frndly-nbh-enbee - ur friendly neighbourhood enby
ur friendly neighbourhood enby

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146 posts

"Sometimes People Suggest To Me, With Not A Little Horror, That I Am Arguing For A Pastel World In Which

"Sometimes people suggest to me, with not a little horror, that I am arguing for a pastel world in which androgyny reigns and men and women are boringly the same. In my vision, however, strong colors coexist with pastels. There are and will continue to be highly masculine people out there; it's just that some of them are women. And some of the most feminine people I know happen to be men."

Fausto-Sterling (2000). "The 5 Sexes Revisited." The Science.

More Posts from Frndly-nbh-enbee

1 year ago

The thing they don’t tell you about yarn art is that you will learn that you don’t know how to count.

1 year ago

trans guy who doesn’t realize he’s turning into a werewolf because he assumes it’s all just normal side effects of starting testosterone

1 year ago

thinking about how when i said 'i can't resist some good spiderman merch' the other day, someone responded 'isn't that all trans people?' and then all the trans people around me proceeded to slowly pull out their pre-prepared spidey merch

“Spider-Man isn’t transgender” oh yeah? Then explain THIS.

Spider-Man Isnt Transgender Oh Yeah? Then Explain THIS.

The transness is literally radiating off of him.

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