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Zeus: I Forgive You For Your Horrible Transgressions Against Me. Youre A God Again. You May Now Thank
zeus: i forgive you for your horrible transgressions against me. you’re a god again. you may now thank me for my generosity
apollo, sick of his dads shit: nuh uh
this is how the end of TOA went right
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More Posts from Inkyrainstorms
Danny's "I don't have to win, I just have to make sure YOU LOSE!" in Reign Storm and Leo's "What you failed to understand is that I missed ON PURPOSE!" in the ROTTMNT movie sit at the same table
they’re so the same person it physically hurts i love them sm
these smart, idiot, self sacrificial, protective, sarcastic pun-fueled boys. the’re beautiful. portal duo my beloved
on a similar note, Sam and April would have an absolute blast uncovering government scams and April investigative journaling while Sam organizes the protests to take them down. the espionage buddies <33

I love them sm <3
Jason Grace temporarily commandeered all my braincells that's why there's so many sketches of him. I'll probably post some more soon :D
vetted palestinian fundraisers 8/4 part 1
this is another set of fundraisers i've been sent. because of the influx of the last couple of days & the concerted effort by the worst of this website to discredit every single palestinian, it's more important than ever donate. these people have done nothing but reach out in their worst hours, the least we can do is be there for them.
Save Kareman Dohan's Family from Despair // @karemandihan // vetted by @/90-ghost (post he reblogged) // $2,774/$50,000 USD
Kareman, her husband Ayman & their little baby Hamoud are seeking to evacuate Gaza. They no longer have any income because Ayman, who was a fisherman, lost his boat & they are simply trying to survive as we pass the three hundredth day of the genocide.
Help Ghazi evacuate his Great Aunt Alan from Gaza // @ghaziyounes1967 // vetted by @/90-ghost // $1,800/$50,000 USD
Ghazi's great aunt Alan is trapped in Northern Gaza. Both his family and her's houses were lost in the attacks on Gaza, and he wishes to evacute her to Egypt with the rest of the family. Please help reunite this family.
Help the Abu Shammalah Family Find Safety and Rebuild // @ahmed8311 // #161 on vetted gazan fundraiser list // €11,323/€100,000
Ahmed is raising funds to help his family evacuate out of Gaza to Egypt. He is away in Belgium, making it possible for him to be the benefactor to the fundraiser. I can't imagine the pain of being separated by your family and not knowing if they are safe or not for so long. Please help share and donate to his campaign so his parents and siblings can evacuate.
Help Yousef & Family Escape from War & Secure Treatment for Son // @girlquee & @saveyouseffamily // vetted by @/90-ghost // £7,369/£20,000
Yousef and Khadjia, along with their baby Madj seek to evacuate Gaza and find treatment for their son. Madj has an intense respiratory illness that needs treatment that cannot be provided in Gaza anymore. They have been displaced multiple times. Time is urgent to find Madj treatment.
Help Raneen's Family Rebuild in Gaza after the Devastating War // @ranin3344 // vetted by @/90-ghost // €4,272/€80,000
Raneen and her family have been displaced several times during the attacks in Gaza. Like many families, they have lost everything. Please help them gain the necessary funds to evacuate when Rafah Crossing opens up again.
Help Mohamed's children escape from the Gaza war to Safety // @save-salam-family // vetted by @/90-ghost // €19,511/€40,000
Mohammed & Salam and their two children, Noor and Saeed have been displaced seven times during the attacks on Gaza. Their lived have been changed forever by the never-ending violence, displacements & bombings of their home. For the safety of the family, they have decided to flee Gaza. Please help them evacuate.
Evacuate Kareem & Carmen Now From Gaza // @adham-89 // vetted by @/90-ghost // $10,414/$50,000 USD
Yousef is seeking to evacuate his sister's twins, his parents & his sisters from Gaza. He emphasizes the importance of getting the family out, as every update he has received from friends and family alike about the situation in Gaza only gets worse.
Help Heba & His Family to Survive Their Life // @heba-baker // vetted by @/90-ghost // €795/€60,000
Like many families, Heba's family has had their lives upturned by the constant bombing and displacement. Before the attacks started, they were receiving social assistance to get by. Now that is gone, and they need to raise the funds to evacuate out of Gaza.
Help Islam Al-Najjar & His Family Survive + Evacuate Gaza //@islamgazaaccount2 // vetted by @/90-ghost // €751/€60,000
Islam and his family have lost everything. They are struggling to survive in Gaza, as they have no means to support themselves and Islam's grandfather, who has already survived a previous bombing that took his hand, is unable to care for himself without help. The family needs these resources for incredibly expensive food & water to survive and to evacuate Gaza.
Please save Rajaa and her family from Gaza // @rajaagaza & @khaled-gaza // vetted by @/90-ghost // $6,460/$20,000 CAD
Rajaa & Khaled seek to evacuate Gaza with their young son, Karam. Before this began, Rajaa was a medical analysis specialist and Khaled a chef & teacher. They want to save their family, as the conditions in Gaza are no longer livable.

Dear mutuals and followers, sorry for the politics in your dashboard but in some homes today we cannot afford to "ignore the problems".
The country where I come from, Venezuela, has had an election for president that has resulted in fraud. Mr. Nicolás Maduro has proclaimed himself President although the votes have said the opposite. This regime has devastated the lives of its citizens, resorting to violence against those who opposed it. It has brought ruin to a nation once celebrated as a pioneer of Latin American independence, yet many choose to overlook its plight. Venezuela, a country that once extended support to immigrants and provided aid to others, is now dismissed as insignificant by many.
If you are an advocate who values the dignity and needs of individuals, we urge you to raise your voice alongside us. Don't ignore us because we are Latinos, this is also a war. It is a conflict against an individual who has controlled his armed forces, law enforcement, narcotics syndicates, and citizens, rendering any attempts at reform futile despite our vocal protests. I have family members who are unable to depart through legal means, and if they choose to leave unlawfully, they face harsh judgment from people of the outside.
If you are interested, here are more information you may read:
Twitter Thread Summary // What is happening in Venezuela // Torture Center: The Helicoide
(ASK) How can I help Venezuelans?
op I'm gonna fucking cry. I'm gonna.im gonna cry. The number of times I needed to put my head down and breathe before continuing is not countable what the FUCK whyyyyyyyyyy😭😭😭😭
The line 'as warm as his father promised with an agony he'd never mentioned' i legit gasped. Oh gosh, the gods truly believed that they were incapable of changing, but Zeus and Apollo's relationship begs to differ
What’s better Christmas present than a bit of angst huh?
When Apollo was young, not yet a year old, he was banished from Olympus due to his crime of murder. Gaea called for his head, but Zeus shielded him.
“I will not rule as my father did,” he said “The boy can learn, he can be better.”
Apollo was sentenced to exile. Nine years, though he was not told this. No, Apollo was certain that he had lost his chance to join his family in the heavens. His father had spared his life, and as penance he now had to stay on the mortal realm for all eternity, alone.
The young god made due with what he had. He wandered through the fields of Greece, tending to the animals he found along the way. He would sing, as light and clear as the birds, and mortals would flock to the sound. Apollo was never allowed to linger long, but he fell in love with that feeling of warm comfort mortals seemed to carry with them, that joy that he could never quite reach. When he could, he worked, often for little reward. He wanted another taste, another glimpse of a less lonely existence. So he became a shepherd, a soothsayer, a musician, always a few steps away, watching but never being.
One day, in the middle of the coldest months, Apollo was hired by a farmer in the Vale of Tempe. He had a large herd of cattle and was in desperate need of a someone to care for them. Apollo traveled through the backroads and forests, making his way to the valley. When he arrived, however, he found no farmer, and no cattle. Instead, a lone man sat at the base of the river that flowed through the vale. The water was near frozen over, but the man did not shake. Instead, he turned, and smiled wide.
“Apollon,” Zeus said, “Olympus has missed you.”
Apollo was shocked. Had his father truly come for him? He dropped into a low bow, too nervous for words.
Zeus chuckled, low and warm, “Rise, son. There is no more need for humility. It has been decided you have done enough.”
“Truly?” Apollo asked, “May I truly join you on Olympus?”
“You may join me at home, Apollo.” Zeus responded, “Your home. Come, we shall perform a rite of purification in these waters, and then you will ascend to your throne.”
And so the rite was performed, and Apollo was cleansed. As far as the rest of the world knows, the two immediately ascended to Olympus, to the glorious applause of the other members of the divine court. Apollo took his throne, next to his dear sister, and began his immortal duties.
But there was a moment, one moment, which was kept away in that sheltered vale. Once Apollo had been cleansed, he stood at the bank, waiting for the next step. Any demand his father asked of him, he would have agreed too. But Zeus held nothing over his head. Instead, he summoned a cloak of sheep’s wool, and placed it over Apollo’s shoulders.
“A gift,” he murmured, “The golden treasures you were born with will bring you glory, but this my son… I hope this will keep you warm.”
And Apollo believed, with all his heart, that he would never be lonely again.
Time is a cruel master. As years bled into centuries that bled into millennia upon millennia, Apollo realized that loneliness would be his most constant companion. He realized that the source of this loneliness, this suffering, would often be the very man that promised to keep him warm. The fire of his father’s hearth burned everything it touched, leaving Apollo with blistered hands and a scorched heart.
But he still wore the sheepskin. When the loneliness crept into his bones. When the lightning crackled across his limbs with a burning pain, as warm as his father promised with an agony he’d never mentioned. When all seemed lost to the ground and the dust. Apollo found that wool cloak and cast it over his shoulders. Even broken promises can bring some sort of comfort. Even old sheep’s wool can bring an illusion of warmth.
I was his child once. He used to love me.
If only the bite of a king’s cruelty could be chased away as easily as the chill of a winter’s day. The wool does nothing, and the loneliness remains. Apollo shivers, and goes to rest.