fatimaamerbilal - aamer’s museum
aamer’s museum

tales from remains of mosaic broken hearts.

288 posts

Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.

meredith crash - sequel to highway to hell.

Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.
Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.
Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.
Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.
Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.
Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.
Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.
Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.
Meredith Crash - Sequel To Highway To Hell.

“remember when we got into that car crash?

the sight that flashed before my eyes was your face

engine killed, lying there, battered and bare

the only rhythm i could hear was, “we are going to be okay.”

and that ride to the hospital

i think that was when i forgot your name

sirens wailed, dawn air, teary eyes holding foreign despair

must have had you thinking that choosing me was your truest crime.”

um, this was better in my head?

probably should’ve done this before. you’re already familiar with ivy nightshade, she’s from the ‘picture in her locket’ series.

so in my mind ivy finally moves on from her past and starts a new life, and you know similar to how every other story has that nice character who randomly shows up and magically makes everything fine- rheum oleander is that character.

rheum has got his life sorted out. he’s fine. everything’s perfect, and then he just had to meet ivy. ivy’s got a lot of emotional baggage. she’s trying to live and learn- both at the same time.

the thing about characters like rheum is that they are always there somehow. need a shoulder to cry? they are there. need someone to talk to? they are there. need a friend? they are there. a friend to meet after work? they are there. a friend to run errands with? they are there. need a stranger with all your secrets? they are there.

they are always there, but they are temporary. especially in ivy’s case. even though she has moved on from her past, there’s this feeling that bothers her all the time. the feeling of being not enough. the feeling that reminds you that you can never be happy. the feeling that reminds you that you can never make someone else happy.

rheum was there for everything, but everything was temporary. he was trying to build a home in ivy’s life and it was for nothing.

the line, “and that ride to the hospital, i think that was when i forgot your name.” explains how insignificant was rheum in ivy’s life. ivy was rheum’s centrefold, but to her, he was just a page in the book of her life.

it doesn’t mean ivy’s a bad person. hurt people, hurt people. as much as it is unbelievable, it’s true.

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More Posts from Fatimaamerbilal

3 years ago

track 23: pathetic pleaser.

Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.
Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.
Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.
Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.
Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.
Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.
Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.
Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.
Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.
Track 23: Pathetic Pleaser.

it’s always the urge to be liked that keeps me awake at night. so, that’s what i will ever be, a pathetic pleaser. an open cage, that i have chosen for myself, and yet i am not free.

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3 years ago

the destination is your door.

The Destination Is Your Door.
The Destination Is Your Door.
The Destination Is Your Door.
The Destination Is Your Door.
The Destination Is Your Door.

“i ask myself why i use

my delicately hand-finished parchment sheet,

my most expensive kalamos reed

and my finest vellum ink

to write letters to you, that i know will never reach your door.”

hey, everyone. i hope you’re having a great day. okay, so explanation time. kalamos means reed pen. Some other words for kalamos are calamus and qalam. qalam is an arabic word that means pen.

parchment paper, the word parchment doesn’t refer to the parchment paper that is prepared from animal skin or membrane. vellum is another term for this material, and if vellum is distinguished from this, it is by vellum being made from calfskin.

this one refers to the modern imitation vellum that is made from plasticized rag cotton or fibers from interior tree bark. terms include: paper vellum, japanese vellum, and vegetable vellum. paper vellum is usually translucent and its various sizes are often used in applications where tracing is required, such as architectural plans.

in simpler words, this pieces explains a scenario where a person takes measures that they would never take in a normal situation. they go over to the top. do their best. put all their effort in, but it’s of no use. their efforts mean nothing to that specific someone.

there were these lines that were stuck in my head for the longest time ever and i wanted to use them. they are,

“i use my favourite hues for your painting.

had my time pushed back so i wouldn’t keep you waiting.”

anyways, ‘never reach your door’ the term reach the door usually means finally reaching your destination. here the destination of the person who’s saying/writing this, is their lover or the person they are trying to please.

so yeah. there’s that.

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3 years ago

‘people that walked away.’

People That Walked Away.
People That Walked Away.
People That Walked Away.
People That Walked Away.

“isn’t it wonderfully tragic?

how i never thought that i would be putting your name on top of the list of ‘people that walked away’.

but do you know what is even more wonderfully tragic than that?

how i did that while you were here, standing right beside me.”

hello, everyone. i hope you’re doing well. okay, let’s just get to the explanation. this piece doesn’t need one actually, but there are a few things that i would like to mention.

there are times in life when you try to grasp on something, and you can’t, but thing is just right there. right in front of you but you can’t do anything.

people are like that too. fortunately, many among us see right through this situation and choose the path that provides them peace— i think the better terminology is calmness. there’s no fear of losing someone, because there’s no one left to lose.

but then there are people like me and maybe— maybe even you that don’t realise that someone is falling out of love. that spark in someone is fading. it’s just the body. a hollow structure. no feelings, no sentiments and no emotions. it is just that person’s presence that gives you confidence and there might be times when you foresee this situation and analyse the fact that the spark is no more there. you fall. you still fall. you fall in love with the un-realness of this love, with the silence, with the burned out flames, the rusted spark and everything in between.

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