cherrynott - my baby’s fit like a daydream
my baby’s fit like a daydream

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Thursdays Of Dark Grey Skies; H.p.

thursdays of dark grey skies; h.p.

pairing: harry james potter x ravenclaw!fem!reader

synopse: who would have thought that one study thursday of dark grey skies could change so much?

warnings: none, just fluff

word count: 5.8k words

a/n: i’m so soft, i genuinely loved writing this. enjoy!

Thursdays Of Dark Grey Skies; H.p.

The sky was grey.

And it wasn't your typical is-raining-soon-light-gray type of colour, it was a dark shade of grey that stained the sky. There was no rain, there was no wind, it was just- dark. Like the night was trying to break out sooner than planned, fighting the light out of the day. For an early october thursday afternoon, the grayish weather shouldn't feel this uncommon. This captivating. But it just gave (ironically) such light to everything within the dark air reach. It was strangely so beautiful. Harry was at the library with practically everyone he knows when he looked outside of one of the windows. And when he says 'practically everyone he knows' he really means the whole castle was in there. Thursdays afternoons are homework and study afternoons. You catch up with any subject you could be behind, you finish all the work that was due friday (which happened more often than not) and your weekend would be mostly free. It was the most practical plan for the academic life of most students, as Hermoine had once said. So, the Hogwarts library was the place for the fourth day of the week. The environment created there was, to put it simply, those that made you work harder. Everyone shared the same goal; all the students from all years, all the students from all houses. Almost every table was occupied, and some even had to be conjured in the middle and left side of the room, the places that had more students. Red, yellow, green and blue were mixed around and a friendly and calm atmosphere flew above them. Despite being packed, the noise wasn't too loud. Quiet chatter and laughs could be heard, but nothing too extreme. Madame Prince had long ago quitted shushing students everytime one made any type of sound. It just felt right to be in there. Even more so when the big windows that contorned one of the sides of the enormous room showed the magical view of the dark grey sky. And because the light outside was mostly dim, candles flew all over the room to give enough light to work with. And as Harry looked around he felt content. He was seated in one of the newly conjured tables, a little to the right from the middle, so he had a pretty good view of the room in general. Ron was now discreetly discussing with a Hufflepuff named Ernie MacMillan and Seamus about the excessive amount of work Snape gives them, their potions assignment long forgotten. Fred, George and several of their other friends sat in another table close by, trying to finish their transfiguration project without the twins and Lee destroying anything. Luna was drawing, humming quietly, with Ginny reading just beside her, and Hermoine was helping Dean on the essay of History of Magic along with Daphne Greengrass from Slytherin. Harry had already finished all of his homework for this week (a first in his whole life). He had his arms crossed and leaned back on his chair, now observing the intriguing dark sky. The lazy light coming from the candles complemented beautifully the colour of the clouds. Harry would laugh and talk quietly every now and then with those around him, now being completely relaxed with the new work-free feeling that would linger for a few days. He was just back to looking at the window again when something caught his eye. In the very far corner of the library, on the right side of the room, was someone writing calmly in a piece of parchment with some books laying around. And after a few seconds, Harry recognised the person; it was you. You hadn't talked much in your past school years. Truth to be told, it wasn’t that common for Gryffindor's and Ravenclaw's to have classes together, so it all depended on your social luck to befriend one another. But Harry did know who you were. You were in the same year as him, obviously sorted into Ravenclaw, and basically the most beautiful girl Harry has ever seen. Your hair seemed slightly darker because of the light, but your eyes were shining like the little fire of the candles floating around was being reflected within them, and your cute nose was scrunched up ever the slightest in concentration. He then noticed that your legs were crossed beneath you and your feet would sometimes wigle. Not wanting to seem like a creep, Harry teared his eyes from the adorable girl, looking down at his table with a small grin plastered on his features. "She is the cutest, isn't she? " Hermoine said, nudging Harry with a knowing smirk on her face. "What? " Harry snapped his head at his best friend's direction (almost breaking his neck I'm the process), eyes widening. "Y/N. I study with her sometimes. Love her, " now she was just shamelessly messing with him. "Who does Hermoine love? " questioned Ron from the other side of the table, his eyebrows raised as he looked around. "Ron no-" "Y/N. Harry was staring at her. Someone has a crush, " Dean responded with a sing-like voice and a huge grin. The mouth of the boy in question was hanging open by now. "Harry has a crush on who?! " Fred Weasley exclaimed a little too loudly, attracting the attention of almost everyone at their tables. "Shush! " hissed Madame Prince from afar. Harry sighed and banged his head on the table. He really should get new friends. "That Ravenclaw girl! Harry always gushes about her when we get out of DADA with Ravenclaw, " Seamus laughed. "That is so adorable! Ah, young love..." George squealed. Harry tried to go under the table and hide but Hermoine pulled him back almost immediately, making the bespectacled boy scowl. "Don't you guys have any other stuff to do that doesn't concern my love life?" Harry exclaimed indignantly, earning yet another reprimand from Madame Prince. "You're just salty because you know how many guys and girls have their eyes on Y/L/N, " muttered a smirking Ron. "Why won't you talk to her, Harry? " asked Neville rather innocently. Harry looked at you again. Why wouldn't he talk to her? Well, because first- he was awkward; second- what if you didn't want to talk to him?; and third- what would he even say? You continued to write calmly, almost lazily, over the piece of parchment. Harry noted that your hair continued slightly darker, your eyes still shiny, your nose still a little scrunched up, and your feet would still wigle sometimes. And just like that Harry had a small grin again, completely forgetting all about the pairs of eyes on him. "Completely whipped, " whispered Dean to Hermoine. Eventually, they all went back to their tasks, leaving Harry once again alone with his thoughts while looking out of the window. Harry wanted to meet you. He wanted to know your likes and dislikes, what you do when you're anxious or stressed, and find out if you always wiggle your feet when you're sitting. He wanted to know if you were just as attracted to this type of weather as Harry was, or if you preferred sunny days. So, with all of his Griffindor's courage he could gather, he stood up. Harry firstly took off his robes, which were starting to get uncomfortable for a while now, and rolled the sleeves of his white shirt up to his elbows. His clothes were a hot mess (quite literally); his vibrant red tie was loose on his neck and his shirt was ruffled, the top of it unbuttoned, as Harry always felt claustrophobic when clothes were too tight on him, and one of the sides of the shirt practically untucked from his black trousers. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to tidy it up a little, but the raven black locks stayed as messy as ever. He then adjusted his black rimmed new glasses, oblivious as ever from the intense stares of the boys and girls that were close enough to see the green eyed boy. Taking a deep breath, he started his way towards you. "Hi, " Harry said hesitantly, looking down at you. When you looked up, your heart race picked up significantly . The boy was none other than Harry James Potter. Harry, the cutest and the most adorable boy to ever exist (and one of the hottest, to be honest). You felt a strange tingling sensation in your belly as you took in the careless situation his white shirt was in, his loose tie, the rolled up sleeves, and his messy hair. You also noted that Harry had new glasses. His cheeks were a little flushed, and he was biting his lower lip. If possible, your heart started to beat even faster and you were sure your cheeks were no better than Harry's. Harry, unsurprisingly, didn't really notice that you were practically checking him out, thanks to his nerves, and took your silence the wrong way and panicked. "I'm sorry, It's just that I saw you here alone, and you're really pretty- I mean! The tables's pretty! Yes, very nice strong shiny wood, such a good table, really. " You blinked at him. "And the sofa. Must be so so comfortable this sofa. I see why you like it; it's big and warm and it seems like a really good place to take a nap, " Harry continued his ramble, apparently not being able to stop, and getting more nervous and flustered as he talked. He could just feel the group's hysterics from behind; Ron's uncontrollable laughter and Dean's wheeze, Neville's uncertain thumbs up and Seamus smirk. Harry was pretty sure that Hermoine was facepalming and he was terrified of all the teasing from the twins and Ginny he would have to endure once this nightmare was over. He didn’t even want to imagine what his friends and classmates from the other houses were thinking (probably that his awkwardness was too embarrassing and that they would have a good laugh when telling their own other friends, but it didn't matter). "I'm sorry, I'm just going to go– " Harry started to turn around when a hand stopped him. "No! No, I'm sorry, I was just surprised, " you interrupted, quickly standing up and grabbing Harry's arm, pushing him back. Your hand continued to gently grab his wrist, getting unconsciously closer to his hand at each passing second. Your noses were just a few inches apart as well as your bodies, aching to get just a little bit closer. Harry was sure that his heart had exploded by now and he was just a very alive magical breathing zombie, while you feared that your legs were losing its strength and energy. Harry's hand wanted to touch your waist, but it refrained from doing so, fearing that you wouldn't be comfortable with it. "Besides, I wouldn't want to destroy your dreams and not invite you to sit on this really good sofa. " Harry was stunned for a moment at your unexpected teasing and then laughed the most quietly he could, remembering that you were still at the library with hundreds of other students. And with the help of your shy smile and warmth, as well as the calm environment they were in, Harry started to relax, the bad nervous and insecure feeling slipping away. "I'm Harry, " he breathed. You were still close to him. Almost too close. "Y/N, " you answered just the same, glancing up at his handsome face with a, in Harry's most unbiased opinion, precious small grin. After a few seconds of staring at each other, you both pull slightly apart and sit down on the sofa. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Mr. Potter?" you joked, leaning back to the corner of the sofa, trying to keep your nerves in check. "Well, maybe the infernal teasing from my idiots of friends back there? And you seemed like good company, " Harry responded, leaning back too, turning his head so he could see you. "I'm flattered, but they seem so much fun," you wondered. "Hm, they are. For the majority of time at least. " You turned momentarily your eyes to the parchment over the table. You were writing next week's assignment for History of Magic (you convinced Professor Binn to tell you beforehand) but now you wanted to take a break. You wanted to enjoy Harry's company while it lasted. "How come you're not working or studying? It must be a first in study thursday, " you asked, looking at Harry again, just to see that his eyes were already on you. "For the first time in my life, I'm not behind anything, and already finished my potions assignment with Hermoine's help... So I was just there looking at the window and, well, you know the rest, " said Harry. The big window came all the way down to the far corner Harry and you were in. The new duo was tucked in the corner of the sofa, and had the most perfect view to the outside. You had her back almost turned completely to the window and the wall that met just behind the pillows laying around over the dark red velvet sofa. Harry now noticed that there was a huge red and black squared blanket folded between the cushions and your robes, which looked like they were thrown rather clumsily aside. "How come I've never seen this place? It's way bigger and comfier than the other sofas and tables in here, " Harry frowned. The naps he could have had in here, hiding from Hermoine when she went crazy. You laughed lightly. "Madame Prince is a family friend, so she arranged this place when I came here. Which is more often than not... " you trailed off, noticing Harry puppy's eyes directed at the cushions and her blanket. "Honestly, what is your problem with furniture? Do you fall in love with it every time you see it? " you asked, amusement lacing your voice. Harry snapped his head back at you. "What?! No! " he exclaimed, a little embarrassed. "But this sofa really is the best, truly. I think you'll have a hard time getting rid of me now, " Harry grinned, adjusting his glasses. You had to almost physically stop yourself from fawning over the bewitching boy. "Well, you are now welcome everytime. I could use some company, " you said, feeling giddy. You smiled at each other. "Even if you only come here because of the strong and shiny wood table and the really good sofa and pillows. " "Y/N!" . You and Harry spent the next hour and a half talking and laughing (mostly quietly) with one another. You were just so happy with one another that you didn't want the day to end, afraid that your bond would suddenly disappear. You eventually opened your blanket because it was starting to get too chilly in the library to ignore, even with the flaming fireplaces. The two of you were now tucked in in the blanket, leaning against the many cushions against the line where the window and the wall would meet. Your shoulders, legs and arms were brushing under it, but neither of you made a single move to change that. The room was still packed, seeing that it was still technically early, but not for much longer, as dinner time was slowly approaching. "I absolutely love this weather. It's even more magical than Hogwarts itself," Harry sighed. "Didn't know Potter boy had now become weather boy, " you giggled. "Oh, fuck off, " he laughed, nudging your shoulder with his. "But really, I just love it. I think this dark grayish colour is my new favourite. Just after the colour of your eyes, of course, " Harry grinned. "Oh my, someone save me from this corny weather boy, please!" you mumbled dramatically. "But, honestly, it's my favourite too. I'm really hoping for it to rain tonight."  "Yeah, me too. It's one of the best feelings ever, " Harry said foundly. You frowned. "It's just so pretty. I don’t understand how some people don't like it." "Well, not everyone can have good taste, Y/N. Imagine if everybody liked treacle tart? A total tragedy, " Harry sighed in content, imagining one piece of his favourite dessert. He then pouted. "Now I'm hungry. Thank you very much, Y/L/N. " You laughed. You sure seemed to do that a lot with Harry around, and the butterflies in your belly were still yet to fly away. "It's almost dinner time, anyway. So don't worry much, I'll save you one tart when we get there, " you rolled your eyes. Harry's face fell, and he looked at the rest of the library. There was more noise now, almost everyone was exiting the room or cleaning their things up, heading towards the Great Hall. His friends were still at his previous table, some getting up and stretching (Harry could almost swear he heard Dean's back crack all the way to where he was sitting with you) and others making sure everything was in place. "Already?" He asked in a small voice, making you freak out over how cute the boy looked at the moment. Harry's eyebrows were furred and his pout grew even bigger. His pupils were so dilated that you almost couldn't see his green irises. He was sad and disappointed that he had to leave you and your spot, and you couldn't help but feel giddy at the thought. "Harry, " you called with your eyebrows raised, a smirk plastered on your face, "As much as your lost little puppy face amuses me, we should get going. I too want treacle tart, so let's go, " you teased, starting to put everything in your navy blue bag. "But Y/NNN, " Harry whined, dragging your name. "I am so comfortable right now. Don't want to get up. " "Are you always this dramatic?" you asked, crossing your arms. Harry gave you a lopsided grin, "Did you know that they say that my dad and Padfoot were total drama queens? Must be the genes." You cackled. You weren't even really sure of what, or who he was talking about but it didn't make it less funny. You pushed him off the sofa, yanking the blanket from him and shoving it into your bag, ignoring his protests. You swung your bag over one shoulder and looked up at Harry. "Ready?" Harry mumbled, "Could've at least let me keep the blanket..." You started to walk away, shaking your head, and Harry quickly followed you. "Honestly, Potter, we don't have all night!" "Hey- wait f'me!" Harry exclaimed, hurring to get to you. You just giggled in response, and the two of you made your way to the Great Hall. . Both you and Harry had to endure much teasing and many questions from their respective friends. Harry had his face hidden in his hands, wanting to evaporate out of there. You would play with your rings and roll your eyes at any stupid question. You rolled your eyes quite often. After the initial shock, the whispers and glances had started, annoying you profusely. Can't people just mind their own business? you thought.

Harry wanted to hide under the table, and he had now decided that he should really really really get new friends. Fortunately, the curious stares (at least the obvious ones) eventually stopped. Harry caught your eyes a few times and he made a silly face everytime that happened. You replied every time with another one, enjoying your new 'game'. When the desserts started to appear on the tables, you immediately took two pieces of one of the treacle tarts and lifted your plate excitedly as soon as you and Harry made eye contact again. Harry smirked, and lifted his own plate, showing you three pieces there.

One for you and two for me! he mouthed. You bursted out laughing, shaking your head and shoved a bit of the sweet into your mouth. As for Harry, treacle tarts never tasted better. But this didn't go unnoticed. Especially not the teachers table. Professor Flitwick started a whole bank of bets about his new pair; he and Fred and George Weasley would associate soon enough. "I just know they will be together by January,"  he whispered to himself. "Oh, don't be ridiculous, Filius. Christmas is their time, believe me," answered Professor McGonagall, having heard him clearly even over the room's noise. "February, " piped in Dumbledoor dreamily. "Or never, " grumbled Snape. Professor Sprout threw her water at him. Not long after dinner time had ended, the students went to their respective common room. You and Harry met at the bottom of one of the moving stairs, trying to get ready to go your own way. Ron, Hermoine and a few others waited for him a little far away, not wanting to wait for the teasing to continue. Awkward and flustered Harry was one of their favourites. "Well... I guess I'll see you around," you said, adjusting your bag while looking up at the fidgeting boy. "Yeah..." Harry trailed off, glancing around. He was hitting himself internally for being so lame. "Harry. " you called, lifting your hand to Harry's face so he would face her, thanking everything you knew for your newfound confidence. "Thank you for going to see me at the library. I am really glad you did," you smiled softly. "I am glad, too, " he whispered. Harry then grasped your hand, which was still in his face, and stroked the back of it for a bit. "Good night, Y/N." He eventually said, grinning at your red face. You huffed and pulled your hand away just to push him slightly back. "Don't get all mushy now, you wanker!" "Ah, you wished, Y/L/N, " Harry retorted, starting to walk back to his friends. He then looked at you again. "See you around!" "See you, " you waved and went back to your own friends. . It had been almost three months since that thursday evening, and you Harry really did see each other round. The duo became almost inseparable, if someone saw you, you would see Harry Potter not far away, and where you saw Harry you would see you close by. You had become very close with the rest of the Griffindor's. Harry eagerly introduced you to them a few days after you officially met, and you were welcome with open arms. As for Harry, he was quite nervous when meeting the other Ravenclaw's, but with your help, he soon made new friends with them too. The two of you, despite all of the circumstances, would always make time for one eachother everyday. Be it just relaxing by the black lake, studying at your spot in the library, or messing around the corridors. You had built a beautiful friendship in a very short period of time, and that both scared and amazed you. It was all just so natural. It was all just like it should be. Most said you were secretly dating. After all, you were always touching each other. Arms around the other shoulder or waist, sometimes holding hands, the occasional kisses in cheeks, forehead, head, and the frequent hugs. It all started when you noticed how touch starved Harry was. So, you first started to do small things when you two were alone; grab his hand, lean your head on his shoulder, linger a little longer in your before short awkward hugs. So, when you asked Harry if and how comfortable he was with your affections, and then if you could display them in public, you received a very excited nod from Harry and a very tight hug, as well as a kiss on your head.  

After that, neither of you stopped your affections. Feelings soon developed after your friendship blossomed, but neither you nor Harry acted on it. You liked how things were, you liked your intimate uncomplicated friendship. And besides, you thought that the others' feelings were purely platonic, afraid of rejection. Hermoine and Ron had yelled at the both of you because of it more often than not. It was almost Christmas time, and you couldn't wait for it. You would be seeing your family for the first time in a while, and then you would finally meet the rest of Weasleys, as Ron had invited you to spend the rest of the holiday at his house. When you knew that both Harry and Hermoine were going too, you couldn't help but say yes. Just a few more days. It was thursday again, and because of your now finished tests and exams, you and Harry decided to ditch the study day to spend the afternoon at the black lake. It was nostalgic. The afternoon was just the same as the day you had met, except this time the sky seemed even darker. There was still no wind, and there was still no rain, only the dark sky and the winter cold air. Harry had his back against one of the trees close by, and you were snuggled up to him, trying to block out the cold, even though the you two were under your warm red and black squared blanket. Harry's strong arms were wrapped around your figure perfectly, making you relish the fuzzy feeling that went through your bodies, as you both tried to get comfortable.

Your hair was pulled into a careless bun to keep it out of your face. A fluffy scarf was wrapped around your neck, and you had previously discarded your robe into a shorter and warmer dark blue cape. Your nose and cheeks were flushed with the cold temperature, but you could've sworn you had never felt so warm before. In your gloved hands was a securely held book, and you tried to get lost in its world. Which was very very difficult when Harry was just behind you, holding you, being the adorable boy he was. He had a black beanie in his head and some of his messy raven locks escaped underneath it. His nose and cheeks were pink as well, making his green eyes stand out. Harry wore a dark blue (almost black) hoodie which was a little big on him, but you almost died of how cute it looked on him. For the past half an hour, not much was spoken between you two. You wanted to just finish that chapter, and Harry was trying his best to not disturb you (although it was quite difficult for him to stay still). He first stared a little at you, as you were too beautiful to not to. Then, he read the book with you for a while, but quickly got distracted by the weather. It entranced him, just like in that day at the library. If he could, he would look at it for hours. Harry didn't notice when you closed your book, adjusted the blanket around you more tightly and looked up at him. Only when you lifted your hand to cup one of his flushed cheeks did Harry snap out of his trance. Harry leaned into your touch. "Hello there," he gave you a boyish smile. "Hi, weather boy," you grinned. You stroked his cheek slowly while your other hand reached for his crooked glasses. "I thought we agreed to not talking about that again," Harry frowned. But he wasn't really upset by it, if the amusement in his eyes were anything to go by. You shrugged. "You were making heart eyes at it again." "Well, it's just like the day we met! Remember?" Harry asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Of course I do. Such a special day. The day I found out that the Harry James Potter fell in love with couches and tables." you said, trying to keep a straight face. But when Harry gave you the most done look you had ever seen, you bursted out laughing. "You will never let that go, will you?" Harry huffed, turning his face to the opposite side from you. "Never," you said. However, when you saw his pout, you couldn't resist and leaned to kiss his jaw. "But, honestly? It was one of the most important days of my life." Harry turned to you. "Why?" he asked curiously. "Because I got to meet the one who would become my favourite person," you smiled softly. Harry's heart was practically bursting out of his chest and he was very worried that you could hear it. He could only stare into your eyes, and the need to taste you was becoming too unbearable for him. A minute passed. Then two. And Harry finally opened his mouth. "I really want to kiss you right now, " he breathed. Your mind went almost completely blank, a very rare occurrence. All you knew was- one, if you were standing right now your legs would have probably given you up; two, the strange feeling in your belly was starting to become a little too intense; and three, you really wanted to kiss him too. It didn't take much for you to answer. "So why don't you?" You met half ways, neither was sure of who moved first. Your mouths were just pressing each other softly, relishing on the new mind-blowing feeling. Harry's lips were slightly chapped because of the cold and they moulded perfectly against your soft ones. It was a soft, innocent peck that lingered for some time. Harry pulled apart after a few seconds, opening his eyes and looking into yours. Harry's breathing was uneven matching your breathy one. And in one quick and craving move, you kissed again. Your hands were on Harry's chest, moving them in an up-and-down motion. Harry grabbed you by the torso and pulled you onto his lap, trying to get you as close as possible. This time, the kiss was passionate, almost desperate, as your mouths moved against each other. Neither cared about the air necessity; you didn't want to pull away, and Harry didn't really care if the oxygen in his lungs ended. Harry brushed his tongue against your bottom lip, making youpart them. Your tongues involved with one another, fighting for dominance. Your teeth would sometimes clash but not in a painful way, it was in a hungry one. You eventually gave up and let Harry explore your mouth. You focused now on the feeling of his body pressed on you; his well built (thank Merlin for quidditch) yet slim body. You travelled your hands up to his neck and your fingers played with the hairs that escaped the beanie on the nape of it. You then threw the beanie to where your book was lying, and ran your hands through his locks, no doubt making them even more messy. When your lungs were finally burning too much, you pulled away just enough for you to trail hot-mouthed kisses from the corner of Harry's mouth, to his jaw and his neck. Harry leaned his head slightly back so you could continue to leave kisses on his exposed skin. He was breathing hard, and he gripped his arms around your waist and torso for stability. His mouth was slightly agape, and he definitely wasn't much cold anymore. Harry didn’t even notice until now that the navy blanket fell just around your waists, keeping the lower part of your bellies and legs warm. You trailed her kisses back to his lips, leaving one chaste kiss there before pressing your forehead against Harry’s. Your breaths were ragged and neither of you had the energy just yet to open their eyes. A few minutes later, your eyes fluttered open and you saw Harry already staring at you with a small smile on his face. You didn’t really know what to say. Should you say thank you? Or confess your feelings for the boy. But wasn't it obvious? Well, Harry really could be very oblivious sometimes. Maybe you should just run and move out of the castle. You have always wondered what Beauxbatons looked like, maybe you could go there. But your thoughts were interrupted when Harry sighed. "You're so pretty," he whispered, as if talking would be too loud and ruin your moment. You chuckled. "I am going to be honest, this was the most unexpected thing I could have thought of when I woke up this morning, and I don't really know what to think, " you said, brushing your nose with Harry’s. "Oh, hm, was-was it bad? I-I'm sorry, didn’t mean to-" Harry started to ramble, and tried to pull away. "No! No, Merlin Harry, I'm sorry, didn’t mean to make you feel bad!" you rushed to say, and hugged him closer. "It was really perfect, I just don't know what this means for us now, you know? It's a little scary, that's all." Harry leaned in and brushed your lips together. He gave you a light kiss before pulling back with the most gorgeous smile you had ever seen. "Well, it would be a little awkward if now you said you didn’t like me back, but I'm pretty sure your mouth was saying something really different not even five minutes ago, so-" "You're a complete idiot, did you know that Harry Potter?" you exclaimed in disbelief. "Your idiot now." You looked like a little kid on Christmas. "My idiot." You snuggled against Harry's chest, being now turned sideways on his lap, and leaned your forehead into the junction of his neck and shoulder. Harry's arms were still closely wrapped around you. You then pulled the blanket up again, making sure it covered all of your bodies, trying to keep the warmth that didn't escape. Harry looked up at the clouds. The dark grey colour still stained them, and little drops of rain met the ground timidly. He didn’t notice when it had started raining thanks to the tree you and Harry were currently leaned on. The smiles on your faces didn't seem to want to leave. It seemed the same. Just like that thursday at the library, as if nothing had changed. But things really did change, and in the most unique and pure way possible. Harry returned his attention to the girl in his arms and hugged you tighter. A content sigh left his lips as he closed his eyes. Here he was, in his favourite place, his home; in Hogwarts, with this magic sky above him, almost protecting him from all his nightmares just because of it's magic aura, with you in his arms. How he got so lucky? He wasn't quite sure. But he finally was happy. Thank Merlin for thursdays, especially the ones with dark grey skies.

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More Posts from Cherrynott

3 years ago

Jamie crawling into the huge hoodie you're wearing when its cold and just laying down on you with his head in your chest under the fabric

Rain beats against the windows of Gryffindor tower causing you to worry about James, who would let no weather stop him from playing quidditch. You however are curled up in front of the fire in the common room, toasty and warm in your favorite sweatshirt.

The portal to the common room swings open and the quidditch team steps through, all of them equally soaked to the bone, though James seems to be the only person with a smile on his face. His eyes scan the common room before landing on you.

"Y/N!!" he nearly squeals as he bounds towards you. He jumps onto the couch and shoves his head under the bottom of your sweater and wriggles up so his head and broad shoulders are under your sweater, his damp hair peeking out from the collar.

You squirm away from him, screeching and giggling, shocked by not only his wet hair but his freezing skin. "Fuck! James! That's so fucking cold!" you shriek.

A chill runs through your body as James rubs his wet hair against your chest as he gets comfortable, "Don't worry I showered" James assures.

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3 years ago

no because this is perfect, i'm in love

Flirty friends (or more?) (1.4)

summary: you and james have a flirty friendship with each other for so long, that you doubt if he reciprocates your feelings or he just wants to have fun.

warnings: drinking

pairing: james potter x fem!reader

a/n: this request made me really happy bc it kinda motivated me to write this. Quite short, but I hope you like it anyways<3


"Oh, you look amazing, pretty girl." James smiled at you, the stupid grin that made your heart beat ten times harder and make the room seem so much brighter. Your cheeks heated immediately, patting his shoulder and muttering a thank you.

"What's the occasion?" James asked, his grin still plastered brightly on his face. "Not that I'm complaining about this look ... just curious."

"Just a Hogsmeade trip with Marlene. She insisted since it was beautiful this month. Snow's finally receding and the airs not so chilly anymore."

James nodded, "Without me? I though we went everywhere together, darling." He flirted, a smug smile replacing his old one.

These were the times that you doubted how you really felt. On one hand, you've been desperately in love with him ever since you met the boy. The little boy who had tiny rounded glasses and red cheeks, the person you met at twelve years old. Who you've fancied ever since. He was such an odd soul to make out.

But on another hand, he was ... James. You didn't quite know how to put it. But it was James. Star quidditch player, intelligent, and sometimes really funny. You didn't know which version of James you really fell in love with. And you didn't know if all those fond memories were ready to be ruined with a solemn confession.

"I go everywhere with you, Jamie. It's nice to take a break from the stress." You mutter, though never shying from a smile.

Without a single hesitation, James pulled both your arms so that you were sat down on the couch. Your knees touching his knees, skin grazing each other. James wraps an arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer into his body. "I thought you liked being with me." He said with a playful pout.

You chuckled, patting his cheek lightly. "I do, but we hang out every hour of the day. If we keep doing this, then people will think we're dating."

James shrugged. "So?" He asks casually. "What's the most horrible outcome you can think of that will happen when we date. Tell it to me then I'll try to solve that problem for you."

"James— no, I was just— I would— no, that— no." Your brain stuttered, not knowing what to say.

James gave you a small smile, somewhere between sad and soothing. "Just joking around." He breaks the momentary silence.

You begin to stand up, your sundress flowing and touching James, making him flush at the sight of your bare legs. You give him a tight-lipped nod, "Like you always are."

You came back from your Hogsmeade trip pretty late, it was just befits curfew but the common rooms seems to be empty. Except for the occasional first years who were occupied with their homework. The fire still burned brightly, illuminating the dim light and causing warmth to spread throughout the room.

From the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of a tall boy slumped over the couch. His hair was unruly, glasses folded and gripped on his hand. You felt yourself blushing as you admired your best friend.

James had always been gorgeous, so it wasn't a surprise to you that you caught yourself admiring him right now. Sprawled over the couch, his hair falling to all sides of his face, and his face looking purely innocent. You wanted nothing more than to kiss his pretty lips and snuggle closer to his body.

You nudged him with your hand, just a soft brush. "James." You cooed, "Wake up, it's well after curfew. James—" you said, growing impatient and ending up shoving him harshly.

"Wha— Oh! Hey, pretty girl!" He exclaimed, his voice loud and shrill.

"Shut up! You're so loud."

James giggled— giggled! He giggled and gave you a lazy grin, his arms snaking around your neck and hands digging in your hair to twirl the strands around his finger. You loved it when he did that, especially when you would lie in bed with him doing nothing but paying attention to each other and having him curl your hair with his finger.

Your mind momentarily freezes, thinking of all the times you've been in James' bed and being as happy as a child with a bucket of candy. He made you so comfortable, so well loved and happy. The way he did the little things, like light up scented candles when you went over his dorm. Or how he would insist on carrying your ink and quill around because he knew you misplaced it often. James made you feel so good.

"Why are you all up and giddy? You drunk?" You asked him, peering down to stare at his drunk pout.

"Mhm. Pads gave me like ... 3 glasses. He knew I was a lightweight, that arse." James said, his eyes turing into little slits as it closed and opened tiredly.

You ran a hand through his thick head of hair, pushing his beautiful curls behind and leaving his face bare of them. James gave you the smallest smile, soft and gentle, appreciative.

"I told you not to drink anything Sirius gave you. The stuff he gets from his pureblood friends' are always extra strong for some reason. And it taste bad too." You chuckled.

"I wasn't thinking clearly. Nearly drank myself out if Moony didn't take the bottle from me. Anyways, it's my fault— I'm sorry, darling."

Your face comforted, confused. "For what?"

"For— for the joke? Right before you left, you said something under your breath and I knew you were upset."

Oh. So he did pay attention to you. Your heart beated slightly faster than usually, racing at the thought of James drinking so much because he upset you.

"It's fine— I— it didn't mean anything." You muttered. By now, James had retracted his hands from around your neck and let it lay on his thighs.

"No, I know it did. If you just tell me, then I can figure out how to make it better for you."

He was so adamant about this, you thought. Then again, he always was. James was sort of a book, all these written pages need to be read to understood. You though you already knew everything everything was about him, but there was even more than you had to find out yourself.

"It's embarrassing." You state, your leg nervously jumping up and down.

James extended his arm and gripped your knee, stopping your leg and calming you down. "You never have to be embarrassed with me, love. You know that."

"Well, it's uh— it's you. You're always bringing up the topic of us dating and doing ... stuff. And the weirdest part is I like it, I like it when you do that. And you flirt like hell, James. Here and there, you're you're flirting with me like it's so natural. Sirius noticed, Remus does too. Marlene and Lily ask me all the time about it. And Merlin, even Peter!" You said in one breath. 

"Noticed what? About what?"

"You! You flirting with me but always brushing it off as a joke when I turn serious!"


"Don't act stupid, James!"

James struggled to get the words out of his mouth. He got choked up, the alcohol probably blurring his thoughts. "I do like you! I— I think I may be in love with you, actually." James broke the silence.

You widened your eyes, shocked at his stupidly loud declaration. You could feel the first years turn their heads and scrunch their faces in disgust at two 17-year-olds arguing about their love. 

"Don't say it if you don't mean it, James. I'm serious, if you want me then tell me. I don't want a flirty friendship, I want a relationship." You said, your cheeks growing heated at his confession.

"I like you?" He sort of questions, confused and twisted with his own emotions to notice how you rolled your eyes.

"Is that a question—!?"

James chuckled, his hands grabbing your cheeks. In swift motion, his lips were on yours. You didn't hesitate and let James melt into you. It had been way too long, so many years of your ferocious feelings for him had been kept in the dark.

Now, James had explored every inch of your mouth and you were ready to take it even further. But with his hard feelings, James pulled away and put a finger to your lips.

"I think we should continue this tomorrow, darling. Your kiss is dizzying, but so is alcohol."

You didn't care, at least you've got him now.

—@ wrathspoet

General taglist: @regulusblackswhorecrux @scandalous-chaos @bisexualdragongirl @scamanderinskirts @comfort-reads @ughgclden @dulcet-lover @v1oletvenus @raajali3

Marauders era: @risingtripletaurus @athenapotter @lauralestrange7 @sagepotters @padf00ts-l0ver

James potter: @rqmanoff @destourtereaux @messrsssss @loopy-lupinn @lilithcromwell @teenwolfbitches28 @my-dearest-moony @imabee-oralizard

if your blog is crossed out, please check your privacy settings // add yourself to my taglist

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3 years ago

the golden era masterlist


harry james potter


synopse: you love thunderstorms, until one night they bring bad memories back. who better than harry to make you feel better? (3.4k words)

thursdays of dark grey skies

synopse: who would have thought that one study thursday of dark grey skies could change so much? (5.8k words)


synopse: everytime harry fucks anything up and gets in trouble, there is a bet: which howler will he be receiving? (1.4k words)

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3 years ago

so fucking cute <33

Daisy Knots

Pairing: Harry Potter x fem!reader

Warnings: cottagecore!au, fluff

Summary: after everything that happens, you and those daisy knots remind harry of what he loves

Daisy Knots
Daisy Knots
Daisy Knots

You stirred in your sleep, feeling the subtle warmth of the sun, you smiled knowingly, and one look at you, Harry smiled too. You were too angelic for his own good. You sensed his thumb brush against your cheeks, and hummed. You could see grass stains and grazes in the mess of his hair, as his fingers delicately worked with unspoken perfection, sticking the small daisies, which you both had collected while gremlining around the garden, in the unbrushed knots of your hair, as if your unabashedly lost physicality didn't startle him.

He loved the way your kisses tickled him, teased him. You momentarily raised your arms towards his jaw, and locking them firmly, pulled him down.

The taste of his lips was an amalgamation of everything sweet and mysterious; sun warmed strawberries, the waft of wild roses and carnations.

Lying on his lap, as the birds struck their unexplainable melody, as if inviting a stupor, you felt full of love. The sweet thrum of your giggle as you watched Harry half way up the tree made time stretch eons long. It stretched forever, only flying when you were tucked by his side in the evenings, a book held in your lithe grip, while you scrunch your nose at his knick-knacks all the while in the background.

The daisy knots in your hair reminded him so much of your essence, pure and innocent, just like the colors of sunset, just as the shimmer of stars.

It was you who made him fall in love with the present, it was you and those daisy knots.

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3 years ago

this was so sweet 😭

Warmer The Better

poly!marauders x fem!reader

summary: Your boyfriends can't stand seeing you in pain.

warnings: fluff, period cramps, boys falling all over you, implied sub!reader, kissing

A/N: not me writing myself a comfort fic for my period :')

Warmer The Better

You whined, pressing your hands to your lower belly. Remus, bringing his hands onto yours’, wrapped you tight. “Better, bun?”

You nodded, relaxing as his hands started to massage your tummy. Magic was leaking from his fingertips, softening the sharp pain under your midriff. He felt your tenseness loosening as he massaged, your face relaxing slowly. He planted a cushion-like kiss on your cheek, hugging you tighter to make sure his body is warming you enough.

The door cracked open, James and Sirius pumping inside, hands filled with bits and pieces. “Emergency team is ready for your service ma’am!”

You giggled to James’ heart-warming cherished voice, slowly opening your eyes to meet theirs’. James winked at you with a cheeky smile, placing the four mugs he was struggling to carry. An intensive chocolate smell filled your lungs, both you and Remus smiling at the smell.

Sirius rushed to your near, hands gently grabbing your face. “How are you feelin’ angel,” he asked concernedly. You nuzzled, purring to his hands. “Uh – girls gave me these. They said it’ll help with the cramps.” he showed the heating pads, placing them on your belly and under your feet. He looked up to Remus. “They told me we have to keep her warm.”

“Thank you, Siri,” you mumbled, the pads’ heat slowly melting inside your body. “It really helps.” He kissed your forehead, pushing away the strands on your face.

Remus grabbed his chin, connecting their lips. An amused chuckle fell from your lips, watching your boyfriends kissing above you.

“Putting on a show for bunny without me, eh? I’m offended now,” James scoffed, holding a jumper in his hand as he approached you three.

You giggled, making grabby hands to him.“Don’t be Jamie, I’ll kiss you.” you stood on your elbows as James came near you with a wide smile, pulling you into a passionate kiss. Remus and Sirius peeked behind you, Sirius placing small kisses down your neck as Remus did to James’ the same.

You pulled back eventually due to lack of air, a mewl tumbling from your mouth. You looked at James, wanting more. And Sirius’ lips kept pampering your neck with kisses, making your need grow. Remus tweaked your chin. “Not now, bunny. You need to rest.”

“C’mon bun, take this jumper on, you gotta be all warmed up.” James, agreeing with Remus, held the jumper up, ready to pull it down your head.

You pouted, crossing your arms on your chest. “I already have the heating pads and Remmy wrapped me like a burrito. I'm sweating!”

“Don’t be a brat, sweets.” Remus tsked, your brows knitted firmly at the word. “We’re all doing this for you.”

“I know,” you whined, “but it’s too much, I'm getting overwhelmed.”

“But your cramps are worse than last time, bunny. We’re worried.” Sirius’ hands trailed down to your stomach, gently rubbing. You became softer, burying your head into his neck.

“Got a little cold, ‘s why,” you murmured.

Remus brought his hand to your back, sharing a look with the boys as they smiled. “And that’s why we’ll keep you all warmed up, alright?” You nodded, sniffing Sirius’ cologne, finding comfort in his sharp but sweet smell.

“Go on then, before these get cold.” James handed you the hot chocolates as all four of you tried to sit together on Remus’ bed.

“We all won't fit here,” you chuckled as you held your mug firmly, trying to prevent any kind of accident.

Sirius pulled out his wand, enlarging the bed with a spell he uttered quietly.“Better now?”

You were between Remus’ legs, back pressed to his chest as Sirius laid down on your stomach, his weight reducing your pain. James was on Remus’ other side, cuddling him as your hands were interlocked with each other. Peaceful somnolence hovering above your bodies.

Remus grabbed his book from the drawer, kissing your temple. “Want me to read for you?”

“Is this even a question!” Sirius and James exclaimed in sync, lifting their heads to look at Remus with puppy eyes.

“I asked Y/N.” You giggled at your lovers, feeling a lot better than before. As long as they were with you you didn’t need to worry about anything.

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