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Hello!! I Saw Your Dating Hcs For Macaque And SWK And I Gotta Admit... THAT I LOVED THEM!! Hope I Don't
Hello!! I saw your dating hcs for Macaque and SWK and i gotta admit... THAT I LOVED THEM!! Hope I don't bother you, but could i request some headcanons of what would include being SWK and Macaque's crush?? ^^
I'm so happy you liked them!! And yesssss the crushing phase is the best phase :)))
Being SWK/Macaque's Crush Headcanons!
As soon as he realizes he’s got feelings, he admittedly is a little afraid. Would you reciprocate? Would you leave? If you’re mortal but wanna be with him, would he have to convince you to become immortal?? He overthinks the entire thing and it hurts his brain
Tries to spend more time with you and offers you a lot of favors or help with anything you want or need. He just wants to prove that he’s loyal and useful, even though you know he doesn’t need to prove anything—you already see it.
He’s not one to flirt a lot. He prefers actions. He’s affectionate to everyone he’s close to, it’s just a habit and a monkey thing. He might be physically more close with you but if you’re not into it he’ll back off the best he can.
If he’s known you for a long time before developing a crush, he will be more vulnerable with you. He’ll let down his guard, he’ll let you see him without his glamour, whatever. You’ve earned his trust and he wants to show you that.
When Wukong musters up the courage to tell you his feelings, it’s an emotional moment for him. He drops his front of joking and being cool and suave, and his face and tone are serious. In the end, it’s up to you if you want to be with the Monkey King!
He doesn’t think he deserves love. But he really likes you, for one reason or another, and you’ve become something for him to start blushing about when he thinks about you! It annoys him that he’s let himself fall in love, but he’s willing to put in some effort.
He’ll disappear a lot. Sometimes unexpectedly, sometimes because he’s got to go investigate something. Most of the time he is in fact scouting something out, but other times he’s testing the waters with you. Will you stick around? How will you act when he returns? But surprise surprise you…don’t mind? That he wants space??? And then and ONLY THEN will he start trying to woo you.
He brings you little trinkets and souvenirs from his travels. He’s less snarky and more genuine when he talks to you. He doesn’t act all moody when you fuss about his wounds after he comes back from a trip. He welcomes your company and even takes you to where he lives, telling you that as long as you don’t root through his stuff you can stop by whenever.
Macaque will have to have known you for a long time to want to confess to you and even longer to want to even consider letting you see him without his glamours. You will see that sight eventually, believe me it’s worth it, but it takes time. He doesn’t want to get hurt again.
In confessing to you, he will try to act very suave like he knows what he’s doing, but he’s so out of practice with real romance. So he fumbles over his words and probably almost has an anxiety attack in trying to tell you. But after he recovers, he’s ecstatic to hear that you feel the same!
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More Posts from Crypticjackal13
Hi jackal! Its me again-
I have a request again since I am having some hard times lately..
My request is..can you do mk, swk, macaque, tang and pigsy's reaction to Child!Reader having a low score in a subject that they used to be good at?
( platonic ofc and sorry if there are too much characters..you can remove 1 or 2 of them if you would like ^^ )
( the pronouns for child!reader is she/her also sorry if this is very out of place..)
Have a nice day!! ^_^
Aw it's good to hear from you again!! Sorry that you're struggling, I hope this helps! ^^
(also Pigsy and Tang are a package deal since they're married I don't make the rules)
PLATONIC Headcanons
CW: mentions of food/eating, slight disappointment from Macaque and Pigsy
MK - He would probably be a little concerned. He’s not one to notice ONE bad grade, however in a subject she’s shown interest in and succeeded thus far, then he might have to check in on her. He sits down with her, creating a very calm atmosphere(they don’t want to scare her) and asks her what’s been going on. Is someone picking on her? Is she not understanding something? No matter what, he makes it very clear that they’re not upset, they just wanna make sure she’s not burning out or anything. Very sweet, might encourage her to do some studying at home as well as school.
SWK - this is the same man who said AND I QUOTE “your disciple was born stupid” do you think he cares about grades?(/lh). He doesn’t put value on the reader based upon the scores she gets, he values her character and how she acts. Though if she is struggling with anything that is affecting that, then he will gently encourage her to do some self-care with him. Meditation, some healthy snacks, and a Power Nap or two. He would never be angry with her for a bad grade. “Try your best! Even if you do badly, you put in the effort!”
Macaque - Dad Mode engaged. Probably hangs her good grades up on his fridge or something, but then gets worried when she doesn’t want this particular test up there. Admittedly he’s a bit disappointed, but he doesn’t punish her. He puts time and effort into helping her make corrections for the assignment, he helps her study, and tries to help her balance out her mental health while he’s at it. An even amount of breaks in between work sessions, proper meals(I think he’s honestly not a bad cook!). Really nice about it.
Tang and Pigsy are a package deal - Aw what happened?? Do they need to have a chat with the teacher?? No, there won’t be any threats this time. Anyways, Pigsy would be the one to jump to conclusions—maybe she’s spending too much time playing games—but Tang would rationalize and calm him down. He’s an intelligent man, he’d probably love helping her with her school work. For any class, not just the ones she’s struggling with. Pigsy makes sure she’s eating properly and going to bed on time so she’s not throwing off her physical health. They celebrate all the small victories she has, they just want her to do her best!
Hello! Before I do the request I have to say..
I love your writing alot! And the way you express the characters are absolutely stunning!
But anyways since this is my first request so you gotta bare with me here..
Is it ok if its a MK X Filipino!reader?
If not its ok really!
Also I dont know how to explain things but if you need some points on the idea here is how it goes:
Filipino!reader is coming back to china to meet mk ( also their relationship started before the events of mk being swk's succesor ) and mk wanted to let the others know about Filipino!reader so basically mk invites everyone to pigsy's noodles and they finally meet filipino!reader for the first time! ( also you can add characters if you like but can you add swk and macaque there too? )
( sorry if this is very confusing its my first time really! And I am filipino so if I misspelled anything I am sorry ^^ )
Have a good day/afternoon/night!! <3
Not confusing at all! And thank you, I really do my best! Enjoy!! ^^
"City Sweet City" (MK x Filipino!GN!Reader)
(romantic oneshot)(827 w.c)
Pronouns: They/Them
CW: none? Food at the end
Weaving your way through Airport traffic to get to where your boyfriend said he was parked was arguably the worst part of your trip from the Philippines to get to China. Thank goodness MK’s vehicle of choice was the delivery buggy that he used at work. The large pig on top eliminated a lot of time you would have spent searching for him. As soon as MK saw you approaching, he leapt out of the car and ran to you. He enveloped you in a bear hug, lifting you up with ease and spinning the two of you around.
“Y/N! You’re here! In front of me! Wow!” He was beaming at you, practically jumping for joy, and you would be too if you weren’t holding all your luggage.
“I am! But before anybody goes crazy can we please put all this in your trunk?” You gestured to your bags, and he seemed to just realize they existed as he started helping you to put them in the back.
“Oh, right! I thought that maybe after we dropped your stuff off at my place you’d come to Pigsy’s with me? I want you to meet my friends!”
“Yeah, that sounds good!”
He locked the trunk and you both got into the car to drive to his apartment where you’d be staying. You’d been badgering him about cleaning it for ages, and from what you could see now that you were standing in it, he had. He also showed you the pull out bed that was on his couch just in case you wanted to sleep by yourself. This was incredibly sweet, you told him, however if he had space in his bed you wanted to fill it. MK blushed at this and started getting all flustered, since this would be the first time you’d ever slept over and since he was your boyfriend he didn’t have to really be alone at night.
“Anyways, c’mon! Pigsy’s is right downstairs.” He took your hand, leading you down and around the corner of the building, and sure enough, there was the famous noodle place you’d heard of a million times. Aptly decorated for its name with a cozy interior that smelled delicious.
“Hey guys! I want you to meet my partner, Y/N! They’re from the Philippines!” MK called as you two entered. You waved to the people in front of you. From pictures alone, you could figure out who Mei was, with her signature green jacket and cutesy hairstyle. There were two monkeys as well, one of them sitting on a cloud in the corner while the other one was leaning on a wall enjoying some noodles. And of course the pig-man behind the counter must be Pigsy himself.
“Ooh, so you’re the one MK won’t stop talking about! I’m Mei!” Mei came up to you and hugged you. You returned the hug, giving MK a mischievous smile.
“You talk about me a lot?” You asked him. He stammered.
“Not in a negative way or anything! I just think you’re really cool so I talk about it!—“
“Relax, kid, you’re gonna blow a fuse,” The monkey on the cloud spoke finally. He gave you a polite wave. “I’m Monkey King. Nice to meet you after all this time!”
“Yeah, this is the mentor I was telling you about!” MK chimed in. You waved back at him. The shadow in the corner cleared his throat, and MK gestured over to him. “And that’s Macaque!”
“It’s so nice to meet you all! Good to see there are people around MK that can keep him out of trouble!” You smiled, and Macaque huffed with a smirk.
“Our success rate isn’t that high.” He said.
“Hey! We do our best!” Monkey King argued.
MK seemed to feel like there would be a fight, so he walked in between the two under the guise of grabbing water from the cooler that was sitting near a table. Then he led you over to the counter to sit down.
“How about we split some noodles? I’ll pay for them.” MK offered.
“Just this once, since it’s a special occasion, you can just have ‘em.” Pigsy slid two bowls over to you and your boyfriend.
“Ah, thank you!” You grabbed a pair of chopsticks and gave the food a taste. It practically melted in your mouth and it brought tears to your eyes.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like them?” MK worriedly looked at you.
“No…it’s delicious. Better than I could have imagined…” you practically inhaled the rest of the bowl, happier that you didn’t have to suffer through airplane food anymore.
“Thanks, Y/N.” Pigsy gave you an over the shoulder smile as he continued to cook. MK was smiling too and enjoying his own bowl of noodles. Surrounded by the people he cared about. With you, in person, able to actually hold you and show you his favorite places…you two would have so much fun!

is it okay to ask MK, red son, Mei, Wukong and Macaque x a Gender neutral reader that has ADHD, like they they fidget a lot and messes and fumbles over their words a lot? like they try to say something but mixes two words into one? sorry if its a lot to ask for!
No worries! I had some fun with this one
Traffic Light Trio and Shadowpeach (separately) x GN! ADHD!reader Headcanons!

Redson - condescending at first. But they slowly adjust and are actually pretty good at helping you! Has a spare fidget in one of their pockets in case you ever need one. They’re the “translator” for other people whenever you’re trying to talk as fast as you’re thinking and mix some stuff up—you don’t know how they do it, but they understand you perfectly. If you need something hands-on to do or are just bored in general, they’ll have you lend a hand in their projects, or at the very least let you sit with them and talk about your latest hyperfixations while they work. The only time they’re going to really question your logic (if there is any) is if they pop into the kitchen for a midnight snack and find you just fully zoned out, no thoughts head empty. Don’t worry they’ll snap you out of it lol
MK - OH SAME BRO. You two operate on a routine that you collaborated on because otherwise it would literally just be chaos. He has a whole bin of fidget toys that he lets you borrow from at any time! You two sit together and probably get mesmerized by those slime videos or even just those sensory videos. The apartment is probably covered in sticky note reminders. His favorite thing is letting you infodump to him about what you’re interested in, and then he gets to rant to you as well. He mixes up words just as much as you do, and yet you both always understand what the other is saying.
Mei - is the reasonable one out of the two of you. She helps you remember what you need to do and stuff, and honestly she benefits from making you a routine since she’ll probably end up making one for herself too. Definitely buys you fidget toys from time to time and ends up finding ones that she likes too! She keeps track of your interests so she can talk about them with you! Also probably has a backpack leash for you(she already has one for MK, so honestly it’s only natural you get one too). Very sweet, just wants you to be happy in any capacity!
Macaque - he has a very, very loose understanding of what ADHD is and how people cope with it. He balances out your hyperactivity the best he can, and honestly how could you refuse when he talks so smoothly to you about maybe chilling out for a minute? He’s with you for the good days and the difficult days, especially when you’re super unmotivated to do anything. Loves all the cool creative ideas you come up with; he has you help him brainstorm for his plays. He definitely doesn’t mind staying up late with you when you’re hyper focused, but he also knows there’s a line he needs to draw for the two of you so you don’t wake up the next day feeling exhausted. He himself burns out a lot I think so he’d be very good at recognizing when you’re burning out too(along with helping you manage things in a way that you can prevent it)
Wukong - he gets it, to a degree! Having known MK for as long as he has, he knows the basics, however he is more than willing to sit down with you and get an understanding of what your experience is like! Runs with most of your ideas and impulses, unless of course you’re thinking too far ahead or even too quickly. Yes, taking a trip on his cloud to visit a zoo a few cities over sounds nice in theory, but hang on, let’s actually plan a proper trip. He has nothing to really do all day other than train with MK and take care of the monkey village, so he’s never gonna say no to you coming over and hanging out with him, doing your thing, etc. He probably has some trouble understanding you if you’re talking really fast, but he doesn’t get frustrated or upset. He just kindly asks you to repeat what you said but slower. He’s doing his best for you :]
Hello can I request Mentor! Nezha x student! Reader?
Where Nezha is reader's mentor but reader tends to push themselves a bit too hard
Oh fun!! Dude nothing hits like a mentor with a burnt out student where the mentor has to actually keep an eye on things
"Blooming" (670 w.c)
Mentor!Nezha x Student!GN!Reader
CW: burnout, Nezha is disappointed

“No, you were too slow. Try again.”
You panted as you put your hands on your knees, looking at the weapon you’d dropped on the ground when he disarmed you. You were putting all your energy into this, and even though he wasn’t even using his powers, he was still much stronger than you. You’d been training under Nezha for weeks now. Shouldn’t you be more ahead?
Nonetheless, you picked up your spear, going back to the edge of the circle you two trained in. You got into the starting position just as he did.
He rushed at you, letting himself go into the loose defense so you could try to implement the move he was teaching you that day. A sweep of the legs that, if done correctly, would end with the handle of your spear across his shoulders to pin him down. But against the type of plans he had for you to go by, you had spent a few hours last night trying to exercise a little more than you were meant to. And by the gods, you were exhausted. And now you were pinned, too, and you didn’t even remember what happened while you were thinking.
“Okay, we’re done.” He frowned at you, taking your weapon. You didn’t even try to stop him. But this wasn’t how lessons usually ended—he would normally help you up and have you explain what led to the outcome of the fight.
“What? Did I do badly?” You scrambled to get up and follow him to the small building near his home that served as a home gym. He didn’t slow down his pace, his hands were balled into fists.
“It didn’t even feel like you were trying, y/n. Do you have something going on that’s making it harder for you to fight?” His disappointment hurt more than your muscles at the moment. You hung your head.
“I’m sorry. I’m really trying, I swear.” You explained, holding your hands in your pockets. He turned to face you in the doorway of the gym. His arms were folded across his chest as if he were upset, but his eyes were concerned and searching your face for something. You looked at him. He wouldn’t stop teaching you, would he? You’d worked so hard, you couldn’t just stop now!
“You’re not giving me 100 because you haven’t got 100 to give,” He sighed, dropping any anger he might have been holding. “Y/n, have you been doing more work than I’ve told you to do?”
“I mean, I’ve been doing some more night exercises, but no more than a few hours—“
“Hours? Y/n, I set guidelines for you because it’s meant to be completely adapted to your schedule and difficulty level. Doing more than that for the sake of getting ahead isn’t helping, it’s hurting.”
Nezha led you to the center of the yard, where he had you sit with him on the grass. He was across from you and could tell you were trying to directly mirror his pose. Always needing to do it like him.
“I don’t understand. Isn’t it good if I just want to be better?” You asked quietly. He took a few breaths, with you in tow.
“Getting better takes time and proper pacing. Jumping ahead because you think you can handle it isn’t always bad, but in your case, it’s burning you out. We’re putting a hold on your fighting, right now we just need to readjust your pace.” He explained to you. You listened to every word, internally cursing yourself for thinking you’d be able to just sneak this past him. Your intentions were good, it was just…too much.
“You’re a good kid, y/n. Just slow down and wait for me, alright?” Nezha ruffled your hair.
“So you’ll still teach me?”
“Of course I will. You’re my favorite student.”
“I thought I was your only student!”
“You are, you are!”
You two laughed and then settled into a quiet bit of meditation.
hi! Can i pls request Nezha getting pampered by reader after he had a long day? Just stuff like reader washing his hair and letting him lay on their chest while they watch tv or something fluffly like that. thnks!
Yes oh my goodness he deserves to be pampered ;-; enjoy!
"Spa Fit For A Prince" (966 w.c)
Nezha x GN!reader (they/them)
Romantic, fluffy, oneshot
CW: none I believe

“Ah, y/n! I wasn’t expecting you today,” as you walked into Nezha’s house, you saw him making an effort to draw…something…on a scroll. “How are you?”
“I’m alright. What are you doing?” You pointed at the scroll, and he looked at it in disdain as he folded his arms across his chest.
“I wanted to try doing a more modern version of this old map, but I’m halfway done and I’m realizing it’s a waste of time. But I already started, so I want to finish it.”
“That’s a cool idea, but no one’s pressuring you to finish it.” You set your bag on his couch, not letting him see what was inside. You’d been trying to get this to happen for ages, and now might just be your chance.
“I appreciate that, lotus. But if you want you can just hang out while I try to get to a good stopping point.” He gave you a sweet smile, but you could see the bags under his eyes. You both knew that a good stopping point in his opinion was to just finish.
“Or you could stop now and let me surprise you with something?” You offered, resting your chin on his head as he turned back to his map. You brought your hands to his shoulders, giving them a light squeeze.
“What’s the surprise?”
“I have to go set it up in your bathroom, first.”
“Oh, you’re not throwing ten different bath bombs in there again, are you? It took me forever to get the stains out of my tub!” He immediately grew suspicious of you, reaching for the bag. You moved faster than him and snatched it.
“No bath bombs, I promise! I’ll come get you in a few minutes, alright?” You winked, walking outside of his reach just in case he wanted to grab at you again. He didn’t, but he made a motion for you to hang on. You leaned down to his level, holding the goodies behind you. To your pleasant surprise, he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, but then he gave you a playfully serious look.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” He said.
“No promises!” You continued your walk and closed the bathroom door behind you. It wasn’t a small room, it would definitely be fine for what you were planning. As quietly as you could, you took some tea lights out of the bag, setting them up around the rim of the tub and on the counter by the sink. There were some face masks for him to choose from, most of them being out-of-the-bottle rather than the slimy sheet ones. You even got a fun patterned headband for him to hold his hair out of his face. Nail polish, in case he was willing to go all out, and some stones you were going to heat up. Finally, you ran a bath, throwing some bubbles in, but not the bomb you picked out—at least, not yet.
“Nezha? Can you come back here for a second, hon?” You poked your head out of the door with a grin. You heard movement and then moved out of the room and stood in front of the door to meet him. He came to a stop in front of you, wiping his hands on his pants.
“Okay, what did you break?”
“I didn’t break anything, honest! I just wanted to do something nice for you, since I know you’ve been putting a lot of effort into your work lately. So here,” you handed him one of those soft white robes you really only see at hotels. He narrowed his eyes. “Go get changed into this.”
“You’ll see!”
He was still suspicious of you, but he went into his room and then, a few minutes later, you had to do your best not to stare at him as he walked towards you. His figure was hard not to look at.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“Behold! A spa, just for you!”you opened the door with a flourish. He raised his eyebrows at you, then his face turned a bit red.
“Y/n…you know I have stuff to do.” He went in anyways after you took his hand and dragged him in.
“You always have stuff to do! You’re tired. You need a break.” You ranted at him, gesturing to the bath.
“I guess a little break wouldn’t hurt…” he sighed, rolling his eyes as you turned around to let him get in without being embarrassed.
“That’s the spirit!”
He slipped into the water and moved his hair over the edge of the tub so it wouldn’t get wet. You went to the other side of the tub so you could reach it and gently put it into a braid. You could tell he wasn’t fully relaxed or fond of this, but you intended for that to change at some point.
“Can I do your nails?” You asked. He chuckled.
“Why not.”
As he held out his hands you got to work in painting them a nice pinkish color. Once you had finished with the top clear coat, you did the other hand and then helped him to put a face mask on. His face was softer now, you noticed, and his shoulders had stopped being stuck in one spot as he gradually gave in to the feeling of not being so stressed. By the end of it, when he got out of the bath and into the robe again, he seemed hesitant to leave.
“You okay?”
“Yes. I’m just really thankful to you for doing this for me.” He hugged you, pressing a kiss to your temple. You kissed him back, smiling at him.
“We’ll have to do this more often, then! You deserve it, you know?”
“I suppose.”