Body Neutrality - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Remember to live in your body and not for it Remember your body is a tool, a mechanism, a means to an end, your body exists so that you can not the other way around Remember to exist for any reason but never beauty Remember time is ceaseless and no "anti age" cream is time defying Remember that imperfections are awsome Remember that modern day standard attractiveness is miserable and minimalist like awfully designed oh so white and plain and boring more money than sense houses, houses not homes for they are never lived in. And you must remember to live in your body not for it.

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7 months ago

TW Food Restriction, this is recovery hope

Ok, 24 hours in a day.

You sleep for eight, that's 16 hours left.

Let's say you're relapsing and restricting every day. By the most liberal of estimates, you spend about, what, 4 hours per day not thinking about food?

That would mean that if you stop restricting and heal, you can get back 12 hours every day.

That would mean that if you stop restricting and heal, you can get back 12 hours every day.

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5 months ago

Is it weird that I'm realizing that I should think of my body as just a body, but I also would like to be called beautiful?

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1 year ago

I didn’t know that anybody begged for the opposite end of what I desire.

It’s not until this post can I put words into for what I’ve longed, what I’ve lacked in firsthand experience by the limitations this body brings.

I didn’t know that someone and others can or want to feel the need of what I just want to provide by default. All I know is how to give love, though I grieve at my hardship in not knowing how to receive adoration. This post takes what leaves me broken, shattered, but melts it into a new material. I’ve felt the fragility of glass, but it’s the reflective and refractive heat of metal that desire brings intimacy into the forge.

I freeze. Genuinely, I blame myself for having to survive, having to feel the absences from all of the trust I’ve lost. It weighs and remains true to this day. I live in the constance of confusion, the multitude of grievances I feel between pleasure and violation. The avoidance through solace is an apprehension that brings inconvenience by the senses survival is brought upon by traumas and tragedies.

I may appear to walk casually or nonchalantly, but there’s a slight heaviness within my gait. I find safety in the feeling of not needing to know words to simply walk over and straddle myself to a lovingly and welcomingly lap—I cry and whimper. My heart, it achingly flutters and palpitates as a response from everlasting hurts I’ve encountered.

I do get overwhelmed. I’m tender and vulnerable, and it’s exhausting in a world that is incentivized to prey upon anything within my queerness that cannot be commodified or sold. I have to rest, and I need the reassurance of protection and safety. In such, I dig deeply into being wrapped by those arms in the art of contortion and nuzzling, embracing the human need for touch within vulnerable adoration.

I want to feel human and for once feel the need to apologize for my humanity.

hello universe i don’t often beg but i am here on my KNEES asking you for a boy who will casually walk over to me and without saying anything will straddle himself over my lap, wrap his arms around me, nuzzles his face into my body, and asks for me to hold him. i want someone who makes me die a little on the inside each time i feel him because my heart is so overwhelmed with love and adoration for him. i am a simple man, and my desires for a guy who inspires a deep need to protect, fawn over, take care, tease, and shower in love has reached a critical breaking point.

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1 year ago
deepfriedbussy - deepfriedbussy

"Do you have to make being queer your whole personality?"

Yes. It angers you. It causes you discomfort... it's payback for the discomfort you've caused me. Its reversing my trauma into my queerness and superblasting it into you just because it pisses you off!

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9 months ago
This One Was Just Miraculous: Two Large Slices Of Pure Perfection. Lifting The Slice With A Crust So

This one was just miraculous: two large slices of pure perfection. Lifting the slice with a crust so softly thin, that the cheese was just oozing out from underneath itself: the triangular platonic ideal for a shapely shape of such convected goodness. It slid down my thrussy until I bravely swallowed into what was once the achingly emptied pits of my belly.

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10 months ago

Makeup and acrylic nails and feminine clothes and high heels are so restricting! you can't touch your face, you can't blow your nose, you can't cry, you can't kiss your partner, you can't go out in rain, you can't sit however you want, you can't move freely, you can't walk or dance painlessly, you can't even open a can soda or type a message on your phone without having to develop a special technique for it. You can't even attempt to play a string instrument. What's the point of going outside if you can't do anything? You are so much more than something to be looked at and admired. You are human. Allow yourself to live.

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1 year ago

Can someone fill me in, has tumblr become more chill to fat people yet? I have thoughts and art and cute cosplay pics but last time I put that shit on tumblr the bone thugs got jealous of my hot bod.

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11 months ago

I wish there were more fat characters.

I wish there were more complex fat characters.

I wish there were more fat characters.

I wish there were more androgynous fat characters.

I wish there were more complexity confident fat characters.

I wish there were fat characters I could see myself in.

I wish there were more fat characters.

I wish there were more fat characters so I could laugh with them.

I wish there were more fat characters so I could cosplay like my friends.

I wish there were more fat characters to they could lead by example instead of me.

I wish there were more fat characters.

I wish for you to wish this too.

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8 months ago

body neutrality is NOT, "so long as you're happy and healthy, your body is a good body". it's about getting rid of the idea of a "good body" at all. it's saying that your body is A BODY, and having a body is a neutral feature of all humans. it's saying that specific bodies shouldn't be focussed on more than others, because all bodies are bodies

when you say "so long as you're happy and healthy", you're not actually helping. because. unless you've put in the hard work of deconstructing what you think "happiness" and "healthiness" look like, I can guarantee "happy and healthy" is just going to loop back to ableism and fatphobia

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3 years ago

it's okay to be ugly actually

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8 months ago

I've seen a lot of discussion with fat people talking about things it's socially unacceptable for us to do (I feel weird calling myself fat cause I feel like I am appropriating the term while still being not that big, but I am not thin, I am technically obese [but I know bmi is bullshit], and I've heard "midsize" is disrespectful, so I think I quality as small fat). I've seen "we can't say we're hungry", "we can't eat fastfood in public or admit to eating fastfood", and the obvious ones about revealing clothing, but I keep thinking if it's just me or is it also "we are not allowed to sweat". If a skinny person sweats, there are marks on their shirts under their armpits, it's fine. If you can smell sweat from a skinny girl it's fine, it's hot outside or she wore a sweater when it was warmer than she thought... But I feel if I sweat it's immediately "of course, she's sweating cause she's fat". I feel incredibly insecure because I always sweat profusely. I have been late to class before because I forgot to put on deodorant and had to go back home or go and buy one before going to class. Maybe it's very specific because I really sweat a lot and I am not very sporty person so I get fatigued easily but I feel like paired with my weight it's different than on its own. Am I alone in this?

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8 months ago

Something about it is just so beautifully human

To me at least, acne is beautiful. I can't really explain why but like it looks good, nothing you need to be ashamed of.

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7 months ago

it's okay to be fat and like to eat. it's okay to be fat and enjoy cooking, baking, grilling, canning, drying or preparing foods. it's okay to be fat and work a restaurant or bakery and enjoy what you do. it's okay to be fat and not ashamed of eating in public. it's okay to be fat, but it's especially okay to be fat and have a positive relationship with food. people are supposed to enjoy eating, it's where we get our energy from, it's a very positive and nourishing experience for our bodies, it's okay if it's positive and nourishing to your mental health, too. fat people are allowed to eat, and we're allowed to enjoy doing it, too.

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6 months ago

in case you need to hear this

workout because its good for your heart, lungs, releases endorphins, and you want to get stronger. not because it’ll make you skinny or make your body look a certain way.

wear sunscreen every day in order to protect yourself from easily preventable and deadly skin cancer, not with the goal of preventing aging (there is nothing wrong with aging or wrinkles; it is a natural part of life and reflection of the life you live).

eat more vegetables because you need the fiber to make you more regular, they help lower your risk of eye and digestive problems, and they help in nutrient re-uptake. not because eating only carbs is “bad” for you. you need a combination of carbs, fruit/veg, protein, fiber, fat, etc for a full balanced diet. 

cut out dairy from your diet if it makes you shit your brains out every single time without fail, not because it will “make you fat”.

drink more water because, despite how annoying it is to be told “just drink water”, it does actually make you feel better if you’re anxious or your head hurts or you don’t have any energy. not because it’ll “flush out your immune system uwu” or it will make your skin clear.

drink green tea because its delicious, not because it’s a “natural detox”. ( “detoxes” aren’t real. your kidneys detoxify your blood for you)

not everything “natural” is automatically healthy for you. not everything “unnatural” is automatically unhealthy/dangerous

cutting out whole food groups and labeling them as “bad for you” in any form is restrictive. if you aren’t allergic to gluten, you don’t need to cut gluten from your diet in order to be healthy. if you were not specifically instructed by a doctor to go keto in order to aid treatment for a disease (such as cancer or epilepsy), you do not and should not go keto. 

do “healthy” things because you deserve to live a long, healthy life. yes, you. your weight doesn’t matter and it has never mattered. you deserve to keep yourself safe. 

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6 months ago

Got to keep reminding myself this

Being thin is morally neutral.

Being fat is morally neutral.

Being muscular is morally neutral.

Wanting to be thin is morally neutral.

Wanting to be fat is morally neutral.

Wanting to be muscular is morally neutral.

Taking steps to become thin is morally neutral

Taking steps to become fat is morally neutral

Taking steps to become muscular is morally neutral

Literally do whatever you want forever. Reblog is you agree.

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You do not have to want to see people nude to be considered body positive. You do not have to want others to see you nude to be body positive. You do not have to consider people attractive to be body positive. You do not have to want to be attractive to be body positive.

You are allowed to have boundaries.

A lot of things nowadays are presented in all or nothing. That is just not how life works, especially for some marginalized identities like asexuality, aromanticism, and sex repulsion.

As long as you are not intentionally being prejudiced and hurting others, you are allowed to set boundaries for yourself. Even if others disagree with those boundaries.

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