Artist | Writer | Gay afthey/them | mid 20's | v tiredBe nice to me I am scared!!
31 posts
Justanotherjaydrawing - ~ Just Another Jay ~ - Tumblr Blog

Had a migraine the past two days but finally got to draw again. Didn't wanna do anything I would be too high pressure about so I did a little self-portrait. So enjoy the very tired, very sore and kinda messy Jay sketch I guess.

More Klavier because I am having emotions about him.

still super tired, but maybe Suna can save me with his endless blackmail of the Miya twins.
(time lapse below)
(watch me struggle endlessly with drawing a hand holding phone)

I am tired and sad so I drew Sakusa again.
(when did he become my comfort character? how did this happen?)
(adding the time lapse here but you can ignore i guess?)

Quick and messy Miya twins sketch because I am watching season four with the bestie and I am having emotions.

Drew this for Glamour, over on Insta as part of a DTIYS challenge! Go check Glamour out, the art and characters are delightful and I am obsessed with this angsty lad I got to draw lol

I have committed crimes.

ehehehe ahh I have been watching playthroughs of ace attorney lately and I realised I have never drawn these two before!! Idk why Apollo looks so gremlin here but whatever lol

I know I know its another oc you probably don't care about, but I love them and had fun drawing them lol
(I promise I will draw more haikyuu fanart soon lol)

Not Haikyuu this time, sorry, I am primarily just an art blog
anyway meet my OC Bo! she is big and strong and i am so very very gay its actually not funny

Haven't posted anything in this style before, but I like doing some messier works like this. first time trying it in csp though so it was a bit of a learning experience. still, i think it looks alright

Yamaguchi, my beloved
Considering Yamaguchi is probably my actual favourite character in Haikyuu (well, tied with Yachi and Tendou lmao) it is honestly a shock that I don't draw him more

I am so normal about these guys

just some sad Atsumu with insomnia

My hair is getting too long so it's been living in this silly little ponytail and it made me want to draw college era Kiyoomi, studying for finals and his hair is too long so he tied it back.

admittedly didn't spend too much time on this one, but after drawing such a clean chiselled Atsumu yesterday I just wanted to draw a chunky hairy Osamu.

based on my favourite shot of Atsumu

the amount of effort i put into writing the msby 15 backwards only to remember afterwards that i could just flip the canvas. *sighs heavily* it's fine. im not mad about it.
shout out to my computer for trying to correct Kiyoomi to "gloomily". close enough, i guess.

with the olympics being in Paris I couldn't help but think of them.

trying out clip studio. still getting used to the set up but whatever

I swear I don't just draw Sakusa, I've just been in a mood lately.

Drew this while sick. I feel like he's disappointed in me.