RoR Wednesday!Y/N - Tumblr Posts
Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #12
Wednesday Y/N and Cain with Baby Able
Y/N who is 12 years old, roped Cain who is 8 years old, into doing an experiment with their newborn baby brother Able, for Science, so they’re on top of a tall building
Wednesday Y/N (Holding Able): Cain, the baby weights 10 pounds, the cannonball weights 20 pounds. Which will hit the stone walkway first?
Cain: I’m still on fractions
Wednesday Y/N: Which do you think?
Cain (Unsure): The cannonball?
Wednesday Y/N: Very good. But which one will bounce?
Cain (Thinking): The baby?
Wednesday Y/N: There’s only one way to find out (Holds Able out in front of her) Ready?
Y/N is holding Able out to drop him while Cain is holding out the cannonball to drop as well
Wednesday Y/N: 1…. 2….
Wednesday Y/N and Cain: 3…! (Both let go of Able and the cannonball at the same time)
Meanwhile… at the same time right under them
Adam (To Eve): What a glorious evening…
Eve (Smiling): Oh Adam…
Adam (Suddenly opens the window and catches a falling Able, turns around and looks at Eve with a shocked look): My love…
Eve (Surprised): Oh dear!

Meanwhile, the cannonball hits Odin on his head, making him grunt in annoyance while his crows are freaking out where the cannonball even came from
Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #16
Adam the Best Father
Adam’s only 2 regrets before the Fall was when he wasn’t there to protect Eve from the Serpent and when she and Y/N were alone on Trail about the Apple without him there to protect them
Adam (To Y/N about his regrets): I’m sorry I wasn’t a better father
Wednesday!Y/N: Could we please do without the overt display of emotion?
Adam (Nods): Yes, of course, I know they make you feel uncomfortable
Wednesday!Y/N: How many fathers hand their daughter a fencing blade when she’s 5 years old?
Adam (Proudly): Your saber strokes were an essay in perfection
Wednesday!Y/N: Or teach her to swim with sharks?
Adam: They found you as cold-blooded as I do
Wednesday!Y/N: The right way to flay the Serpent?
Adam: He really did taste like chicken when prepared properly
Wednesday!Y/N: The point I’m trying to make is you taught me how to be strong and independent. How to navigate myself in a world full of treachery and prejudice. You are the reason why I understand how imperative it is that I never lose sight of myself
Wednesday!Y/N: So as far as fatherhood goes, I would say you’ve been more than adequate
Adam (Deep breath): Gracias, Y/N…
Eve, Cain, Able, Valkyrie Sisters, Human Fighters and Brunhilde (Who heard this conversation):

The Gods (Who heard this conversation):

Adam taught Y/N how to be strong to not only protect her family, but also herself