Scott Howl - Tumblr Posts
There greyromantic because I am

Does anyone have suggestions to add, please tell me

Hell dog? Hell dog.
Meet Cerberus, my interpretation of the Damien + Scott Fusion, for this month’s challenge.
Who will I ask out?

Another member beautiful diverse cast of monsters

The same dumb, jock with a heart of gold that I always fall in love with. ❤️

I feel like Zoe is the only one who isn’t a little wonky
Good boi meets GOOD BOI!!!

Art Masterlist

🐺 WoRK iN PRoGReSS SNeaK PeaK 🐺
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): i DiDN'T FoRGoT THaT DRaWiNG LiST oF MiNe WHeRe MR. GooD BoY: "SCoTT HoWL" iS MeNTioNeD/aDDeD. 😛 (ReMiND Me i'M NoT a FaN oF MoNSTeR PRoM. 😅)
aNYWaYS… STaY TuNeD FoR THe FiNiSHeD WoRK (eVeN i'M STaRTiNG To LoSe iNTeReST & eFFoRT oN DRaWiNG HiM. 😭)
HaVe FuN aLWaYS!? 👋

aRT-DuMP FiLe 101
MooD: NoSe BLeeDS 🤧
aRTiST?: Me? (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR: “WooFeR” (DoN’T MiND THe uNDie NaMe). aNYWaYS... SCoTT HoWL eVeRYoNe! YouR aLL TiMe FaVoRiTe “HuBBY” HaS FiNaLLY DRaWN BY YouR’S TRuLLY (Rowney-Eiyt) 😸
THiS iS NoT a “FeB”eNTRY aND... SoRRY FoR NoT DRaWiNG HiM oN YouR LiKiNG 😖
Spoiler warning for literally every ending involving the ROs of MP and MC but I couldn't rest until I made these

50% Scott, 50% Damien, 110% troubles.
And Polly x Liam, the ultimate Music Festival friend!
Last one by @viiperfish
Get ready for @doktordoktorgimmethenews ones starting tomorrow.
Are you getting to see the fusions you wanted to?
give us fusions! FEED US FUSIONS!

Oopsies, I forgot to upload this one before. It will have less time than the other ones to get likes before we post the next ones. Can your combined love for Scott snd Vicki work wonders to get this post as much likes as the rest got before we went into the new ones?
Scott and Vicki can do this! Go team!

Played Monster Prom recently and I s2g I love this himbo so much
...So have a weight gain sequence of him getting nice and cuddly for big boy season <3

Couldn’t help myself and made a vore version <3
You really shouldn’t eat zombies, you’ll probably get sick.