cartoonfan130 - Cartoon Fan/Carson
Cartoon Fan/Carson

Artist and Fan of Many Cartoons. Local Autistic Queer, They/Them, Level 17. DNI if Proship/NSFW

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1 year ago

Hot take ig

Hello hazbin hotel fandom! Not even a month of interacting with you people and i’m already tired of the Alastor crusaders.

As a person on the aro/ace spectrum who’s in a happy relationship, i’m asking you guys for the love of god to STOP being annoying about the shippers. Shippers are, first of all, inevitable in any fandom. Also, do you really expect the most famous character in the franchise to NOT be paired up with one/ multiple other characters?

If it really pisses you off about how “it’s taking away representation” (which, no it’s not, because canonically he’s still aro/ace) then maybe, JUST MAYBE, ignore the fucking people trying to have fun????

“oh but it doesn’t make any sense” crack ships aren’t supposed to make sense. And since when does shipping need to have a reason to exist other than “i think they have a nice dynamic”?

“aro/ace people can’t date/ have sex!!!” yes they can and they do, since it’s a spectrum.

My guy literally eats people and you’re over here fuming about the morality of shippers? Get a grip please he’s not a real person.

The issue is ONLY when people are denying the existence of aromanticism/asexuality irl to the people part of the community. Because warping canon has always been a part of fandom culture.

Genderbending is a thing, yet i don’t see people complaining about someone’s canon gender getting changed for fanart or fanfiction. Because it isn’t a fucking problem, it isn’t in any way affecting the actual source material.

Despite all of this, most people who do ship Alastor with someone DO view him on the aro/ace spectrum, so i honestly do not understand what warrants the death threats to these poor (mostly) teenagers just engaging with the fandom.

Unless the ship is illegal, i say go for it and stop worrying about what people on the internet have to say!!

1 year ago

My current Hazbin queer and nerodivergant headcannons!

Charlie: Bisexual with female preference and has ADHD

Vaggie: Asexual lesbian and has generalized anxiety disorder

Angel: Hypersexual asexual homoromantic

Alastor: Aroace

Husk: Asexual demiromatic panromantic

Niffty: Straight ally

Sir Pentious: Graysexual heterosexual grayromatic biromantic and autistic

Cherri Bomb: Bisexual recipromantic

Vox: Bisexual with male preference

Velvette: Lesbian

Valentino: Pansexual

Lucifer: Straight ally and autistic

Emily: Non-binary and uses any pronouns

Adam: Straight

Lute: Lesbian

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