emerald-notes - Bangtan's ARMY
Bangtan's ARMY

I use this platform as an escape from my everyday life...

208 posts

Why Joon Hwi Hates His Uncle?

Why Joon Hwi hates his uncle?


I’ve been thinking about it lately. And here is my analysis of the matter.

Han Joon Hwi has the kind of character who empathizes with almost everyone. He tries to understand everyone’s point of view before judging them. This is proved throughout the series in different occasions. For instance, when he didn’t, at once, complain about Kang Sol B’s plagiarism and tried to find out the reason as to what lead her to do such a crime. He also didn’t mind when Seo Ji ho suspected him to be his uncle’s murderer.

If he possesses such a way of thinking, why was he so hard on his uncle about the bribe case before his death?

I think the real reason is that we tend to have a feeling that our parents are technically flawless entities. We don’t expect them to be wrong. Once we start seeing the flaws in them, it’s only natural that we cannot accept that. That’s why the teenagers are usually always in a bad term with their parents. Because that’s the first time a child starts to see their parents as a real human being.

To Joon Hwi, his uncle was like a father. He idolized him his whole life as a symbol of justice. But once that image was removed it was hard for even a sympathetic person like Joon Hwi to accept that. That’s why, he showed such strong hatred towards his uncle. But after his death, Joon Hwi actually came to question it himself that he should have rather asked his uncle as to why he did such things.

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More Posts from Emerald-notes

3 years ago

Do you ever feel like you’re about to cry? There is no specific reason. You just simply stare at the ceiling and the tears roll down your eyes.

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2 years ago

How each quote represents the characters


Jo Ye Beom is a modern and a free thinker. Despite making sexist jokes, he easily accepts his friends’ criticism. We also see that he is inconsistent to his own opinion. That’s why, he easily ratted their plans out to the prosecutor. But when his friends find it out, he changes his loyalty towards them. His quote directs that with time the laws are also modified, just like his character.


Isn’t it obvious! Kang Sol B will talk about it since plagiarism is a matter of ethics. When she has to confront about it, her ethics are being shaken. She has learned that not only did she break the law but also did something unethical.


Jeon Ye Seul’s abusive boyfriend is a son of someone who has a lot of followers in law. That gave him the advantage of doing unlawful acts such as violence and rape. He does them because he doesn’t fear the law, which he thinks will be easily taken care of by his father. So we see Ye Seul quoting about those fearless people being punished by law. Notice how she is pointing at the sky? That’s to refer to her asshole boyfriend, to whom she finally stood up to.


Min Bok Gi is just us. We get to see his character as a typical student. And let’s be honest, we’ve all said something like “we’re not machines” when we were being crushed by the amount of homework and assignments on us at some point. Bok Gi literally said that on behalf of all the students out there.


Seo Ji ho has a revengeful mentality. He has given up his whole life to study law just because he wants to avenge his father’s murderer. His quote suggests that treat people the way they have treated you.


Han Joon Hwi has a strong moral when it comes to justice. His uncle is his role model. That’s why he quoted something from his uncle instead of any other famous person, which again talks about judging fairly.


And finally the most chaotic character of the whole series, Kang Sol A. Who else will be able to break the chain but her? This indicates how she is not our regular legal minded person. She goes along with what she feels is right. And most importantly she doesn’t need to quote anything to prove how smart she is.

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2 years ago

I’m Here For You...

Fandom: Tale of the Nine Tailed

Pairing: Lee Rang x reader

(y/n= your name)


Why isn’t he answering my calls? He was probably upset about something. And that something definitely had to do with his brother.

I know Lee Rang for only some months. We’ve met at a bookstore where both of us were trying to buy the last copy of “Moby Dick”. We got into a huge fight over that. Finally I managed to get it since he was only hoarding all editions of the same book.

Though he was acting like a spoiled brat, I secretly liked him a lot and I’m pretty sure he found me amusing too. Since then, we occasionally met. In our brief time of acquaintance he had already complained about his brother an awful lot. And judging by his words, that brother is pretty indifferent to him.

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“This little idiot is making me crazy!” I thought. Then a message came to my phone. Lee Rang had finally replied to my anxious texts.

“I’m home now. Too tired to talk.”

Seriously? This was his answer? I can’t believe it.

I angrily walked towards my car and started to head to his home. He was acting distant again. He was probably depressed. Thinking about it made me so sad. I wished he told me what’s going on with him honestly.

I didn’t bother knocking on the door since it’s never locked. When I walked inside, I found him sitting on the couch with a wine bottle on his hand.

“He’s drinking again. This is not good.” I thought.

He looked up and simply went back to enjoying his drinks without saying anything to me. I sat beside him.

“Will you tell me?” I asked.

“There’s nothing to tell.”

“I’m here for you, Rang.” I told him, “You can trust me.”

“Why did you come?” he turned to me and raised one of his eyebrows to look tough.

“I was worried about you.” I answered honestly. He turned away and started to gulp down the wine from the bottle.

“Is this about Yeon?” I finally asked.

He suddenly stopped and slowly turned to me, “Didn’t I mention that I was too tired to talk?”

How could he say something like that? Couldn’t he see how worried I have been? All this time, I was trying to understand him better. I did everything to make him feel like he wasn’t alone. I was always there for him when he needed me. All I’ve ever asked was to be honest with me. Can’t he at least do that?

“I wish you would trust me enough to tell me the truth.” I stood up. It was better to leave him when he is in a mess. Otherwise we’ll both end up hurting each other.

“y/n” he called from behind as I walked towards the door.

I looked back. I could see tears forming in his eyes as he slowly walked towards me.

“I’m sorry.” his voice shook.

I nodded and hugged him. He hold me into a tight embrace and started to sob. We stood like that for a while. When he finally stopped, he looked at me with a little confusion in his eyes.

“I guess,” I whispered, “this is the part where we kiss?”

He smiled, then took my face in both of his hands and finally kissed me...

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2 years ago

Most people got annoyed with me as I freaked out seeing a spider in my class today. The spider was small, I admit, but it was jumping like crazy in a lightning speed. And trust me when I say, it scared me to death.

I'm not joking when I say I'm scared of spiders. Spiders are my worst nightmares.

I was scared of it since I was a child. My mother also used to get annoyed at me. Whenever I complained about a spider in our bathroom, she would force me to go in, instead of removing it. I feared it so much, that I had scary nightmares of it for a long time. I even cried myself to sleep some nights. I would pray to God to remove all kinds of spiders around me.

I got older. But my fear didn't go. Recently I went to stay with one of my aunts from my father's side of the family. There were huge spiders on their walls of the room I was staying in. And guess what? I stayed up most of the night and watched them move along the walls. Since I was very tired, eventually I fell asleep. But the moment I woke up next day, I searched for the location of those little creatures immediately.

An information to you, who get annoyed by any people freaking out at a thing which you may find pretty silly: People don't freak out to get attention.

I swear, I was embarrassed to death when I came to my sense after those brief moments of panic. I could hear my heart beating upto my throat. As an overthinker, I would probably relive those moments the whole day and probably the whole week. It's not like I can make all the choices for my brain.

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