joy1579 - Through broken glass
Through broken glass

my icon and banner are commissions from my friend sentimentaleidolon oh but i did make a master list since i started writing Mysme stuff Master list

446 posts



i would ver much like more please!

Can you please write a sequel for mermaid MC with Jumin please? I loved it! Does she gets human legs when her tails dries? Does she grants wishes or can find treasures? Is she mute/speaks human language? Thanks!! 🤗

Part 1

Jumin let the mermaid’s hand go after cleaning her cuts.  She nursed the sore spots with a worried frown.  Her tail splashed a little in the large bathtub.

Jumin never used it, preferring showers for a more efficient way to cleanse himself.  Fortunately, it seemed big enough for her to fit in.

When he tried to lay her down on some towels, she protested.  She was quick to point to the bottles of water around the house, slapping her tail on the ground as if to give him a message.

She shouldn’t be out of the water for too long it seemed.  Thankfully, she was happy enough.  She wasn’t making much of a fuss, even when he applied disinfectant to her cuts.

Her tail splashed in the water again as she hummed thoughtfully, looking at her hands with a soft smile.  Jumin sat back, swabbing his brow.

“At least they won’t get infected.  That’s the most important thing.”

The mermaid nodded as she looked around the bathroom curiously.  Her eyes lit up as she saw the coloured bottles on the shelves and reached to take one.  Jumin took her wrist and shook his head.

“You should be careful with those.  They don’t have anything edible in them.”

The mermaid puffed her cheeks out and pulled away, looking around more.  Jumin crossed his arms.

“Do you have a name?”

The mermaid nodded with a smile.  

“What is it?”  

Her smile faded and she looked down.  She fiddled with her hands, biting her lip.  

Jumin frowned.  “You won’t tell me?”

The mermaid looked at him with an apologetic look.  She placed her hands on her mouth, shaking her head.

“…You cannot speak.”

The mermaid nodded, lowering her hands.  Jumin sighed.

“Well, you can understand me.  Better than nothing.”  He got to his feet.  “After you’ve rested for a while, I’ll carry you back to the sea.”

The mermaid smiled and nodded.  She beckoned for him to come closer.  Curious, Jumin leaned forward.

“Is something the…”

His words died in his throat as the mermaid leaned up to kiss his cheek.  She sunk back down to the bathtub with red cheeks, smiling bashfully. Jumin blushed and pulled away, running a hand through his hair and clearing his throat.

“Right.  You’re welcome.  If you need anything…throw a bottle through the door.  There’s plenty of them.”

The mermaid tilted her head to the side curiously as he marched out of the bathroom, placing a hand on one cheek to gauge how warm it was.

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More Posts from Joy1579

4 years ago

Reblog if you think a woman can be complete without children

Trying to prove a point to my parents

4 years ago

ahhhhh yay!!!! thank you so so much! its so precious!

h4 with jumin please?? btw ur so sweet i adore u and i love your art

H4 With Jumin Please?? Btw Ur So Sweet I Adore U And I Love Your Art

[Omg omg ur so sweet, thank you so much!! You're the sweet one for saying so!!!!

Also!! I got this request from @joy1579 as well, so this one's for you too!!]

4 years ago

Test day

 a Yoosung x MC ficlet (about 850 words)

MC goes to congratulate Yoosung on finishing his final college exam but ends up cutting the test short when she feels her water break. 

as always, it’s fluff. 

also I have a master list so you can read my other stuff

master list

You were waiting in the hall outside Yoosung’s final test room. After this he would be cleared to graduate and you had wanted to surprise him by being the first one to congratulate him on his accomplishment. You checked your watch once more to confirm he had only ten minutes left and smiled. as you restlessly shifted your bag from one arm to the other you felt a pain shoot through your abdomen. You looked around the hall for a chair. by taking the buss you had hoped to cut the time you spent on your feet, unfortunately it was so full you couldn’t get a seat despite your rapidly approaching due date. You were starting to feel dizzy so you placed a hand against the wall to steady yourself. Another pain shot through you and you could feel something shift. This was not the time. You couldn’t think of a worse time for this. Then your water broke as another contraction hit you.

“not now” you chastised yourself. “10 more minutes baby can you give me just” your bargaining was cut short by a swell of nausea. you couldn’t think properly through the haze that gripped you. it pulled you to your knees with second wave of dizzy weakness. then a hand was on your shoulder. Someone you didn’t recognize was asking you what was wrong and seeing the puddle you were kneeling in and your belly they began to panic. 

“get Yoosung” you managed pointing at the door just across the hall. They banged on the door urgently and you could hear the professor open the door ready to scold them for interrupting such an important test.

“sorry” you ground out feeling awful, for more reasons than just the pain that washed over you like rhythmic waves. You didn’t hear when the professor called to Yoosung but you felt him pull you to your feet gently. his warmth was unmistakable even in the confusion of your current state. he smelled like freesia and the cologne you had bought him for valentines day. it was almost funny how that scent bowled you over with the thought of him. the feel of sunshine and spring breezes, the sound of his laughter and quiet gaming sounds, the idea that every day with him would be filled with smiles, and hugs, and everything you needed.

“cutie! Are you okay? Is it time? Oh my god is that? did your water break? Okay breath! You’ve got to breathe! How far apart are the contractions? Why on earth are you here? Did you take the bus? Someone call” another contraction stole your attention for a moment as he continued to talk at the speed of light. “come on the professor is going to drive us to the hospital can you walk?”

“yeah, I just, damn it, okay yeah let’s go” you finally manage. you hated cursing honestly but you had to admit it felt justified right now.

You can see Yoosung’s worried eyes, feel his hand under your arms helping to support you though the dizzy spells that seem to hit just before each contraction. Slowly you make it to the professor’s car and Yoosung’s is talking the entire time. Your thankful for the soothing sound of his voice even if you can’t quite focus on what he’s saying. Your contractions where fast coming now and Yoosung was anxiously bouncing in the seat next to you as he stumbled over his words.

“we can do this MC. you can do this. You’re so strong cutie. We’re almost there I promise” he repeated for what may have been the hundredth time. You couldn’t help but love him in that moment. Love the way he looked so nervous. Love the way stayed so positive. Loved the way he energetically babbled about how hard he would work to make you and the baby happy.

You pulled him down to you quickly to press a quick kiss to his lips before whispering to him. “I love you, now shut up.” 

He swallowed thickly blushing a deep red before he nodded sharply. That made you laugh you had to admit. You wondered if there was anything that could get rid of the poor boy’s masochistic tendencies. You supposed not if even in the midst of his wife giving birth he could manage to look so adorably scandalized by little more than a stern word.

You held your child in your arms and thought about all the things that had led you to this moment. You could remember the first time you saw Yoosung in person and how he had kissed you that very evening. You could feel the tears in your eyes as you spoke gently to the newest member of the Kim family. 

“you gotta take good care of your papa okay? He’s a handful but I promise he’s the best around”. you looked to the corner of the room where Yoosung had fallen asleep in one of the visitor chairs. You didn’t blame him how could you? when he looked so precious. For the first time since meeting him though you thought he might actually only be the second cutest person in the room.

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4 years ago


joy1579 - Through broken glass
joy1579 - Through broken glass
joy1579 - Through broken glass
4 years ago

the RFA reacting to MC saying something creepy in her sleep

so I went to a con and in one of the panels the speaker mentioned her boyfriend (also a speaker there) talked in his sleep and said only the creepiest shiz (she also mentioned him sleep fighting which is hilarious but not what this story is about) one of the things he had said that really shook her was the phrase “the wall’s demand a sacrifice” and i really like that phrase. 

so yeah that’s where this came from

oh and ya know master list


-        it was past midnight and he was up to respond to a foreign business partner

-        he wasn’t fazed when you shifted and mumbled something incomprehensible

-        you had always talked a little in your sleep, mostly cute nonsense from your dreams

-        “the walls demand a sacrifice”

-        Well that was new

-        He debated waking you up, if it were a nightmare he certainly didn’t want you to suffer longer

-        Then you chuckled and he felt a shiver run up his spine.

-        He had never her you laugh quite like that

-        Perhaps he should make some tea and finish his work in the other room


-        He had woken up when a particularly loud crack of thunder rang through the stormy night

-        Jolted awake he looked around to check on you

-        But you were snuggled up just as cute as ever

-        “the walls”

-        He smiled a little to himself, he loved when you talked in your sleep

-        Sometimes if he goaded you along he could get you to say his name

-        “what was that MC” he asked gently prompting you

-        “the wall’s they want a sacrifice”

-        That was all he needed to hear to know he would not be sleeping that night.

-        He sat in the well-lit kitchen watching cute animal videos

-        Anything to not think about the ominous warning you had muttered


-        You had your head on his lap as he worked on his laptop at the coffee table

-        He chuckled at your occasional grimace or smile as you dreamed

-        That is until you spoke

-        “we must give the walls their sacrifice”

-        “heh what was that?”

-        “the walls demand a sacrifice”

-        A second later you were shaken awake

-        “MC if you ever do that again I will douse you in holy water”

-        “huh?”

-        “nothing just um, time to head to bed I think”

-        You grumbled something about already being asleep before you shook you but relented and followed him to bed

-        not noticing as he absentmindedly fumbled with the cross around his neck


-        he’s occupied with character analysis when you appear in the doorway glassy eyed and vacant

-        he had seen you sleep walk before when work stress got particularly bed so he wasn’t too surprised

-        he stood, prepairing to gently guide you back to bed you turned your head towards the window and muttered something

-        he chuckled quietly thrilled by how cute you always were

-        he placed his arm gently around your shoulders and began to hush you gently as he walked you back to the bedroom

-        “the walls demand their due”

-        That stopped him in his tracks as he searched your blank and unfocused gaze still turned towards the only small window his apartment had

-        “jagiya?” he prompted gently trying to rouse you “are you okay babe?”

-        You shook your head blinking rapidly and coming back to yourself

-        “Zenny? What? Was I sleep walking again?”

-        “what were you dreaming about”

-        “I um its fuzzy, you were there I think, but mostly I remember there was someone talking”

-        “let um let’s get you to bed jagiya”

-        he decides its best to head to bed with you, though he didn’t sleep very well after that


-        she woke up to a call from MR.han

-        she was ready to turn him down. You had helped her take great strides in being able to say no

-        even to him

-        she looked at you and readied her resolution

-        then you spoke raspy and sleep deep

-        “the walls demand their sacrifice”

-        Well that was, unsettling to say the least

-        When a chuckle escaped your lips the last of her bravery slipped from her grasp

-        If she wasn’t going to sleep anyway she may as well work after all

-        She left you a note on her way out

-        “MC I had to go into the office urgently also you were sleep talking again last night. I read recently sleep talking can be caused by stress and sleep deprivation. Please take care of yourself and be sure to get good rest.”


-        He doesn’t sleep well

-        So he’s used to sitting up watching you sleep it helps him calm down

-        The you nuzzle into his lap just a little more and mumble

-        “the walls demand a sacrifice”

-        He’s more curious than anything else

-        what does it mean? how do the walls speak to you? what kind of sacrifice do they want?

-        am I in danger? why did they choose to give you their demands?

-        I could sacrifice someone to the walls just as easily as you could?

-        who are the walls to judge me unfit for preparing their sacrifices?

-        He has to shake his head that line of logic was still so easy to fall into

-        He would wake you gently then in case the dream that caused the sleep talking was a bad one

-        then both of you could start the soothing routine of falling back to sleep together

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