Getting My Life Together - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

1 // 182

played guitar at church

actually did skincare

deleted discord

started writing flashcards for english speech

started reading speech

tidied bedroom a lil bit

cooked dinner (beef and veggie stew with rice)

this is going to be quite a lot compared to later on in the six months.. but oh well :)) im still gonna tag this as 100 days of productivity cause i aM being productive and i might stop at 100 days..

anyways, have a great day everyone !!

signed, letti

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3 years ago


Practiced music assessment - wet hands from the minecraft sound track on piano

Drank a cup of tea :))



I did my english assignment at school today and gUESS WHAT BOYS?? I got 18/20 !! I tied with my arch-nemesis-but-friend-who-is-only-my-arch-nemesis-because-theyre-my-only-competition-for-top-of-the-class for first place !! Im popping off :)

Signed, letti

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3 years ago


Wrote 800 words for my novel

Finished learning my music assessment - wet hands from minecraft soundtrack

Tidied desk

Made teaa - specifically camomile

11k+ steps

Put 1hr time limit on all social apps that i havent deleted - tumblr, youtube, pinterest, wattpad, twitch, etc

Ello ello elloo its me again :) i got my science assignment again today !! We get to do and thing we want for it which is why ive been looking towards to it. I’m thinking about using the mbti quiz to look at how the average person who is _ age, _ gender, or comes from_ background has these certain personality traits :))

Signed, letti

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7 months ago

Getting my life together :p

First of all, I need to address the fact that I am a minor. I like to be able to follow people back, and I still plan on doing that, but I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. If you have issues with this, you can always message me, and we'll sort things out.

I'm starting @playdohisscrumdiddlyyumscious (cute name, right?) as a new blog for other fandoms and crap that interest me. I'm not planning on being as active on there, but that way I can reserve this blog for just silm content (with some occasional lotr and hobbit stuff.)

That's pretty much it. For all I know, I'll edit this post way more later πŸ˜…. Thank you all for supporting me and this blog :)

My Pfp is 0.5 of baby Finrod that I drew 😝

My header is this drawing of Eluréd and Elurín as the Princes in the Tower that I made 😢

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11 months ago
textreviewisfun - Text Review is NOT fun

Day 1 of 12 dop (19/04) Yesterday, I stopped to think about how my life is going and decided to make some changes. I re-started my planner, because it wasn't exactly the way I wanted, and I wasn't writing on it every day. Now that my planner is complete again, it's time to rethink about my priorities and re-organize my life. πŸ“™ reading: Lord of the rings (chapter 11, part 1) 🎧 listening: Major Lazer - Be together (Cat Dealers remix)

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6 months ago

finally fucking organized my bookshelf so instead of books in random piles they're now in slightly less random groups in their little cubbys

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1 year ago

Day 2 of 16

Day 2 Of 16

β™‘ Physical health

β—‹ Drove around for a bit.

β—‹ Swam for 1.5 hours (more or less).

β—‹ Drank of water and Energade.

β™‘ Mental health

β—‹ Nothing.

β™‘ Emotional health

β—‹ Recorded an emotion on Moodee.

β™‘ Intellectual health

β—‹ Daily duolingo streak.

β™‘ Spiritual health

β—‹ Nothing.

β™‘ Self love

β—‹ AM skincare + brushed teeth.

β—‹ PM skincare + brushed teeth.

β—‹ Read for a bit.

β™‘ Personal projects (wip)

β—‹ Wrote 291 words.

β—‹ Completed a chapter.

Day 2 Of 16

Note: Today was really hot were I live and it is going to be for the rest of the week.

photos for the day: from pinterest

Day 2 Of 16
Day 2 Of 16

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1 year ago

Day 3 of 16

Day 3 Of 16

β™‘ Physical health

β—‹ Found 2 pairs of running shoes (and I can't decide which one's to buy).

β™‘ Mental health

β—‹ Nothing (need to work on this).

β™‘ Emotional health

β—‹ Recorded an emotion on Moodee.

β™‘ Intellectual health

β—‹ Bought stationery for school.

β—‹Sorted out all the school things (book + stationery) that I have so far.

β—‹ Made some things for my locker.

β—‹ Daily duolingo streak

β™‘ Spiritual health

β—‹ Read the verse of the day.

β—‹ Decided what Bible books to read (the order in which I will read it).

β™‘ Self love

β—‹ AM skincare + brushed teeth.

β—‹ PM skincare + brushed teeth.

β—‹ Bought toner and moisturizer.

β—‹ Bought a pretty white dress (and it was the last one!).

β—‹ Painted my nails.

β™‘ Personal projects (wip)

β—‹ Planned the next chapter of one of my wip.

Day 3 Of 16

Note: Today was pretty chill and so hot. But hopefully tomorrow wil be a better day.

todays photos: from pinterest

Day 3 Of 16
Day 3 Of 16

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1 year ago

My Glow Up Plan

My Glow Up Plan

Okay so there is about 12 days left of term 1/autumn vacation, and I decided why not glow up?

my daily check list

β™‘ Skincare (x2).

β™‘ Brush teeth (x2).

β™‘ Floss (x1).

β™‘ Any form of excersise (x1).

β™‘ Drink water (x5 - 8 glasses).

β™‘ Read the Bible (x2)


β™‘ Keep my room clean (e.g making my bed).

β™‘ Academics (e.g french lessons).

β™‘ Read.

β™‘ Socialize.

β™‘ Check-in on any mental health app.

At the end of every day I will post a check in to keep myself accountable in actually doing this and not be lazy.

My Glow Up Plan

Day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5, day 6, day 7, day 8, day 9, day 10, day 11.

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11 months ago

Glow Up - Day 1

Glow Up - Day 1


β™‘ Skincare (x2).

β™‘ Brush teeth (x2).

β™‘ Floss (x1).

β™‘ Drink water (x4).

β™‘ Watch a video about The Old Testament (x1).


β™‘ Went out to buy dinner.

β™‘ Read.

β™‘ Edited a chapter of my WIP.

β™‘ Made a new outfit for autumn.


I did not feel good, I had constant headaches. So I couldn't do much but I tried my best.

Til next time!

Glow Up - Day 1

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11 months ago

Glow Up - Day 2

Glow Up - Day 2


β™‘ Skincare (x2).

β™‘ Brush teeth (x2).

β™‘ Drink water (x4)


β™‘ Organized my Milanote.

β™‘ Posted some posts for this blog.

β™‘ Ate a little bit more because my appetite came back.

β™‘ Prepared the song I want to sing tomorrow.


Today (yesterday) was pretty chill, I was very tired so that's why didn't do much. Hopefully, I'll be as good as new so I can do more.

Glow Up - Day 2

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11 months ago

Glow up ~ Day 3

Glow Up ~ Day 3


β™‘ Skincare (x2)

β™‘ Brush teeth (x2)

β™‘ Run for 2m30s (x2)

β™‘ Footwork (Figure 8s)

β™‘ Drink water (x3)


β™‘ Worked on some of my WIPs

β™‘ Read


Was very proud of myself for doing more yesterday.

Glow Up ~ Day 3

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11 months ago

Glow up - Day 4

Glow Up - Day 4


β™‘ Skincare (x2).

β™‘ Brush teeth (x2).

β™‘ Drink water (x2).


β™‘ Went to a rugby festival my brother was playing at.

β™‘ Read for a little bit.


Didn't do much because we were at the rugby festival but itfas really fun! And I got a foto with a rugby player that played for our national team.

Glow Up - Day 4

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11 months ago

Glow up - Day 5

Glow Up - Day 5


β™‘ Skincare (x2).

β™‘ Brush teeth (x2).

β™‘ Drink water (x3).


β™‘ Read.

β™‘ Wrote/worked on one of my WIPs.


I honestly don't remember what I did that day but it was pretty chil.

Glow Up - Day 5

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11 months ago

Glow up - Day 6

Glow Up - Day 6


β™‘ Skincare (x1).

β™‘ Brush teeth (x1).

β™‘ Drink water (x2).

β™‘ Prayed (x2).

β™‘ Read The Bible (x1).


β™‘ Wrote.

β™‘ Went shopping.

β™‘ Went with my mother to her nail appointment.

β™‘ Went toget my eyes tested.

β™‘ Did nail care on only my left hand πŸ’€.


Wasn't that busy yesterday but last night I had a massive headache so I just went to bed. But was kinda proud with what I did.

Glow Up - Day 6

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11 months ago

Glow up - Day 7

Glow Up - Day 7


β™‘ Skincare (x1).

β™‘ Brush teeth (x1).

β™‘ Drink water (x2).


β™‘ Went to a family friends house.

β™‘ Finished a chapter of one of my WIPs.


Didn't do much because we were at the friends house most of the day. I haven't seen her since last year. We have been friends since we were 4 but then she moved away so we aren't that close anymore, but it was good to see her again. And that night I (again) had a horrible headache so I just went stright to bed.

Glow Up - Day 7

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11 months ago

Glow up - Day 8

Glow Up - Day 8


β™‘ Skincare (x2).

β™‘ Brushed teeth (x2).

β™‘ Drink water (x2).


β™‘ Washed my hair.

β™‘ Went on a roadtrip to Hermanus.

β™‘ Completed 2 lessons on Semantic HTML.

β™‘ Ate out and swam at a different beach.

β™‘ Took a long nap.

β™‘ Did my nail care on my other hand.


Yesterday was really fun. Hermanus is really beautiful but kinda overrated. Spent some time with my family and ate some really good food. I did spill something on my shirt but! I did get a new shirt out of it.

Glow Up - Day 8

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11 months ago

Glow up - Day 10

Glow Up - Day 10


β™‘ Skincare (x2).

β™‘ Brush teeth (x2).

β™‘ Drink water (x4).


β™‘ Went shopping with my family.

β™‘ Planned out the Japanese lessons I want to do in the future.


Yesterday was super chill. Just spent the day savouring my second last vacation day.

Glow Up - Day 10

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11 months ago

Glow up - Day 11

Glow Up - Day 11


β™‘ Skincare (x2).

β™‘ Brush teeth (x2).

β™‘ Drink water (x5).


β™‘ Washed my hair.

β™‘ Cleaned my room.

β™‘ Cleaned out my school bags.

β™‘ Completed my english book report.

β™‘ Made chocolate muffins.


Felt pretty excited about school starting again and to go to netball practice and meeting my coach!!

(P.S. I am so so so sorry for not posting sooner. School has been crazy busy but I'm glad I did atleast post even though I'm a little late πŸ’—)

Glow Up - Day 11

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