just-a-dumb-human-ithink - Kingsley Quinn
Kingsley Quinn

29 posts

So I'm In School And It's Hectic Because The End Of Year Is Coming Up. However, I Can't Function Do To

So I'm in school and it's hectic because the end of year is coming up. However, I can't function do to physical health problems and the constantly changing schedule. It just doesn't work for me cause I get anxiety due to the lack of structure. Taking breaks is amazing and healthy but I don't got time. So I'm kinda going to be all over the place for a bit.

More Posts from Just-a-dumb-human-ithink

I am so excited to never come back to my high school building again. I hate it here.

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Im rewatching supernatural, which I finished before the pandemic was a thought. And in season 5 episode 4 has me reeling.

Chuck: So, you're really from '09?

Dean: Yeah, afraid so.

Chuck: Some free advice, you ever get back there, you hoard toilet paper. You understand me? Hoard it. Hoard it like it's made of gold. 'Cause it is.

Dean: Thank you Chuck.

Chuck: Oh, you'll thank me, all right. Mark my words.

Like damn they have a true prophet of the lord there. 

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I need more recommendations on ghost hunting shows like buzzfeed unsolved due to it being over and the wait for ghost files is going on. I finished all the season marathons twice. Someone please give me something to watch😭

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I posted this like two years ago but guess what i miss high school now. Not because it was fun but because of the structure and rigidity of it. My fing autism is so fun now that i'm in college.

I am so excited to never come back to my high school building again. I hate it here.

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