Urban Fantasy Author. Blog for my story, learning to draw, and making up tag games. Occasionally I reblog things I find inspiring. 18+, mature themes.
194 posts
Out Of Context Tag
Out of context tag
Thank you @cheyscribbles for tagging me!
From Seven Circles 🌐: Ch1, Appearances.
My lovely guests! If I could please have your attention," Demyen says, projecting to address the room at large as he stands from his throne-like seat. "As you all know, today's celebration is held in honour of my youngest ascending into his powers, as well as his place in society. He's a bit of a late bloomer, granted, but when has a little age harmed any of us?" he says, pausing as the room full of demons laugh politely.
Tagging @scorpiothesaint @officialauthorofanotherworld @katenewmanwrites and @fortunatetragedy (cuz I want to read more of yalls stuff!)
And @glasshousesandstones you asked, I delivered 🔥
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More Posts from Jev-urisk

More Kazimier practice 💋
✨️Seven Sentence Sunday✨️
(Six was not quite enough)
@fortunatetragedy had an open tag and I am bustin' into it like the kool-aid man 😎💥
Side-project to Seven Circles 🌐 where I'm writing Kazimier’s backstory as if he's telling the story.
Quite the system, eh? Well I didn’t fit into it when I arrived though. I was too clean, too bright-eyed apparently, had round cheeks and a sun-kissed look about me. Didn't have any credits neither! ‘Just my clothes and my wits’ wasn’t an exaggeration there, and my wits weren’t enough to know what the people were like.
Du’Preve was so dark to me.. I don’t think I was there a full hour before I bumped into someone an’ got called a damn squints- that’s what Du’Preved call you sunwalkers who come visiting. Because that’s what you look like walkin’ around in the dark, squints.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites and @smellyrottentrees in case yall want to share some lines +Open tag.
Wishing you a good morning from my very naked makeshift kotatsu 😊

So much of my creative process relies on having a nice space to create in, somewhere that has little distractions without feeling sterile. And when I'm feeling a bit stuck, I can clean some things to bring freshness to my perspective (which is currently the case).
I love cozying up here with a cup of coffee and my laptop or sketchbook, Playlist for that character humming in the background while the sunlight warms my Addams family pink limewash walls ☺️ I love how easy it is to slump onto the table, or lay on the floor in defeat when the art isn't doing The Thing. I love how easy it is for someone to sit across from me for a spell, asking me how it's coming along and enjoying the energy of my little parlor.
I hope all creatives get the chance to make a spot that suits them like my kotatsu suits me 💕
What's your creative space like? What do you wish it was like? No really, Idgaf if I get any notes but I want to see pictures or get descriptions of creative spaces ✨️
✨️Last Line Tag✨️
Thx for tagging @cowboybrunch ^^
I haven't been writing much from 7C lately, so here's one from♦️Prodigium♦️
"How was your meal, il'prima? I managed to borrow the original An'Prima breeding accounts, but I'll need to get your signature to the An'Shurihi if you plan to keep it overnight." greets Leandre as Maximus returns to his study. The pitch-haired woman was holding the accounts in question in her slender arms- a large bound book with suggestive rope boarder worked into the red leather.
Tagging @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees +Open Tag!
Things to write your thrupple/ot3 doing, from someone who falls asleep in the middle every night
We love playing cozy couch co-ops like stardew, Minecraft, etc
Places like the zoo, aquarium, museums, etc. They're big and there are enough people there that the three of us holding hands isn't remarked upon
Buying flowers/treats for the person who stayed home from grocery shopping, or the person who had a bad day 🌸
"The two of us can get taco bell but you have to promise not to tell X cuz they'll get food jealous." "I swear on my life."
Looots of parallel activities. I.e. One person playing video games, one drawing, one reading or watching TV.
My partners not helping me with something bc they'd rather oggle me 😐
Partners leading me around a grocery store like a toddler cuz I got the tism and am v overstimulated in stores. (Might be too specific lol).
A constant game of chicken where the 1st person to stand up when we're lounging refills all our waters.
Introvert partner asks to 'tag out'
If I, say, physically play with a partner and run away for them to chase, my second partner stands by and does nothing or helps catch me 😑
One person gets sick followed by all three of us being sick (currently happening, my home is a plague-ground)
Might do another one later. What activities does your theupple/ot3 do?