lavishlyleo - 🌸Lavishly Leo🌸
🌸Lavishly Leo🌸

✧🌸 Cancer ☀️ - Leo 🌒 - Sagittarius 🚀 🌸✧ ✧🌸Leo Stellium 🌸 8th House Stellium🌸✧ MAIN →

54 posts

There's An Instagram User Plagerizing Me

There's an Instagram user Plagerizing me

There's An Instagram User Plagerizing Me
There's An Instagram User Plagerizing Me

guys the instagram user @priestess_connections copied my chiron post, nearly word for word, slapped their watermark over it, and didnt credit me!?!? Like, what do I even do? This never happened to me before 😭😭😭

thank you so much to the people that alerted me on this issue.

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More Posts from Lavishlyleo

2 years ago

If my mercury is in the 9th house and my Venus is in the 10th house, what does it mean is a conjunction?

Venus in the 10th and Mercury in the 9th

If My Mercury Is In The 9th House And My Venus Is In The 10th House, What Does It Mean Is A Conjunction?

What this means is if you pursue your career, you'll have the most luck building a reputable status and legacy from talking about your experiences with foreign lands, people, cultures, ect. Being knowledgeable all around and giving your thoughts and opinions just about anything, people will likely always be willing to hear what you have to say about anything, even if they don't agree.

Mercury rules over our mindset, things we're good at, and what we likely have lots of knowledge in. So having it in the house of philosophy, beliefs and higher education is beneficial to activating your 10th house Venus in building yourself a fruitful career and reputation because this is a placement known for being widely liked and known by others, and to some people it may look like you can do no wrong.

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2 years ago

Astrology Observations 1

Astrology Observations 1

‍‍‍I'm no professional and this is my first time writing astro notes these are all personal observations so take with a grain of salt!💕

While the rising and midheaven sign are very important and promient in the birth chart houses, I feel like the 12th house can be just as important as the rising sign.

Like, while the rising sign is what you show on the outside and how you generally interact with people and your surroundings, the 12th house sign can show you what you need to be fundamentally fufilled and satisfied. Like your rising is what you project and what everyone thinks you want and need, but your 12h sign is what you truly want and need and could be what you lack (henceforth why you need and/or want it).

It may be apart of yourself that you may unconsciously shun and hide from the world. You might not like not like someone with planets in your 12th house or you could be obsessed with them. The 12th house is all about delusion and hidden things.

For example I'm a sagittarius rising, my 12h is Scorpio. While I am laid back and It might seem like I don't take anything seriously cuz I'm always joking or laughing something off, but deep down I wish I more people would take me seriously. Someone I can talk about taboo things with and for them to not ridicule or be appalled. And sometimes I shun people for being so open with things I would keep secret if I were them because of this. And I sometimes feel ashamed about being obsessed with certain things.

I might do a more in depth post about all signs in the 12th house  one of these days.


No offense 😭 but Gemini moons CANNOT for the life of them focus on a singular topic or person at a time. If there is more than one person around. I know a couple people close to me with this placement who always alternate between talking to different people at a time, which can be kinda annoying if one of the many things they bring up during conversation is something you really wanna talk about and delve deeper into, and they might skim past it while jumping to the next topic or person.

I feel like they do this to keep up with the tempo for their need for mental stimulation during socializing. When in a high energy environment you can always rely on a Gemini moon to keep up with the beat of the group 💕

Air Venuses can also be guilty of this. They will switch from topic to topic and person to person during conversation very frequently. They do this to keep up with the pace and everyone in the group. However if they have a fixed Mars sign (especially Leo or even Aquarius) then this could be worse as they will try to command everyone's attention and have the spotlight on themselves so they can finish up, only to start up again with another topic instantly, it can be really hard to get any words in when talking to these people while they are passionate in the moment. It's more of an instinct to these people, so they don't try to do this on purpose but they feel like they need to get out what is on their minds before they forget about it or the topic changes.


Saturn aspecting any planet or placement, especially if it's a stronger aspect like Conjunction or Opposition, can restrict certain parts of your life regarding the planet it's aspected to.

For example if you have Mars/Saturn aspects, you may have excellent anger and emotion control, it may feel like you are unable to express your anger for fear of losing control of yourself and the way people view you (Saturn rules reputation). And while you are tactful with the way you speak, it may feel like some people will walk all over you and you still won't lash out because you feel like all your pent up rage and emotions will come out in an unecessary display of rage from always bottling up your emotions.

Or for another example Venus and Saturn aspects, it may put a damper on your love and indulgent life. Certain things you enjoy to do may constantly feel more like a chore that you have to keep up with. May look at ways to make money or build a reputation from doing what you love which could be one of the reasons where this feeling stems from. Also you might be slow to the love game and feel like it isn't your biggest priority. Wants any relationship that happens to be serious so they will take it slow or not at all and focus on themselves and their endeavors.


People with Uranus in the 3rd house may have an unconventional childhood and relationship with their siblings. Same can go for the Uranus 4th house.


The 5th house could show how you like spending your birthday and what you want from it.


You might not like someone who has your 12th house sign as their rising sign. Because they will project traits and have things that you secretly yearn for and wish you had yourself. You might feel insecure or uncomfortable around them because you'll feel like they have everything you wish you had.


Having Mercury and Mars in the same house could make you have consistently intrusive thoughts on that area of your life, and sometimes it's unwarranted but you can't help it either way.

For example, having them both in houses 5th or 8th means you probably always have sex on your mind. It's just something that is always on the back burner of your mind. Sometimes you might be embarrassed if people bring up sex during conversation just because it reminds you of how much you think about it.

Or another example is if they're both in the 1st or 11th house. This could make you always think about how people perceive you and what they think about you and others. They might always ask you questions pertaining to themself or about others. In the 11th house they might always want someone's input on a certain thing just because they're curious about it.

Either way, mercury and mars sharing the same house can make you obsessed with the stuff related to that house.

Astrology Observations 1


Scorpio Suns with a Sagittarius Moon are AMAZING to talk to. They know just the right amount of lighthearted and seriousness. They're some of the most wisest and intuitive people. It feels like you can talk about ANYTHING with these people and they'll listen to you, without brushing off what you have to say, and give you their most honest opinion and advice.


People that have Leo or Capricorn stelliums can have an almost royal aura to them, however they can come off as stand-off ish. This is because when they want something, they WILL get it eventually. And whatever they do or anything others do for them, they want 100% full effort and dedication. They only want and only will accept the best that is offered. This can be amplified if the stellium is in the 6th or 2nd house.


All cancer suns I've met either fit the Cancer stereotype perfectly or don't at all. Including myself.


Speaking of, I feel like if someone has the same sign as you, but has a personal planets in the same moditalitiy but different signs (Squares), you might feel irritated by them in many aspects. Because they'll feel similar to you, but do things in a different way or unconventionally (to you).


If you have recurring degrees from certain signs in your chart then, you may attract a lot of people with placements in those signs. I have a lot of placements in Gemini degrees and so many people I'm close to have prominent gemini placements.



I know some people (Including my dad) who have this and life has constantly hit them with curve balls and a lot of downs and ups. My dad has many conjunctions in his chart and he has gone through A LOT of difficult situations throughout his life, some of which have actually almost killed him a couple times.. But he always manages to get back on his feet and stay strong during extremely hard times.

The main take away from this is that having a lot of conjunctions or good aspects does not secure you an easy or bountiful life, but it may give you the power to always pull through very tough times and succeed if you harness it's power properly. So in a way, it truly can be a gift from the universe.


Affirming my one point about Leo and Capricorn, do NOT date somene with Venus in Capricorn if you aren't in it for the long term. They already do not tolerate bullshit, and take their relationships very seriously.

Like Scorpio Venus, once invested, they can become very infatuated and attached to someone they deem as their lifelong partner. This is why you might not see many of them in relationships until they're in their later years because they would rather not date at all then entertain something that isn't for the long run, like most things in life, they're in it to win it 💕


What are yalls thoughts on these? Did you like my first astro observation post? If so, let me know because I might do more like these in the future 💖

Astrology Observations 1

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2 years ago

Expect More Soon!💕

Hi guys! This is my first ever post for this account, I wanted to make an astrology blog to post my own observations/notes and do placement analysis requests.

I've been on here for awhile and have accumulated some of my own observations and knowledge that I wish to share with you all!

Expect More Soon!

I want this to be a safe space for everyone to freely voice their opinion, popular and unpopular alike! But also be respectful about it too.

If you guys ever have any questions about anything astrology related I'm open!

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2 years ago

Hello 🤗

I saw you are very interested in Lilith things because you make some posts about her and they all look very good!

I wanted to ask since i can't really found nothing on Tumblr about this, what do you think about Lilith opposite Sun?

In my opinion oppositions are very powerful because there are 2 opposite signs and their energies coming together, but i wanted to ask someone who knows more about Lilith than me!

Thanks! Have a very great day


Sun Opposition Lilith

You're right. People often see oppositions as "bad" or "not good" but the truth is, like conjunctions, they aren't good or bad. It's when two foreign yet similar energies learning to combine and work together, once they overcome each other's differences. Planets in opposition are very similar, but the differences in energies are very pronounced and will be the driving force between two planets working together. The classic opposites attract.

The Sun represents ego, goals and our core traits. People often say we act like our sun sign when we are doing very well for ourselves and at our best.

Lilith Represents our darker sides and desires, things we just can't help because they are engrained in our being. Like Chiron, it's not something we can run away from. Only something you can try to supress and hide from the world.

So when the Sun and Lilith are in opposition, it's very similar to when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden and got kicked out from it because of the serpent; it's all about doing what's best for yourself vs the temptations of desire. There's a constant tug of war between your goals for success in life and the outward persona you project onto the world, and your temptation to fall back on old habits and indulge yourself.

Your goals for success or anything might be very different from what you actually desire subconsciously. Leaving you feeling unsatisfied even when you reach certain ones. You don't WANT to indulge in your more raw and unsavoury desires, in fear of it controlling your life, but sometimes temptation is too high and you just can't help it.

Like Neptune, Sun/Lilith ( also Moon/Lilith ) aspects can indicate addiction or unbreakable habits. Except, you will likely do anything in your power to stop it, so it doesn't ruin your life.

With this placement, you will likely do everything in your power to suppress the traits you have of your Sun sign's sister sign ( aka your Lilith sign, if your lilith is in a different sign, still keep in mind the sign opposite from the Sun )


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2 years ago

hayy guys! I'm gonna be posting astro observations part 3 soon and after, what would you like to see next?

Hayy Guys! I'm Gonna Be Posting Astro Observations Part 3 Soon And After, What Would You Like To See

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