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Traditional 7 Fish for Christmas Eve. 2015 Salmon Rillettes, Artic Char under Jelly, Baccala Salad, Squid Ink Pasta, Roasted Red Snapper, Fried Smelts. For dessert Bavarois aux Pommes.
I love these big boi “fit-to-fat” thirst blogs so much. Like, yes please, show us your journey from twunk to dummy thiccc everyday. 🌈💯
This one was just miraculous: two large slices of pure perfection. Lifting the slice with a crust so softly thin, that the cheese was just oozing out from underneath itself: the triangular platonic ideal for a shapely shape of such convected goodness. It slid down my thrussy until I bravely swallowed into what was once the achingly emptied pits of my belly.
Side Dish - Sauces - Sicilian Lentil Pasta Sauce Garlic, onions, mushrooms, and small pieces of zucchini are sautéed. Cooked with the lentils until the lentils are tender and the vegetables have given off their flavor. This extremely thick Sicilian sauce is finished with tomato paste and sauce.
Promo Offer: Palate Sicilian Experience dinner
🇮🇹 Chi di voi ama la zucca? Io ne vado matta! È uno tra gli ortaggi invernali più buoni e più versatili😍😋 Oggi vi vorrei proporre un contorno tipico della cucina siciliana: zucca con aceto e olive😋 Provate questa ricetta, non ve ne pentirete! 🇬🇧Do you like pumpkin? I think so!😍 It’s so delicious 😋😋 Today I want to suggest you a tasty Sicilian dish: pumpkin with vinegar and olives☺️ Try it. You don’t regreat it!
🇮🇹Un aggettivo per descrivere questo dessert? GODURIOSO! È delicato, croccante e non eccessivamente dolce al tempo stesso. Questa deliziosa variante del più famoso salame di cioccolato, piacerà a tutti. Se volete quindi restare in tema e creare un dolce senza cottura,ma con ingredienti diversi, questo qui farà al caso vostro. Provare per credere!😉
🇬🇧 How could we describe this dessert? It's very tasty! It's delicate, crunchy and not overly sweet at the same time. This is a variation of the most famous chocolate salami. Try this kind of no-bake dessert, because It has got special ingredients and it's very simple to prepare. Amaze your guests!😉👇