Incorrect Zodiac Quotes - Tumblr Posts
Aquarius: You’re going to church on Sunday. You’re a pescatarian, right?
Virgo: Did you mean Presbyterian?
Aquarius: No! It’s a new one, we worship fish!!
Libra: Cap, you can't just sit here in the dark listening to classical music.
Capricorn: I could if you hadn't turned on the light and shut off my stereo.
Meanwhile at school #1
Libra: The sun is in my face
Gemini: It's just god smiling at you
Libra: ...well god needs to back off
Meanwhile at school #2
Gemini: long was I out?
Scorpio: Wait, you were asleep?
Gemini: *tears up* I dON't KnOw!!!
Meanwhile at school #4
Pisces: *looks at Gemini's outfit* Aww you look so cute
Gemini: thanks...?
Pisces: Take.The. Compliment.
Meanwhile at School #5
Gemini: I'm having a good day :3
Pisces: Uuuggggghhhh... I'm having a horrible day
Meanwhile at School #6
Gemini: *wears grey jacket*
Libra: so, no black today?
Gemini: ...shut up
Things I've seen the signs do #1
Aries: *Arguing with Cancer*
Cancer: *Arguing with Aries*
Taurus: *Unnecessarily joins in*
Gemini: *Judges silently annoyed*
Scorpio: *laughs hysterically*
Zodiac Stuff
Taurus: It takes time, luck, and patience.
Gemini: I have none of those.
Meanwhile at school #8
Gemini: *turns to other Gemini* let's just say, that if it was that time of the month, I would eat you...
Pisces: *turns to other Gemini* at least he's being honest
Meanwhile at school #9
Libra: What makes us successful?
Other libra: Practice.
Scorpio: Practice.
Aquarius: Practice.
Taurus: Practice.
Gemini: Failure!!! :D
Meanwhile at school #10
Leo: What is maturity?
Aquarius: Something I don't have.
Leo: *monotone* cute
Meanwhile at school #12
Aquarius: *pats Gemini's head* Oh, what am I going to do with you?
Gemini: you could put me in a trash bin and let someone else find me...
Aquarius: no...
Gemini: well i tried :3
Meanwhile at school #13
Virgo: That was the weirdest thing I've seen today-
Sagittarius: *heavily breathing evilly* WeLL TodAY HaS JuSt BEgUn!!!