floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
Growing Never Stops

How to love myself. I would love some friends. Aprendiendo a amarme yo sola. Se mi amiga.

608 posts

Floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops - Tumblr Blog

3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago
Que Verde Todo El Mundo

Que verde todo el mundo

Y que bendicion

Que lo puedo

tocar y amar.


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3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago
 October Will Be Full Of Good Physical Health

October will be full of good physical health

October will be full of good mental health

October will be full of answered prayers

October will be full of good energy

October will be full of good news

October will be full of good luck

October will be full of blessings

October will be full of peace

October will be full of light

October will be full of love

 October Will Be Full Of Good Physical Health
3 months ago

Cactus Fruit

Cactus Fruit

While my name is a flower

I was never meant to make

Or have the power

to create

An orchid blossom in the desert


Because I was supposed to

create a cactus



Pinos y



Shifting from a gardener

to a landscaper

Transitioned to a foreigner

Where people escaped her


So I learned how to grow tunas.

Vegetating comestible fruit

My love feeds the roots

Bajo cada luna

Spikes emerge

Stiff and strong

Pink blushes deeper



Someone who is courageous enough

Enticed with the fruit’s intensity

Will take a bite

Savor its complexity

And divine difficult plight

That brought it life


Simtulating each papillae

For a unique profile

Which another cannot replicate

In soft soils, without smiles. 

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3 months ago
Random Stuff I Found On The Internet And It Matches My Personality #4

Random stuff I found on the internet and it matches my personality #4

3 months ago

mental health matters until you’re public with what you’re dealing with bc that means you just want attention and it’s off putting

3 months ago
A Year Ago I Was Feeling Really Bad And Didn't Really Know What Was Going On So I Went To Reddit To See
A Year Ago I Was Feeling Really Bad And Didn't Really Know What Was Going On So I Went To Reddit To See
A Year Ago I Was Feeling Really Bad And Didn't Really Know What Was Going On So I Went To Reddit To See
A Year Ago I Was Feeling Really Bad And Didn't Really Know What Was Going On So I Went To Reddit To See

A year ago I was feeling really bad and didn't really know what was going on so I went to reddit to see if anyone has like a checklist that helps checking if the thing you're feeling is actually A Thing or if it's just an ocd spiral I'm stuck in. Thankfully, there was someone who had a little checklist and idk it really resonated with me and I know checking and ocd aren't the safest match, but it helped me and illustrating it gave me a nice little project for a while and I think it doesn't look to shabby, so I thought I'd share

3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago

✏️ how i’m starting a bullet journal

as someone who isn’t artistic 🙈

 How Im Starting A Bullet Journal
 How Im Starting A Bullet Journal

i've wanted to start a bullet journal for so long (i even asked @a-fox-studies for design recs months ago — thank you again for those!!), but i still kept putting it off.

i felt like it was something that would be time- and resource-consuming in an unfulfilling way for me because i would make unaesthetic mistakes that would make spreads unusable for me in the future without regrets, etc., etc.

so here's what i'm doing to finally start the bullet journal of my dreams 😍

step 1: go digital

i did a lot of research so you don't have to and found the best freemium free-form notes app (with customizable pens, a sane eraser and select tool, and that also supports text and images, etc.).

DrawNote by DragonNest has so many features for free and even more cool ones if you want to pay different tiers, but i was able to make the spread above with just the free version, so i'm already very satisfied 😌

step 2: play around with it

i tried out a bunch of different pens and styles and colors to see how they look and get familiar with the apl, i tried loading images, organizing my spreads into folders within the app, etc.

what i really like about the digital format is that i can make mistakes and it's like they never happened and i didn't waste a single overpriced stationery item 😅

step 3: only use it for one thing at a time

i'm only planning to use the October tracker above for my vitamins so far since that's what i need the most motivation to remember to do lately 🙃 and i think it's a small enough goal that i can be consistent with it for this month.

i already have so many other ideas for different spreads i want to do for other things in my life, but i want to make an effort to pace myself so that i can do this sustainably because it seems really fun and i'd hate for it to start feeling like a burdensome chore due to my own carelessness 🥲

💌: hope this helps anyone who also feels they're not artistic or aesthetic, but wants to start a bujo! 💛 let me know if y'all want an update at the end of the month on how it's going~

3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops
3 months ago

I don’t want to accept you’re not good for me. Like a cavity decay and devour me.

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3 months ago

101 ways to improve self esteem

1) Master a new skill.

2) List your accomplishments.

3) Do something creative.

4) Challenge your limiting beliefs.

5) Talk to a counselor.

6) Don't worry about what others think.

7) Read or watch something inspirational.

8) Stay true to your character.

9) Let go of negative people.

10) Set healthy boundaries with others.

11) Care about your appearance.

12) Welcome failure as part of growth.

13) Be a lifelong learner.

14) Face your fears.

15) Become a mentor.

16) Accept compliments.

17) Eliminate self-criticism.

18) Practice coping skills to manage stress and big emotions.

19) Notice negative thoughts and beliefs.

20) Challenge negative thinking.

21) Think about what you learned from negative experiences.

22) Practice gratitude.

23) Exercise.

24) Eat healthy and limit junk food.

25) Get good sleep.

26) Spend time with positive and supportive people.

27) Encourage yourself.

28) Write a list of your strengths.

29) Don't compare yourself to others.

30) Avoid perfectionism.

31) Do at least one positive, enjoyable activity every day.

32) Celebrate small victories.

33) Be helpful and considerate to others.

34) Be honest with yourself and others.

35) Accept your flaws.

36) Don't give up.

37) Practice self-care.

38) Go easy on yourself.

39) Practice being assertive.

40) Practice saying "No".

41) Practice relaxation techniques.

42) Take on challenges.

43) Volunteer to help others.

44) Forgive others and yourself.

45) Set goals and work toward them step by step.

46) Seek balance in all areas of your life.

47) Discover your passions and purpose

48) Groom yourself.

49) Dress nicely.

50) Be kind and generous to others.

51) Practice good posture.

52) Change a small habit.

53) Smile.

54) Don't procrastinate.

55) Don't take things personal.

56) Organize your personal space.

57) Challenge unkind thoughts about yourself.

58) Spend time outside.

59) Notice the good things.

60) Celebrate your successes

61) Write a list of things you like about yourself.

62) Don't take too much on.

63) Do something for yourself every day.

64) Develop daily habits.

65) Remind yourself it's okay if not everyone likes you.

66) Practice mindfulness.

67) Learn to tolerate discomfort.

68) Use problem-solving skills.

69) Take responsibility instead of blaming.

Tell Yourself Positive Affirmations Such As:

70) I am grateful for every day.

71) I am worthy of happiness and love.

72) I am in charge of my own happiness.

73) I love, respect, and believe in myself.

74) I deserve to be happy and successful.

75) I approve of myself, right here and now.

76) I am learning and changing for the better.

77) I accept 100% responsibility for my own life.

78) Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.

79) I can learn to accept the parts of myself that I don't like.

80) I am thankful for my challenges as they make me a stronger person.

81) Write down three positives about each day.

82) Make a collage with your talents, goals, and dreams.

83) Practice laughing.

84) Be proud of yourself.

85) Say mistakes are an opportunity to learn.

86) Show respect to yourself and others.

87) Resolve conflict peacefully.

88) Ask for help or support.

89) Complete a daily task list.

90) Have a growth mindset.

91) Be optimistic.

92) Treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

93) Focus on the things you have control over and can change.

94) Get started on tasks you have been putting off.

95) Practice good daily hygiene.

96) Focus on solutions not problems.

97) Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.

98) Drink plenty of water.

99) Start a new hobby or join a club/sport.

100) Do random acts of kindness.

101) Create a dreams list.

3 months ago

ten habits to adopt for a beautiful life 💭

Ten Habits To Adopt For A Beautiful Life
Ten Habits To Adopt For A Beautiful Life

+ curated shopping: rather than over-consume in fast fashion and trends, buy fewer, high-quality items. frequent vintage shops, boutiques, or markets where you can find unique, timeless pieces.

+ focus on wellness and exercise: consider activities that are beneficial for the body and calming for the mind, such as yoga, pilates, or long walks in nature. choose activities that allow you to connect with your surroundings and maintain balance.

+ mindful eating: prioritise healthy, whole foods and cooking meals from scratch. organic produce, artisanal products, and perhaps even locally sourced ingredients could be staples in your kitchen. eating is a mindful practice, enjoyed at a leisurely pace.

+ cultural engagement: regularly visit museums, art galleries, and theatres, or participate in cultural events that inspire and enrich their creative spirit. value learning and exposure to the arts as a way to keep life vibrant and intellectually stimulating.

+ reading and continuous learning: develop a well-curated collection of books, including classic literature, philosophy, and art, and dedicate time regularly to reading and reflecting on what you've learned.

+ minimalist technology approach: stay up-to-date with necessary technology, but maintain a minimalist approach to its use. limit screen time, avoid social media distractions, and instead prioritise face-to-face interactions or hands-on activities.

+ intentional socialising: carefully cultivate your social life, with a focus on deep, meaningful connections rather than frequent, casual interactions. you likely enjoy hosting intimate gatherings at home, where you can experience conversation, ambiance, and connection.

3 months ago

tumblr is a private place. it's just me and the same 5 mutuals. It's intimate you get it

3 months ago
Sources: Unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest Hemingway/the Garden Of Eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown
Sources: Unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest Hemingway/the Garden Of Eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown
Sources: Unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest Hemingway/the Garden Of Eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown
Sources: Unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest Hemingway/the Garden Of Eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown
Sources: Unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest Hemingway/the Garden Of Eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown
Sources: Unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest Hemingway/the Garden Of Eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown
Sources: Unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest Hemingway/the Garden Of Eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown
Sources: Unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest Hemingway/the Garden Of Eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown
Sources: Unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest Hemingway/the Garden Of Eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown

sources: unknown//excerptsofstories(572)//ernest hemingway/the garden of eden//unknown//sarakleijn//unknown//leohearts//wofew//unknown//excerptofstories//unknown

3 months ago
floralaphrodaisiac - Growing Never Stops