seemed to have recognized Jiyoung because some of them immediately turned to greet her.

You didn't like how her boyfriend didn't walk up to her to greet but waited for her to go to him, but you didn't comment on it. Hoseok just sat there and smirked as she moved closer to him. She leaned up to peck his lips, whistles coming from his friends, along with some teasing words. When she moved to greet some others of his friends with a handshake, Hoseok glanced at you giving you a small nod and a smirk before turning back to the conversation he had with the shorter male next to him.

Jiyoung appeared next to you, listing the names of the people around you, but you forgot most of them as soon as she finished. The shorter male next to Hoseok was named Jimin and just like the rest of them he seemed like trouble. Some of the women around you were occasionally hooking up with some of Hoseok's friends and others were just hanging out with them for other, obvious reasons.

"Can we just go now?" A tall guy with a dimple said after a while and the rest let our choruses of 'yeah's and 'sure's

You turned to Jiyoung expecting her to greet everyone and leave with you, but she just walked along with Hoseok to his car. She seemed to suddenly remember your existence because she turned to see you standing there all confused about what was going on.

"We're just going to chill at some beach nearby, with beers. Nothing special." she said and your jaw almost dropped. What were you supposed to do? Leave? If yes then did you have to greet everyone or just leave? It's also night and you didn't wanna go home alone. She probably read your thoughts, because she said "you are supposed to come too." You assumed you'd get in the car with her and Hoseok, but at the same time you didn't wanna third wheel. What was more terrifying; third wheeling or going in some stranger’s car or motorcycle?

You saw Hoseok sighing and you read his lips that said "fuck, I forgot about her".  Yeah, Hoseok, you weren't too pleased to be there either.

Some short guy patted Hoseok's shoulder and said something you couldn't make out and you swore you saw Jiyoung's eyes widening. All of them turned to you at the same time making you raise an eyebrow at them. The short guy walked towards you and nodded towards his motorcycle. "You'll come with me," he said and suddenly you had an even worse feeling about all this. For Jiyoung's shake you didn't refuse, knowing how much Hoseok's friend's opinions mattered to her.

You simply nodded as the man got on his bike turning it on, seeing Jiyoung sigh in relief from the corner of your eye. When the man motioned, you got on the bike, your hands reluctantly wrapping around the man's waist.

"What was your name again?" He asked and you barely heard him over the loud engines turning on.  "(Y/n)," you replied seeing him nod.

He didn't speak again for a while, seeing the others start driving to get back on the street. Since he and 2 more men had motorcycles they quickly moved to the front leading the way, the cars following right behind them.

"Hold on tight now or else you'll fall" you heard the man say, before he went faster. Suddenly, he raised the front wheel to the air-what you later found out was named a “wheelie” stunt- as you let out a squeak, your fists tightly holding his jacket not planning to let go any time soon. You heard another guy that was on the motorcycle next to you laugh loudly and cheer, the woman behind him doing the same.

"You okay there?" The man in front of you asked after he stopped doing his stupid stunt. "Yeah, I'm good, I mean, I'm trying," you replied and he chuckled.

Suddenly everyone started moving slower and started acting as if they were all going to their own ways separately, driving away from each other, some stayed behind, others continued moving with the same speed to the front. Before you could even question the man about the odd behaviour of the group he spoke up. "There’s always police somewhere near here so we pretend we are going slow." He explained and you nodded even though the man couldn’t see you.

After a while they seemed to start going faster again and you eventually reached the place you were meant to go. It was a nice quiet beach. Secluded, with no one around except your group. Everyone slowly started getting off their bikes or out of their cars. The man turned the engine off and both of you got off.  You slowly moved away from the man and towards Jiyoung, who took your hand holding you away from the others so they wouldn’t hear. "Everything alright?" She asked and you nodded.

"I'm fine"

"I saw the stunt Yoongi did. Where you scared?" "A little, but I'm fine, so it's okay I guess." You replied and she nodded. She picked up her speed again, walking towards the others, plopping next to her boyfriend and you awkwardly sat next to her. On your right there was no one and you were thankful for that. You'd rather just sit there alone than have to talk with someone and probably embarrass yourself.

Sadly, you weren't lucky for long, because soon the man who you finally knew was named Yoongi sat near you. He didn't say anything to you, instead he continued talking with the guy on his right. You just sat there, enjoying the view of the sea, the small waves creating a nice ambience and the moonlight shining over your big group. There barely were any streetlights making it very dark, but at least that made it easier to look at the stars.

You recognised a few constellations you knew could be visible in that time of the year. You were probably staring for a long time because you felt a nudge from your left making you turn to look at Jiyoung, who nodded towards Hoseok.

"Do you not get bored of looking at the sky for so long?" He jokingly asked and you just chuckled. You turned to look at the sea this time. A few moments later you heard a soft voice in your ear. "You like stars, huh?" Yoongi asked. "Um yeah, I was looking at the constellations that are visible now, but I couldn’t recognize all of them" you said awkwardly.

"Which ones?" He asked and you raised an eyebrow. "Which ones?" You repeated. "Which ones do you recognize and which ones do you not?" He asked and you let out a small "oh" before pointing at the sky.

"I recognize that one, Cassiopeia. But those three stars in a row remind me or Ursa Minor but I can’t seem to find the rest of it."

"That's because that's not Ursa Minor. It's Orion. Those 3 stars are the belt. The two stars on the top and the two stars on the bottom form his body" he said and you looked at him dumbfounded. "Really?" You asked and he nodded with a chuckle.

"Wow, it's the first time I actually see Orion." You thought out loud.


Who could have thought that just a small conversation about stars would make you this charmed. The man had a soft smile on his face while speaking. You'd expect him to smirk and act all cocky, but he was very kind which of course made you feel some type of way. Seeing this side from a man like this.

It shouldn't have been a surprise to Jiyoung when you easily agreed to go hang out with their group again. The fact that you spent most of the time with Yoongi shouldn’t have been a surprise either.

He seemed to be able to hold a conversation with you, despite your not so similar ways of living. You knew he was bad news, but that didn't stop you from developing a small crush for the man.

He was just so charming and his chuckle when you attempted to make a joke gave you butterflies in your stomach.

Jiyoung never commented on how you and Yoongi seemed to often move a little farther from the rest of the group when talking.

Eventually, Yoongi made his move on you and you let him, which lead to the two of you dating. Still, you didn't know much about each other, but you wanted to and blinded by his charm, you saw potential in the man.

One night, again at that beach, the two of you decided to go on a walk along the beach, look at the stars, throw rocks at the sea and see who can throw it further. After you managed to throw one rock further than Yoongi, you cheered loudly and jumped up and down clapping your hands.

"I did it! I beat you! In your face loser!" you said and he laughed, enjoying seeing you act more freely around him. He continued looking at you even after you stopped laughing and you both made eye contact. You didn't speak, just admired each other's beautiful features.

Soon, he started leaning in and you did too. You glanced at his coral lips, not even slightly chapped and so inviting. You both closed the gap, your lips slowly moving against each other's. His hands slowly wrapped around your waist, your hands were resting on his chest and you continued to kiss for what felt like ages. When you finally stopped for air, you pressed your forehead against his and caught your breath.

One of his hands softly cradled your cheek making you look at him, before he leaned in giving you a small peck on the lips, his thumb softly rubbing your cheek.

"God, I wanted to do that so bad," he spoke softly and you almost whined at the sound of his voice. It was probably one of your favorite things about him. His voice, his tone when talking. When the moment was more intimate he seemed to be talking very lazily which you found so hot. When he liked what he was talking about he spoke with more energy and a little faster. Every once in a while he trailed off by breathing in, making a small sound similar to hissing with his teeth. At first you thought it was because it was chilly, but turns out it's just a habit he has when talking.


However, just like all stories, it's not always all rainbows and unicorns. Yoongi was never one of those boyfriends that tried to spend as much time with you as possible. At first you were okay with it because you are a busy woman after all and needed some personal time too. But then Yoongi's behaviour made it seem as if he avoided spending time with you on purpose.

You tried not to get jealous when you knew he was meeting up with women because after all he was just their dealer, so you had no reason to, but you also knew how many of them tried to flirt to get the product on a lower price. You liked to think that they never succeeded in this.

All couples argue every once in a while, so you tried to not let it ruin your relationship, but soon something happened and you can’t lie and say that you didn’t expect it, but you were just hoping it wouldn’t happen.

You had made Yoongi promise not to have drugs on him when he was with you and he had replied that he wasn't planning on doing it anyways. When police asked you to pull over you didn't worry and you just showed the officers your IDs and the papers for the motorcycle and were free to go. But one time, they checked the cigarette pack Yoongi had on him and escorted you to the police station.

The officers thought they found traces of weed in Yoongi's cigarettes and had to check, so until the results came out the two of you had to stay there. Luckily there was nothing in his cigarettes. They were just of bad quality, but that scared you so much you decided to stop what you had with Yoongi.

"I'm sorry but I just can't take this. Feeling as if at any time of the day I could suddenly have trouble with the police. We were lucky you actually had nothing on you this time, but who knows what will happen in the future. You might forget it and I don't want any trouble because of this."

He understood you. He didn't try to change your mind. He just explained you that he couldn't change his lifestyle, at least for now, but he respected your decision to break up with him. To say you were shocked he was so calm about it was an understatement. But you were glad he was. It didn't make it hurt any less though.

Jiyoung told you from time to time about how Yoongi had been. Yoongi asked her about you too. She tried to get the two of you to just text each other every time you felt like hearing from the other, but you never did. You could only move on and by continuing to talk with him, you wouldn't be able to do it.

You don’t know whether you regret dating Yoongi or not. It was an experience. You had been taught many lessons. The most important of them was to not get his easily charmed.

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3 years ago

Rivalry part 7


Rivalry part 7

An enemies-to-lovers Chenle x reader au (ft Haechan x Mark, Jeno x Jaemin)

Summary: Y/n and Chenle’s parents have rival companies. They’ve been enemies their whole lives, always competing on everything. It seems as if the rivalry will go on forever, but fate has different plans. What could possibly make the two have a civil conversation and not turn everything into a competition?

Warnings: swear words here and there

Previous part / Next part

Rivalry Masterlist            

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3 years ago

Rivalry part 6


Rivalry part 6

An enemies-to-lovers Chenle x reader au (ft Haechan x Mark, Jeno x Jaemin)

Summary: Y/n and Chenle’s parents have rival companies. They’ve been enemies their whole lives, always competing on everything. It seems as if the rivalry will go on forever, but fate has different plans. What could possibly make the two have a civil conversation and not turn everything into a competition?

Warnings: swear words here and there

Previous part / Next part

Rivalry Masterlist            

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3 years ago

He was addictive


Johnny x reader

Summary: You felt like you have loved Johnny since forever. But why would he like you back? So you opted to simply stay friends with him.

Warnings: mentions of drugs

Genre: Angst

Word count: 1k (1047 words)

A/N: I suggest you listen to  “ High Enough - K.Flay (RAC Remix) // slowed.” as i got a lot of inspiration from it!


The car the two of you were in slowed down and eventually came to a stop. You glanced at him and back at the beautiful scenery in front of you. In all honestly, you couldn’t decide who was more beautiful. Him or the scenery.  

You both opened the car doors, leaving them open so that the music you played could be heard outside too. You were alone there, so it’s not like you would disturb anyone else. The sweet ambience of the music paired with the sound of the wind and nature made you relax, as you leaned on the windshield, Johnny didn’t mimic your actions, which gave you the chance to stare at his back.

You had admitted it to yourself long ago. You liked him. No, scratch that, you loved him. But how could you not? Literally everyone liked him for obvious reasons. He is so kind, so fun to be around, so understanding. As his longtime friend, you got to know him even better than what others did and you obviously fell deeper for him.

What he thought was awkward, cringy or a flaw was the thing you adored the most about him. You loved how he acted around people he doesn’t know well, you loved how he wasn’t afraid to show who he really is when he was around his closest friends, you loved how he wasn’t afraid to show vulnerability when he was around you. You loved every side of him.

He was sweet and caring to everyone, but it still made you feel a certain type of way when he acted like that to you. You have experienced so many things with Johnny, he has seen you at your best and your worst. You have seen him at his best and worst too. But other than you, he had other close friends too, who have also seen all his sides.

But how does he always make you feel unique? It’s the way he pays his undivided attention to you when you speak. It’s the way he holds you close when you feel broken. It’s the way he smiles at you, the way he laughs at your jokes.

You’re not sure when you fell for him, but it feels like it had always been like this. Being away from him always made you sad. It didn’t simply make you sad, it hurt you. Johnny was like a drug to you. No actual drug could make you feel so high, as when you were around him. He was addictive and you couldn’t help but constantly want to be around him.

People have needs and have to fulfill them. Just like the need for food, people search for the best product that will fulfill it. If they can’t afford the best one, they turn to lower quality products that could at least fulfill a part of their needs. Similarly, you tried dating other people. But they were all low quality products. You will never feel fully satisfied unless you get the highest quality product. To you, Johnny was the highest quality product.

You could never see anyone other than him. To you, it was only him, him, him. He was always your priority. Over almost anyone else and if someone made you choose between him and another important to you person, you’d split yourself into two just to make sure you were there for the both of them. You just can’t put anyone over Johnny.

You were his priority too. One of his priorities at least. He would try to split himself in order to be there for you too. But… knowing that you’d still forgive him if he didn’t choose you, you’d probably tell him prioritize others over you. Prioritize those he was more afraid of losing. Because he wasn’t afraid of losing you. It’s not that he took you for granted, it’s just that he knew how much you cared for him.

But if he knew, wouldn’t he have realized that you had feelings for him by now? You don’t know if he chooses to ignore them for the sake of your friendship or because he is oblivious, but you believe that it was most likely that he ignored them. He probably knew that if he brought it up, it would ruin the dynamics of your friendship.

Because, let’s be honest, Johnny could never see you the way you see him. He is too perfect and you’re too average. So you decided it’s better to have him in your life as a friend than not have him at all and get rejected.

“Did you ever hear a thing of what I said?” Johnny joked and you finally stopped daydreaming. “No, I’m sorry I was deep in thought.” You said shaking your head.

“I figured,” he chuckled and took a good look at you, who was staring at the scenery in front of you.

“Hey, what’s on your mind?” he said and you waved a hand dismissively. “It’s nothing, what were you talking about?”

“No no, missy, we are gonna talk about this. Seriously, what’s on your mind?”

You sighed. You can’t tell him. You can’t tell him that all that has been in your mind was him. That it was you hoping you’d ever get to kiss his pretty pink lips. That you’ll one day be able to taste them. You can’t tell him that you’ve been thinking of the two of you together, him not seeing anyone other than you just like how you do for him.

Oh, how you wished you were the water bottle he held in his hand, slowly raising to his lips. When he offered you some, you refused, but then cursed at yourself for missing a chance of an indirect kiss. But it’s not like you two never share bottles, so you’ll have this chance again in the future.

You opt for the easy way out, telling him you’re just stressed about a few responsibilities you had to take care of, but that it will go away and that he has no reason to worry. He doesn’t seem to believe you, but he lets it go for the moment and you go back to your daydreaming as soon as he turns his gaze away from you.

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