justamegafan - I’m Just A Fan
I’m Just A Fan


122 posts

Record Of Ragnarok Special #2

Record of Ragnarok Special #2

Either way, there’s going to be chaos (As Loki is basically hiding from others from being punished for all his pranks and schemes)

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More Posts from Justamegafan

1 year ago

Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #20

Y/N Swings

Y/N (Happily): I swing both ways~!

Y/N (Serious): Violently. With a bat

Y/N (Has her Valkyrie Partner turn into a baseball bat to bash some heads in): COME GET SOME MOTHERFUCKERS!!

Thor and Lu Bu (Both very interested): Hi


Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #20

Feral Y/N is something I definitely like now

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2 years ago

Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #13

Loki Special

Y/N accidentally got turned into a child by a random deity, along with their mentality so now there’s a very cute and mini 8 year old Y/N running around and somehow imprinted Loki being their ‘Daddy’

Loki (Sees Y/N): What you got there Y/N? (Opens the gift to see a book) What the hell is this? (The cover shows him and Y/N as cartoonish horses)

Y/N: The Unicorns are you and me, Loki. I drew it myself! (Shows him the different pages of them doing different activities along with everyone else drawn as unicorns) What do you think? Huh? Huh? Pretty heartfelt, huh? Huh?!

Loki: Oh, it’s heartfelt. There’s no escaping that. Heh heh, thanks, midget (Tosses the book to the side)

Y/N (Sad): You didn’t like it, did you?

Loki: No, no, no, it’s great! I’m done with it now

Y/N (Begins to lightly sob):

Shiva (Walks over): Y/N, I think Loki would like to put your book up on the fridge where everyone can see how nice it is

In the Kitchen

Loki (Uses a magnet and puts the book on the fridge): Aw, isn’t that cute

The book slowly slides down into the ice and water area, hitting the water button and getting the book entirely drenched as it falls to the ground in a heap of soggy mush

Y/N (Walks over their now ruined work with tears forming in their eyes): Oh, Loki… how could you?

Loki (Panics): Well, it’s not my fault! (Shows Y/N the magnet he used) Lousy piece of crap magnet!

Y/N (Tears fall out of their eyes and begins to violently sob): Oh, no, no (Runs out of the room)

Loki (Confused): What the… (looks at the magnet to see some writing on it) ‘Happy Birthday, Loki! From Y/N’ Ah CRAP!

Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #13

Adam sensed a disturbance and it’s telling him to beat Loki’s ass… If Odin hasn’t already…

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1 year ago

Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #15

Y/N on Earth!

Menace!Y/N: This is our planet.. Planet Earth, it’s a planet I’m literally on right now. And unless your watching this on a long-haul flight or while falling off a building, chances are, you are too

Menace!Y/N: This is the incredible story of how humankind transformed our world from being a load of pointless nature like this (Gestures to a forest) to full of modern things like this (Gestures to a city), and how we did it using nothing more and it’s hands

Menace!Y/N: …And it’s imagination, and also tools, and electricity, and the internet

Menace!Y/N: It’s a journey that will take me across to very corner of the globe mortal and travel restrictions would be allowed by the gods

Menace!Y/N: Getting up close to our species’ most stunning achievements (looking at a painting, a naked statue and a Theater showing ‘The Lion King’)

Menace!Y/N: And I’ll be asking questions… (Looks at Loki) Who are you?

Menace!Y/N: To the gods, the leading academics, clevernauts and expertists, who will help me unlock the mystery of human civilization

Menace!Y/N: Why do they say it’s a mystery how the pyramids were built when it’s obviously just big bricks in a triangle?

The Gods:

Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #15

Menace!Y/N: This is not just the story of the planet we live on. This is the story of the world we live on. Or both

Menace!Y/N: So join me, Y/N L/N, for a landmark look at the world we built together

Menace!Y/N (Dramatically): This is Y/N on Earth!

Adam+Valkyrie Sisters and Human Fighters:

Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #15

Menace!Y/N is about to ruin the Gods whole career

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1 year ago

Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #16

Adam the Best Father

Adam’s only 2 regrets before the Fall was when he wasn’t there to protect Eve from the Serpent and when she and Y/N were alone on Trail about the Apple without him there to protect them

Adam (To Y/N about his regrets): I’m sorry I wasn’t a better father

Wednesday!Y/N: Could we please do without the overt display of emotion?

Adam (Nods): Yes, of course, I know they make you feel uncomfortable

Wednesday!Y/N: How many fathers hand their daughter a fencing blade when she’s 5 years old?

Adam (Proudly): Your saber strokes were an essay in perfection

Wednesday!Y/N: Or teach her to swim with sharks?

Adam: They found you as cold-blooded as I do

Wednesday!Y/N: The right way to flay the Serpent?

Adam: He really did taste like chicken when prepared properly

Wednesday!Y/N: The point I’m trying to make is you taught me how to be strong and independent. How to navigate myself in a world full of treachery and prejudice. You are the reason why I understand how imperative it is that I never lose sight of myself

Wednesday!Y/N: So as far as fatherhood goes, I would say you’ve been more than adequate

Adam (Deep breath): Gracias, Y/N…

Eve, Cain, Able, Valkyrie Sisters, Human Fighters and Brunhilde (Who heard this conversation):

Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #16

The Gods (Who heard this conversation):

Record Of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #16

Adam taught Y/N how to be strong to not only protect her family, but also herself

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1 year ago

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #21

Malleus Draconia with Y/N

What Everyone Sees:

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #21

What Malleus is actually Doing:

Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #21

He’s flirting… don’t interrupt his attempts to Woo his Child of Man or else…

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