imlyfie - You are the cause of my Euphoria⁷
You are the cause of my Euphoria⁷

Lyf (p.r: life)| she/her |ARMY| overstressed student who is overdressed |

340 posts

You Know What's Even More Gut Wrenching?THERE BEING KIDS AS YOUNG AS SIX YEARS OLD In This War. And The

You know what's even more gut wrenching?THERE BEING KIDS AS YOUNG AS SIX YEARS OLD In this war. And the newbies who just entered the camp Ind are months away from war (because not everyone is a percy jackson who can fight the for if war at 12 and win) who think they would be finally recognised by their parents. The trio thalia and nico got rewarded. What about the others? AND THEM HAVING TRAUMA FOR LIFE. Imagine them not knowing what the hell is going on but their brothers sisters and feeends are fighting and them getting hurt too. Imagine a kid. A LITERAL FUCKING KID WHO EAS SUPPOSED TO FRESHLY ENTER/GRADUATE FUCKING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL going to war with weapons twice their size.

Imagine these kids fighting wildly to protect their siblings and their goal of getting recognised, imagine them dying without a say.

This is why I headcanon as gruesome as it is for the Athena cabin to dwindle in numbers. Its original number was around 12 I headcanon them dropping to 9-7 members and most of the fallen are the young ones. The kids who have their whole life ahead of them. The kids whose final years and months were nothing but war. Whose innocence would be stripped away from their body because of said war.

Imagine the heartache of the demigods at Camp Half Blood whose friends left to join Kronos. Did the departed whisper goodbye? Try and convince their friends to join them? Or did those left behind wake up one morning to find the empty bed of another sibling? To see another empty spot on the bench at breakfast? No warning. No note. No need to wonder, because everyone knows where they went. Did the Hermes kids wake up one morning and realize that their cabin, the home of unclaimed demigods, felt spacious for the first time in years?

At the battle of Manhattan, how did it feel to look across enemy lines and see your sibling? A best friend? A crush? A familiar face from across the campfire?

Did Kronos’ army help you feel at home on your first day at camp? Did they carry you to the infirmary after a nasty game of capture the flag? Were they your first kiss? Did they place a steadying hand on your back as you climbed up the rock wall, making sure you were safe? 

As demigods on both sides of the war drew their swords, was it like looking in a mirror? How must it have felt, to be prepared to fight and kill someone just like you?

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More Posts from Imlyfie

2 years ago

I don't think we talk enough about how badass Baby Annabeth is for a moment.

My girl straight up stabbed an Overgrown Hugeass FUCKING CYCLOPS, who was mimicking her dad's voice which was so compelling not to give in, especially after seeing the people who took care of her, her closest thing to family in a helpless situation. Oh yeah did I forget to mention the people who were in trouble were much older than her and Annabeth was only seven. Lemme, say it again, she was S-E-V-E-N.

Percy had doubts on his own bravery(which albeit slight lack of self-esteem) after hearing her aay this and wrapping it up with a shoulder shrug saying "oh he would've killed me". Like seriously....this girl.

Oh, and she ate a magic-proof vitamin within one minute and made sure to kick Circe's butt and hand it back to the sorceress, and requested her to be turned into a panther so she could slaughter Circe and held her at a knife point.

Dragged said sorceress to the cage and made sure she watched as Annabeth released all the male rodents that Circe had painstakingly captured with disdain

Like Ms Chase did not hesitate.

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2 years ago

Cabin 6 head can on(i have no idea if it fits but lets go along with this):

In BoTL they described cabin 6 to have an stone owl and gave a sliver glow or something Iike that and im thinking its a gift from their mom and that Athena grants all her kids a gift (something small like Annabeth's cap).

I was wondering if the stone owl actually had a purposesor if it was just decor. I like to think Athena was better in the PJO series and im gonna ignore the HoO series for this headcanon where I believe Athena actually cares for her children but she's not good when it comes to feelings. Hence she shows her care by keeping them safe(ie guiding 'beth to Thalia and Luke when she was a runaway) and giving then weapons and little trinkets to eveyone of them at some point in their life.

When Athena grants the gift to her children they have access to the stone owl that comes to life and becomes a helper of sorts. It does tasks like giving lighting round quizzes or fun things like getting specific scrolls. The owl chages it's species and name depending on who calls it (so it's like a pet for everyone but they can only use it one at a time).

Eg. Annabeth a snowy owl she named Glacia (glay-sha) and Malcolm a Eurasian horned owl named Oak

The Athenians need to keep the owl at prim condition by giving it praises and grooming sessions so the silver light never goes out. The light acts as a spider-repellent. When the owl senses the light fading, it always takes flies to the head counsellor to solve the issue.

They can't speak to it like how Peecy speaks to horses but they can understand the intentions if the bird.

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2 years ago

Okay, but I need a fic where Cha Young is sick and Vincenzo is taking care of her à la The Hating Game.

Give me a Vincenzo who is fretting as every minute passes because Cha Young hasn’t come in for work nor is she answering her phone, and Mr. Nam who is also low-key anxious, because even though Cha Young is not always the most punctual person, the only time the two lawyers come in late is if they’ve stopped by a cafe to get coffees for the three of them, and Cassano Byeonhosanim is already here in the Jipuragi office so where is Hong Byeonhosanim?

Give me a Cha Young who was so sick the night before, she forgot to charge her phone at night, and her now dead phone has some 20 missed calls from Vincenzo and Mr. Nam each.

Give me a worried Vincenzo who drives as fast as he can to Cha Young’s house; who walks in (of course he knows the code and has his own set of spare keys to her house) and is surprised to see the kitchen a mess (because Cha Young isn’t fastidious, but she does hate a messy kitchen); and who heaves a huge sigh of relief to see her bundled under her blankets when he walks into her room. 

Although that relief doesn’t last long when he realises just how sick she is. Give me Vincenzo placing a cool, damp washcloth on her forehead, forcing her to take meds and holding her hair when she throws up. Give me Vincenzo gently stroking her hair, and a very feverish Cha Young softly calling out “Eomma.. Abeoji.. Cenzo..” in her sleep. 

Give me Mr. Nam dropping by with an overnight bag for Vincenzo (because there’s no way he’s going to leave Cha Young’s when she’s so sick). 

Give me Ms. Kwak preparing and bringing over some juk and other comfort food, because Cha Young needs to eat home cooked food, and her juk always does the trick when Yeong Ho is sick. Also, she’s not sure if Mr. Cassano can cook. And she’s pretty sure he hasn’t given a thought to his meals either. 

Give me Cheol Wook, Yeon Jin and Dal Rae dropping by with some fruits. The fruits are just an excuse – Yeon Jin looks after Cha Young while Cheol Wook and Dal Rae make sure Vincenzo finally takes a few minutes to eat something. Also, little Dal Rae is the only one who succeeds in making her godfather smile (albeit a small one) that day.

Give me Han Seo, Mr. Cho, Mr. Tak, Director Ahn and Seok Do, all calling up Vincenzo in turns and offering to drive them both to the E.R. should the need arise. Han Seo offers to get his noona the best doctors from the best hospital in Seoul and even pay for the entire VIP floor of the hospital if needed.

Give me Mi Ri and Monk Chae Shin dropping by with tea and vitamins for Cha Young and offering to do small chores around the house like tidying up the kitchen. Give me Cha Young finally feeling a little better and telling Vincenzo he doesn’t need to stay, he can go home and rest now, she’ll be alright and him looking at her with the most intense look in his eyes and the softest, most resolute No, and that’s the end of that.  Give me Cha Young hobbling to the bathroom to freshen up, and stopping in her tracks when she sees the now tidied up kitchen and living room, and all the food on her dining table, courtesy the Geumga family. Give me Cha Young leaning into Vincenzo for support, who is half hugging her and reassuringly rubbing her shoulder, and her tearing up slightly, because after her Abeoji’s death she thought she would never have a family again, but times like these make her so thankful for their crazy family. Give me Vincenzo changing the sheets on her bed and opening the windows in her room to let some fresh air in, while she’s in the bathroom freshening up.

Give me Yeong Ho dropping by in the evening because of an errand Mr. Cassano asked of him as a special favour: he’s brought them bungeoppang! Give me Cha Young and Vincenzo relaxing in the living room, because Cha Young is feeling much better now and she needs a change from her bedroom. They’re both on the couch watching the latest melo drama, with Cha Young’s feet in Vincenzo’s lap, and him cutting an apple into slices for her. 

And imagine the amused expressions on both their faces when their Geumga Cassano family group chat blows up because everyone is texting to check in and see how the two of them are doing. And then Vincenzo does something very unlike him: he sends them a selfie of the two of them. And then the group chat really blows up, and Cha Young can’t stop laughing. But also, aish, did you have to take a pic when I’m looking like that, huh? And imagine Soo Nam texting “just get married already, why don’t you” and immediately deleting his text. But of course everyone’s seen it. Vincenzo and Cha Young don’t mention it to each other though. Although Vincenzo is already cursing Soo Nam in his head, because he already has a plan.

Give me Cha Young falling asleep as she lays huddled to Vincenzo’s side, and him arranging a throw around her, stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head softly, and then leaning back and closing his eyes and settling for a nap himself. Give me Cha Young waking up a few mins later, and seeing this sweet, tired man finally resting, and she smiles to herself and kisses his cheek and then snuggles again into him and closes her eyes. She’s finally feeling better.

Give me Cha Young and Vincenzo having dinner a couple hours later, with him low-key fussing over her because she needs to eat more to keep her strengths up. Give me Vincenzo handing Cha Young her meds, tucking her into bed once she’s taken them while she reiterates yet again that she’s fine, and him kissing her forehead and telling her to sleep well and then settling into the bedding that he’s laid on the floor by her bedside. Give me both of them having a staring match from their respective beds, until Vincenzo dozes off first, and Cha Young reaches out and touches his hair, now down and curling across his forehead, and mutters a soft gomawoyo, before giving in to sleep herself.