Just Me - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

For the past three hours I’ve been trying to finish a salad bowl of super spicy Samyang noodles. The hellfire that awaits me upon death now exists within my stomach. I have consumed hell itself. I am fucking Satan, bitch.

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2 years ago

ok but please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like everyone around them is getting everything they ever dreamed of while you just sit there... like, your best friend falls in love, gets the job they've always wanted, has a perfect family relationship, while you just sit there... nobody wants to talk to you, you're broke and unemployed, you never see your family... I can't be the only one who feels like they're never going to feel requited love

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7 months ago

Do you ever just wish that you had this beautiful, androgynous face and/or body that would look good with/in anything? Because that’s me 99.99999999% of the time.

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7 months ago

Isn’t that the best way to be bound?

Not Even Death Could Separate Them

Not even death could separate them

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5 months ago

Joe being androgynous is just so *makes pathetic whimpering noise and combusts (as I wish I could have even a percentage of his androgyny)*

Two Clueless Boys
Two Clueless Boys
Two Clueless Boys

two clueless boys

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8 months ago
inem1961 - Vais Estar Sempre do Meu Lado, PMD.

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5 months ago

me, posting something: well I sure hope this gets a lot of likes and reblogs :D

me when it gets likes and reblogs: WhAt ThE hElL iS gOiNg oN

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4 years ago
This Is Me.
This Is Me.
This Is Me.

This is me.

This Is Me.
This Is Me.

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5 years ago

Is this real life

I know that I dont have many followers. I appreciate every single one I do have. Just putting this out there but, do you ever get astounded that you exist? Not a waste of space feeling, but also an overwhelming sense of "I shouldn't be here. This realm isn't ready for me." With a side of "Everyone, make way *for my overbearing personality * for your queen*?"

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8 months ago

and GIR has, on regular occasion, eaten his legos before (can I make a bit of a WOTS reference real quick for this one? Just using the whole “Skoodge, Zim, and GIR exist in the same base” thing.)

Zim hates the legos, finding them everywhere (thanks to GIR, who has eaten and regurgitated them) throughout multiple places in the lair. (Skoodge, the little bean, actually plays with his legos very tidily, thank you very much!)

More: GIR will eat everything except gelato.

Skoodge enjoys pretzels (preferably the mini, little crunchy ones. You know, the ones that everyone ate as children. *stick shaped or not lmao*) and the sticks that come in the fundip packs. Just the sticks. (Me too, buddy.)

please make this a thing. (I might some art now.) Fanart, including in a fic, whatever. I stand by this goofy lil headcannon.

random hc:

skoodge likes legos.

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10 months ago
The Spirit Of The Hiccstrid Gods Mustve Possessed My Soul Last Night, Because I Never Shade My Drawings

The spirit of the Hiccstrid gods must’ve possessed my soul last night, because I never shade my drawings to this extent. I’m waaayyy too lazy for that, and yet, here we are. unreal.

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9 months ago

is it just me because everytime i make eye contact with a security camera im suddenly guilty of murder

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8 months ago

why do I look like a fucking troll in the morning and a goddess at night like hello?? make up ur mind goddammit

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8 months ago

Has anyone noticed that the guy punching got a fat ass?

cutesludge - CuteSludge

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1 year ago

ME FR 😂😂😂😂

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4 years ago

Would Geralt be great at like, catching flies? Because he had Witcher reflexes and whatnot? Like imagine walking with roach on day, and (poor girl) has horse flies and Geralt just single handingly taking out all the horse flies?

I can just see both him and Jaskier sitting in a tavern eating after a bad hunt and because some taverns I would imagine are humid and hot do to all the bodies inside and day light, there would be flies right?

Well Jaskier is thing to talk but this godforsaken fly keeps bugging between them, and listen buddy both of them are annoyed with it. While Jaksier is going off about being in a mood, Geralt like moves at neck break speed and the buzzing around them stops, and so does Jaskier and he’s just staring at Geralt’s hand that’s like frozen between them in a tight fits, and then Geralt moves his hand under the table and shakes it off.

Jaskier’s like “okay what the fuck just happened” and Geralt shrugs and continues to eat his stew like “it was annoying me so I got rid of it” and Jaskier’s just sitting there, mouth wide fuckin open like holy shit and then Geralt comments about attracting flies with his mouth or somethin

Just me? Because I think that’s funny as fuck

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6 years ago

Someone: I've heard you have some handicap. I'm so sorry... but what kind of...?

Me: yea... I'm dis...

S.: oh, like dysgraphic?

Me: no... like disaster

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