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3 years ago

My journey into occult science

1. i was extremely perceptive of others' emotions and thoughts since a young age. i somehow always knew what others were thinking/feeling

2. lifelong paranormal experiences. i used to be scared of ghosts until i finally realized that something deeper was going on. as far as my memory goes, i have always "felt" some paranormal experiences

3. i started browsing psychic and oracle related content at age 12/13

4. started reading astrology since age 15/16

5. started reading vedic astrology since age 19/20

6. started doing witchy things unknowingly (burning papers, handmade tarot cards) since 2020/21

7. i am very strong in manifestation department. since childhood, i somehow "always knew that if it is deep within my heart, this will come true"

8. i have a heavy 8th house. i always knew "that my life transforms and i become a new person with new lifestyle, new hobbies, new personality, new social circle, new stage of life". this was before i had actually read astrology.

9. i started browsing more and more things that turned out to be spiritual in nature

10. my intuition and "pull towards" occult science is finally here.

I have accepted that this is my life path. I was born for this. All the dots, coincidences, innocent acts all connected to occult. I WAS BORN FOR THIS!

My Journey Into Occult Science

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2 years ago

💐 Master List 💐

 Master List

🌺 Planets and Astroids 🌺

🌸 Chiron in The Houses ( And How it Relates To The opposite House 🌸

 Master List

🌺 Astrology Observations 🌺

🌸 Astrology Observations 1 🌸

🌸 Astrology Observations 2 🌸

🌸 Astrology Observations 3 🌸

🌸 Astrology Observations 4 🌸

🌸 Astrology Observations 5 🌸

 Master List

🌺 Persona Chart 🌺

🌸 What Does Your Venus PC Represent? 🌸

 Master List

🌺 Placements that . . . 🌺

🌸 Placements That Show Your Strengths and Weaknesses 🌸

🌸 Placements That Empower Your Lilith 🌸

 Master List

🌺 Astrology Theories 🌺

🌸 Honorary Exalted Signs in Planets 🌸

🌸 Who should Venus really be exalted in : Pisces or Cancer? 🌸

🌸 The truth about Venus 🌸

🌸 Tropical vs Sidereal : How They Connect 🌸

 Master List

💕 Miscellaneous / Q/A 💕

🌸 Lilith Opposition Ascendant 🌸

🌸 Sun Opposition Lilith Aspect 🌸

🌸 Lilith in Aquarius in The 10th House 🌸

🌸 My Experience With Libra Rising 🌸

🌸 Lilith / Mars / Pluto Synastry 🌸

🌸 What's it Like Having Ascendant/Lilith Aspects? 🌸

🌸 Lilith - Moon Aspects and Their Significance 🌸

 Master List


💕 Don't be afraid to ask me questions! I'm usually willing to give insight or an analytical breakdown of anything so don't hesitate 💕


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2 years ago

Chiron in The Houses : And How it Affects The Opposite House

Chiron In The Houses : And How It Affects The Opposite House

I've noticed that when it comes to the astroid Chiron, there are similarities to problems from the house it's initially in and the house it's opposite from it. Like, many problems Chiron brings to a house can stem from the opposite house's properties and characteristics.

Chiron In The Houses : And How It Affects The Opposite House

Chiron in The 1st House

Chiron 1st natives could feel like people predominantly judge them from the people they associate with. ( 7th house rules partners, associates, and other people connecting to us ) Like they don't have their own identity and live in the shadow of those around them. These people may rely on their partner/others to shape their identity. And they probably don't feel like their own person, and just an extension of others. These natives probably hate when people point out similarities between them and other people, which will add to their belief that they feel like an extension of others. Some might do absurd or outrageous things to stand out and be different from other people.

Chiron in The 2nd House

Chiron 2nd house natives might always have to worry about themselves or other people ( 8th house rules other peoples possesions ) losing and/or breaking their possesions. People may prefer to use the natives stuff instead of their own. At the same time people may not like sharing their valubles or stuff with the native. Or people may flaunt their possessions to the latter. These natives might feel like they always have to compare what they have to what others have, leaving them never feeling satisfied with what they have. And they may feel like their worth is dependent on other people and what they have.

Chiron in The 3rd House

Chiron 3rd house natives will always look for the deeper meaning in whatever people say to them. And always try to pick apart what people say. It can be exhausting talking to some of them as it may feel like they're trying to force their opinions and beliefs ( 9th house rules opinions, beliefs, philosophy and higher meanings ) onto someone when communicating. This native's childhood however could indicate that this happened a lot to them, with siblings, classmates, and people close to them shoving opinions and beliefs on them when they were young. So this is where they likely got it from.

Chiron in The 4th House

Chiron 4th house natives may feel like they won't amount to anything in life, that their family hasn't already achieved. They might feel like they live in their family's shadow. Could have a very popular, famous, and/or important family member, to where the native lives in their shadow, and the public always associates this native with someone from their family ( 10th house rules reputation, what you're known for, and how the public views you )  Might have been the lesser child and not held in as high hopes as their other siblings by the other family members. And family members could pressure these natives by reminding them of their family's feats.

Chiron in The 5th House

Chiron 5th house natives might seek out groups of people with the same interest, feeling most emotionally satisfied when they find their "flock" ( 11th house rules the groups we hang with, our hopes and dreams for society/our impact on it, and our societal views ) However they could feel like society makes fun of or doesn't accept this native's hobbies and what they do for pleasure because it isn't the "norm". Many people might shame this native for the things they enjoy and make them feel guilty, making them think about how their hobbies and things they enjoy affect society and the people around them.

Chiron in The 6th House

Chiron 6th natives probably feel like they're trapped in their day to day lives. Like life doesn't get more interesting or won't be any greater than what they have. These people likely hard workers, sticking to their vigorous routine, in the hopes that the universe or some higher being will bless them with good karma ( 12th house rules higher powers, the unconscious, dreams, isolation, and karma ). And these natives may actually not know what they want in life or in themselves, except that they don't want to be nothing. Which can lead them down a path of monotony and not doing anything great or dreaming big. Can feel like they can't fantasize or dream big because they have to focus on the now and everyday life tasks.

Chiron in The 7th House

Chiron 7th natives probably surround themselves with people like them; They are the company they keep. ( 1st house rules identity, the self, and how people perceive you ) However when other people come for the native's partner, spouse or associates they're likely get very defensive, as people who come at them can feel like a direct attack at the native. And when in a relationship, they can be hypocritics because they probably share some attributes with their partners that they have ill feelings towards, because as before, these natives surround themselves with people like them, which can make them narrow minded.

Chiron in The 8th House

Chiron 8th natives can feel be abrasive with other peoples values and stuff ( 2nd house rules one's values and possessions ). They might see other peoples possessions or values as their own. And might share the same sentiment that their stuff is for others, or not. But these natives might feel like people overstep their boundaries a lot and might even do this themselves to others. But this can make some natives very possessive of what they own and build up walls to prevent people overstepping their boundaries. Making the natives do a lot of stuff themselves for them self instead of with others for this reason. May hold a lot of taboo values, but keeps this to themselves.

Chiron in The 9th House

Chiron 9th natives may feel all their values come heavily from siblings, classmates, and peers from their childhood ( 3rd house rules childhood, siblings, and communication ), and that it molded many of their present day beliefs, good and negative. Unlike Chiron 3rd house natives, they may not like to or might be scared to communicate their beliefs. These natives may feel like, despite their journey through life and discovering things about the world and themselves, that it's ultimately their past that represents who they are, which might not be good if they were bullied a lot in their childhood. So they might hold some sentiment to things said to them during childhood and the native's view on themselves could be very low, and they could still hold resentment for some people from thier younger years, this is another that placement can indicate being narrow minded.

Chiron in The 10th House

Chiron 10th natives will always have to worry about something and/or someone damaging the publics view on them and their overall reputation. Likely home issues or things from childhood ( 4th house rules home, roots, and foundations ) resurfacing and altering the public's view on them. And/Or they're trying to bury and run away from their roots to appeal to the public. These natives don't want to be defined by their childhood or family roots. Some may even leave behind and/or betray their family for greater things in life like reputation and fame. However this is probably because they will have envious relatives who seek to destroy what name this native made for themselves out of jealousy and/or old family drama resurfacing.

Chiron in The 11th House

Chiron 11th natives probably feel like they can't enjoy their hobbies or anything they like without thinking about how it affects others, and it's impact on society ( 5th house rules pleasure, hobbies, and indulgence ). They probably don't want to or don't like indulging themselves too much, feeling like there are greater things to worry about more than their own pleasures. Or some might have big dreams and visions for changing their society/community, but are too caught up in their own pleasures and indulgence to actually act on them. However some natives could get treated poorly by their group, peers, or overall community, causing them to not care about bettering society or helping people. And in the end, make them only seek out their own pleasure and well being, because if society doesn't care about the native's needs, why should they care about societys'?

Chiron in The 12th House

Chiron 12th natives have very cloudy and active minds. They're big dreamers and probably mostly live life in the clouds of their mind. These natives can feel trapped by the claws of everyday, boring life ( 6th house rules everyday life, routine, and service ). They could have many dreams and goals but probably won't act on many of them, because the fantasy in their heads is good enough for them instead of the real thing. These natives may not get the tasks they need to do everyday done, and probably procrastinate A LOT. They may feel isolated and/or not mentally present at their workplace, and would rather daydream and keep to themselves than interact with peers. These are the people that could fall off the face of the earth and not many people would notice, because they're so private and keep to themselves.

Chiron In The Houses : And How It Affects The Opposite House

What are yalls thoughts? Did any of this resonate with you? If not, check your Chiron sign and use it's sign's ruling house. ( Ex. if you have Chiron in Aquarius, read Chiron in the 11th house )

💕 Masterlist 💕

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2 years ago

Hello! Just read your post about placements that can enhance Lilith's energy and wanted to know your opinion about this: I have an aquarius moon in the 10th, venus in capricorn in the 10th, lilith in aquarius in the 10th and lilith conjunct moon. Is it a coincidence? I also have some placements you mentioned on your post. Thanks :)

Hello! Just Read Your Post About Placements That Can Enhance Lilith's Energy And Wanted To Know Your

Probably not. With Aquarius ( A sign known for standing out amongst their peers and being different, which can make them feel isolated a lot and people may not understand where they come from with certain things ) Paired with the regular moon and dark moons energys are practically at their peak here, especially in the 10th house.

You're reputation is probably that of someone who is controversial, with taboo views and beliefs people just don't understand or comprehend, but they are willing to hear you out anyways.

I feel like if Lilith is in the 1st or 10th house, it amplifies the power of the sign it's in.

You can use this to your advantage if you express your true emotions on a matter and can morph the publics view on things and community opinions by relating it to things of the 11th house. By showing people that your stand on topics is not just personal bias, but opening their eyes and showing that it can revolutionize society and help better the community in the long run. By standing strong with your beliefs, BUT also being able to hear out other people too as they hear you out as well on certain opinions and beliefs.

And with Venus in Capricorn in your 10th house too, people will find it hard to truly dislike you, and with lilith here, people can dislike you, but will still tune in on what you have to say because of Lilith's magnetic power. Even if you have very controversial opinions. Because the way you present your argument for things will likely be grounded, to the point, and reasonable enough for people to hear you out.

Just make sure not to go over board and too hard on trying to desensitize the public to controversial views and beliefs or people may see your views as not coming from a place of genuineness and to help better the community, but for your own personal gain and selfish reasons. And the table turn can be a very harsh one, where you will be heavily scrutinized by the public. And Lilith's power will still keep the public obsessed with you, but this time it will be less than unsavory,

Long story short, you derive a lot of power with this combination of placements, but great power comes great responsibility. And if you abuse the power of these placements too much, the backlash can be devastating.

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2 years ago

Random question. Which persona charts (or any other Astro placements) highlights a persons strengths, weaknesses, personal development, and path to self improvement?? Thank you

Placements That Show Your Strengths and Your Weaknesses

Random Question. Which Persona Charts (or Any Other Astro Placements) Highlights A Persons Strengths,

Now I wanna start this off with these are my personal observations and what I think makes sense. So some things may not apply to everyone, and always keep in mind you may have aspects to certain planets and other contributing factors to negate some of the stuff I list!

Placements That Can Show Your Strengths

Random Question. Which Persona Charts (or Any Other Astro Placements) Highlights A Persons Strengths,

Your Sun sign shows your traits that shine when you are doing your best, the traits of your sun sign will show how you are in a leader/power position. And what traits you may have or will need to display to be a leader and have people follow in your footsteps.


Your Mars Sign and the house it's in will show you the reason for your goals (Sun sign), what you channel your energy into, and how you'll project it onto the world. The house your Mars is in will be the 'Why?' for your life choices, and the sign in your Mars will be the 'How?'


Planets aspecting Chiron will give you the powers to and show you how you cope with your deepest internal wounds. For example, if you have Venus/Chiron aspects, then you might be the kind of person to enjoy the finer things in life and getting other people to enjoy it too. You probably love spending money on luxury items ( When either it's your or someone elses money ), food, and with/on people close to you, because it makes you feel good about yourself and others when you do it, probably feels like putting on an emotionally healing bandaid on a deep psychic wound when you do this.


Your Jupiter sign will show you how you gain wealth and luck. Your Jupiter sign will be HOW you need to do things in life to succeed. Things you need to abide by to have luck by your side. Which Jupiter sign's agenda you need to flavor your agenda with to have their power by your side.


The Sign of your chart ruler's planet. ( Example is if you're Rising is in Taurus and if your venus is in Aquarius ). Like Jupiter, abiding by your ruling planet's sign should bring you much luck and success in your life in whatever you do. With the example above, the way you should go about life if you had that placement is to connect with your community, cherish society's achievements and push to revolutionize your generation, break social norms so the outcasted and shunned feel like they have a community they can feel apart of, ect. But also using Venusian traits to achieve this too, like charming, showing people that everyone is similar, showing what the finer things in life could be if everyone worked together, ect.


Your Venus Persona Chart can show you how you'll appeal to others, and what you can do to boost this appeal. What assets you can use to further yourself in life. Venus rules relationships, money and indulgence, so take a look at this PC to get more insight about this.


Your Chiron Sign and House it's in will show how you'll be able to heal others, while this astroid is mainly known for your deepest uncurable wound, it can also show how you heal this same wound in others.


Your 2nd house sign can show what you are persistent and consistent about. What values you will stick to and live by, what motivates you in life. What are your reasons for wanting money. What are the little and simple things that keep you motived.


Your 5th house sign can show why you may have these values, what are your hobbies and entertainment that you strive to experience and how it keeps you motivated. What your natural talents are and how you can use them in life. This house represents what you like and what your a natural in.


Placements That Can Show Your Weaknesses

Random Question. Which Persona Charts (or Any Other Astro Placements) Highlights A Persons Strengths,

Your Moon Sign is your emotional needs and what makes you emotionally satisfied, the Moon is everything emotions. However, this can also show how people can manipulate you, and what they might threaten you with to hurt you emotionally. And any emotional baggage and/or attacks will feel amplified if the Moon is in debilitation or fall ( Capricorn or Scorpio ), or if the moon is aspecting Saturn or/and Neptune. Also while your Sun sign are what traits you display at your best, you may display the negative traits of your Moon sign at your worst.


Your Venus sign can show what/how you may fall victim to indulging in too much and forfeiting many important responsibilities. And the house your Venus is in can show where it's worst at. For example, Venus in Gemini may have problems with never finishing what they start and are too quick to jump to the next thing, and may spend too much time socializing, and not getting what they need to do done. And Venus in the 6th house could mean the area of their life most affected my all of this is at work and daily routines. Your Venus can also show what you do when your procrastinating.


Your Saturn Sign can show road blocks you will frequently encounter during your life until you learn to discipline yourself in that area of life and over come it's challenges. For example, a Saturn in Scorpio will have to learn to see the signs, listen to their gut feeling, and trust very few people. Or they'll constantly be hit with blows in life they didn't see coming and aren't prepared for, and will likely be betrayed more than once.


The sign and house your Neptune is in will show what you are delusional about and what you might over idealize. Neptune is a generational planet, so the sign it's in is more for our generation as a whole and the house it's in is more related to us as a person.


Your Mars sign in the Moon PC, in addition to your Moon sign, can show what you get emotional and defensive over with very little push. Your Moon PC Mars can show what you need to be emotionally satisfied. But when these needs aren't met, just like your Moon sign, it can show what you're like when you're emotionally unhappy.


Your Mercury and Mars combination in the Mercury PC can show how you lash out at others verbally when angry. And what you might say to hurt others in the heat of the moment.


The house opposite from the one your Jupiter is in can show an area of life you feel unlucky and have to work harder for success in. Not saying it's gonna be complete hardship, but you may feel like you have to go the extra mile in that house to make ends meet. This will ring especially true if you have planets in opposition with your Jupiter.


Your 12th house sign can show things you feel like you lack, and subconsciously wish you had more of, even if you already have things and traits related to this house, it can still feel like it isn't enough and it can make you envious of things related to your 12th house sign.


Your 8th house sign can show how people overstep your boundaries, where your most vulnerable at, and how people take avdantage of that. Things that you can't help but people may shun or belittle you for, so you keep it private and close to your heart.


Random Question. Which Persona Charts (or Any Other Astro Placements) Highlights A Persons Strengths,

What do you guys think of this? I know there can be other Strength and Weakness placements but I wanted to list some of the general ones I've seen. What other indicators do you think there are of these? Do any of these placements resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.


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2 years ago

Astrology Observations and Theories : Honorary Exalted Signs

Astrology Observations And Theories : Honorary Exalted Signs

Exalt in Astrology is when a planet is at it's best in a sign that it doesn't rule. For Example, the Moon is exalted in Taurus because, outside of Cancer ( The Moon rules Cancer ), Taurus is the biggest home body in the Zodiac. They are all about comfortability and being stable, which the Moon likes and is all about.

So almost all the planets' are exalted in a sign, except Uranus, Neptune and Pluto ( Mercury is up for debate ). Here are the planets that have an exalt sign.

The Sun is exalted in Aries

The Moon is exalted in Taurus

Mercury is exalted in Virgo (Idk why and idk if it is, cuz they rule it already)

Venus is exalted in Pisces

Mars is exalted in Capricorn

Jupiter is exalted in Cancer

Saturn is exalted in Libra

These are all the planets with exalts that everyone knows. But I feel like all the planets can be exalted and do very well in other signs too. which I'm going to give a sign for each planet then a reason for why I think it does so well in that planet.

Astrology Observations And Theories : Honorary Exalted Signs

The Sun Co Exalted in Taurus

While Taurus can be all about luxury and being secure, have you ever really met an insecure Taurus before? Lol. The Sun has to do with ego, the self, and our goals. All of which I feel Sun in Taurus people will almoat always have. Usually it's 'my way or the highway' with these people, but to a less agressive and in-your-face degree than their exalt Martian counterpart, Aries. And more of in a charming, Venusian way. They KNOW their worth and aren't willing to stoop to anything less. But they can be unmovable in opinion and belief sometimes, and but are still willing to hear you out SOMETIMES. Prone to indulging themselves a lot.

Moon Co Exalted in Aries

The Moon is our emotions, how we feel, what we're comfortable with, and our inner needs. Here, Aries isn't trying to hide or supress their emotions. They're usually very open about how they feel. How they say they feel is likely how they feel, no hidden meanings. I feel like people don't give this placement enough credit. Aries here won't focus as much of their energy on others needs and emotions to the point it exhausts them, however they can still relate to you. With them being so honest and open, if they've ever felt what you're feeling about something, they will validate your feeling and emotions by explaining a similar thing they experienced. They can be blunt with others, but more importantly, with themselves. They won't sugercoat anything if there's an issue they have and will probably try to solve it.

Mercury Co Exalted in Libra

Mercury is all about communication, the mindset we have, and what are reoccuring topics when conversing with you. Libra is a peoples' person kind of sign. Libra Mercury natives love to share and hear peoples stories and they love to share other peoples stories too. The words just flow from them naturally, silky smooth like honey. They can be very charming with their words and they always think before they speak because they know how words can affect people. Libra, the sign of partner ships, negotiation and sharing does very well in the planet of communication, thinking, and how we express ourselves.

Venus Co Exalted in Leo

Venus is a planet all about relationships, luxury, how we indulge, and how we spend our money. Like Taurus, Leos like to indulge; in themselves and in others. Leo's passion, creativity and pride seeps out and into others, making them a joy to be around. Like a typical Venusian, they can be generous and vain at the same time. There's never a dull moment with people like these and by the end the day they know how to settle down and chill too. Leos are lions, and like lions, they have their pride of people they always hang out with. Which coincides with Venus's relationship nature. Plus, Venus Leo natives are the ones to go big or go home, they like indulge on luxurious things too like a Venusian would.

Mars Co Exalted in Gemini

Mars is a planet energy, action and passion, so for some it may come as a suprise that Gemini actually does very well in this planet but it makes sense because Gemini, while not as fiery as an Aries or Leo, is still a highly energetic ans bubbly sign. Gemini can jump from topic to topic, person to person and interest to interest at a very fast rate because of their constant need for stimuli. And here, Mars is supplying energy to a sign that uses a lot of energy, so it's a symbiotic relationship between planet and sign. This is a placement that is tireless and always on the move, just how Mars likes it.

Jupiter Co Exalted in Aquarius

Jupiter is the planet of travel, philosophy, and beliefs. Which is why I think it does well in Aquarius, because this sign is well known for it's humanitarian views and constantly pushing to revolutionize society. Like Sagittarius ( and by extension Jupiter ), Aquarius are more susceptible to being open minded. They're always trying to understand the world, and most importantly, the people around them. They can do this by travel and connecting with people. Which will satiate the questions they have about people, cultures, and life in general. They attract luck by connecting communities and trying to see both sides of the same coin in anything, much like a typical Jupitarian.

Saturn Co Exalted in Virgo

The main themes for Saturn are Discipline, Life Lessons, and Reputation. And Virgo, Like Capricorn (Domicile) and Libra (Exalt), this placement will always try to be nothing short of perfect. This placement cares a lot about how they present themselves to others, and more importantly, themselves. Virgo is a sign notorious for being judgemental and perfection, but how they judge others is 10 times worse when judging themselves. This is a very disciplined placement. This placement indicates being VERY self aware of your flaws and problems, and having the power to develop into a better version of over time if you're always honest with yourself, about yourself.

Astrology Observations And Theories : Honorary Exalted Signs

Possible Planetary Exalts

I'm not sure why Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto don't have an official exalt. But I'm here to do them justice. These aren't the official ones, but my own speculation and theories 💕

Uranus Exalted in Scorpio

Uranus represents how our generation rebels against previous traditions and societal expectations, what boundaries of the previous generations we push. Which is why Scorpio, the sign literally known for the taboo and being misunderstood would work so well in this planet. During times with this placement, Society may go through many huge changes in the political and social world. A point in time where we break many societal stereotypes, barriers and push to make the taboo the status quo. A highly transformative period, will likely be filled with many controversies and issues, but in the end, will help better our society. After all, theres no rainbow without rain.

Neptune Exalted in Sagittarius

Known as the planet of dreams, hopes, the unconscious, how our generation thinks, and how we're delusional, Neptune surprisingly does very well in Sagittarius. This placement is about a generation that makes their dreams come true. These are people with vivid and abstract thoughts, and know how to put them into action. A placement that isn't afraid of trial and error until they achieve their dreams, and can also indicate being a trendsetter. Because of Sagittarius' constant exploration and truth seeking nature, it can kind of negate Neptune's delusional, cloudy nature, making this a generation that is very self aware and good at disecting others and themselves.

Pluto Exalted in Pisces

Pluto represents a generation's power, how we transform society in our era, what legacy we leave behind as a generation. And Pluto in Pisces represents a generation that pours it's power into making our society into a more empathetic and connected place. Here in this placement, Pisces' many hopes and dreams give Pluto an outlet to pour their power into. Marking an era where many people pursue their visions for the world, become more accepting of others and put their creativity to use.

Astrology Observations And Theories : Honorary Exalted Signs

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2 years ago

hayy guys! I'm gonna be posting astro observations part 3 soon and after, what would you like to see next?

Hayy Guys! I'm Gonna Be Posting Astro Observations Part 3 Soon And After, What Would You Like To See

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2 years ago

Astrology Observations 3

Astrology Observations 3

The power pisces placements hold is actually insane, like everyone talks about how intuitive Scorpios are, but have you seen what a Pisces can do when they set their minds to something? Especially a Sun / Mercury Combination in this sign. Like these people can not only predict many things and easily read foretold messages, getting insight on something before it happens, but they also have heavy manifesting powers when they have a lot of faith in something that they think will happen. It's like they speak it into existence. These people have a sixth sense I swear.

Like everything people think Scorpios are Pisces IS.

Having a Libra or Gemini Moon in your Solar return chart could indicate you being put in a situation where you appear fake and/or two faced. ( NOT Natal chart, Solar Return Chart ) I remember during 2020 I had this, and I used to always wanna keep the peace and harmony in my friend group, but when certain people left that I didn't like, I used to talk SO MUCH SHIT. It's a thing of not being liked by certain people or not liking certain people and them making you irritated and angry, but not wanting to cause more problems that would make the situation worse. So you just leave it be but as soon as you get the chance to vent about it, it's like a flood gate opening.

Moon in 11th house people CANNOT live without their group. I know someone with this placement and he always has a group to tag along with and he has so many connections to people. He's the poster child of social butterfly.

Being around someone with a Debilitated or Fall Moon ( Capricorn and Scorpio ) when they're irritated or angry is so draining. Like they WILL suck the energy out of the room when they're mad. Like you're walking on eggshells with what you say to them. However usually when the native realizes that it's affecting everyone they will leave the scene until they cool down, or try to sit down and talk about their feelings. This is because they don't want to stew in their own anger because it's draining to them too, so most would rather solve the issue than keep being angry.

Pisces Mars is another powerful placement to have for intuition and being able to dissect people's mind, intentions and feelings. Mars is the energy we put out into the world, but Pisces Mars uses their energy to absorb other peoples' energies to get the feel about somebody. This can also indicate someone who is very sleepy all the time, espeically around emotionally and spiritually draining people because they have to use more energy on these people.

Astrology Observations 3

In synastry, we all know to check Venus, Mars, Moon, ect. HOWEVER! I feel like another huge determining factor in synastry is ruler planet chemistry. For example. If person A has Gemini Rising, and person B has Capricorn Rising, You would check how person A's Mercury aspects person B's Saturn. If A's Mercury trines B's Saturn then they could have a relationship based off similar experiences and having similar ways of thinking, despite their Rising signs being in quincunx. Also take into account where the chart ruler falls in each others charts. Another example is if Person A's Mercury could be in B's 6th house, making their relationship more work related and, and they sharing everyday little details to eachother.

Having a lot of strong and prominent aspects to one planet can make it a key focal point in your life, even if it's not the chart ruler, dominant planet, ect. This also means that planet has a more far reaching and influential power over the many planets it's aspecting. Think of dividing and conquering in a sense. And the planets being aspected by this one planet can even take on the qualities of the planets sign(s).

For example, someone can have many planets in fire or air, initially giving them those fire/air qualities. However, if their Saturn aspects alot of their planets (especially personal planets), then they may take on a more serious and calculated demeanor. Similar to that or a Capricorn or Aquarius.

What is it with fixed Mars signs and BEING SO FUCKING STUBBORN!? Especially Scorpio or Taurus Martians. I mean I know I can be stubborn sometimes but this is insane. In some instances, they KNOW they're in the wrong but will still defend their side of the argument until they day they DIE!! Obviously this is not everyone with this placement, at all times, but I've seen a couple people with this placement do this in when debating or arguing and it's like talking to a brick wall.

Having a lot of planets in the 10th house, or having personal planets in the 10th house in many of your Persona charts can indicate being very conscious of what you say to people, or to the public as to not have anything you say ruin your reputation. Any vile or ill feelings you have towards people are said in private to people you trust. These people are VERY conscious of their social and digital footprint.

Sagittarius Risings can have be very clever and calculating with their addictions. They're excellent at saving up money and rolling on a tight budget, thanks to their 2nd house being in Capricorn, however, with the full intentions of blowing all that money on something most people would find reckless or not essential. For example, saving up a months worth of rent to blow it all at the mall on anything they find and like when they get there. Calculating enough to know how much money they'll likely need for their adventure, but vague enough not to know exactly what they'll buy when they actually get there.

Astrology Observations 3

I think this kinda goes without saying but also look at the house your planets are in along with the sign! For example, Someone with Libra Mars may seem really chill and compromising but if they have it in the 1st house they can be way more agressive and bold than a normal Libra Mars, and take on many traits of an Aries Mars.

On the same note, look at which specific house the planets are in, I feel like planets can be effected by the whatever house they are exalt, domicile, detriment, or fall in. For example, Venus could be in it's home sign, Taurus, however if Venus is in the 6th house it would still be in a somewhat fall because Virgo rules the 6th house and is in fall in Venus.

ALONG THE SAME NOTE, I don't see people talk about this enough but signs in domicile can be just as malefic as signs in detriment!! While a Capricorn Moon can have trouble showing their emotions and opening up to people, a Cancer Moon could be too emotional and always make the topic about how they feel and their emotions. Or while a Pisces Mercury could be avoidant and emotionally persuasive with their words, a Virgo Mercury could be overly analytical and constantly nitpick.

If you don't relate to a house placement, check your chart in whole houses.

With most of us alive today having Neptune sextile Pluto, this means we tend give a LOT of power to people we heavily idolize or are obsessed with greatly, for good or for worse.

I feel like the people who get stereotyped the most and/or have a warped stereotype applied to them that isn't consistant with the signs original stereotype usually have Pluto, Neptune or sometimes Uranus in their first house because those planets stay in a sign for years and can affect that generation of people. For example, Sagittarius Risings are stereotypically optimistic, easy going, adventureous and free spirited. However with most of Gen Z having Pluto in Sagittarius, this gives our generation of Sagittarius Ascendant natives a more serious, intense and secretive qualities.

A conjunction between two planets that are in different signs can weaken the conjunction. This is because while the planets energies are still combining, the planets have different ways of outputting that energy, which can sometimes disrupt the synchronization of the two planets.

This goes for opposition too, and I think it makes it worse because usually when two planets are in opposition, they are in sister signs, which gives them similar qualities and a basic understanding for each others energies. However if two planets in opposition aren't in sister signs, then this can make the placement feel more like a Square/Quincunx combination because there won't be that initial understanding or similar qualities, And the signs won't share the same modality or element.

I feel like Lilith aspecting the Moon can be more detrimental and powerful than the Moon being in Scorpio or Capricorn. This is because Lilith in astrology, like the moon is related to feminine energy (After all it's black MOON Lilith). But because of this very powerful and similar influence to the Moon, this can warp the effects and qualities the Moon has on the native, and the line where Lilith and the Moon's influence seperate can blur for the native. Personally me, I think this placement is the most powerful Lilith placement/aspect to have, even more powerful than aspects to the Ascendant or Sun, and is what typically makes someone a Lilith dominant.

Astrology Observations 3

Placements that indicate having strong manifestation powers -

Jupiter or Venus in the 12th house.

Neptune in the 1st, 3rd or 8th

Having Pisces in a fire house (1st, 5th, 9th)

Sagittarius in Neptune and/or 12th house

Having planetary conjunctions where the planets in conjunction are in Pisces/Aries (One planet is pisces and the other is Aries)

Saturn in the water houses

Stelliums that include saturn or Neptune

Stelliums in the 8th house

Ruler of the 12th house in the fire houses (Co rulers count too)

having many planets in the 10th or 11th house (because they are Saturn ruled houses and manifestation here is a result of good karma and time).

On that note, not every planet in the 12th house is good for manifestation. Brash and scattered planets like Mars, Mercury, Moon, ect can be too chaotic and scattered for accurate and great manifesting.

While Venus Persona Chart can show what kind of lover you are, Juno persona chart can show what your lover's chart may look like.

Look at where the Ascendant of the Ascendant Persona Chart Ruler is in your natal chart for more insight about your identity and what your core themes are. For example if your Acsendant PC Rising is in Aquarius, check where Uranus and Saturn lies in your natal chart.

Personally, I think Venus should be exalted in Cancer and Jupiter should be exalted Pisces, they need to swap because it would make so many things line up with the placements exalts and domiciles for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, ect. For a more in depth analysis check out my post here

Astrology Observations 3

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2 years ago

Hi! I read your Astrology Observation #3.

Could you please elaborate more on Lilith aspecting the Moon?

I have Lilith Pisces opposite Moon Leo.

So I was wondering how that might affect my chart. I hope my question made sense.

Thank You for your help, and have a great day.

Lilith - Moon Aspects and their Significance

Hi! I Read Your Astrology Observation #3.

Hii!! Elaborating off my one observation, I feel like people highly underestimate Moon/Lilith aspects. After all, Black Moon Lilith is the point along the Moon's orbit when it is furthest from the Earth, so you can't even have Black Moon Lilith without the Moon, which is why this placement / aspect is such a powerful one.

With this aspect, it's combining different but very similar feminine energy together into something that not only comes full circle, but is essentially a more powerful version of the two placements alone. Think of when hot and cold wind come together to make a tornado. And all I can say on a generalization of all aspects for this placement is it can be VERY intense, good or bad, even the more minor aspects like trine or sextile.

As for the natives who have this placement, I can definitely say this is probably a more difficult aspect to have in one's chart, and like I said, even for the more easy going aspects. The root of these issues may have a lot to do with emotions and difficultys drawing the line between certain intense ones. Natives may feel heavily ashamed for expressing some, if not most emotions that display weakness or vulnerability, this can be emotions like grief, anger, sadness, jealousy, ect. Natives may scared of people using their strong emotions to control them and make them submit, which may in turn, lead to them expressing these feelings involuntarily as a defense mechanism and ultimately fail at what they try to prevent.

If I'm being honest, All Moon - Lilith aspect issues can manifest in different ways for everyone, but they almost all have a core theme of being related to emotions, control over them, fear of their own emotions and/or being shunned for them. Some natives may feel like they're in a never ending loop of emotional transformation. Fear and control are big themes here with these natives.

Hi! I Read Your Astrology Observation #3.

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2 years ago

Pisces vs Cancer : Who should Venus really be exalted in?

Pisces Vs Cancer : Who Should Venus Really Be Exalted In?

Okay, as we all know, the signs domicile in Venus are detriment in Mars. Venus rules over Taurus and Libra, but those signs are in detriment in Mars. It's vise versa with Aries and Scorpio for Venus. It's a full circle relationship between Venus and Mars, but is it really?

Why is Venus exalted in Pisces? Wouldn't that make it fall in Mars because it's exalted in Venus? If Capricorn is exalted in Mars, wouldn't that make it in fall in Venus, and Venus exalted in Cancer?

I think it makes sense that Mars is exalted in hard working, determined Capricorn; And I think it would make sense for Venus to be exalted in Cancer.

Firstly, because Venus is all about relationships, and what people don't usually tell you is it means ALL relationships, NOT just spouse/partner relations. It can be spouse, friends, family, ANYONE, relationships of any kind. Our Venus sign is all about how we interact with others and what we look for when we interact with others.

Secondly, Cancer is known for being very home and family oriented, they nurture and pamper others they love. This usually extends to anyone close to them and many people in their lives. Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon. Venus and the Moon are both heavily related to themes of feminity, just in different ways. The Moon is the feminity in one's inner self and emotions, while Venus relates to feminity on an outer level and how we project it outward to others.

While some say Neptune is a higher octave of Venus, Neptune has more to do with our generations dreams, idealism and idolism, our delusions and things kept secret from us by our sub conscience.

Plus, Pisces isn't a sign known for being relationship/people oriented. When you think of Cancer, typically, you think of how they care and nurture others. For Pisces, you usually think about how spiritual they are and thier connection to the 6th sense. They also rules the 12th house, the house of dreams, the unconcious, things hidden from us by ourselves, karma, but most importantly for this case, The 12th house rules over isolation. Which is the farthest thing away from what Venus is about, because like I said, Venus is about how we interact with others and our relationships with others. So why would a sign that's notorious for being a bit detached and prefers their own company, be exalted in Venus?

Thirdly, If we look at Mercury, it is ruled by Virgo and Gemini. However, most people also say Mercury is exalted in Virgo, the sign it also rules. So why isn't Jupiter ruled and exalted in Pisces like it's sister sign is to Mercury? Wouldn't it make sense to have the Virgo and Pisces both be exalted in the planets they also rule over if one does this??

Basically having Venus exalted in Cancer and Jupiter exalted in Pisces would be more reasonable and make more sense in the grand scheme of things. However these are just my opinions and thoughts on this. Who do you think Venus should be exalted in?

Pisces Vs Cancer : Who Should Venus Really Be Exalted In?
Pisces Vs Cancer : Who Should Venus Really Be Exalted In?

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2 years ago

Hi! Hope you're doing good! I was wondering if you could explain what the venus persona chart means?

Venus Persona Chart : What Does it Represent?

Hi! Hope You're Doing Good! I Was Wondering If You Could Explain What The Venus Persona Chart Means?

As with all Persona Charts, Venus persona chart gives us a deep insight on our Venus sign, which typically the reason why two people with the same Venus sign can be very different because their placements in that persona chart could be different from eachothers.

Usually the way I like to think about it is all the planets represent their original themes from natal, but just applied for this specific area of life. Which Venus is how we love others, indulge, spend money, form relations with others, how we relate to others, and our aesthetical tastes. It has many meanings, after all, it is ruled by two signs.

So basically this is what I think each planet represents in the Venus Persona Chart-

The Ascendant in this chart represents how people think we perceive love and, how we initially act towards people trying to make moves on us, and peoples first impression of us as a suitor. Looking at the ruling planet's sign can give much insight about how we view relationships and what it takes to woo us.

The Sun and Venus Combination in this chart shows the true Venusian themes of how we operate in this part of our lives, here, Venus is just as important as the Sun. The Sun is how we project and attract people to us, what we do to appeal to others, meanwhile Venus in this chart is what we need in someone to feel attracted to them, what qualities do people need to have in order for us to like them.

The Moon in this chart represents how we feel about others emotionally, it's a lot like Venus in the sense that the Moon shows us what we need in a partner for us to get close to them. How we build emotional connects with people, how we are emotionally when it comes to other people, especially the spouse. Personally me, I think this placement is very important in synastry and I would check how you and your partners Venus PC Moon aspects one another, because this will show what yalls emotional dynamic will be like.

Mercury here shows how we communicate our tastes and appeal, how we utilize our Venus sign in speech. How we process our thoughts when it comes to relationships. Our thoughts and opinions on relationships and how we communicate to our spouse.

Mars here shows us our relationship libido, what energy we like to give to the relationship and expect back from others, how we act in arguments with people close to us, mostly the spouse, how we act generally in high stress situations that involve others, how we act when we're mad at others and how we forgive them.

The Mars and Venus combination here shows what the energy needs to be between you and some body else in order for them to appeal to you, How you act and expect to be treated, what energy and tendencies should people expect from being in a relationship with you, your side of the dynamic when it comes to you and someone else.

While where ever Venus is in on the natal chart is where you can make a lot of friends and acquaintances easily, and where you're generally well liked, whatever house Venus is in on the PC can be where you meet your spouse. For example, if you have Venus 10th house in this PC then you will likely meet your spouse on the road to success in your career when you're focusing on yourself and goals. They may just come to you naturally when they see you both have the same life goals for career and legacy. Here, when you focus on the bagging the bread, you'll bag the bitches along the journey🔥🔥.

Hi! Hope You're Doing Good! I Was Wondering If You Could Explain What The Venus Persona Chart Means?

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2 years ago

Hii! I see yall really like your Venus PC more, so I made a post explaining what each of the personal placement means

Venus Persona Chart : What Does it Represent?
Hi! Hope you're doing good! I was wondering if you could explain what the venus persona chart means? As with all Persona Charts, Venus pers

Do yall prefer your Venus persona chart or Mars persona chart more, which one do you think represents you more? And why?

Do Yall Prefer Your Venus Persona Chart Or Mars Persona Chart More, Which One Do You Think Represents

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2 years ago

The Truth About Venus and Why it Can't be exalted in Cancer

My retake on the Cancer vs Pisces : Who should Venus really be exalted in? post.

The Truth About Venus And Why It Can't Be Exalted In Cancer

I've read almost all the responses under this post talking about how Venus makes more sense exalted in Pisces, and although I still stand by some of my previous claims, I do have to say I may of had a change of heart.

Yall brought up some really good points, it made a lot sense and fit the narrative I didn't see before, which is what Venus actually represents in a person's chart.

A lot of you guys worded it a lot better than I could, but to basically give a summary of what everyone said that I agree with is that while Venus does represent relationships of any kind, money, art, indulgence, ect, Venus is about what we want, not what we need. It's about things that make us happy in the moment and we crave more and more of it because we can never get enough of it and it's not truly fulfilling, it's just things that give us cheap thrills.

In this light, I can see how Venus is a lower octave of Neptune because both are related to addiction, art, indulgence and idolization. Pisces is ruled by Neptune the planet of addictions, what our generation dreams and fantasizes about, what kind of art and symbolism our generation enjoys, and what we're delusional about. It's about what makes our generation happy, but not fulfilled. Venus relates to a singular person at a time in this regard, where as Neptune has to do more with a generation, but both are essentially about the same things.

Venus is about what makes us artificially happy in the sense that Venus is like candy and sweets; Yeah it taste good and we want more, but it's not bringing us much nutritional value or anything, and in big amounts it's harmful to us. Where as the Moon is like a full course dinner, yeah we like it, maybe not to the degree of the candy, but it fills us up, satiates our hunger, and keeps us more fulfilled than the candy.

Cancer, as a sign, strives for that longevity of nourishment and emotional happiness, it will go through unpleasant times, trials and errors until they found the one. They do not love freely and only invest their time and emotions into something they know will pay off for them in the long run. If you just so happened to be the one, they will love you what seems like endlessly and show a devotion like no other, however it is likely if you did not match up to their ideals or check off the boxes for them, they would not love you the way they do, which like someone said in the comments, it's conditioned love, it's love at a cost.

Venus loves freely without attachment to anything, taking and loving freely as it pleases and doesn't want to worry about the longterm consequences, it's all about satiating that urge in the moment. Something Cancer is not about, they are worriers of the future and things will impact them later.

I never really looked at Venus in this light before but it does make sense, and I'm surprised I didn't see it sooner. Either way, these are the main reasons to me now why it isn't exalted in Cancer, and why Venus is not all it seems.

However these are just my thoughts, what do yall think Venus should be exalted in? Is there anything else you think Venus is about? What does Venus and the Moon mean to you? Let me know your thoughts💕

Here's the post in question ⤵️

Pisces vs Cancer : Who should Venus really be exalted in?
Okay, as we all know, the signs domicile in Venus are detriment in Mars. Venus rules over Taurus and Libra, but those signs are in detriment
The Truth About Venus And Why It Can't Be Exalted In Cancer

Heyy! This is gonna be the first post on here with my art in it!💖💕

The Truth About Venus And Why It Can't Be Exalted In Cancer

His name is Nitro Nexus💕

But his drag name is Lexi Rexha💕

This will probably be a character featured in a lot of my art. He is my oc/persona💕

You can find more of my art here ⤵️

🌸 My Instagram 🌸

The Truth About Venus And Why It Can't Be Exalted In Cancer

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2 years ago

If you love astrology, What's the most prominent sign in your chart?

If You Love Astrology, What's The Most Prominent Sign In Your Chart?

I'm curious as to what a lot of yalls placements are and how I can better cater to you! For this poll, I'm going to list all of the signs, some of them will be paired if they co rule a planet.

You'll click the sign that you either have a stellium in or if you don't have one, use your Sun or Moon sign, preferably your Sun sign. I'm curious to see what the most common sign(s) are on here for people into astrology, and please be honest!💕

If You Love Astrology, What's The Most Prominent Sign In Your Chart?

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2 years ago

Astrology Observations 4 : Solar Return Chart Edition

Astrology Observations 4 : Solar Return Chart Edition

Having your SR Ascendant in the same sign as your natal chart's planet ruler sign will mean you'll likely have a lot of growth and prosperity that year. I have Sagittarius Rising (My Jupiter is in Scorpio). I've had SR Scorpio Rising twice in my life, and both times I did I went through many transformations and had a lot of good luck during those years. Possibly the best years of my life.

Having Jupiter or Saturn in your 4th house could mean you move houses that year.

Having Venus and/or Mars in your 12th house could make people obsessed with you and want to learn more about you, this is probably because you appear mysterious to them even if you're a generally open person, and they wanna get to the bottom of the mystery.

Whatever house pluto is in for that year will be where you change the most. For example if you have 5th house pluto one year then you may get a new hobby or something about your original hobbies will change durastically. Or 8th house pluto could mean you have a sexual or spirital awakening, maybe a near death experience, or you feel like a part of yourself died inside you.

Mars in the 11th house can mean you're more outgoing and even aggressive amongst friends and peers that year.

Astrology Observations 4 : Solar Return Chart Edition

When the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction, there is a new moon. So those who have this placement that year will likely have many moments of realizations about themselves and be in very in tune with their emotions, wants, needs, ect. This is a very self aware period in your life but also an AMAZING time for manifestations to occur, you may literally speak some things into existance this year! When you align your emotions with your goals, and vise versa, great things will happen for you!

Along this note, check what house(s) this conjunction falls in! If they both are in different houses, it may weaken the manifesting power. However, if they are both in the same house, look at that houses themes to see what you'll need to focus on and to build up your karma for so you can more properly manifest!

Uranus aspecting North Node could mean a huge change in your plans or destiny that year at any point. For example you could be working on your art hobby and career but suddenly you get more chances at a cooking career or find yourself more interested in baking as a hobby, if that makes any sense.

Lilith in the 1st house, 10th, and/or conjunct to any of your personal planets can indicate being an over all social pariah that year. People may betray or break off relations with you, you may slowly realize some people are becoming more hostile to you, you may be seen as a bad guy in every situation, people might make you feel ashamed of yourself, ect. This is NOT a fun placement to have.

Astrology Observations 4 : Solar Return Chart Edition

However, having Sagittarius or Gemini in your top 3 for that year though could mean making a lot of friends that year and learning about a lot of diferent peoples lives.

Having beneficial planets or astroids like Venus, Jupiter, Ceres, or Pallas conjunct to your Midheaven means you'll likely have a very prosperous and lucky year in your career and workplace. Things may feel like they just come easily to you.

Wherever your Sun and Moon are placed in the chart can show where most of your emotional and over all focus will be for that year. For example if you have your Sun in the 11th house and your Moon in the 2nd, many themes that you'll focus on that year will be finding your self worth in the groups you're in, standing up for your personal values, and trying to find what your place is in social circles.

Sun in the first house can indicate needing to focus more on yourself that year. More self care and less about other people's problems.

Having a Pisces or Scorpio Ascendant, and/or personal planets in the 8th/12th house are other very powerful placements for manifestation.

Saturn in the 4th house could mean something terrible or life changing is going to happen to you that year. You'll likely learn a lot of life lessons and karma will come to you, good or bad.

Speaking of the 4th house, this probably goes without saying but 4th house sign will show what kind of life to expect at home for that year, Mars or Saturn ruled signs will likely be malefic in this house and can cause some issues for you that year.

I don't know if this is because I'm a Sagittarius rising or if it's just because Jupiter is a lucky planet, but in all the best years of my life, Jupiter was strongly aspecting my ascendant (conjunction and opposition).

Venus aspecting Mars in SR 🤝 being the center of attention wherever you go and having everyone fawn over you for that year. This can also indicate a huge glowup, not just look wise but also socially as well. You will likely gain some level of popularity or positive recognition this year, even you're a more private and not outgoing person.

Astrology Observations 4 : Solar Return Chart Edition

Having the astroid Nessus conjunct to any of your personal planets or points could make you a target of abuse and bullying for that year. However having Nessus or Uranus in the 3rd or 6th house could also generate the same effect.

Whatever house Uranus is in will be where you can suddenly lose and gain something of those themes all year long. For example, having Uranus in the 7th or 11th house could mean suddenly losing friends and/or close ones but also suddenly gaining them. Another example is Uranus in the 4th could mean having a family member die unexpectedly, or suddenly finding out a family member is pregnant.

Having Moon in the 10th house can indicate spending a lot of time working to advance in your career. You'll likely make big steps towarda your goals because of all the thought and soul you're going to put behind it this year. Same goes for Mars or Saturn in the 10th.

Speaking of Saturn, wherever Saturn is placed in your chart can show what you may have difficulties with or lose this year, but after working towards fixing it and learning from it, you will likely be awarded for your efforts in the end with getting back what you lost or gaining something better. Saturn is breaking you down and building you back up stronger and wiser. Saturn represents our life lessons for this year and makes us appreciate what we have by taking it away from us, but giving it back after we learn and grow.

Pluto aspecting the Moon or Ascendant will make you more sensitive but give you more emotional perseverance. You may become a person for people to lean on and look up to because of how emotionally strong and intelligent you'll likely become this year. But you may go through a destructive period this year that changes your perspective and warrants this change in your emotional psyche. Like Saturn, it'll tear you and all that you know down, to build you up stronger and wiser.

However, if Pluto is harshly aspecting your Sun, you might go through a long period of hardship or some kind of long lasting difficulty. This is because once Pluto starts aspecting your Sun, it'll stay in aspect of your Natal/Transit chart AND in many of your SR charts to come. So having it harshly aspected to your sun sign is NOT ideal. Pluto aspecting the Sun in SR will likely stay that aspect for 10+ years. You will have to change and transform a LOT during this period of your life, when either you want to or not.

Neptune in the 5th house could mean you focus on not very important things a lot this year. You'll likely focus a lot on yourself and what you want, but not what you need. You may neglect a lot of things you have to get done and procrastinate a LOT.

Uranus 9th house can indicate stepping out of your comfort zone and traveling a lot in general this year. You'll likely discover some new places that you like but never went to before.

Saturn 6th house can be a depressing placement for the workaholics, and over all anyone out there because it may feel like in the beginning of having this in your SR that no matter how hard you work that you're not getting anywhere with it and you're stuck in one place. You may feel more unaccomplished and/or unsuccessful during this year.

Astrology Observations 4 : Solar Return Chart Edition

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2 years ago

Hello omg i see the solar return chart of me and my crush and we have the same EXACT chart but we have just different rising sign but the WHOLE chart is the same what do you think about this ?

Solar Return Chart Synastry : Having Many Conjunctions and It's Pros + Cons

Hello Omg I See The Solar Return Chart Of Me And My Crush And We Have The Same EXACT Chart But We Have

Having the exact same chart, I'd expect there to be a lot of conjunctions and stuff, So this year you guys may click on a BUNCH of things, and may feel as though you could talk for ages together and not get bored. You are very resonate with your crush's energy because they're energy will feel at home to you, it's almost like when we talk to ourselves because they mirror you so well. You'll feel very comforted and validated by their presence.

However, with so much connections and stuff, it may feel as though you guys could never disagree on anything and nothing could ever go wrong. This is where you need to watch out because if you guys agree on EVERYTHING together, then when one of you has a disagreement about something, it can feel like a disruption in the connection between you two and it could come crumbling down like a house of cards.

Having many conjunctions with someone can establish a very strong connection between two people, where they feel like two halves of the same whole, but it's also a very delicate energy. Like, ride or die, and if one party isn't feeling that ride the whole way through, it could kill the connection if one or both parties doesn't handle it well.

So what I think is you guys will have a very real connection and definitely some ground to work with, and I would definitely feel up on eachothers energies to get the feeling for one another, but make sure it's not too suffocating to the point where it feels like no return if you or your crush at some point aren't feeling it anymore. Basically, don't go in too strong at first or it'll be like betting all your chips in poker on one game; Not very good.

Hello Omg I See The Solar Return Chart Of Me And My Crush And We Have The Same EXACT Chart But We Have

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2 years ago

Do you connect with your 2nd house sign or 8th house sign more?


Do You Connect With Your 2nd House Sign Or 8th House Sign More?

I'm going to be doing a post soon about these two houses so stay tuned 😉

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1 year ago

I got something for you guys very soon :) 💕💗

Random question. Which persona charts (or any other Astro placements) highlights a persons strengths, weaknesses, personal development, and path to self improvement?? Thank you

Placements That Show Your Strengths and Your Weaknesses

Random Question. Which Persona Charts (or Any Other Astro Placements) Highlights A Persons Strengths,

Now I wanna start this off with these are my personal observations and what I think makes sense. So some things may not apply to everyone, and always keep in mind you may have aspects to certain planets and other contributing factors to negate some of the stuff I list!

Placements That Can Show Your Strengths

Random Question. Which Persona Charts (or Any Other Astro Placements) Highlights A Persons Strengths,

Your Sun sign shows your traits that shine when you are doing your best, the traits of your sun sign will show how you are in a leader/power position. And what traits you may have or will need to display to be a leader and have people follow in your footsteps.


Your Mars Sign and the house it's in will show you the reason for your goals (Sun sign), what you channel your energy into, and how you'll project it onto the world. The house your Mars is in will be the 'Why?' for your life choices, and the sign in your Mars will be the 'How?'


Planets aspecting Chiron will give you the powers to and show you how you cope with your deepest internal wounds. For example, if you have Venus/Chiron aspects, then you might be the kind of person to enjoy the finer things in life and getting other people to enjoy it too. You probably love spending money on luxury items ( When either it's your or someone elses money ), food, and with/on people close to you, because it makes you feel good about yourself and others when you do it, probably feels like putting on an emotionally healing bandaid on a deep psychic wound when you do this.


Your Jupiter sign will show you how you gain wealth and luck. Your Jupiter sign will be HOW you need to do things in life to succeed. Things you need to abide by to have luck by your side. Which Jupiter sign's agenda you need to flavor your agenda with to have their power by your side.


The Sign of your chart ruler's planet. ( Example is if you're Rising is in Taurus and if your venus is in Aquarius ). Like Jupiter, abiding by your ruling planet's sign should bring you much luck and success in your life in whatever you do. With the example above, the way you should go about life if you had that placement is to connect with your community, cherish society's achievements and push to revolutionize your generation, break social norms so the outcasted and shunned feel like they have a community they can feel apart of, ect. But also using Venusian traits to achieve this too, like charming, showing people that everyone is similar, showing what the finer things in life could be if everyone worked together, ect.


Your Venus Persona Chart can show you how you'll appeal to others, and what you can do to boost this appeal. What assets you can use to further yourself in life. Venus rules relationships, money and indulgence, so take a look at this PC to get more insight about this.


Your Chiron Sign and House it's in will show how you'll be able to heal others, while this astroid is mainly known for your deepest uncurable wound, it can also show how you heal this same wound in others.


Your 2nd house sign can show what you are persistent and consistent about. What values you will stick to and live by, what motivates you in life. What are your reasons for wanting money. What are the little and simple things that keep you motived.


Your 5th house sign can show why you may have these values, what are your hobbies and entertainment that you strive to experience and how it keeps you motivated. What your natural talents are and how you can use them in life. This house represents what you like and what your a natural in.


Placements That Can Show Your Weaknesses

Random Question. Which Persona Charts (or Any Other Astro Placements) Highlights A Persons Strengths,

Your Moon Sign is your emotional needs and what makes you emotionally satisfied, the Moon is everything emotions. However, this can also show how people can manipulate you, and what they might threaten you with to hurt you emotionally. And any emotional baggage and/or attacks will feel amplified if the Moon is in debilitation or fall ( Capricorn or Scorpio ), or if the moon is aspecting Saturn or/and Neptune. Also while your Sun sign are what traits you display at your best, you may display the negative traits of your Moon sign at your worst.


Your Venus sign can show what/how you may fall victim to indulging in too much and forfeiting many important responsibilities. And the house your Venus is in can show where it's worst at. For example, Venus in Gemini may have problems with never finishing what they start and are too quick to jump to the next thing, and may spend too much time socializing, and not getting what they need to do done. And Venus in the 6th house could mean the area of their life most affected my all of this is at work and daily routines. Your Venus can also show what you do when your procrastinating.


Your Saturn Sign can show road blocks you will frequently encounter during your life until you learn to discipline yourself in that area of life and over come it's challenges. For example, a Saturn in Scorpio will have to learn to see the signs, listen to their gut feeling, and trust very few people. Or they'll constantly be hit with blows in life they didn't see coming and aren't prepared for, and will likely be betrayed more than once.


The sign and house your Neptune is in will show what you are delusional about and what you might over idealize. Neptune is a generational planet, so the sign it's in is more for our generation as a whole and the house it's in is more related to us as a person.


Your Mars sign in the Moon PC, in addition to your Moon sign, can show what you get emotional and defensive over with very little push. Your Moon PC Mars can show what you need to be emotionally satisfied. But when these needs aren't met, just like your Moon sign, it can show what you're like when you're emotionally unhappy.


Your Mercury and Mars combination in the Mercury PC can show how you lash out at others verbally when angry. And what you might say to hurt others in the heat of the moment.


The house opposite from the one your Jupiter is in can show an area of life you feel unlucky and have to work harder for success in. Not saying it's gonna be complete hardship, but you may feel like you have to go the extra mile in that house to make ends meet. This will ring especially true if you have planets in opposition with your Jupiter.


Your 12th house sign can show things you feel like you lack, and subconsciously wish you had more of, even if you already have things and traits related to this house, it can still feel like it isn't enough and it can make you envious of things related to your 12th house sign.


Your 8th house sign can show how people overstep your boundaries, where your most vulnerable at, and how people take avdantage of that. Things that you can't help but people may shun or belittle you for, so you keep it private and close to your heart.


Random Question. Which Persona Charts (or Any Other Astro Placements) Highlights A Persons Strengths,

What do you guys think of this? I know there can be other Strength and Weakness placements but I wanted to list some of the general ones I've seen. What other indicators do you think there are of these? Do any of these placements resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.


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