my icon and banner are commissions from my friend sentimentaleidolon oh but i did make a master list since i started writing Mysme stuff Master list
446 posts
Test Day
Test day
a Yoosung x MC ficlet (about 850 words)
MC goes to congratulate Yoosung on finishing his final college exam but ends up cutting the test short when she feels her water break.
as always, it’s fluff.
also I have a master list so you can read my other stuff
master list
You were waiting in the hall outside Yoosung’s final test room. After this he would be cleared to graduate and you had wanted to surprise him by being the first one to congratulate him on his accomplishment. You checked your watch once more to confirm he had only ten minutes left and smiled. as you restlessly shifted your bag from one arm to the other you felt a pain shoot through your abdomen. You looked around the hall for a chair. by taking the buss you had hoped to cut the time you spent on your feet, unfortunately it was so full you couldn’t get a seat despite your rapidly approaching due date. You were starting to feel dizzy so you placed a hand against the wall to steady yourself. Another pain shot through you and you could feel something shift. This was not the time. You couldn’t think of a worse time for this. Then your water broke as another contraction hit you.
“not now” you chastised yourself. “10 more minutes baby can you give me just” your bargaining was cut short by a swell of nausea. you couldn’t think properly through the haze that gripped you. it pulled you to your knees with second wave of dizzy weakness. then a hand was on your shoulder. Someone you didn’t recognize was asking you what was wrong and seeing the puddle you were kneeling in and your belly they began to panic.
“get Yoosung” you managed pointing at the door just across the hall. They banged on the door urgently and you could hear the professor open the door ready to scold them for interrupting such an important test.
“sorry” you ground out feeling awful, for more reasons than just the pain that washed over you like rhythmic waves. You didn’t hear when the professor called to Yoosung but you felt him pull you to your feet gently. his warmth was unmistakable even in the confusion of your current state. he smelled like freesia and the cologne you had bought him for valentines day. it was almost funny how that scent bowled you over with the thought of him. the feel of sunshine and spring breezes, the sound of his laughter and quiet gaming sounds, the idea that every day with him would be filled with smiles, and hugs, and everything you needed.
“cutie! Are you okay? Is it time? Oh my god is that? did your water break? Okay breath! You’ve got to breathe! How far apart are the contractions? Why on earth are you here? Did you take the bus? Someone call” another contraction stole your attention for a moment as he continued to talk at the speed of light. “come on the professor is going to drive us to the hospital can you walk?”
“yeah, I just, damn it, okay yeah let’s go” you finally manage. you hated cursing honestly but you had to admit it felt justified right now.
You can see Yoosung’s worried eyes, feel his hand under your arms helping to support you though the dizzy spells that seem to hit just before each contraction. Slowly you make it to the professor’s car and Yoosung’s is talking the entire time. Your thankful for the soothing sound of his voice even if you can’t quite focus on what he’s saying. Your contractions where fast coming now and Yoosung was anxiously bouncing in the seat next to you as he stumbled over his words.
“we can do this MC. you can do this. You’re so strong cutie. We’re almost there I promise” he repeated for what may have been the hundredth time. You couldn’t help but love him in that moment. Love the way he looked so nervous. Love the way stayed so positive. Loved the way he energetically babbled about how hard he would work to make you and the baby happy.
You pulled him down to you quickly to press a quick kiss to his lips before whispering to him. “I love you, now shut up.”
He swallowed thickly blushing a deep red before he nodded sharply. That made you laugh you had to admit. You wondered if there was anything that could get rid of the poor boy’s masochistic tendencies. You supposed not if even in the midst of his wife giving birth he could manage to look so adorably scandalized by little more than a stern word.
You held your child in your arms and thought about all the things that had led you to this moment. You could remember the first time you saw Yoosung in person and how he had kissed you that very evening. You could feel the tears in your eyes as you spoke gently to the newest member of the Kim family.
“you gotta take good care of your papa okay? He’s a handful but I promise he’s the best around”. you looked to the corner of the room where Yoosung had fallen asleep in one of the visitor chairs. You didn’t blame him how could you? when he looked so precious. For the first time since meeting him though you thought he might actually only be the second cutest person in the room.
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More Posts from Joy1579
RFA reacts to MC using a pickup and finger guns on them
personally I like finger guns anyone who knows me knows I am a huge dork and i like to make puns but my somewhat dry humor means that people may not notice if I don’t actively play it up so bring in the awkwardly dorky finger guns (guy’s there’s a reason I don’t have many friends I am so far from cool) any way I don’t do pick up lines because I don’t have any interest in actual dating so I had to look these up. I hope ya’ll enjoy these. writing them made me happy at least.
oh also ya know master list
- I’d like to make you my feature PowerPoint presentation *finger gun*
- Straight up asks what you’re doing with your hands.
- MC: it’s uh ironic I guess? It’s like a silly thing you do if you are trying to flirt with someone and you fail at it Jumin: and you made that gesture to me because? MC: I was trying and failing to flirt with you Jumin: I do not believe you were failing *trademark smirk* Mc: *gulp* Help
- Tries it on you and is pleasantly surprised by your giggle and blush (it’s just so awkward and cute and oh my god you are going to marry this man)
- Gets Saeyoung to make him a finger gun emoji (Saeyoung is hyped)
- Everyone loses their sh*t
- “You’re my superman yoosung * jokey finger guns*
- Turns bright red, stutters,
- Tries desperately to flirt back but can’t get the pickup line out
- You can’t get over how cute his embarrassed face is
- He is now distraught at how often you start doing this
- Keeps asking the RFA for help on lines to say back to you because he wants to impress you
- “I’d like to play on your laptop *wink and finger-gun*”
- It was in this moment that he knew he was in love
- Finger-gun’s back
- Starts a finger-gun shoot out
- It always ends in his over the top death scene He falls into your arms and quotes hamlet
- you giggle and give him a kiss to bring him back to life
- Are you Macbeth? Because your name sends shivers down my spine. *finger gun*
- he can’t stop laughing, you looked so cute
- once he gets a hold of himself he turns the table on you
- jagiya, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print. *finger guns*
- he is absolutely hugging you so tight it’s hard to breath
- the beast is unleashed
- you swear you’ll learn more theater pickup lines
- can I have your number because I like you a latte *finger guns*
- sputters blushes “what?”
- tries to brush it off as a joke (because you two are friends)
- secretly hopes it wasn’t a joke (she may not want to be just friends)
- tells you about this new café that has really good latte art
- you insist that both of you go together
- now she has a date? Maybe? Or at the very least she has plans to meet a friend
- you two spend a lot of time in this weird “are we friends or dating and they just go slow” area
very little warning
a Saeyoung X MC ficlet (1050 word)
MC goes into labor early while Saeyoung is out. thankfully Saeran is there to help MC.
I hope you guys like this one, I feel like Saeran would be able to help through pretty much anything as long as someone walked him through it but he would not be happy about it. Saeyoung would be so distracted trying to do literally everything at once I don’t think he’d be much help. he would however be a great dad, those kids would not only have the coolest toys, but also Saeyoung would teach them how to build things. (he wouldn't teach them hacking though because he really doesn't want them to follow in his dangerous foot steps)\
Bedrest was getting boring and you still had a month left. you partly blamed Saeyoung for this. Twins ran in his family not yours, yet here you were too big to be comfortable and exhausted constantly. Then again you knew your family’s history with difficult pregnancies as well so it wasn't entirely his fault. these things compounded into extreme bedrest for the last two months of your pregnancy. Worse yet this meant much of the baby preparation, which had doubled with the news of twins, was left to Saeyoung. Who had taken to building custom versions of everything he thought your little family would need. Today though Saeyoung had left. He had put off the last of the baby shopping to watch over you but he had finally run out of supplies for his projects. He promised he would only be gone for a little while and asked Saeran to take care of you. you weren’t nervous. Saeran was good company and you enjoyed chatting with him. soon you two settled into a comfortable silence as Saeran read and you played a simple game Saeyoung had made for you on your phone.
That’s when you felt the first contraction. You placed your hand on your belly and started to count. You had helped your mother deliver several children as a midwife and knew the basics. though this was early, a premature birth was not out of the realm of possibilities, still you hoped that this was a false alarm like the many contractions before it.
“come one kiddo’s can ya give me one more week?” you asked your belly as another contraction shot through you strengthening your suspicion that this may be something more than a simple false alarm.
“what was that?” Saeran asked his eye’s never leaving his book.
“can you drive sae?” you asked as you sat farther up in bed. The contractions were coming fairly regularly now and you knew that soon they would get stronger and faster.
“no? should I, should I call Saeyoung?” he asked looking at you a little nervously now.
“mkay yeah if you don’t mind texting him” the latest contraction knocked the breath out of you and you felt a puddle form between your legs “but I think it’s a little late to make it to the hospital”
“what?” saeran nearly shouted jumping up at the sight of your face in pain “hospital? You’re not. Are you?”
“text your brother and listen I’m going to need your help with this” you said between gritted teeth.
“no, no. MC I’m not a doctor, I’m barely a functioning person” he cried and you almost laughed at that, then pain shot through you and you hissed
“well congrats you just got promoted to doula. get a warm wash cloth. I’ll call Saeyoung” you watched Saeran rush out of the room before hitting the speed dial on your phone. Saeyoung answered immediately asking if you were okay. “heh, yeah but I’m gonna need you to head home” you managed as another wave of pain rolled through you.
“what wrong? I’m on my way I’ll be there as fast as I can”
“listen don’t worry too much, okay? saeran is helping me but we’ll need a ride to the hospital once their born just to make sure everything okay” the breaks between contractions was getting noticeably shorter but you tried to explain as much as you could in the short bursts of clarity you had. “I’m in labor. It’s going really fast, we’re only a little early though. They should be fine.”
“you aren’t due for another month MC” Saeyoung cried and you could hear the engine of a car rev in the background. He was on his way, good. “we have to get you to a hospital you can’t have our babies in the bunker! Where’s Saeran let me talk to him!” you handed the phone to Saeran just as he returned with several towels and the bag you and Saeyoung had packed for the birth. though you had meant for it to be brought to the hospital it had some necessities you would need. Haltingly, working between your contractions, you got yourself into position as the boys argued over the phone. When you could no longer keep the checklist straight in your head because of the pain you called for Saeran.
“hey I kind of need you over here” the phone was dropped and forgotten in a second as you walked him through his role thankful that he was a quick learner who listened well enough to keep you on track.
Saeyoung arrived to yelling and assumed the worst. He rushed to the source of the noise just in time to see the birth of the second twin. His brother looked shaken and Saeyoung couldn’t blame him. saeran had no training in medicine and it looked like he had just managed to deliver twins with nothing more than MC’s slightly angry sounding instruction.
Once at the hospital the doctor gave your twins a clean bill of health and you could breathe easy for the first time in hours. Saeyoung sat beside your bed his head in his hands.
“I shouldn’t have left” he muttered and you sighed. He was blaming himself again.
“listen you’re decisions absolutely led us here Saeyoung.” You started. His head shot up hurt by your words so you continued. “you decided to save me back at Rika’s apartment, you decided to save saeran from mint eye, you decided to marry me, and you decided to sleep with me” you couldn't help yourself when you saw him blush just a bit at that. “ a lot. Saeyoung you decided that one a lot.”
“MC this isn’t funny.” he groaned
“that’s where your wrong, secret agent man. This is very funny. Do you know why? Its funny because you should be celebrating. Every decision you made as led you to be sitting beside your wife with two healthy newborns in the nursery and your bother sleeping in the corner. You may not see how amazing that is but I do. Life is one big cosmic joke and we managed to luck out on the happiest possible punchline; If that’s not funny I don’t Know what is.”
He looked at you taken aback by your speech but then he smiled and there was a relief in his face that you loved. “what did I do to deserve you”
“probably something terrible” you joked as he wrapped his arms around you.
Roof Top Affection
this is just me venting via
Jumin x MC ficlet (1400 words)
MC struggles with feeling of emptiness that compels her to visit the roof of the penthouse despite the dangers, when Jumin is alerted he is not happy. (I don’t write angst guys this doesn't have angst it has like two seconds of sad and then a whole shiz ton of fluff)
also if your interested feel free to check out my master list
If you leaned forward just a bit, you could see the street below. If you closed your eyes and focused on the wind in your hair you could imagine you were falling. If you sat here long enough, you hoped maybe you could let go of the tightness that had somehow lodged itself in your chest.
It had taken incredible planning to get here. You had watched the guards for days before you sneak away. They wouldn’t have stopped you of course, but they would tell Jumin and he would worry. It isn’t that you wanted to worry him. you had simply been so stuck recently. Between the guards and the reporters, you felt suffocated, before you had married Jumin you had been a nobody, invisible to practically everyone and you had reveled in the solitude of it.
Now you sat on the edge of the roof of one of the tallest buildings in the city just to find a second of mock silence. the wind was loud and cold at this height it whipped around you as dangled your legs over the edge of the roof. no one could see you up here unless they were looking and you weren’t unfamiliar with heights like this quite the opposite actually. You sought them out regularly, they felt safe to you, as though your worries where tethered to the ground and through little more than mere distance from earth you could leave them behind. So it was fitting than that your ultimate solace came in this admittedly foolish game of chicken. How close to the edge could you bring yourself before the fear of falling drew you back inside. This was the farthest you had ever come, sat on the ledge legs dangling off eye’s closed and simply feeling the thrill of being so close.
“Mrs. Han.” Came the booming and authoritative voice of Jumin’s most trusted body guard “please step back from the ledge carefully Mr. Han has been called and will be hear soon”. The pseudo silence you had chased was shattered and you noticed the noise of the city suddenly still you couldn’t bring yourself to stand just yet, you gazed over the edge one final time. You could hear the heavy foot falls of the guard coming to retrieve you and you sighed. You put your hand up to stop him and stood of your own volition meeting him halfway. “I am to - ”
“escort me back to the penthouse to await my husband? Don’t worry so much I understand.” You smiled up at him and saw his nervous and melancholy frown. As he nodded and followed behind you as you made your way back inside.
“Ma’am? May I ask why you were up there?” he pressed gently only the barest hint of hesitance in his voice.
“of course you may, the real question is will I have an answer for you.” you said teasingly trying to lighten the mood at least a little. If you could convince the guard it was no big deal you had a better chance of convincing Jumin. You didn’t want to lie however “the wind up there is exciting. The view is breathtaking. Honestly it just, calls to me like a siren. Do you know about sirens? Jumin read me a book on mythology once and it talked about these creatures that sang so beautifully that they drew unsuspecting sailors into rocky waters, I think the roof is my siren. I know it’s dangerous but when I hear that melody, imagine that feeling, breathe that air, I can’t say no. I don’t plan on doing anything bad though so you shouldn’t worry”. Okay even you had to admit that sounded worrying. So much for playing this off as something trivial.
You reached the door to the pent house quickly and he sat with you stiffly until Jumin rushed in. you could see the immediate relief on his face when he saw you sat safely away from any dangerous ledges. You also saw the relief crumble behind a cold anger as the body guard moved to his post outside the penthouse door. Jumin sat in an armchair to your left and you watched him run his hands through his hair in exasperation trying to find the right words.
“It’s not what you think” you say cutting him off before he can speak, “I wasn’t planning to leave you. I could never leave you, I love you. I just,” but you trailed off losing your words at the sight of his hands shaking, the lost and broken look in his eyes.
“Just what MC? what on earth could have made you do something so reckless?” he said reckless but you heard the meaning behind it. Stupid, how could you do something so stupid, and how could you blame him really. You had known from the beginning that it was stupid, stupid and dangerous and breathtaking.
“Jumin I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. do you remember telling me about the threads that wrapped around your throat? They strangled you, held you back, hurt you. I have them on my heart they constrict in my chest until I can’t feel anything at all, but up there the wind and the quiet and the chill it helps. Their still their still tied around my heart but they loosen.”
He looked at you and you could feel his fear. The ever confident business man was nowhere to be seen in that moment. “you helped me untangle my threads MC. I want to do the same for you” you had never heard his voice waver like it did when he spoke the next words “but I can’t lose you like V lost Rika.”
Your heart froze and you moved from your spot on the couch. You knelt at his feet, held one of his hands securely in yours and leaned to meet his downcast eyes. “Jumin, I’m not going anywhere. Not now, not ever. When I go up there I do it to feel something, not to stop feeling everything. I’m not Rika you won’t lose me.”
Without a word he pulled you off the floor and into his lap. You wrapped your arms around him mimicking his tight hold on you occasionally raking your fingers through his hair soothingly. Slowly you could feel him relax feel him unwind around you as you gently and quietly chanted your love to him.
“I’ll build you a sky walk. Clear flooring and handrails. You’ll be able to be up there and still stay safe, but you have to take a guard next time.” You chuckle a little at that, he had always been a problem solver, of course he would find you a way to feel the city beneath you safely. “MC? please talk to me when you feel that way. I hate to imagine you suffering alone”
“anything for you love” you purr nuzzling your head into his neck before sneaking a kiss onto the skin there. The next few days he stays home from work to be with you. one day you take him up to the roof and sit with him feeling the wind in your hair and leaning against him. he admits it’s nice but it makes him nervous none the less, having you so vulnerable. He asks if you want to see a councilor after reading that thrill seeking behavior is linked to depression you agree on the condition that he attend with you the first few times. It helps him as much as it helps you, and though you don’t attend long you learn how to better cope with the periods of emptiness. In the meantime, an observatory is built on the roof and a skywalk is added these become a major tourist draw despite being open to the public only on the weekends. During the weekdays you enjoy planning for the upcoming RFA parties while lounging on the skywalk, with its crystal clear flooring and guard rails you often feel like there is nothing above or below you. Jumin often joins you for lunch relishing the view and your ever growing cheer.
cute hissy boi!!

The RFA when MC is excited about how soft her fresh shaved legs are
there’s something truly magical about fresh shaved legs. for EVERYONE involved.
- You sneak into his home office wearing your black satin pajama’s
- you move to perch on his desk one leg extended and toe pointed as elegantly as you could manage
- “Jumin touch my legs they are so soft!”
- “Excuse me?”
- You spin so your legs sit across the papers he was just working on and sit front and center
- “I just shaved and used that new lotion you got me and they are so soft touch them”
- “No”
- “No?” you pout
- He scoops you up without warning carrying you out of the office
- “The office is no place for that”
- “wait, no. you were work, I just meant.”
- “you know better than to tease me” he said entering the bedroom with a mischievous smirk
- I mean he right
- You emerged from the bathroom towel clad and smooth legged
- Yoosung was in the main room enjoying a let’s play when you made your appearance
- “MC?!?”
- “Yoosung touch my legs” you chirp happily racing of to him and placing one foot gently on the table before him
- His hands are shaking as his fingers start at your knee and run down to your ankle
- He stutters an affirmation and you smile moving to sit next to him
- You drape your legs across his lap teasing him
- “MC this isn’t fair” he says burying his face in his hands
- You shift your legs off his lap and move his hands gently to steal a kiss from him
- “but your so cute when you blush”
- “you’re doing this on purpose” he chides
- You simply giggle and kiss him even deeper this time
- You two did not make it to the bedroom
- Mission accomplished
- BAM your leg in all its fresh shaven glory is posed upon the coffee table before Saeyoung
- Before you can even say anything he leans forward and lick a long strip up your calf
- “oh god ewww why?”
- “why not?” he asks mock sagely
- “I just wanted you to see how my legs where!”
- “soft you wanna see soft legs?”
- BAM HIS leg in all its shaven glory is posed upon the coffee table before you
- Revenge lick
- “augh okay point made that’s gross”
- Later you are both cuddling on the couch in booty shorts super soft legs tangled together as you watch a movie
- Saeran hates that he can’t tell which legs belong to his brother and which belong to you
- He thinks your both idiots who need to put on REAL F*CKING PANTS
- He comes home from a jog to see you in shorts doing one leg wheel pose
- Instantaneous nosebleed
- “oh Zen look”
- MC he literally can’t look any harder than he is already looking
- You move out of wheel pose to stand before him “I just shaved my legs and they are so smooth touch them!”
- his brain has ceased functioning
- You guide his hands to your thigh to feel your skin
- Then he’s moving on his own and his hand is too high to be innocent
- You give a shuddering gasp
- The beast is unleashed
- “Jagi do you even know what you’re doing to me?”
- You absolutely 100% know what you’re doing.
- She too knows the alluring feeling of fresh shaven legs
- Share with her your soft leg secrets
- Now you both have super soft legs
- You absentmindedly run your fingers along each other’s legs all afternoon
- FRESH SHEETS because you both know how amazing fresh sheets are when paired with fresh shaved legs
- You two cuddle all afternoon while watching Zen’s DVD’s
- That night, so many cute and spicy leg kisses
- Tangled up super soft legs