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Crasstuff - Tumblr Blog
My thoughts without filter from my brain right now;
I can get really happy with small things in my life. I like to smell new books and I like them neat and clean. I like to drink kefir, I really think it helps with my mood because of the gut health etc. I like my long beard. It looks kinda scary but also stylish. It also has some ginger hair in it, I think I got viking blood! When I put the hat on, I look like a spy or undercover cop. I love the way I look into mirror, the way I glance. I like to talk to customer service very politely and cheer them up. I sometimes like how my hair gets oily and then rub my fingers through it. Sometimes I feel very good being alone, but then when I'm with someone I love or like, I just feel very energized and good. I think I'll be a great husband.
A couple of months ago, I fasted for 10 days straight. No food at all. Only water, some lime juice, and salt. I've lost 7 kg, and I was so focused and energized. I felt cleansed. I was also walking a lot by that time. I was gonna go on for 15 days, but I didn't want to push so hard. I've checked my blood results, vitamins & minerals, etc. Everything was normal.
I've gained so much weight over the last months, so I'm going to be fasting for 10 days again. And then gonna eat only one meal a day. I was eating one meal a day but I am in another country now. I've read lots of articles about it and experimented OMAD for couple months and find the balance like in weekdays, only 1 meal a day and at the weekends 2 meals a day would be much optimal for my health. It's called the 5/2 system.
I like to fast for 20 hours daily and give myself 4 hour feeding window, but I don't think it's enough, so I'm going to give myself 6 to 8 hours feeding window.
The best thing about OMAD is that I'm saving so much time from grocery shopping, cooking, and money. I don't like to eat out that much because I'd like to know what's inside of my food. But when I do wanna eat out I can go to the best places and enjoy my meal.
I'm always trying to use the best quality ingredients for what I'm eating. It's costly, but it's one of the best investments I can ever make for my life.
The mental clarity and resilience I get from this practice is huge. People are like;"Oh, I'm hungry. I'm gonna die!" No, you won't. I know for a fact that I can even go without food for 30-45 days and won't die.(It depends on your body index), I just need water to survive and even for water I can go without up to 3 days or more. I don't crave food anymore. It's just giving me energy, of course I like to eat but it's not so important.
Also, when I don't eat for a long time, I'm looking forward to eating, and every bite I take feels special and more delicious. I mean, thousands of years ago, food was not so abundant like it did now. Our ancestors were not feeding themselves every couple of hours, so I think fasting is really good. If done in a healthy way, of course.
I can't find the post that I saw years ago but it was consisting about two things;
-Take a walk
-Find a hobby & do something you love
I went to buy new outdoor shoes and then start walking every day near the river, inside of the forest and out of town.
I was walking at least 2 to 3 hours a day. Sometimes, I was even walking for 8 hours straight. I even changed cities by walking. I started by listening to nothing, I was just listening and talking to myself. I was talking my thoughts loud and having a conversation with myself and finding solutions to my problems. Then, I started to listen to podcasts about life and the things I was interested in. It helped a lot, gave me different perspectives, and I gained knowledge.
Then, I started to take videos of myself talking about whatever I wanted. I was talking to the people that I wanted to talk to but couldn't due to many reasons. It was liberating.
I nearly cut out sugar completely out of my diet and eat only healthy things. I wasn't cooking complex dishes but simple yet delicious food.
I couldn't do anything I love in that time, but after a while, I started to do improvised theater, which I always wanted to do. And then one thing lead to another and I wasn't feeling that bad at all. I only started all of this by walking.
So, find your own pace. Think what you wanna do & love. And start by walking, one step at a time. Good luck.
I didn't use Tumblr for years, what I come to realize is that even though you're liking or reblogging positive or good photos/words, gifs and then there comes one post or one blog that is super depressed, has negative posts or just seems evil and then you might get suck into this and feel terrible. This place is like a casino, you can win the round but you may never win the game at the end it just wants you to keep down.
“Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you never know who would love the person you hide.”
— C.S. Lewis
“Let’s raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhoods.”
— Pam Leo
“And then like Pandora, opening the great big box of the world and not being afraid, not even caring whether what’s inside is good or bad. Because it’s both. Everything is always both. But you have to open it to find that out.”
(via purplebuddhaquotes)
Lexi Wood
Devon Carlson
By Betina du Toit