(1994- ) | 18+ blog | amab, enby, demisexual (they/them) | AL | just a gay lil’ trash panda boi surviving in the south with long covid (2020-) and autoimmune diseases here, very few spoons available. Adult themes are here about current issues, intersectionality, anti-apartheid, queerness, sexuality, gender, art, thirst traps, sub space, chronic illnesses, and more. #ACAB #blacklivesmatter #translivesmatter #blacktranslivesmatter #freepalestine
316 posts
And What If I Reached The Stars? Did They Find Me?
“and what if i reached the stars? did they find me?”
he looked down at the avenues and streets below his feet.
and so, he leaped.
More Posts from Deepfriedbussy
Any profile with cop-worshipping themes or associates with such profiles always get the reported and blocked tap from here. Cops are terrorists who, in the United States, were formed institutionally as slave patrols and continue to uphold the rule of legal slavery through the criminal injustice system, prison labor, and legal slavery unto this day. Stop Cop City.
What’s disgusting is seeing queer—mainly gay male—erotic blogs that fetishize police in a dangerously fashy, right-wing way. Never worship the authorities that keep you down: be a Marsha and not a chuddy chad.
Watching the acab leave y'all's bodies when the dude in the thirst trap is a cop or role playing as a cop 🤨

I need to watch more European football!
I didn’t know that anybody begged for the opposite end of what I desire.
It’s not until this post can I put words into for what I’ve longed, what I’ve lacked in firsthand experience by the limitations this body brings.
I didn’t know that someone and others can or want to feel the need of what I just want to provide by default. All I know is how to give love, though I grieve at my hardship in not knowing how to receive adoration. This post takes what leaves me broken, shattered, but melts it into a new material. I’ve felt the fragility of glass, but it’s the reflective and refractive heat of metal that desire brings intimacy into the forge.
I freeze. Genuinely, I blame myself for having to survive, having to feel the absences from all of the trust I’ve lost. It weighs and remains true to this day. I live in the constance of confusion, the multitude of grievances I feel between pleasure and violation. The avoidance through solace is an apprehension that brings inconvenience by the senses survival is brought upon by traumas and tragedies.
I may appear to walk casually or nonchalantly, but there’s a slight heaviness within my gait. I find safety in the feeling of not needing to know words to simply walk over and straddle myself to a lovingly and welcomingly lap—I cry and whimper. My heart, it achingly flutters and palpitates as a response from everlasting hurts I’ve encountered.
I do get overwhelmed. I’m tender and vulnerable, and it’s exhausting in a world that is incentivized to prey upon anything within my queerness that cannot be commodified or sold. I have to rest, and I need the reassurance of protection and safety. In such, I dig deeply into being wrapped by those arms in the art of contortion and nuzzling, embracing the human need for touch within vulnerable adoration.
I want to feel human and for once feel the need to apologize for my humanity.
hello universe i don’t often beg but i am here on my KNEES asking you for a boy who will casually walk over to me and without saying anything will straddle himself over my lap, wrap his arms around me, nuzzles his face into my body, and asks for me to hold him. i want someone who makes me die a little on the inside each time i feel him because my heart is so overwhelmed with love and adoration for him. i am a simple man, and my desires for a guy who inspires a deep need to protect, fawn over, take care, tease, and shower in love has reached a critical breaking point.
Look, I know I’m AMAB and understanding what nonbinary means for me, and wow. It’s hot, baritone verbal men like @el-fuego01 who make me weak, wet, and wish to be impregnated by him. I love seeing a guy at this view, I love being overpowered and overwhelmed by such a brooding force that I just pass out in the middle of s*x. 🥵
Long Covid has ruined my life and I forget who I am or what I’m doing in the process 😩
Something I desperately want ppl to know:
If you are an adult who has never experienced ADHD symptoms until recently: you may have a form of Long COVID
many ppl who have it call ‘brain fog’. Its primary feature is being unable to concentrate & short term memory/working memory issues, which severely impairs executive function.
COVID-induced brain fog’s effect on executive function is essentially indistinguishable from ADHD’s effect on the same.
as the number of adults with executive dysfunction has shot up, i want people to remember this. Especially if they get an ADHD evaluation and are told they’re not ADHD
Because we are all disabled, and we deserve care and understanding no matter what disabled us