just-a-shark333 - Something interesting here
Something interesting here

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I Thought Of This A While Ago And Thought I'd Draw It

I Thought Of This A While Ago And Thought I'd Draw It

I thought of this a while ago and thought I'd draw it

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More Posts from Just-a-shark333

11 months ago

one day Dazai has an idea and decides that it was much better than doing his work so he runs to the store and comes back with a bag of catnip, just in time for atsushi's lunch break.

He goes up to him and starts talking to him and while their talking he sprinkles some in atsushi's food

Atsushi just runs around the rest of the day. Starts, like, biting his pencil and his other stuff. No one (other than ranpo and dazai ofc) know what happened until the bag falls out of dazais pocket.

Atsushi got sent home early and Kunikida yelled at dazai for an hour. Most everyone else thought it was funny.

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11 months ago

I have a headcannon that the Orphanage regularly committed tax fraud. And a bunch of other crimes along lines.

And that they had the older kids do it for them as part of their chores. That place was shady as hell and the Headmaster used to work in the criminal underground.

I rest my case.

So just imagine the Agency being given a case to investigate the place.

And usually they wouldn't be given such a thing but it's this sneaky operation that's been going on for years.

And the police are just baffled and beg the Agency for help. Ranpo puts on his glasses, solves the case but doesn't tell anyone.

He's too busy laughing his ass off.

So Kunikida and Dazai are sent.

And they just find Atsushi, one of the oldest kids at the Orphanage sat at a creaky old desk.

Case closed.

Dazai has to leave the room because he's laughing so hard. The Headmaster tries to blame the kids for it. Which obviously doesn't work.

Atsushi makes a comment about does that mean I have to go back to my cage? Which starts a whole other investigation and the Agency end up taking him in.

Aside from the murder, Dazai and Atsushi have completed the same amount of crimes. Hell Atsushi's might be higher, they just don't know the exact amount he's done.

Dazai is very proud of this fact while Atsushi is embarrassed.

"Come now Atsushi you should be proud of your accomplishments."

"They're not accomplishments!"

11 months ago

Dazai and atsushi both try to kill themselves on the same roof, at the same time

Tw for su!cide obviously

This is pretty bad but in my defense it's like, 2am right now.

Word count: 457

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It was a sad night, nothing particularly bad had happened, and it hadn't been raining, it just felt sad.

Dazai stood on the edge of the rooftop. He was hoping to finally succeed in killing himself. He'd been trying for years but luck had never seemed to be on his side, but tonight, tonight he would succeed. It was a perfect night for a suicide attempt, dark, cloudy, a little bit foggy, no one would interrupt him tonight.

He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the fall. He took a small step closer to the edge, this was it, finally. Just as he was about to fall he heard the door to the roof creak open. Turning around. He saw a familiar head of white hair staring at him.

"..Atsushi? What are you doing here?"

Atsushi didn't respond, he was trying to gather his thoughts. He had finally worked up the courage to do it, he'd wanted to just give in and kill himself for years, but he always got too scared and stopped before he did anything fatal.

"Atsushi?" He was snapped from his thoughts by Dazai calling his name.

"Oh- uh, y-yeah, Dazai?"

"What are you doing up here this late, Atsushi?"

"Oh, right, me. I'm.. I'm here to.. uh-" he hadn't considered the idea that someone could be here already so he hadn't bothered to come up with am excuse for if he got caught. "I- I'm here to enjoy the view! Yeah, the beautiful night sky! Isn't it great from up here! Ha...ha." He knew that he was not convincing anyone with that pathetic excuse, especially Dazai, who already figured out what was going on.

"..The view is nice from up here, you're right, although, I'm sure that's not actually why you're here, is it?" He sits down a few steps from the edge, patting the ground next to him to signal for Atsushi to sit next to him.

Atsushi sighs, "You're right, it's not."

"I assume you're here for the same reason as me, right?"

Atsushi doesn't respond and Dazai takes that as a yes.

"Well, I guess if neither of us are gonna succeed tonight there's no point in being here, huh?" Dazai stands up and stretches, and Atsushi follows after a moment.

"I guess not."

"Man, all this trying to kill myself has really made me hungry, let's get something to eat and..talk a bit, sound good Atsushi? My treat~!"

"Yeah... let's do that."

And with that, the two of them made their way down the building and out to find some restaurant that's still open at 2am.

Maybe tonight hadn't worked out the way they wanted it to, but it still worked out in the end.

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11 months ago

Bsd where Atsushi is one of Oda's children.

Oda survives because Dazai gets there in time and shoots Guilde himself. It's not till much later that they learn one of the kids is missing.

Oda found Atsushi after he'd escaped Shibusawa and was in the city. After the Dragons head incident so Oda doesn't know which Orphanage Atsushi came from.

Oda is hopeful he can find him and Dazai promises him that they will.

That was 4 years ago. Both have since joined the Detective Agency. Odasaku is out accompanying Ranpo out on some case out the city when Atsushi shows up in Yokohama.

Dazai doesn't recognise Atsushi because any pictures Oda had of his kids were destroyed. And they didn't meet prior.

Atsushi knows of him, and is suprised Dazai's in the Agency. He doesn't say anything, given no one else knows about Dazai's past and Atsushi doesn't want to upend that.

That, and the Headmaster had sewed seeds of doubt in Atsushi's mind about whether his dad ever loved him.

"If he cared for you so much, why did he leave you? Your birth parents abandoned you, so did he. The world has abandoned you Atsushi, you were not made to be loved."

So Atsushi's afraid if Dazai knows who he is, he'll be dropped from the Agency.

Dazai is sus, because hmm random orphan child who has a father in Yokohama. But he isn't from here... And he has the same name as my friends missing child.


He could outright ask him. But where's the fun in that? That, and Atsushi shuts down whenever his past has been asked about.

And Dazai doesn't want to upset him. He also doesn't want to call Odasaku until he knows for certain.

It all comes ahead when Kunikida makes a comment about Ranpo and Odasaku's case being over and that they would be heading back in a few days.

And Atsushi looks terrified. He practically runs out of the building and to the dorms. Dazai goes after him, concerned at his reaction. He figured with how lonely Atsushi clearly was that he'd be escatic.

But he's terrified.

"Dazai I... I can't talk right now I have to go."

Atsushi looked so small and afraid, clutching a bag of his meager possessions. "And you can, I'm not stopping you. But I'd like to talk first. If you still want to go, I won't stop you."

That calms Atsushi down a bit to sit down. "I'm guessing Ranpo's not the reason you ran out of there." Said Dazai. Atsushi shook his head, looking down in shame.

"I know Odasaku, he's a great friend of mine. We go way back in fact and I can tell you quite confidently that he's not a threat to you."

"I'm not scared of that..." Said Atsushi, he's given up hiding what Dazai has obviously figured out. "I don't want him to hate me, more than he already does."

"Why do you think he hates you?"

Atsushi looks at Dazai, tears in his eyes. But Atsushi won't cry, because kids who have been abandoned by there parents don't have the luxury of crying.

"Because I failed him. He... He went to his job and these men showed up..." Atsushi hugged his knees, the memory painful to this day.

"We all got put in a van it blew up. The tiger saved me but I couldn't save the others, not Kyousuke not Sakura...."

He couldn't save any of them, only himself.

"I got up, I went as far as I could before I passed out from the pain. I woke up in a hospital. The Headmaster was there, he took me back to the Orphanage. And that da-... Oda had abandoned me in the wreckage."

So that explained that. Odasaku had never legally adopted the kids, so of course they called the Orphanage.

Dazai felt a unique mixture of anger and sadness. Anger that Atsushi suffered, that Odasaku had suffered. Anger at that Orphanage and if Odasaku didn't kill that man Dazai would.

And sadness. Sadness that Atsushi had suffered, that Odasaku had suffered and Atsushi was so afraid Odasaku wouldn't want him.


"4?"Asked Atsushi confused. "4 years, that's how long Odasaku has been looking for you. He's been searching for you day and night since he found out you might be alive."

Dazai had never seen Odasaku so distraught as the day his kids were killed. He'd have walked to his own death.

But hearing Atsushi could be alive, that sliver of hope had ignited life back into Odasaku's eyes. Maybe that's partly why they'd joined the Agency to begin with.

Dazai looked Atsushi in the eye, needing him to believe him. "Odasaku would never knowingly abandon you. He thought you were dead, he ran off guns blazing for revenge. And you did not fail him."

Atsushi processes of all of this. Hope ignited in his heart along with the fear. He wanted so desperately to believe it was true.

Dazai said his piece and waited a while before asking if he could tell him. Atsushi nodded, putting his things away as Dazai stepped outside to make a phone call.

"I've found him."

Oda came barrelling into the room a lot quicker than he should've been able to. The moment his gaze found Atsushi, tears welled up in his eyes.

"You're alive."

The sheer relief in his voice bought tears to Atsushi's eyes, because Dazai was right. He wasn't abandoned, he wasn't hated or forgotten.


Odasaku caught Atsushi as he ran into his arms. He sobbed into his embrace, and Odasaku wasn't much better. Hugging his boy, his son in his arms for the first time in years.

"I'm here, I'm here. I will never, never let you go again. Atsushi I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Sobbed Odasaku. "I thought you'd hate me, that you didn't want me." Said Atsushi and Odasaku shook his head, running a hand through his hair.

"Never, I could never hate you Atsushi."

Dazai watches them with a soft smile before leaving. They'd have a lot to talk about, but for now they were together again and that's all that mattered.

He had another phone call to make.

"Dazai, is everything alright?"

"Everything fine Ango, more than alright actually." Said Dazai, and as if reading his mind Ango smiled. "He found him, didn't he?"

"He did, which brings me to my call" the smile on Dazai's face shattered to pieces. "I need you to find the bastard responsible for taking Atsushi away."

"Tell me what you know so far. We'll go from there."

The Headmaster and all those involved was going to pay for this.

The Guild would probably crumble too the moment Odasaku found out about Atsushi's bounty. But that was for another day.

11 months ago

You guys just have to trust me on this one and click here okay?