I Love All Things Pink, Studying and finding ways to improve myself 🐰🩰🎀

42 posts

Year End Exam Results:

Year End Exam Results:

Year End Exam Results:

So I got my exam results today, NOT my year end results. (the end of the year they count all your marks for that year and that will be on our report cards).

They didn't give us our year end results. Only my math teacher did and that is the result that I will give you.

And after that I will give my thoughts where in the moment I got the results.

Year End Exam Results:

Life Orientation: 53%

I was (kinda) happy about my results, considering how bad the rest of my class did. But I definitely felt like I could've been beter.

Afrikaans: 72%

I thought I did okay, but I also thought that I would've done beter. I am just really happy that I did good in my oral and transactional writing peace.

Math: 42 - 44%

I don't really remember what the exact result was but it was something lile that. And I almost cried. All I know is that I'll be taking math lit in grade 10.

Drama Practical: 72%

I was happy and kinda surprised.

Design Practical: 96%

Oh my word, I was soo happy. And also really about the feedback my teacher gave me and she was so nice.

Creative Arts - Drama: 92%

I was really surprised about this one, but it also made sense to me.

Creative Arts - Design: 86%

I was also happy but expected a little more.

Biology: 62%

I was really happy, because I knew I wrote my exam well and I also did beter in the previous term.

English: 78%

I was happy, mostly because I did a bit beter than last term. And also most of the things I said in my Afrikaans thoughts.

Physics: 68%

I was soo happy. I worked much harder than what I did last term and I shows.

Technology: 63%

I was really surprised and also happy. I was surprised with my mark because with this exam they asked the questions so, not very good.

Geography: 78%

I was surprised, because I thought I would do worse but I'm still happy nonetheless

EMS practical (?): 80%

I was really happy and I mostly had the same thoughts as what I had with physics

EMS Theory: 58%

I was ALSO really happy and yet surprised because I only read trough my notes, wich never works for me.

Year End Exam Results:

So, I guess I can say that I'm happy? (note the sarcasm)

I definitely thought that I could've done way beter, because you know there's always room for improvement. But considering that it is my first year back at like an official school, I am really proud of myself.

So, next year I want to do so much beter. And I know you can too!!!


Okay anyway, I am really tired and today was so hot. And hopefully I will be posting again tomorrow.

Til next time!

Year End Exam Results:
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More Posts from Doryythebutterfly

1 year ago
Foto Drom Pinterest
Foto Drom Pinterest

foto drom pinterest

13 Days Until Term 3 Ends -`♡´-

So I have 2 tests (EMS and my last math test) and 2 orals but the orals only count for Term 4.

And I have 2 days (16 and 17 september) to write my 2 orals, make posters for them and start studying for my tests.

Today I am going to try and write my orals and start studying for my EMS and tomorrow I am going to do the rest since our power is going to be of literally the WHOLE DAY.

So yeah today I am going to try and get as much done as possible and I will update you guys tomorrow. Bye!

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1 year ago

I'm 15!!

I'm 15!!

I officially turned 15 yesterday (20/03) and it was wonderful.

Tuesday was the last day of school and I got these cute gifts from my friends and so many teachers and other students said happy birthday to me. And I just felt really loved.

My mom, dad and my brother wrote me a short cute letter with my gift and they are so sweet!

I got two sylvanian families characters (I'm not what to call them exactly). I've been wanting these since I've been like 5 and I finally got some!

I'm 15!!
I'm 15!!

I didn't do much on the day of my birthday. I'm not really much of a birthday celebrating person. But my dad made food for us and later that evening we went to a restaurant and I got a virgin strawberry daiquiri.

All in all, I am very happy to be 15 and I enjoyed my birthday the best I could because my throat was a little sore.

But anyway if it is your birthday, happy birthday.

Till next time!

I'm 15!!

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1 year ago

My Glow Up Plan

My Glow Up Plan

Okay so there is about 12 days left of term 1/autumn vacation, and I decided why not glow up?

my daily check list

♡ Skincare (x2).

♡ Brush teeth (x2).

♡ Floss (x1).

♡ Any form of excersise (x1).

♡ Drink water (x5 - 8 glasses).

♡ Read the Bible (x2)


♡ Keep my room clean (e.g making my bed).

♡ Academics (e.g french lessons).

♡ Read.

♡ Socialize.

♡ Check-in on any mental health app.

At the end of every day I will post a check in to keep myself accountable in actually doing this and not be lazy.

My Glow Up Plan

Day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5, day 6, day 7, day 8, day 9, day 10, day 11.

Tags :
1 year ago

Day 1 of 16

Day 1 Of 16

♡ Physical Health

○ Took an ice cold shower because it was so hot and we were unable to go to the beach today.

○ Watched a "how to start running" by Amelie Desai.

○ Did a 8 min posture fix by Yuuka Sagawa.

○ Drank 6.5 glasses of water.

♡ Mental Health

○ Nothing.

♡ Emotional Health

○ Checked in on Moodee.

♡ Intelectual Health

○ Duolingo daily streak.

○ Finally decided what languages to commit to learning.

♡ Spiritual Health

○ Read the verse of today.

♡ Self Love

○ AM skincare + brushed teeth.

○ PM skincare + brushed teeth.

○ Read for a bit.

♡ Personal Projects (wip)

○ Wrote 162 words today.

Day 1 Of 16

♡ Note ~ Happy new year!!!! I hope you have a wonderful year full of happiness.

I als started a new 16 day challenge to try to get my shit together before school starts.

today's photos: from pinterest

Day 1 Of 16
Day 1 Of 16

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11 months ago


Do these things daily to improve your life ✨

Sleep well

Read 10 pages of a book

Cut toxic relationships

Eat natural foods

Drink mineral water

Compliment yourself

Walk in the sunshine

Compliment others


Optimize protein intake


Intermittent fasting
