infoglitch - that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.
that one guy who doesn't know when to SHUT UP.

I write what I want, and what I want, is rwby because I am mentally unwell. but I cover it up by trying to be ✨ F U N N Y ✨

553 posts

As A Fellow Jaune Enthusiast, The Reason I Like Him (and Im Confident In Saying For Other Peeps As Well)is

as a fellow jaune enthusiast, the reason i like him (and im confident in saying for other peeps as well) is simply hes an underdog. its a classic character, everyone loves an underdog is the saying. while early beacons writing had some hiccups (like not knowing aura, thats only festering with time) hes simple and sweet, hard to go wrong with this type of character. He wants to do the right thing, wants to improve, hes nice, and a dork. Plus his falsifying of transcripts actually does a lot to inject some extra spice of moral flexibility to an otherwise classic archetype. not only that, but with him not being cut out for this, and still being determined enough to try and chase their dream, gives him a solid foundation to work on. extra bits that arent huge but still relevant, his large family not wanting him to go this path further adds fuel to his determination

and the fact that hes got 7 sisters is comedy gold. I live for the fics where hunters are super specialized badasses, but the tradeaway is they are kinda terrible at just about everything else. its a nice counterbalance to him not knowing how to hunter like the others who presumably have been training for years. Ergo, here comes Jaune to save the day, he may not be able to kill a grimm but damn that boy can work a grill, do taxes and dance

I consider this a very mild take, but a good one. Jaune is definitely an underdog, and people can find that to be a character they root for.

However ofcourse Rwby is about team Rwby and unfortunately people aren't exactly here for the white boy. But that doesn't change the fact people still root for him.

But yeah that's all I got. Man can work a grill.

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More Posts from Infoglitch

4 months ago

Your story was quite a bizarre adventure

...are we talking Rwby fate or my own original works?

Or is this another mfing JOJO reference?

5 months ago

The monster of man.

Jaune sat there for what felt like.. hours. He cradled the young cinder fall. He stood up still holding her. As an idea came to him. He grabbed Crocea mors and sheathed it. He looked at the infant as he had a small smile on his face.

Jaune: maybe I can avert your fate.. and give you something better.. maybe I could do something.. drastic.. let's leave here, and get you somewhere safe.. somewhere you'll be given a good family.

Cinder couldn't remember anything of her real family. All she knew was that they left her with her current family. As she was getting dressed with her younger brother jaune.

Jaune: I still say you don't have to come with me.

Cinder: well I can't risk you doing something stupid.. especially if you're set on your path.

Jaune: well.. I can't exactly argue with that.

Jaune and Cinder looked at eachother. Jaune could tell the question his sister was asking in her eyes.

Jaune: I'm sure Cinder... I need to do this.

Cinder: need, or want to?

Jaune:.. need.

Cinder simply not as once they were dressed they set off to the bullhead. To beacon academy.

Just a man.

(look, I've been listening to epic: the musical and I can't stop thinking about adult jaune seeing a baby cinder and struggling on whether he should kill her or not. So you all have to suffer now.)

Jaune didn't know how, nor did he care. As he found himself in a room in front of a baby's crib as he saw her. A sleeping baby with burning amber eyes staring at him. The eyes Jaune grew to know, and despise.

He unsheathed crocea mors as he raised it above his head. Blade pointing down, ready to be blunged and end it.

Jaune took a deep breath as after a minute he dropped his sword as it hit the wooden floor. Jaune fell to his knees as he looked at the child. He knew what she would become but-

Jaune: I can't hurt you.. but I want to so badly..

Jaune looked at the baby as he carefully reached in, the infant grasping his finger as she giggled. Jaune almost smiled at the sound as he thought back to a brighter memory.

Jaune laid in bed as he held Ruby close with the red reaper clutching their 5 year old son.

Jaune: he's so.. peaceful, just years ago he was crying his head off.

Ruby: well it's not like a lot can't happen between being 9 months old to 5 years.. makes you remember how much time there is in life.

Jaune: yeah..

Jaune brought a hand towards their son as he combed it through his hair. It was pitch black, with red peppering it.

The young boy stirred slightly as he shoved his head in closer. With Jaune having a warm smile.

Jaune: he's going to be a great man.. I can already tell.

Ruby: well, his parents are two huntsmen sooo..

Jaune: id more say his parents are a novice huntsman and exceptional huntress but.. sure thing rubes.

Jaune stared at the infant before carefully picking her up and cradling her.

Jaune: I should.. I should hate you with every fiber of my being, every ounce of my soul.. but you.. I can't.. I know why I should.. you grow up into.. her. But you're just a girl, an innocent child.. you almost look like..

Jaune pressed against the wall before sliding down onto the floor, sitting. He crossed his legs and began stroking the infant's head.

Jaune couldn't tell if he was holding the woman whose neck he wanted to wrap his hands around and watch the light leave her eye.. or a daughter.

Jaune released a hick as tears began to roll down his cheeks. He released another hick before he began to sob.

Jaune: dear oum.. dear oum how could I hurt a daughter?..

The ending doesn't have to be set in stone, right?

@spahhzy @epic-arc get your asses over here, this war ain't over yet.

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5 months ago

(i'm research anon) thank you for your answers! in fact, jaune is quite prominent in mlm content, and shipped with every guy available. it's just that it's easier to find fanfics than fanart. please support them by going through the m/m tag on AO3!

i'm doing research because the majority of male fans i know identify heavily with jaune while it's very rare to find male fans identifying with any other guy (with the exception of roman). that's super interesting to me because people identify easily with the girls, but not the guys. why is that? i wonder.

(i personally was called a lie ren irl but we couldn't be any more different)


Ah alright then. I'll make sure to check it out later on AO3.

I think the reason why so many male fans identify with jaune is because he's easy to understand. He's not a blank slate unlike a good chunk of my fellow Rwde posters may say but that's just me giving my bias. (Opinions are opinions we can all be wrong except me I'm better than you all-)

That and.. well we don't have a lot of permanent male characters. Qrow is.. Qrow is Qrow he has people who relate to him but it's for a specific demographic.

Ren is kinda relatable. But he has a lot more specifics to him.

And Ozpin.. people can sympathize with him but no one can really relate to him. (Have you been alive for fucking centuries all because the god said "your wife is being a bitch so it's your fault as well, fix it"? No? Well no shit!)

Oscar... Look Oscar kinda stops being relatable due to oz being stuck in his head.

Roman and jaune are just normal people. With Roman making use of what he has and not fucking with the big dogs.

Jaune is just trying to be better and be able to live up to his family. (I just wish people would stop using him as a god damn HAREM PROTAG. I swear I will find the one who conceived that sin and fucking SLICE OFF THEIR COCK AND TESTI-) He has more screentime than he should but I equate that as crwbys incompetence as writers, rather than him being a "sElF iNsErT. (I will either laugh in your face or ignore you if you ever utter that argument about jaune. I'm sorry but I just can't take that argument seriously. Any other argument I say go for. Just not the Self-insert argument).

But I may be wrong so.. meh.

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4 months ago

Your minions are seepy! Mine are wide awake! I've won! Now be smothered in fur!

It's just fuzzy boy look at him.

Look at my child!

It's Just Fuzzy Boy Look At Him.
It's Just Fuzzy Boy Look At Him.
It's Just Fuzzy Boy Look At Him.
It's Just Fuzzy Boy Look At Him.

He cute :)

4 months ago

It's just a itty bitty baby. He so small but so fluffy. I will find one that bares his resemblance and I will name him Jorge, we will have soft shell tacos together, I'll make him into a purrito and then carry him around like an inf-

Oh wait shit this is my main blog...



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