Thursdays Of Dark Grey Skies; H.p.
thursdays of dark grey skies; h.p.
pairing: harry james potter x ravenclaw!fem!reader
synopse: who would have thought that one study thursday of dark grey skies could change so much?
warnings: none, just fluff
word count: 5.8k words
a/n: i’m so soft, i genuinely loved writing this. enjoy!

The sky was grey.
And it wasn't your typical is-raining-soon-light-gray type of colour, it was a dark shade of grey that stained the sky. There was no rain, there was no wind, it was just- dark. Like the night was trying to break out sooner than planned, fighting the light out of the day. For an early october thursday afternoon, the grayish weather shouldn't feel this uncommon. This captivating. But it just gave (ironically) such light to everything within the dark air reach. It was strangely so beautiful. Harry was at the library with practically everyone he knows when he looked outside of one of the windows. And when he says 'practically everyone he knows' he really means the whole castle was in there. Thursdays afternoons are homework and study afternoons. You catch up with any subject you could be behind, you finish all the work that was due friday (which happened more often than not) and your weekend would be mostly free. It was the most practical plan for the academic life of most students, as Hermoine had once said. So, the Hogwarts library was the place for the fourth day of the week. The environment created there was, to put it simply, those that made you work harder. Everyone shared the same goal; all the students from all years, all the students from all houses. Almost every table was occupied, and some even had to be conjured in the middle and left side of the room, the places that had more students. Red, yellow, green and blue were mixed around and a friendly and calm atmosphere flew above them. Despite being packed, the noise wasn't too loud. Quiet chatter and laughs could be heard, but nothing too extreme. Madame Prince had long ago quitted shushing students everytime one made any type of sound. It just felt right to be in there. Even more so when the big windows that contorned one of the sides of the enormous room showed the magical view of the dark grey sky. And because the light outside was mostly dim, candles flew all over the room to give enough light to work with. And as Harry looked around he felt content. He was seated in one of the newly conjured tables, a little to the right from the middle, so he had a pretty good view of the room in general. Ron was now discreetly discussing with a Hufflepuff named Ernie MacMillan and Seamus about the excessive amount of work Snape gives them, their potions assignment long forgotten. Fred, George and several of their other friends sat in another table close by, trying to finish their transfiguration project without the twins and Lee destroying anything. Luna was drawing, humming quietly, with Ginny reading just beside her, and Hermoine was helping Dean on the essay of History of Magic along with Daphne Greengrass from Slytherin. Harry had already finished all of his homework for this week (a first in his whole life). He had his arms crossed and leaned back on his chair, now observing the intriguing dark sky. The lazy light coming from the candles complemented beautifully the colour of the clouds. Harry would laugh and talk quietly every now and then with those around him, now being completely relaxed with the new work-free feeling that would linger for a few days. He was just back to looking at the window again when something caught his eye. In the very far corner of the library, on the right side of the room, was someone writing calmly in a piece of parchment with some books laying around. And after a few seconds, Harry recognised the person; it was you. You hadn't talked much in your past school years. Truth to be told, it wasn’t that common for Gryffindor's and Ravenclaw's to have classes together, so it all depended on your social luck to befriend one another. But Harry did know who you were. You were in the same year as him, obviously sorted into Ravenclaw, and basically the most beautiful girl Harry has ever seen. Your hair seemed slightly darker because of the light, but your eyes were shining like the little fire of the candles floating around was being reflected within them, and your cute nose was scrunched up ever the slightest in concentration. He then noticed that your legs were crossed beneath you and your feet would sometimes wigle. Not wanting to seem like a creep, Harry teared his eyes from the adorable girl, looking down at his table with a small grin plastered on his features. "She is the cutest, isn't she? " Hermoine said, nudging Harry with a knowing smirk on her face. "What? " Harry snapped his head at his best friend's direction (almost breaking his neck I'm the process), eyes widening. "Y/N. I study with her sometimes. Love her, " now she was just shamelessly messing with him. "Who does Hermoine love? " questioned Ron from the other side of the table, his eyebrows raised as he looked around. "Ron no-" "Y/N. Harry was staring at her. Someone has a crush, " Dean responded with a sing-like voice and a huge grin. The mouth of the boy in question was hanging open by now. "Harry has a crush on who?! " Fred Weasley exclaimed a little too loudly, attracting the attention of almost everyone at their tables. "Shush! " hissed Madame Prince from afar. Harry sighed and banged his head on the table. He really should get new friends. "That Ravenclaw girl! Harry always gushes about her when we get out of DADA with Ravenclaw, " Seamus laughed. "That is so adorable! Ah, young love..." George squealed. Harry tried to go under the table and hide but Hermoine pulled him back almost immediately, making the bespectacled boy scowl. "Don't you guys have any other stuff to do that doesn't concern my love life?" Harry exclaimed indignantly, earning yet another reprimand from Madame Prince. "You're just salty because you know how many guys and girls have their eyes on Y/L/N, " muttered a smirking Ron. "Why won't you talk to her, Harry? " asked Neville rather innocently. Harry looked at you again. Why wouldn't he talk to her? Well, because first- he was awkward; second- what if you didn't want to talk to him?; and third- what would he even say? You continued to write calmly, almost lazily, over the piece of parchment. Harry noted that your hair continued slightly darker, your eyes still shiny, your nose still a little scrunched up, and your feet would still wigle sometimes. And just like that Harry had a small grin again, completely forgetting all about the pairs of eyes on him. "Completely whipped, " whispered Dean to Hermoine. Eventually, they all went back to their tasks, leaving Harry once again alone with his thoughts while looking out of the window. Harry wanted to meet you. He wanted to know your likes and dislikes, what you do when you're anxious or stressed, and find out if you always wiggle your feet when you're sitting. He wanted to know if you were just as attracted to this type of weather as Harry was, or if you preferred sunny days. So, with all of his Griffindor's courage he could gather, he stood up. Harry firstly took off his robes, which were starting to get uncomfortable for a while now, and rolled the sleeves of his white shirt up to his elbows. His clothes were a hot mess (quite literally); his vibrant red tie was loose on his neck and his shirt was ruffled, the top of it unbuttoned, as Harry always felt claustrophobic when clothes were too tight on him, and one of the sides of the shirt practically untucked from his black trousers. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to tidy it up a little, but the raven black locks stayed as messy as ever. He then adjusted his black rimmed new glasses, oblivious as ever from the intense stares of the boys and girls that were close enough to see the green eyed boy. Taking a deep breath, he started his way towards you. "Hi, " Harry said hesitantly, looking down at you. When you looked up, your heart race picked up significantly . The boy was none other than Harry James Potter. Harry, the cutest and the most adorable boy to ever exist (and one of the hottest, to be honest). You felt a strange tingling sensation in your belly as you took in the careless situation his white shirt was in, his loose tie, the rolled up sleeves, and his messy hair. You also noted that Harry had new glasses. His cheeks were a little flushed, and he was biting his lower lip. If possible, your heart started to beat even faster and you were sure your cheeks were no better than Harry's. Harry, unsurprisingly, didn't really notice that you were practically checking him out, thanks to his nerves, and took your silence the wrong way and panicked. "I'm sorry, It's just that I saw you here alone, and you're really pretty- I mean! The tables's pretty! Yes, very nice strong shiny wood, such a good table, really. " You blinked at him. "And the sofa. Must be so so comfortable this sofa. I see why you like it; it's big and warm and it seems like a really good place to take a nap, " Harry continued his ramble, apparently not being able to stop, and getting more nervous and flustered as he talked. He could just feel the group's hysterics from behind; Ron's uncontrollable laughter and Dean's wheeze, Neville's uncertain thumbs up and Seamus smirk. Harry was pretty sure that Hermoine was facepalming and he was terrified of all the teasing from the twins and Ginny he would have to endure once this nightmare was over. He didn’t even want to imagine what his friends and classmates from the other houses were thinking (probably that his awkwardness was too embarrassing and that they would have a good laugh when telling their own other friends, but it didn't matter). "I'm sorry, I'm just going to go– " Harry started to turn around when a hand stopped him. "No! No, I'm sorry, I was just surprised, " you interrupted, quickly standing up and grabbing Harry's arm, pushing him back. Your hand continued to gently grab his wrist, getting unconsciously closer to his hand at each passing second. Your noses were just a few inches apart as well as your bodies, aching to get just a little bit closer. Harry was sure that his heart had exploded by now and he was just a very alive magical breathing zombie, while you feared that your legs were losing its strength and energy. Harry's hand wanted to touch your waist, but it refrained from doing so, fearing that you wouldn't be comfortable with it. "Besides, I wouldn't want to destroy your dreams and not invite you to sit on this really good sofa. " Harry was stunned for a moment at your unexpected teasing and then laughed the most quietly he could, remembering that you were still at the library with hundreds of other students. And with the help of your shy smile and warmth, as well as the calm environment they were in, Harry started to relax, the bad nervous and insecure feeling slipping away. "I'm Harry, " he breathed. You were still close to him. Almost too close. "Y/N, " you answered just the same, glancing up at his handsome face with a, in Harry's most unbiased opinion, precious small grin. After a few seconds of staring at each other, you both pull slightly apart and sit down on the sofa. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Mr. Potter?" you joked, leaning back to the corner of the sofa, trying to keep your nerves in check. "Well, maybe the infernal teasing from my idiots of friends back there? And you seemed like good company, " Harry responded, leaning back too, turning his head so he could see you. "I'm flattered, but they seem so much fun," you wondered. "Hm, they are. For the majority of time at least. " You turned momentarily your eyes to the parchment over the table. You were writing next week's assignment for History of Magic (you convinced Professor Binn to tell you beforehand) but now you wanted to take a break. You wanted to enjoy Harry's company while it lasted. "How come you're not working or studying? It must be a first in study thursday, " you asked, looking at Harry again, just to see that his eyes were already on you. "For the first time in my life, I'm not behind anything, and already finished my potions assignment with Hermoine's help... So I was just there looking at the window and, well, you know the rest, " said Harry. The big window came all the way down to the far corner Harry and you were in. The new duo was tucked in the corner of the sofa, and had the most perfect view to the outside. You had her back almost turned completely to the window and the wall that met just behind the pillows laying around over the dark red velvet sofa. Harry now noticed that there was a huge red and black squared blanket folded between the cushions and your robes, which looked like they were thrown rather clumsily aside. "How come I've never seen this place? It's way bigger and comfier than the other sofas and tables in here, " Harry frowned. The naps he could have had in here, hiding from Hermoine when she went crazy. You laughed lightly. "Madame Prince is a family friend, so she arranged this place when I came here. Which is more often than not... " you trailed off, noticing Harry puppy's eyes directed at the cushions and her blanket. "Honestly, what is your problem with furniture? Do you fall in love with it every time you see it? " you asked, amusement lacing your voice. Harry snapped his head back at you. "What?! No! " he exclaimed, a little embarrassed. "But this sofa really is the best, truly. I think you'll have a hard time getting rid of me now, " Harry grinned, adjusting his glasses. You had to almost physically stop yourself from fawning over the bewitching boy. "Well, you are now welcome everytime. I could use some company, " you said, feeling giddy. You smiled at each other. "Even if you only come here because of the strong and shiny wood table and the really good sofa and pillows. " "Y/N!" . You and Harry spent the next hour and a half talking and laughing (mostly quietly) with one another. You were just so happy with one another that you didn't want the day to end, afraid that your bond would suddenly disappear. You eventually opened your blanket because it was starting to get too chilly in the library to ignore, even with the flaming fireplaces. The two of you were now tucked in in the blanket, leaning against the many cushions against the line where the window and the wall would meet. Your shoulders, legs and arms were brushing under it, but neither of you made a single move to change that. The room was still packed, seeing that it was still technically early, but not for much longer, as dinner time was slowly approaching. "I absolutely love this weather. It's even more magical than Hogwarts itself," Harry sighed. "Didn't know Potter boy had now become weather boy, " you giggled. "Oh, fuck off, " he laughed, nudging your shoulder with his. "But really, I just love it. I think this dark grayish colour is my new favourite. Just after the colour of your eyes, of course, " Harry grinned. "Oh my, someone save me from this corny weather boy, please!" you mumbled dramatically. "But, honestly, it's my favourite too. I'm really hoping for it to rain tonight." "Yeah, me too. It's one of the best feelings ever, " Harry said foundly. You frowned. "It's just so pretty. I don’t understand how some people don't like it." "Well, not everyone can have good taste, Y/N. Imagine if everybody liked treacle tart? A total tragedy, " Harry sighed in content, imagining one piece of his favourite dessert. He then pouted. "Now I'm hungry. Thank you very much, Y/L/N. " You laughed. You sure seemed to do that a lot with Harry around, and the butterflies in your belly were still yet to fly away. "It's almost dinner time, anyway. So don't worry much, I'll save you one tart when we get there, " you rolled your eyes. Harry's face fell, and he looked at the rest of the library. There was more noise now, almost everyone was exiting the room or cleaning their things up, heading towards the Great Hall. His friends were still at his previous table, some getting up and stretching (Harry could almost swear he heard Dean's back crack all the way to where he was sitting with you) and others making sure everything was in place. "Already?" He asked in a small voice, making you freak out over how cute the boy looked at the moment. Harry's eyebrows were furred and his pout grew even bigger. His pupils were so dilated that you almost couldn't see his green irises. He was sad and disappointed that he had to leave you and your spot, and you couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought. "Harry, " you called with your eyebrows raised, a smirk plastered on your face, "As much as your lost little puppy face amuses me, we should get going. I too want treacle tart, so let's go, " you teased, starting to put everything in your navy blue bag. "But Y/NNN, " Harry whined, dragging your name. "I am so comfortable right now. Don't want to get up. " "Are you always this dramatic?" you asked, crossing your arms. Harry gave you a lopsided grin, "Did you know that they say that my dad and Padfoot were total drama queens? Must be the genes." You cackled. You weren't even really sure of what, or who he was talking about but it didn't make it less funny. You pushed him off the sofa, yanking the blanket from him and shoving it into your bag, ignoring his protests. You swung your bag over one shoulder and looked up at Harry. "Ready?" Harry mumbled, "Could've at least let me keep the blanket..." You started to walk away, shaking your head, and Harry quickly followed you. "Honestly, Potter, we don't have all night!" "Hey- wait f'me!" Harry exclaimed, hurring to get to you. You just giggled in response, and the two of you made your way to the Great Hall. . Both you and Harry had to endure much teasing and many questions from their respective friends. Harry had his face hidden in his hands, wanting to evaporate out of there. You would play with your rings and roll your eyes at any stupid question. You rolled your eyes quite often. After the initial shock, the whispers and glances had started, annoying you profusely. Can't people just mind their own business? you thought.
Harry wanted to hide under the table, and he had now decided that he should really really really get new friends. Fortunately, the curious stares (at least the obvious ones) eventually stopped. Harry caught your eyes a few times and he made a silly face everytime that happened. You replied every time with another one, enjoying your new 'game'. When the desserts started to appear on the tables, you immediately took two pieces of one of the treacle tarts and lifted your plate excitedly as soon as you and Harry made eye contact again. Harry smirked, and lifted his own plate, showing you three pieces there.
One for you and two for me! he mouthed. You bursted out laughing, shaking your head and shoved a bit of the sweet into your mouth. As for Harry, treacle tarts never tasted better. But this didn't go unnoticed. Especially not the teachers table. Professor Flitwick started a whole bank of bets about his new pair; he and Fred and George Weasley would associate soon enough. "I just know they will be together by January," he whispered to himself. "Oh, don't be ridiculous, Filius. Christmas is their time, believe me," answered Professor McGonagall, having heard him clearly even over the room's noise. "February, " piped in Dumbledoor dreamily. "Or never, " grumbled Snape. Professor Sprout threw her water at him. Not long after dinner time had ended, the students went to their respective common room. You and Harry met at the bottom of one of the moving stairs, trying to get ready to go your own way. Ron, Hermoine and a few others waited for him a little far away, not wanting to wait for the teasing to continue. Awkward and flustered Harry was one of their favourites. "Well... I guess I'll see you around," you said, adjusting your bag while looking up at the fidgeting boy. "Yeah..." Harry trailed off, glancing around. He was hitting himself internally for being so lame. "Harry. " you called, lifting your hand to Harry's face so he would face her, thanking everything you knew for your newfound confidence. "Thank you for going to see me at the library. I am really glad you did," you smiled softly. "I am glad, too, " he whispered. Harry then grasped your hand, which was still in his face, and stroked the back of it for a bit. "Good night, Y/N." He eventually said, grinning at your red face. You huffed and pulled your hand away just to push him slightly back. "Don't get all mushy now, you wanker!" "Ah, you wished, Y/L/N, " Harry retorted, starting to walk back to his friends. He then looked at you again. "See you around!" "See you, " you waved and went back to your own friends. . It had been almost three months since that thursday evening, and you Harry really did see each other round. The duo became almost inseparable, if someone saw you, you would see Harry Potter not far away, and where you saw Harry you would see you close by. You had become very close with the rest of the Griffindor's. Harry eagerly introduced you to them a few days after you officially met, and you were welcome with open arms. As for Harry, he was quite nervous when meeting the other Ravenclaw's, but with your help, he soon made new friends with them too. The two of you, despite all of the circumstances, would always make time for one eachother everyday. Be it just relaxing by the black lake, studying at your spot in the library, or messing around the corridors. You had built a beautiful friendship in a very short period of time, and that both scared and amazed you. It was all just so natural. It was all just like it should be. Most said you were secretly dating. After all, you were always touching each other. Arms around the other shoulder or waist, sometimes holding hands, the occasional kisses in cheeks, forehead, head, and the frequent hugs. It all started when you noticed how touch starved Harry was. So, you first started to do small things when you two were alone; grab his hand, lean your head on his shoulder, linger a little longer in your before short awkward hugs. So, when you asked Harry if and how comfortable he was with your affections, and then if you could display them in public, you received a very excited nod from Harry and a very tight hug, as well as a kiss on your head.
After that, neither of you stopped your affections. Feelings soon developed after your friendship blossomed, but neither you nor Harry acted on it. You liked how things were, you liked your intimate uncomplicated friendship. And besides, you thought that the others' feelings were purely platonic, afraid of rejection. Hermoine and Ron had yelled at the both of you because of it more often than not. It was almost Christmas time, and you couldn't wait for it. You would be seeing your family for the first time in a while, and then you would finally meet the rest of Weasleys, as Ron had invited you to spend the rest of the holiday at his house. When you knew that both Harry and Hermoine were going too, you couldn't help but say yes. Just a few more days. It was thursday again, and because of your now finished tests and exams, you and Harry decided to ditch the study day to spend the afternoon at the black lake. It was nostalgic. The afternoon was just the same as the day you had met, except this time the sky seemed even darker. There was still no wind, and there was still no rain, only the dark sky and the winter cold air. Harry had his back against one of the trees close by, and you were snuggled up to him, trying to block out the cold, even though the you two were under your warm red and black squared blanket. Harry's strong arms were wrapped around your figure perfectly, making you relish the fuzzy feeling that went through your bodies, as you both tried to get comfortable.
Your hair was pulled into a careless bun to keep it out of your face. A fluffy scarf was wrapped around your neck, and you had previously discarded your robe into a shorter and warmer dark blue cape. Your nose and cheeks were flushed with the cold temperature, but you could've sworn you had never felt so warm before. In your gloved hands was a securely held book, and you tried to get lost in its world. Which was very very difficult when Harry was just behind you, holding you, being the adorable boy he was. He had a black beanie in his head and some of his messy raven locks escaped underneath it. His nose and cheeks were pink as well, making his green eyes stand out. Harry wore a dark blue (almost black) hoodie which was a little big on him, but you almost died of how cute it looked on him. For the past half an hour, not much was spoken between you two. You wanted to just finish that chapter, and Harry was trying his best to not disturb you (although it was quite difficult for him to stay still). He first stared a little at you, as you were too beautiful to not to. Then, he read the book with you for a while, but quickly got distracted by the weather. It entranced him, just like in that day at the library. If he could, he would look at it for hours. Harry didn't notice when you closed your book, adjusted the blanket around you more tightly and looked up at him. Only when you lifted your hand to cup one of his flushed cheeks did Harry snap out of his trance. Harry leaned into your touch. "Hello there," he gave you a boyish smile. "Hi, weather boy," you grinned. You stroked his cheek slowly while your other hand reached for his crooked glasses. "I thought we agreed to not talking about that again," Harry frowned. But he wasn't really upset by it, if the amusement in his eyes were anything to go by. You shrugged. "You were making heart eyes at it again." "Well, it's just like the day we met! Remember?" Harry asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Of course I do. Such a special day. The day I found out that the Harry James Potter fell in love with couches and tables." you said, trying to keep a straight face. But when Harry gave you the most done look you had ever seen, you bursted out laughing. "You will never let that go, will you?" Harry huffed, turning his face to the opposite side from you. "Never," you said. However, when you saw his pout, you couldn't resist and leaned to kiss his jaw. "But, honestly? It was one of the most important days of my life." Harry turned to you. "Why?" he asked curiously. "Because I got to meet the one who would become my favourite person," you smiled softly. Harry's heart was practically bursting out of his chest and he was very worried that you could hear it. He could only stare into your eyes, and the need to taste you was becoming too unbearable for him. A minute passed. Then two. And Harry finally opened his mouth. "I really want to kiss you right now, " he breathed. Your mind went almost completely blank, a very rare occurrence. All you knew was- one, if you were standing right now your legs would have probably given you up; two, the strange feeling in your belly was starting to become a little too intense; and three, you really wanted to kiss him too. It didn't take much for you to answer. "So why don't you?" You met half ways, neither was sure of who moved first. Your mouths were just pressing each other softly, relishing on the new mind-blowing feeling. Harry's lips were slightly chapped because of the cold and they moulded perfectly against your soft ones. It was a soft, innocent peck that lingered for some time. Harry pulled apart after a few seconds, opening his eyes and looking into yours. Harry's breathing was uneven matching your breathy one. And in one quick and craving move, you kissed again. Your hands were on Harry's chest, moving them in an up-and-down motion. Harry grabbed you by the torso and pulled you onto his lap, trying to get you as close as possible. This time, the kiss was passionate, almost desperate, as your mouths moved against each other. Neither cared about the air necessity; you didn't want to pull away, and Harry didn't really care if the oxygen in his lungs ended. Harry brushed his tongue against your bottom lip, making youpart them. Your tongues involved with one another, fighting for dominance. Your teeth would sometimes clash but not in a painful way, it was in a hungry one. You eventually gave up and let Harry explore your mouth. You focused now on the feeling of his body pressed on you; his well built (thank Merlin for quidditch) yet slim body. You travelled your hands up to his neck and your fingers played with the hairs that escaped the beanie on the nape of it. You then threw the beanie to where your book was lying, and ran your hands through his locks, no doubt making them even more messy. When your lungs were finally burning too much, you pulled away just enough for you to trail hot-mouthed kisses from the corner of Harry's mouth, to his jaw and his neck. Harry leaned his head slightly back so you could continue to leave kisses on his exposed skin. He was breathing hard, and he gripped his arms around your waist and torso for stability. His mouth was slightly agape, and he definitely wasn't much cold anymore. Harry didn’t even notice until now that the navy blanket fell just around your waists, keeping the lower part of your bellies and legs warm. You trailed her kisses back to his lips, leaving one chaste kiss there before pressing your forehead against Harry’s. Your breaths were ragged and neither of you had the energy just yet to open their eyes. A few minutes later, your eyes fluttered open and you saw Harry already staring at you with a small smile on his face. You didn’t really know what to say. Should you say thank you? Or confess your feelings for the boy. But wasn't it obvious? Well, Harry really could be very oblivious sometimes. Maybe you should just run and move out of the castle. You have always wondered what Beauxbatons looked like, maybe you could go there. But your thoughts were interrupted when Harry sighed. "You're so pretty," he whispered, as if talking would be too loud and ruin your moment. You chuckled. "I am going to be honest, this was the most unexpected thing I could have thought of when I woke up this morning, and I don't really know what to think, " you said, brushing your nose with Harry’s. "Oh, hm, was-was it bad? I-I'm sorry, didn’t mean to-" Harry started to ramble, and tried to pull away. "No! No, Merlin Harry, I'm sorry, didn’t mean to make you feel bad!" you rushed to say, and hugged him closer. "It was really perfect, I just don't know what this means for us now, you know? It's a little scary, that's all." Harry leaned in and brushed your lips together. He gave you a light kiss before pulling back with the most gorgeous smile you had ever seen. "Well, it would be a little awkward if now you said you didn’t like me back, but I'm pretty sure your mouth was saying something really different not even five minutes ago, so-" "You're a complete idiot, did you know that Harry Potter?" you exclaimed in disbelief. "Your idiot now." You looked like a little kid on Christmas. "My idiot." You snuggled against Harry's chest, being now turned sideways on his lap, and leaned your forehead into the junction of his neck and shoulder. Harry's arms were still closely wrapped around you. You then pulled the blanket up again, making sure it covered all of your bodies, trying to keep the warmth that didn't escape. Harry looked up at the clouds. The dark grey colour still stained them, and little drops of rain met the ground timidly. He didn’t notice when it had started raining thanks to the tree you and Harry were currently leaned on. The smiles on your faces didn't seem to want to leave. It seemed the same. Just like that thursday at the library, as if nothing had changed. But things really did change, and in the most unique and pure way possible. Harry returned his attention to the girl in his arms and hugged you tighter. A content sigh left his lips as he closed his eyes. Here he was, in his favourite place, his home; in Hogwarts, with this magic sky above him, almost protecting him from all his nightmares just because of it's magic aura, with you in his arms. How he got so lucky? He wasn't quite sure. But he finally was happy. Thank Merlin for thursdays, especially the ones with dark grey skies.
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thunder-bombs; h.p
pairing: harry james potter x fem!gryffindor!reader
synopsis: you love thunderstorms, until one night they bring bad memories back. who better than harry to make you feel better?
warnings: panick attack, thunderstorm (astraphobia), bombimg references, a little overdramatic maybe?, way too much fluff
word count: 3.4K words
a/n: so, this is my first fic! I'm nervous but excited? this is one of my confort scenarios so please beware; i wrote this at 1 am when i was sad. also, english is not my first language :) hope you enjoy!
You have always enjoyed storms.
The rain falling everywhere, hitting everything that couldn't find a shelter; the harsh wind fighting every direction it could assume; the smell that would linger once the storm had ended; the distant booming sound of thunder and flashes of lightning, giving a hint of the war happening within the clouds.
Actually, scratch that. You have always loved storms.
And tonight it was no different.
You fell asleep quite peacefully. Your roommates, in particular your best friend, Hermoine Granger, thought you were crazy. As she said, it was clear that this wasn't some random and innocent storm. It seemed much bigger, much stronger. And she found it crazy that you seemed actually happy about it. Her best friend really was strange sometimes.
It was long after you were asleep that the gryffindor tower (and the rest of the castle, for that matter) finally calmed and rested.
Until 3:27 am, that is.
It was like the sky had been ripped open, leaving an aching scar behind. Like a bomb has just gone off in the middle of the common room area.
Students woke up screaming and crying, and not just in the red house. It could be heard all over the castle. It was chaos.
You woke up like you were having a nightmare, and in a way, you were. You jolted up in your bed, eyes widened and breath quickened.
And suddenly, you were a naive 6-year-old child playing with the TV remote again. It was bad luck, honestly. Clicking on just that button. The button of some news channel replaying a video of an explosion in a city far away, caused by some terrific bomb.
The fire, the bodies lying around, the screams, and the sound. It was just like that thunder. And you were reliving those images again in your mind.
It may seem dramatic or ridiculous to some, hence why you didn't tell anyone, not even your family. But it was traumatising to you, especially at such a young age. It gave you a reality check, a different perspective of life, even though you only realised that a few years after.
For the few weeks after the accident, you would look through the news, hidden from your mom and dad, to see if your city would explode. You couldn't sleep, afraid that you would hear that sound again, but this time, near her house, and not just on the television. It marked your childhood.
And that thunder, that explosion in the sky, has just been like the bomb, bringing your childhood nightmare back.
"Y/N? Y/N, come on, it's okay. Everything's fine," Hermoine's voice made its way through your mind, and you finally snapped out of your trance.
Looking at her, you saw Hermoine at the end of your bed, her hand was on one of your knees, and her eyes were filled with worry.
"Oh my goodness- Y/N, sweetheart, you're shaking! Come here!" Lavender Brown approached, looking a little pale herself, and pulled you into a side hug. You couldn't quite think. your surroundings were slightly blurry, and there was this ringing in your ears that just wouldn't go away. You didn't like this. You wanted to run away from this night, you wanted to go back to sleep, you wanted to go back to your harmless dreams. Dreams with no booming sounds. You wanted to hide under your many blankets and cushions and stay there, where you would be safe.
"Hey, guys-" Parvati Patil announced re-entering the dorm — you didn't even notice when she had left — a little out of breath. "- let's go to the common room. They are all there- seems like no one wants to go to sleep now," Just now did you notice the distant noise of a mixture of chatter, cries, some yells and distinct laughs. You immediately thought of Fred and George, and them having the time of their lives; being awake at this hour of the night, making fun of their scared friends, and probably trying to terrorise some 1st years. The idea made you smile internally.
"Okay, okay, we're coming! Maybe It would be good, Y/N, relax a little. This actually might be fun," Lavender added, getting up after giving you another pat on the shoulder and taking Parvati's hand in hers, both heading down.
Hermoine tore her eyes from where the other two girls just were and looked at her best friend again with her eyebrows furrowed.
"Your lips are still shaking. And hands. What's happening? I thought you loved storms and anything of that sort," Hermoine questioned.
You tried to talk; tried to convince her that everything was fine, that you were fine, and that it was nothing. But your eyes started to fill with anxious tears and your mind was too confused to form proper words.
Hermoine stood from her spot and pulled you into a tight hug. "Wait just a minute, I'll be right back, okay?" she said in a hushed tone, rushing out of the room moments later.
You looked out of the window, still in a daze, as if expecting to see fire and corpses out there. But the only things she could see were the rain and the big storm that was trying to hide in the dark of the night.
You felt so stupid. This is ridiculous, you're a Gryffindor, for Godric's sake! Where was your bravery now? You hadn't even had a single nightmare about this for years.
But even with the rational side of your mind yelling at you, you couldn't stop your body from shaking, all because of your absurd fear. You frustratedly ran your hands over your face, trying (and failing) to take deep breaths and get your shit together. But really, there was no use.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice called you.
Your favourite voice.
You pulled your hands back from your head and glanced up at your very best friend. Harry James Potter.
As much as you wanted to hide and cover up your current state (which definitely wasn't your best), you couldn't. One look into his beautiful green eyes was all it took for your tears to fall, letting your walls tremble along with you.
"Oh- Y/N!" Harry stuttered, hurrying to come close to you, his furred eyebrows contorted an adorable expression in his handsome face.
Sitting in the middle of your bed, Harry pulled you onto his lap, which you gladly let him. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and breathed in his calming scent.
"You're okay, Y/N, everything's alright now. You're safe, I promise. It's okay. I'm here."
Harry kept whispering sweet things in your ear, giving you time and waiting patiently for you to stop crying. He was stroking your hair with one hand, effectively pressing your face into his neck and holding you in place. The other hand secured your body, his arm wrapping around you from under your legs, making your knees scrunched up to your chest. your hands grabbed his navy hoodie within its fists. It made you feel safe, warm and fuzzy, like you always were with Harry; even despite your current situation.
Harry was worried, scared and confused. He never saw you, his brave, impatient, confident and happy best friend like this, and it absolutely terrified him. He just wanted to take all your fears and sadness into a tiny box and destroy it. Or keeping all those bad feelings just to him, saving you from it.
Harry didn't like to see you cry. He didn’t like to see you scared out of your mind. And he definitely didn't like to see the desperate state you were in; sobbing and clinging onto him as if, otherwise, he would disappear forever. His heart was beating almost as quickly as yours. Harry closed his eyes tightly and tried to do his best in brushing your hair from your tear and sweat glistening face. Harry was a little shaken up from the thunder as well; he was sleeping so peacefully that it was quite the shock when he abruptly woke up. But he couldn't just figure out why it would do this to you. Sure, on his way to your's and Hermoine's dorm he saw several students crying, but a breakdown like this?
A light kiss on his neck put Harry out of his mind. Several minutes had passed. He looked down at the girl in his arms the best he could.
"Thank you, " you sighed in relief as a small smile was making its way onto your lips.
He smiled, relieved too. You were finally starting to stop physically shaking. "No need for that. That's what I'm here for."
You stayed in silence for a while. "Do you want to talk about it, Y/N? I know something's going on," Harry mumbled and re-started to stroke her hair. You focused on your breathing and closed your eyes even more tightly. Of course you wanted to tell someone, even more so if that someone happened to be Harry. After all, you had carried this burden with you, alone, for many years now. You just didn't want to show this cowardly side of yourself to Harry. It was such a stupid fear.
"It's stupid. I-I don't even know why I am such, such a mess," you eventually mumbled, and you felt Harry holding you closer to his body.
"If it's something that bothers you and you are scared of, it's not stupid, Y/N. Whatever it is, I am here for you, " Harry responded, pressing a kiss in the top of your head.
A few moments passed. You took a deep breath and started to tell the memory that has haunted you for so long. "When I was little, like 6 years o-old, I was playing with, with the TV remote in my house," you paused as you tried to control her breath.
Harry remained silent. He continued to stroke your skin and hair, just anything that his hands could reach really, not wanting to rush you.
"The, the channel. It was a news channel. It was replaying a video of an explosion somewhere, I-I don't remember where," you continued after a few minutes, relishing the lovingly embrace Harry was giving you.
"It showed everything, it was a video t-taken at the time. The fire, the buildings being ruined, the corpses of the people around, a-and the place where the bomb had gone off. And the sound. It was so loud and big and just terrifying. The sound, Harry. It- it traumatised me."
Harry glanced down at you again, tearing his eyes from the random spot they were before and looked into your watering ones.
"And that thunder was so similar to, to the noise the bomb made," you softly finished.
It almost was as if you and Harry were in a staring contest. You were looking into his eyes to see if he thought you were being childish, ridiculous. If all of this was just some big nonsense. Harry, however, couldn’t help but comprehend. He had his fair share of childhood trauma in his life, and he absolutely understand your's. For a small child, it must really be something that would scare you, and some fears just can't be overcome. Despite it all, Harry knew that he would stay with you no matter what, and help you when that fear came to haunt her again.
"You- you don't think it’s ridiculous or embarrassing, right?" you eventually broke the silence, growing anxious at every passing second.
Harry snapped out of his head. "What? Of course not! How could you even think that?! Y/N, no one is perfect, you're allowed to have fears! And if you ask me, your's pretty plausible. Fuck, I would be terrified of any type of thunder or loud sounds, honestly." Harry said indignantly, hugging the girl tighter.
You smiled up at him, now completely relaxed. Harry truly was special.
A few minutes passed before Harry decided to open his mouth again.
"Besides, even I almost passed out from my sleep with that thunder-bomb."
You bursted out laughing. This boy was just too stupid sometimes. "Thunder-bombs? What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"It's the most adequate name. Very unique if you asked me," Harry grinned, glad to see you starting to become your normal self again.
You pressed your head in the crook of Harry's neck again, and he felt you smile against it, along with another kiss.
"You wanna go downstairs? Everybody’s there," Harry asked. You hummed but didn't move a single muscle.
"Hermoine is quite worried, you know? She came downstairs yelling and slapping me. And then her worry worried Ron, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut, so now the twins are waiting for you, too. And don't even get me started on Dean, Merlin, that boy is too dramatic. Oh, and Neville cried. Ginny must be asleep again by now but I'm sure if was awake she would want to see you. Lavender-"
"Harry, you're rambling again, shut up," Your voice came muffled. You moved your position so your chest were touching his. Then, you circled your legs around his waist, your face never leaving its place. Harry's strong arms adjusted to the new position by wrapping themselves around your waist.
"You look like a koala, Y/N," Harry laughed, freeing one of his hands from your body to continue to play with your hair. He leaned his head on yours.
"So, you wanna go? McGonagall must have let us stay there, for them to not come upstairs by now."
"Hm, okay, let's go," you mumbled. You wrapped your arms and legs around him tighter, not wanting to let go.
There was a pause then.
"You want me to carry you?" Harry asked, but it sounded more like an affirmation. He knew how much you craved affection and cuddles when you are sad and tired.
You nodded against him, placing another small kiss in his exposed skin as a 'please'.
"Okay, let's go," he said, bringing the both of you off of your bed.
And Harry just doesn’t know what to do when in silence.
Once he stood up, Harry stopped for a minute to adjust your position on him, making sure you were comfortable. Your legs were still tied to his waist, arms enveloped around his torso just below his shoulders line. Harry's hands secured you by your thighs, caressing them gently every now and then. And not once did you move her face, kissing his soft neck sometimes.
Nobody commented on your and Harry’s 'situation', despite the many not-so-subtle glances. Everyone knew how close the two of you were, if your constantly shared affections were anything to go by. But, of course they were just best friends . The teachers even gave up on the whole 'girls and boys safety space' rule when it came to Y/N and Harry, finding it impossible to keep them apart. It was actually very endearing to the majority of them.
Harry looked around, trying hard to ignore the many pairs of eyes looking straight at him (and the girl in his arms).
"Where do you want to go? The group is on the big sofa by the window on the corner. But if you want we could go to the sofas near the fireplaces," Harry murmured into your ear.
"Let's go meet the group. I can feel Fred's and Dean's nerves all the way from here. What the hell did Hermoine and the girls tell? That the thunder hit me or something ?"
Harry laughed, and the sound made you smile.
The classes for the next day have been cancelled. Practically everyone and everything around Hogwarts was wide awake by now, and it would take a long time to get settled down again. Besides, it was Friday. A longer weekend wouldn't hurt.
Your eyes peeked from Harry's neck and shoulder just enough to see your surroundings. McGonagall was walking from one side to another, talking to several students and making sure everyone was fine. Some first-years trailed behind her everywhere she went.
You were in a position similar to the one you were in your dorm, your bodies tangled with one another under the blankets that someone threw at you, probably Ron.
The noise in the common room wasn't very loud, even though all Gryffindors were there. Many were cuddling and chatting quietly with their friends in any free place they could find, and some were sleeping. The atmosphere was surprisingly soft. The late (or early) hour and the sound of the rain outside provided sort of a sleepy happiness within the common room's walls.
"Harry? What time is it?" you whispered.
"A little past 4 am," Harry answered, looking down at you, his eyes and glasses shining. You continued to make your way towards your friends.
It was funny, really. How something that was supposed to just bring bad feelings, such as sadness, fear and panic, could create these moments. Moments of pure adoration, bringing comfort beyond imagination.
"Thank you for staying with me," your soft voice said, your eyes full of love for the boy who was still holding you.
Harry just smiled and leaned his forehead on yours.
Once the two of you reached the corner, you were met with several reactions; worried glances quickly turned into knowing looks and smirks.
Thanks to Dean's and Fred's exaggerated cries for you, yelling happily that 'the thing is alive', and your grumbles for them to 'shut the hell up before I throw you two out of the window', the tension that was previously there disappeared. They were just glad that you were okay now and returning to your normal self.
You and Harry had seated in the farthest place, right in the corner, with an incredible view from the window.
You looked around again. And the sight before you made you temporarily breathless.
It was still heavily raining outside, the wind strong, but the booming sound from thunder and the bolts of lightning were nowhere to be seen nor heard. The now relaxing sound outside brought you to your usual peace whenever the weather was like this.
The light inside the common room was dim, just a few candles that McGonagall conjured were flying around and the fire from the fireplaces illuminated the place, and it was absolutely perfect. It helped to create the soft atmosphere that you felt the moment you and Harry came downstairs. Nothing was too bright, just enough to see.
Your friends were all comfy under a million blankets, some cuddling as well. Hermoine was next to you and Harry, leaning back on some pillows, and from the moment that you got there, she took your hand in hers, not letting it go. Ron, however, was leaning on Hermoine, and the two wouldn’t stop their light bickering about the best type of weather. Ginny was dead asleep hugging a pillow beside Ron, her legs thrown over to Neville's lap. Across from them were George, Fred and Dean quietly joking around, making whoever was listening laugh. Seamus was sleeping as well, head on Dean's shoulder. Lavender and Parvati were a little far away from them, trying to find some peace and quiet.
And then there was Harry. You looked up at him and took in the most beautiful person ever; his black hair was too messy, and his green eyes were sparkling even with the almost non-existent light. His cheeks and nose were flushed with light pink, glasses slightly crooked, and in his mouth was resting a little smile, observing the scene before the two of them too.
Your eyes met and you decided that that was, indeed, the prettiest thing you had ever seen and experienced.
You couldn't help but press another kiss on Harry's neck (it was your thing after all), causing Harry to lean down and brush your noses together, making you two giggle.
And in Harry's arms, with Hermoine's hand in yours, and surrounded by your amazing friends, you felt complete, like you could get through anything.
Even thunder-bombs.
this was so sweet 😭
Warmer The Better
poly!marauders x fem!reader
summary: Your boyfriends can't stand seeing you in pain.
warnings: fluff, period cramps, boys falling all over you, implied sub!reader, kissing
A/N: not me writing myself a comfort fic for my period :')

You whined, pressing your hands to your lower belly. Remus, bringing his hands onto yours’, wrapped you tight. “Better, bun?”
You nodded, relaxing as his hands started to massage your tummy. Magic was leaking from his fingertips, softening the sharp pain under your midriff. He felt your tenseness loosening as he massaged, your face relaxing slowly. He planted a cushion-like kiss on your cheek, hugging you tighter to make sure his body is warming you enough.
The door cracked open, James and Sirius pumping inside, hands filled with bits and pieces. “Emergency team is ready for your service ma’am!”
You giggled to James’ heart-warming cherished voice, slowly opening your eyes to meet theirs’. James winked at you with a cheeky smile, placing the four mugs he was struggling to carry. An intensive chocolate smell filled your lungs, both you and Remus smiling at the smell.
Sirius rushed to your near, hands gently grabbing your face. “How are you feelin’ angel,” he asked concernedly. You nuzzled, purring to his hands. “Uh – girls gave me these. They said it’ll help with the cramps.” he showed the heating pads, placing them on your belly and under your feet. He looked up to Remus. “They told me we have to keep her warm.”
“Thank you, Siri,” you mumbled, the pads’ heat slowly melting inside your body. “It really helps.” He kissed your forehead, pushing away the strands on your face.
Remus grabbed his chin, connecting their lips. An amused chuckle fell from your lips, watching your boyfriends kissing above you.
“Putting on a show for bunny without me, eh? I’m offended now,” James scoffed, holding a jumper in his hand as he approached you three.
You giggled, making grabby hands to him.“Don’t be Jamie, I’ll kiss you.” you stood on your elbows as James came near you with a wide smile, pulling you into a passionate kiss. Remus and Sirius peeked behind you, Sirius placing small kisses down your neck as Remus did to James’ the same.
You pulled back eventually due to lack of air, a mewl tumbling from your mouth. You looked at James, wanting more. And Sirius’ lips kept pampering your neck with kisses, making your need grow. Remus tweaked your chin. “Not now, bunny. You need to rest.”
“C’mon bun, take this jumper on, you gotta be all warmed up.” James, agreeing with Remus, held the jumper up, ready to pull it down your head.
You pouted, crossing your arms on your chest. “I already have the heating pads and Remmy wrapped me like a burrito. I'm sweating!”
“Don’t be a brat, sweets.” Remus tsked, your brows knitted firmly at the word. “We’re all doing this for you.”
“I know,” you whined, “but it’s too much, I'm getting overwhelmed.”
“But your cramps are worse than last time, bunny. We’re worried.” Sirius’ hands trailed down to your stomach, gently rubbing. You became softer, burying your head into his neck.
“Got a little cold, ‘s why,” you murmured.
Remus brought his hand to your back, sharing a look with the boys as they smiled. “And that’s why we’ll keep you all warmed up, alright?” You nodded, sniffing Sirius’ cologne, finding comfort in his sharp but sweet smell.
“Go on then, before these get cold.” James handed you the hot chocolates as all four of you tried to sit together on Remus’ bed.
“We all won't fit here,” you chuckled as you held your mug firmly, trying to prevent any kind of accident.
Sirius pulled out his wand, enlarging the bed with a spell he uttered quietly.“Better now?”
You were between Remus’ legs, back pressed to his chest as Sirius laid down on your stomach, his weight reducing your pain. James was on Remus’ other side, cuddling him as your hands were interlocked with each other. Peaceful somnolence hovering above your bodies.
Remus grabbed his book from the drawer, kissing your temple. “Want me to read for you?”
“Is this even a question!” Sirius and James exclaimed in sync, lifting their heads to look at Remus with puppy eyes.
“I asked Y/N.” You giggled at your lovers, feeling a lot better than before. As long as they were with you you didn’t need to worry about anything.
quidditch games; j.p.
pairing: james potter x fem!gryffindor!reader
synopse: in moments of frusturation, not even your rivalry with james will get in the way of the victory
warnings: sort of rivals to lovers?, swearing, a little of wolfstar, fluffy fluff
word count: 1.6k
a/n: i had so much fun writing this. please beware that i understand NOTHING of quidditch :)

James was breathing hard. His ears were ringing with the howling of the wind, and his eyes tried to focus on the game.
It was the last quidditch game of the season, and it was not going well. The game was hot for both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw; the latter had come up with a new and brilliant tatic between the chasers and it was making James' life difficult. His hopes on winning the game were getting lower and lower, as the Ravenclaw seeker was significantly better than Gryffindor's. He was growing frustrated.
So far it was tied, 78-78, but it seemed like the blue team was always one step ahead and-
And there it was. Another lost point.
Things started to get slightly violent about 30 minutes ago. James tried his best to keep his game clean, but it was hard when one of the Ravenclaw's players tried to hit him with his broom on the face. Yeah, the little shit was going to die after this.
Screaming was heard from all around the stadium and James was sure he heard McGonagall swear at everything and everyone, but elegantly of course.
He looked around, almost desperately. No, he was not going to loose this, he worked way too hard, and he wouldn't let anyone get in his way-
Except you, maybe. Yeah, you weren't exactly helping.
"You fucking arsehole! Right! You have to go to the right! Don't you fucking know how to read new tatics?!"
"Shut the fuck up, Y/L/N!"
Your relationship with James Potter was, to put it simple, complicated. Which was not simple at all.
Sometimes it seemed like you were about to kill each other, and others it was like you were about to snog on the wall. Usually, it was a strange mix of the two.
The tension was thick, and everyone was just waiting for it to snap.
"Why don't you fucking make me, you wanker?!" you yelled at him in anger.
You were currently leaning against the rail, your hands gripping it tightly, standing up. You were on one of the highest spots of the stadium, surrounded by students of all houses and all ages, right next to Remus. Remus sighed in exasperation in his seat when another screaming match was about to happen. They did this all the time.
When then Madame Hooch started to argue with one of the Gryffindor chasers and the Ravenclaw’s beaters because of another fault, the game stopped momentarily, and James flew to your level with a scowl on his face.
“So what do you think we should do? You really like to argue when you’re not even in the place to do so, don’t you? What the fuck do you think I’m trying to do? Loose?” James seethed.
“Oh, you’re not? Could’ve fooled me,” you huffed.
You were close, faces inches apart. You kept glaring at the other, and for ten solid seconds, neither said anything. The wind was making your hair too messy and tangled up, and your cheeks were flushed. You had your eyebrows furred as you looked at the infuriating boy, and as hard as it was for him to admit it, you looked so beautiful.
Those around you quieted down, Remus even closed his book, as they looked at the two of you. Yells and screams could still be heard all over the place, as the other players were still arguing above you.
You sighed. “They always start with the opposite side of where they ended. Like a braid. The beaters do the absolute contrary to distract you when they throw the bludgers at you. You have to get your team’s shit together, Potter, you can still win this.”
James pressed his hands on his face and then brushed them through his hair. You could tell how stressed he really was. “I’m trying but I just can’t- I’m not sure the seeker can do it, and I don’t know-” his voice cracked. Your eyes softened at the sight.
You grabbed his face with your hands. “James Potter, you are going to fly up there and win this bloody game, got it? We both know you can, so stop doubting yourself, it won’t get you anywhere. Now get your arse back, it’s about to continue,” you fiercely said.
James nodded, his face still cradled in your hands, and gave you an adorable grin. “Ah, what would I do without you and your annoying- and hot- self Y/L/N?”
“Get out of here, you dickhead,” you rolled your eyes, but you couldn't help the smile that made its way towards your lips. James winked and flew away just as the whistle went off again.
You seated back next to Remus, ignoring the eyes on you, and trying to focus on the game. “Will you stop? Sirius might get jealous,” you told him.
“I’m just thinking,” Remus started, “How could you still not be together? I have a bet going on, and I don’t really like to lose to Padfoot.”
You grabbed his book and hit him in the head with it. Remus laughed but you ignored him. You could tell that they were playing better now, more neatly and precisely. They started to block the passes of the blue chasers more frequently and goal more often.
James was yelling around, giving instructions and tips and feedback on the plays and moves, organizing his team. You saw him fly up to the seeker momentarily and tell him something, give him a pat in the back, and he went back almost instantly, ready for the next goal.
10 minutes later, the game was 98 - 106 for Gryffindor, and, for the first time, the seekers quickly moved. It was the first significant appearance of the snitch, and the crowd went crazy. They were almost there- both seekers side to side upwards, hands extended and-
You screamed in delight and jumped off your seat, bringing Remus with you, and hugged him. “We won! They won! He did it, Moony, he did it!” you laughed.
“That they did,” Remus yelled proudly, smiling widely.
“Party in our Common Room! I’m just kidding Minnie- Oh? Actually I am not!” Sirius screamed into the microphone of the commentator, his arms around an euphoric (and sweaty) James.
“Come on, let’s go!” you pulled Remus with you.
The common room was wild. People everywhere, food, music, it was quite the party. You were currently waiting with Remus and Peter for the boys to come back, and everyone was very excited to see them.
You were in the middle of laughing at something stupid Peter said when the portrait opened.
You immediately caught his eyes and took him in. His shining glasses, his black hoodie, which was matching his unruly hair. And while the others cheered, you tried to look for him, only to find him already looking at you.
You gave him the biggest smile he had ever seen, and waved excitedly at him.
James shaked his head and tried to make his way towards you. People were trying to talk, hug and congratulate the boy, but his mind was too preoccupied with something else. So, he started to rush in your direction and when you took notice of it, you went towards him as well.
As soon as you were close enough, James opened his arms and you jumped on him, involving your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. You laughed when he started twirling around with you in his arms “I told you! I fucking told you! This victory is basically mine, because without me, you would never- Hmph!”
James interrupted you by placing his lips on yours, and gave you a hard, loving kiss, pulling back when everything fell silent.
Your eyes widened. James fucking Potter just kissed you after all. But you soon got over the shock, and after one final glance at his honey eyes, you grabbed his face for the second time that day and kissed him back.
With all the cheers, the screams, the laughs, and the intoxicating feeling of James, everything blurred around you.
You could feel him smile into the kiss, and you giggled in it while running your hands through his soft locks.
“Thank- kiss- you- kiss- so- kiss- fucking- kiss- much- kiss,” James said between kisses, the euphoric feeling from earlier still running through his body (along with a million butterflies).
You pulled back after a while, remembering that at least two hundred people were looking at you. Your cheeks flushed slightly at the thought but you didn’t really find it in you the energy to care.
“This doesn’t mean I don’t hate you though,” you breathed, eyes closed in a blissful way as James leaned his forehead on yours.
When you opened your eyes, however, he was looking at you happily. “Don’t worry, I hate you too,” James smirked. He then mumbled, “Smartass...”
“Oh, I’m sorry, what was that? ‘without Y/N we wouldn't even have come close to winning?’ What?” you teased him.
“Don’t get all proud of yourself now, it was me who played, after all, you didn’t do anything, besides seating there with Moony-” James pretended to be offended, but the twinkle in his eyes sold him out. He was still holding you, and your arms wrapped around him tightly, not wanting to let go.
“Please, says the one who couldn't figure it out the other team’s play.”
James dramatically gasped. “Says the one who doesn’t even know how to ride a broom!”
“That’s what she said-”
“I know how to ride a broom, alright? What the hell do you even know about it? With the way you were first playing earlier it almost made me plead Hooch to send you back to the first years classes!”
“How fucking dare you-” James pouted and you laughed at his face. He beamed not even two seconds later and kissed you again, swaying the both of you from side to side.
“So this is what we have to endure now?” Remus sighed, wrapping one arm around Sirius' shoulders.
“Oh, I’m going to love this, they’ll never hear the end of this,” Sirius said excitedly. His eyes then widened. “Oh my god, Moons-- Are we like that?” Sirius asked, horrified.
“Yes!” yelled Peter.
And finally, everything was just how it should be.

(remus lupin x reader)

all of you had sat in a large circle in the common room and passed around all your christmas gifts to eachother, everyone was loving it, no matter how big or small the gift they had received, everybody was so grateful.
everyone except remus had given out their presents and once all eyes were looking to him, you noticed he seemed a bit flustered and nervous, playing around with the rings in his fingers.
“um, i know these aren’t the best gifts, i just couldn’t afford anything big for all of you, i wish i could-“
“remmy..” you interrupted, “marlene got us all a bracelet made of sticks and leaves from outside that she enchanted to bend all together, and we all love it because she took the time to make it herself-“
“well i didn’t actually do it-“ marlene laughed quietly, thinking about the time she spent reading on how to get branches and leaves to make a bracelet of themselves by themselves just so she wouldn’t have to do it.
“marlene put in 5% effort on her gift, but we all love it anyway, i’m positive we’ll all love yours” you told him
he smiled gratefully at you before pulling out multiple gifts all wrapped in newspaper from the daily prophet and all your names written on the paper so he wouldn’t forget who’s was who’s, all a fairly similar rectangular shape, and he passed them out to each of you.
you all began unwrapping and once you’d opened yours up you had to hold yourself from blushing tomato red, so you instead looked up at him with a wide smile to find him already looking at you, with soft anxious eyes, biting his nails to stop him fidgeting with his hands.
“rem.. you did this for all of us?”
you’d all been given one of remus’ books from his large book collection, he’d taken so much time not only picking which book should go to who, but putting in a message on the first page.
“well , yeah, is that okay? i didn’t know what to get and you guys always seem to find looking through my notes in all the books amusing so-“
he was interrupted by you smashing into him with a great hug hug.
“thankyou so much rem, i love it so much”
you could feel him smile into your neck, “i’m glad you like it” he responded quietly for you only to hear.
“moony this is great!” you heard james, you pulled away from remus and gave him a little smile before going back to your spot in the circle.
sirius was flicking through his book with a boyish smile, and turned to remus “moons this is awesome, it has all your thoughts in it, now i’ll get to find out just how your mind works huh?” he ruffled remus’ hair with a laugh
“this is really sweet rem, thankyou so much” lily told him, looking through her own book of romeo and juliet, from what you could see, the message on her first page may or may not have had the name ‘james’ written somewhere in it …
and as you looked around, at all your friends skimming though rem’s annotated gifts, with grins up to their eyes chatting quietly to themselves, you realised there was nowhere else you’d rather be.
hi! can i request a harry x slytherin!reader imagine? could you also write that the reader’s best friends are blaise, pansy and draco and she’s flirty and cool and popular and harry’s had a crush on her for a long time and now he finds out she always had a thing for him but she didn’t want to admit it? thank you so much btw if u will, have a nice day <3
Say That Again
Pairings: Harry Potter x fem!reader
House: Slytherin
Warnings: none

GIF not mine! Credits go to the original creator!
A/n: Genuinely sorry for the slow updates!
“Y/n and I had a bet,” Harry turned his heels towards the courtyard as he heard Malfoy’s mocking voice. “She said Potter might well last for half an hour. But I think he won’t even last for ten minutes.”
He resisted his urge to tumble Malfoy down the Black Lake as the Slytherin seeker scoffed at her friend’s direction.
“What say, Potter?” Y/n stepped towards him in calculated steps, her disarming smile never faltering as she stood in front of him. “Make me win.”
He never understood what was that thing about her that made his heart skip a beat every time he had to compete with this particular girl during Quidditch matches (he didn’t like catching the snitch before her, though she had succeeded in capturing the restless orb many times). Nor could he comprehend why the Potions class ended in a wink when he was partnered with her.
Was he falling for a Slytherin? Heck no- he already did.
“Y/n! Transfiguration this time,” Pansy pulled her friend before Harry could reply, sending a knowing glance at her as she whispered, “Flirt with Saint Potter later.”
Getting killed by a dragon or forgetting about Y/n?
He’s getting killed this time.
“How am I supposed to battle a dragon?”
“Bloody hell, mate!” The red-haired Weasley sighed as he dramatically threw all the bundles of papers that Hermione had made him skim. “Ask Y/n if you only want to last for more than half an hour for her. I’m going to ‘ed.”
Harry jutted his chin on the fragile book that lay uninterested on the table.
Instead of words, he met with a ‘tut’ from her direction as her bushy hair grew bushier, if possible, as she sat with a castle of library books plunked around her.
This was turning insane.
“Honestly,” She scrunched her nose up in the air, “whatever you are planning is ridiculous.”
“No, it’s Y/n,” he replied dreamily after which he met with a thick spined book on his head.
Hermione was scary but the dragon was scarier.
Double Potions? Nah, a total hell.
“Like them, Potter?”
Harry rolled his eyes for the millionth time that day as the familiar white-blond hair zoomed into his sight while he tried to enter the dungeons.
Blaise, the ordinary scowl stuck under his slitted eyes, blocked the door further, his chest purposefully thrust forward like Malfoy.
And Harry could not find even one sensible reason for Y/n befriending them.
“Made them myself. And this isn’t the only thing it does,” Malfoy pointed as the badge turned an ugly green, reading Potter stinks.
“Brilliant,” the raven-haired boy hoisted the bag on his shoulder. “Now move.”
And that’s where their illogical rivalry lightened.
Harry definitely didn’t understand how he stepped into this situation where both of them were standing inches from each other, their wands ready to at least sabotage this Potions class.
“Woah, mate, calm down.”
The familiar voice reiterated in the shell of his ears as he unconsciously lowered his wand, sending death glares at the boy who just shrugged and walked away with Blaise and Pansy as Y/n crossed her arms threateningly.
“Don’t worry about those badges, though,” she tried hard to maintain nonchalance. “Consider this gift from my side.”
And as she pinned the badge she had in the fist of our palm to his still chest (he couldn’t tell why he wasn’t breathing), he had to blink at least four times to make sure she did that.
She winked at him as she walked away, pointing at the badge for the last time.
Potter Winks.
“I’m telling you, you won’t even last for two minutes if you keep daydreaming like that.”
He ignored Hermione’s upbraiding as he lied, huffing at the bland ceiling of his four-poster bed.
“Are you even listening to me?”
He heard Hermione pluck up her books rather aggressively, and when the last footsteps died away, he rubbed his eyes in frustration.
“So much for a Slytherin, eh, mate?”
“Does that even matter?”
Ron gulped in defeat, and shrugging, shooed Crookshanks out of the dorms.
“Why don’t you just ask her out? Maybe, I mean…”
To Harry, it almost felt that the landing of the mattress slipped from beneath him.
“I don’t know… Look at her- she is so popular, she flirts do well-”
“Just with you,” Ron replied in utter boredom.
“That’s out of point- er-excuse me?”
“Only with you.”
“Pirate L/n likes Saint Potter?” Malfoy looked with amusement between Pansy and Y/n- Pansy, who giddily laughed at Y/n’s not-so-common flustered expression.
“I’m not a pirate!”
“Don’t tell me you hoodwinked Draco’s badge making,” their other friend plonked on the luxurious green couch as Y/n tutted. “Makes everything so obvious.”
“I don’t know what you all are vomiting about,” she rolled her eyes and made her way out of the dungeons.
“Accio fireb- Ahh, darn it!”
Harry shrieked in annoyance as the broomstick dwindled mid-air like straw before falling down with a thud.
Now even bad luck found him.
“You know, you are doing it wrong,” his eyes landed on the same Slytherin girl who was currently leaning on the door frame, watching him intently. “Move your hand a little less. Just a little.”
Her cold hand molded onto his warm, sweaty hand and with a flick of the wand, Harry could see the Firebolt soaring towards them in stable movements.
“Nervous for tomorrow?” Her voice was soft, not challengingly attractive this time. And this softness suited her.
“Uh- no,” he threw himself over a stray chair in the deserted classroom, patting the chair next to him. “I’m dying this time.”
Y/n snorted as she sat beside him, her eyes following the movement of his green ones.
“You will be alright. I trust you.”
And she was quite right about him being...splendid. Harry saw her lips curved into a suppressed smile as she watched him hunting for the Golden egg.
Competing with him was motive driven, but watching him was different. Quite impressive he was, for sure.
“I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching the name of Godric Gryffindor by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!”
The Slytherins visibly froze at this commotion well before they entered the hall. This meeting was going to turn interesting at a point.
McGonagall sighed at the sight of silver and green as she turned back to the ‘bumbling band of baboons’.
“Ah, well. Since Professor Snape is not fit for guiding this stuff, the Slytherins are joining us today. Sit down, boys on the left and girls on the right.”
Harry’s heart stood still as Y/n sat straight in front of him, and even though they were sitting feets apart, he could feel the palpitations down his chest.
Minutes after Ron demonstrated ball dance with McGonagall, and the rest of the students were moving hand-in-hand with slow movements, they both were still on their seats, eyes still scanning each other.
“I’d appreciate it if you join Potter, L/n. He needs practice before the ball,” McGonagall called out as she passed by with Ron.
What was she even anticipating at this moment? At least not those teasing smirks from her friends.
“Er- do you know how to do this stuff?” The Gryffindor pointed between them as Y/n shook her head.
“Not going to lie, no. But you got to be ready for the ball, isn’t it, Potter? So, together?”
It felt like heaven bestowed on them as they strolled through the hall, his hand on her waist, and her hand on his shoulder. They didn’t care that they were tossers at dancing, they just carried out, without a single word, silently swaying in each other’s embrace.
Harry knew he needed her.
“Staying back for Saint Potter?”
“Pansy, the door’s straight,” Y/n deadpanned as she sluggishly rolled over the couch.
No matter how pictureistique Hogsmeade looked today, she was drained till her guts.
“Tell him that if he doesn’t ask you for the ball today, I’m framing him somewhere.”
“Draco, door’s there for you too.”
Blaise grinned at the sour faces of his friends as he scurried out of the common room, anticipating to satisfy his sweet tooth.
Y/n had her to-do list ready for today- sleep, bath, eat, sleep.
But Potter found his way to eat out a big portion of it, nonetheless.
“Where next?” He piped from beside her as they strolled through the empty corridors of the castle.
“You know, Harry?” He turned to her, his long raven hair brushing the periphery of his shoulder like a bird skimming the waves. “I’ve always been with green all my life. Why don’t you show me some red?”
“So restless to see Gryffindors?” Harry chuckled as he pushed her all the way.
“I mean, yeah. Don’t pretend like you haven’t seen ours!”
“Umm, Y/n?” Harry carefully looked up from the rug as she buried herself under the invisible horizon of the book. “I just realised you have your buttons fixed, er- incorrectly?”
“Are you asserting or just shooting in the dark?”
“They are… Should I help?”
He got to his feet as she hummed in response, a floaty feeling regaining its reign in both of their stomachs.
“I’ve always wanted to ask you since that day at practice,” he gently undid a single button and looped it through the correct place, “Would you come with me to the ball?”
“Are you sure we won’t tangle ourselves while dancing?” Her lips curled in a badly hidden smile as Harry shook his head, his fingers still fumbling with the buttons.
“Well, would you?”
His face grew hot as her fingers caressed his cheek, gliding further to his nape as she pulled him closer.
And for once she wasn’t cold; only a warm breath batted his cupid bow as her forehead touched his...her shallow breaths almost sounding like an addictive lullaby to him.
“I’d love to, Harry, only if nobody contradicts.”
“Did you just call this Potter by his name?” She could hear him grin as she bit on the obliterating walls of her mouth.
What was making it so difficult?
Her train of (unanswered) questions were wrecked in between as her lips converged into his, a sweet dampness of his mouth reminding her of butterbeer. His hand raced down to her waist, closing the non-existent hiatus between them.
This happened for a while until Crookshanks conferred on them by his presence, the sudden mewl, making them jump. And no surprises when both of them fell from the bed (all thanks to Harry’s clumsy self), a low gruff groan bursting from Harry's throat.
“So, I guess it’s a yes,” he inquired as she mended to his askewed specs.
They were interrupted by scruffy footsteps and as soon as Ron entered the dorms, he froze, the bag of Honeydukes sweets cowped down to the floor.
“Er- I’ll let you both finish,” he pointed at Harry's (more than ever) messed up hair, his hand encased compactly around the Slytherin, whose lips were far more swollen than Harry's.
Y/n awkwardly slipped off from Harry’s grip onto the rugged floor as he chuckled at his friend’s uneasiness.
“It’s a yes.”
“Brilliant. So what you liked the best about this red,” he pointed lazily at the silhouette of the dorms.
“The floor,” she laughed rolling into his chest, the soft material of his jumper rubbing onto her cheeks.
“What- what? Say that again.”