10th House - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

moon 10h

-people with this placement are often very social and enjoy social activities; they may also enjoy expressing themselves publicly and may not be particularly private

-they can also have nothing against putting themselves and their lives out for people to see; this may cause them to experience some scandals or judgement, however

-people with this placement may struggle to choose or decide on a career and may struggle when trying to make choices relating to or involving work; this may cause them to frequently change jobs or struggle with/at work 

-when it comes to work, career and jobs, it is possible for people with this placement to lose control of their emotions and for their emotions to overcome them; this can cause them to act impulsively both at work or when making career based decisions

-people with this placement may seek or strive for acknowledgement and/or public recognition for their success and achievements; the opinions of others [particularly groups of people] may mean a lot to them and they may be the type of people to pursue approval from others

-the moon will likely influence those with this placement to be intuitive and to be the type to be very goal oriented; even subconsciously always focusing on their goals and future achievements

-their need/desire for recognition, approval and acknowledgement from others may motivate them and drive them to achieve their goals and succeed almost naturally, as they often have an almost natural urge to make others proud

-those with this placement may notice that words from their parents when growing up have had a great impact on them and their lives; whether good or bad, these comments have likely stuck with them and driven them to succeed and overcome difficulties 

-if people with moon in the 10th house feel that their achievements, successes or even themselves are not recognised, appreciated or acknowledged by others, they can become/feel very moody, emotional, detached etc

-in contrast to how badly they often need approval from others, people with this placement can be very, very sensitive and are usually not the type of people to handle criticism well at all; they are commonly the type to take this very seriously and get very emotional about it 

-usually, a person with this placement will feel very upset and hurt by criticism, but if this placement is aspected by mars or pluto, criticism can cause a person with this placement to become vengeful and bitter

-people with this placement may have an almost natural ability to handle others and act as an authoritative figure; which may cause them to enter leadership roles, especially within the workplace

-can be very charismatic, responsible and disciplined unless they are feeling particularly sensitive or unappreciated which can cause them to become irrational and overcome with emotion

-although they do commonly seek approval and appreciation from others, they may find themselves being very concerned about how other people see them, what other people think of them and how they can live up to other peoples expectations of them

-it is possible that people with this placement may experience struggle when trying to find happiness as they will often try to find it through the recognition/validation of others and therefore rarely truly feel it for/from themselves, as it can become extremely tiring to live according to what they think other people would want/expect/approve of

-if the moon conjuncts midheaven, a person with this placement may become well known and recognised for their skills, talents, abilities etc

-work/career will likely be very important to and valued by people with moon in the 10th house as it is common/often easy to gain recognition and appreciation within the workplace when doing a good job; however, it may be difficult for those with this placement to decide on what career path to take as their objectives and goals can be constantly changing

-it may be important for people with this placement to try to discover what makes them truly happy and what they want to achieve for the sake of their own self approval instead of constantly trying to gain appreciation from others

-however, gaining acknowledgement from others is not always a bad thing [it can actually cause people with moon in the 10th house to be extremely driven/successful] and therefore people with this placement should not try to supress this if they do gain happiness from it; instead, they should also work on being able to find validation from themselves without always feeling the need to gain it from others in order to feel worthy/appreciated 

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1 year ago

house ruled by descendant attraction

y'all I realized that as a cancer rising with capricorn placements that im so very VERY attracted and intrigued by the signs in my 10th house (intercepted aries pisces mc) probably because capricorn rules the 10th house. it's really intense bro. so just letting you know if you wanna understand your own attraction to others better you should check out the house thats ruled by your descendant bc DAMNN

House Ruled By Descendant Attraction

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2 years ago
Dream Report July 19th 2020:
Dream Report July 19th 2020:
Dream Report July 19th 2020:
Dream Report July 19th 2020:

Dream Report July 19th 2020:

I revisited an old address, with one of my childhood friends who dropped me off in the area. When I got there I saw my mom, and she insisted to drive my friend back home...

I was circling the block alone, and I overheard the locals speak of an urban legend. It was about a “little shadow that made the walls fall.” It got me really curious so I decided to re-enter the house.

The inside was very warped with many dark halls and random doors, and I even got lost in there the more I wandered. But somehow I started to realize that I was the shadow man myself, and that I haunted that location the longer I was in there.

I met a young couple outside of the house which was now connected to a complex of motel style apartments. I was drawn to them because they wanted the property themselves. And they knew how to open the many doors within it. We all looked at the building and realized that it was meant to trap miserable spirits who couldn’t escape.

The area began to flood with rain, so we parted ways.

This was during my personal month of the Star. Which represents Saturn’s influence over the High-Heart chakra. 

The truth of this card lies in the gravity of human life. It reflects the social responsibility of contributing your personal power. Since we all coexist in a shared reality, we learn to assimilate our expression of what we consider life. It goes beyond personal philosophy or culture.

Saturn’s influence asks to respect the needs of our own soul. As extensions of a greater collective, our individual consciousness has to desire civility and compassion. When we understand the importance of free will of mankind, in respect with our divine enmeshment as living beings... We begin to align with causes greater than ourselves, affecting tangible change on our planet.

My personal experience of growing up in a suburban town as a second generation immigrant-- this was only a struggle for me as long as I questioned why I couldn’t really belong to any culture.

The reality had always been that I was free to explore the context of things such as cultural identity-- what value that even offered me.

The address I dreamt of was particular to my lived experience with my emotionally unavailable parents. I was 15-17 realizing that the harassment I faced in school was because of my identity. My precise lack of it. Except I didn’t understand how to respect the fact that I was different. That’s what abuse does to people, it strips them of agency.

Luckily at this age, I was actively exploring spiritual subjects-- as I became aware of some hallucinations in the wake of a sleeping disorder. I was curious enough to search for a new source of validation. To see myself reflected in humanity, without relying on my family or my parents to understand. 

As I studied tarot and numerology. I carried myself into my personal purpose as a writer and psychic. I did not require myself to change. Only to articulate my calling, my own path. I had to respect the fact that my diverted self-expression, challenges the expectations of the very real world around me. 

This dream was showing me the context of constructs that are out of my control.

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10 months ago

Hello love, what could it mean to have Jupiter in libra in 10th exactly trine Neptune in Aquarius in 2nd house ?

Hello Love, What Could It Mean To Have Jupiter In Libra In 10th Exactly Trine Neptune In Aquarius In

𝙹𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗 𝙻𝚒𝚋𝚛𝚊 10𝙷 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚞𝚜 2𝙷

Hello Love, What Could It Mean To Have Jupiter In Libra In 10th Exactly Trine Neptune In Aquarius In

Hi! Thank you for submitting my very first ask. In my opinion, this is quite a lucky placement!

Jupiter in Libra placed in the 10th house gives me the same vibes as a Libra Midheaven, but even more potent & with Neptune’s spiritual guidance.

Jupiter placed here is expanding the harmonious, just, and relationship oriented themes of Libra within your 10th house of Careers, Public Reputation, etc.

People could definitely speak highly of you and your reputation, even the way you dress & conduct yourself. Neptune may enhance this even more, creating an illusory image of who you really are.

With Neptune trine this energy, this can create a heightened social intelligence and a natural ability to seek justice and diplomatically resolve issues. Your intuition allows you to connect with others and Libra blesses these social encounters.

You could easily find your luck (Jupiter) seeking justice or leading others, especially with Aquarius (progressive, humanitarian view) involved.

With the 10th house energy, these themes could literally be in the workplace. This could manifest in positions such as public relations, a leadership position, or anything where you’re able to use your creative Neptunian ideas to generate income (2nd house).

This suggest excellent potential for entrepreneurial ventures and business.

Because both Libra and the 2nd house (Venus ruled) signify relationships, I could see potential for love in the workplace. Be very careful of this, as Neptune could get you into trouble not seeing things clearly.

Ultimately, with this placement, I give the advice to cultivate your intuition and listen to your direct senses when dealing in business. This can help guide you.

Thank you for reading!!



Hello Love, What Could It Mean To Have Jupiter In Libra In 10th Exactly Trine Neptune In Aquarius In

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5 months ago

10th & 12th house placements don’t have to do much for attention. They always have an audience or an observer. 👁️

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3 years ago

Congrats on 100+ followers! 🎉 I started following you since I stumbled upon your Capri Chiron post. I have Chiron, Pluto, SN in 10H and Capri Mars, and it feels like I can never stop working on something. 😂 One particular part that stuck with me is: "The more time you spend with friends, the less you are working on your ambition." It put things into perspective for me, especially during this career-highlighted period. Do you have any advice for me? Looking forward to more content! Take care!💛

hello!! thank you so much!! you're a real one 😌

i have no practical advice to be honest because i also struggle with the same thing since cap is my second dominant 😭😭

i think its definitely all about mindset. it's literally just rewiring how your brain views things. i think a key thing to remember is that with or without your personal and career achievements, life goes on regardless. so, JUST LIVE IT BABY!! with or without your career/achievements, it doesn't really change anything whether that's your happiness, self worth, people you love and etc.

since you're SN is in the 10th house, this means your NN is in the 4th. therefore, life is short and it goes on, so why not live your life by showing love to the people you consider family? it could be your actual family, your friends or even yourself. you're always with yourself, so might as well enjoy the company. nurture yourself, allow yourself to love and to be loved. you're here on this earth for a reason so why not live by love while you're here?

you don't have to neglect one to prioritize the other. your career is your career but remember your loved ones and show them that they matter.

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2 years ago



Hey y’all welcome to my fifth astro observations post!

Just in case you don’t know I currently have a tarot and astrology giveaway going on that ends New Year’s Eve so enter whilst you can! ❤️

let’s beginnn! : )

✨🌙 In my previous astro observations I mentioned that Capricorn moon people have “links.” Now hear me out, I’ve seen this happen a lot and in my opinion the reason they have “links” is because of how they’ve had to grow up independent and so they learnt a lot of life skills whilst they were at it. The older they get the more practical those skills become so them knowing so many people can be due to them knowing how to play the game and how to grab favours from people. This can apply generally for Capricorn placements too.

✨🌙 I’ve always noticed natives with sun conjunct Pluto always have a sort of dark energy around them. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad people but it’s like Pluto casts a shadow over these people. It’s interesting.

✨🌙 Neptune in 12th natal and transit can give extremely vivid dreams to the point where the native can remember it even weeks later without noting them down.

✨🌙 Chiron in Capricorn can make your bones crack lmao or even give weak bones or bone injuries etc. Also based on the house it’s in can be reasons or where your bones crack for example if it’s in 9th house, you could have a bone injury at school or it cracks during school time or when you’re doing school work lol. Hope that makes sense.

✨🌙 Neptune square moon can have a very emotionally volatile and bipolar mother.

✨🌙 Also harsh Uranus aspects to the moon, they too can have a very bipolar relationship to the mother figure in their life especially growing up

✨🌙 From what I’ve noted dissociation is closely linked with harsh aspects from Neptune, Uranus and moon. Really makes sense.

✨🌙 If your moon negatively aspects your Pluto, this could even apply to positive aspects but a lot of the times I’ve seen that these people grew up in dangerous and risky environments apart from the outer world, they’ve even seen their families act up very dangerously.

✨🌙 It’s interesting but Libra Mars women might tend to accumulate most of their weight on their breasts lol

✨🌙 Talking about breasts, Mars in Cancer/4th house can have some issues related to the breasts in one way or another especially because Mars represents physical power and it’s debilitated in cancer/4th house and cancer rules the breasts and stomach. So these people can have food sensitivities, bloat easily etc.

✨🌙 Ive seen Saturn opposite Pluto natives grow up in a very restricted, abusive and overprotective environment for a very long time.

✨🌙 If you ever make a Capricorn mc or a cardinal mc feel like they can’t achieve things in life as a form of mockery… karma literally makes them achieve everything you said they wouldn’t even if the native does not see it playing out themselves. Then later they look back and are like “damn that’s me?” 😏😌

✨🌙 Gemini/mutable humour is actually unmatched

✨🌙 Mars aspecting ascendent can shape your body depending on the sign Mars is in for example if it’s in Aries it can give you an athletic body or if it’s in cancer, then that would make your body lean more towards being curvaceous. It also depends what rising sign Mars is aspecting etc.

✨🌙 Having Mercury aspecting Saturn or Pluto especially harsh aspects can give you a more deeper voice or a very unique voice. I’ve also noticed people with this aspect can be insecure about their voices. A girl told me she thought she “sounded like a man” even though I couldn’t tell.

✨🌙 Neptune really does blur the lines and boundaries of whatever it touches. If it’s harshly aspecting a planet, reality can be like a rude awakening for these people but if it’s a soft aspect then these people can comfortably live in their imagination and it’s much harder to get them to leave their little world.

✨🌙 Neptune aspecting Sun can live different lives like have many facades. It doesn’t make them “fake” per say. It’s just they’re able to adapt to their surroundings really well depending on the vibe they get, and on top of that, they are very private people so they have their own ways of interacting with different types of people.

✨🌙 Water sun and water moon are extremely psychic. They really need to wake up to their abilities or life will force it out of them and from what I’ve seen definitely not in the best way possible. I’ve seen people have sleep paralysis because they kept ignoring their abilities.

✨🌙 I’ve read and noticed that having empty houses in your chart can indicate that you’ve already achieved those characteristics in past lives so this life you’re not very focused on them and tend to overlook them. Personally for me this is true as-well. For example if majority of your planets are in Capricorn/10th house, you’re more focussed on getting that bag, making yourself known/recognised, becoming influential etc.

✨🌙 Libra mercuries are very good with words. They are literal charmers. They can even roast you but make it sound poetic and charming and you’d never be able to tell lol.

✨🌙 Sag placements from what I’ve seen are usually are very extroverted and fun people to be around. Their interactions rarely look forced and awkward.

That’s it for now lol I was supposed to post this a while ago but I’ve been so busy. Hopefully y’all enjoyed it.

Till next time!

Love Luna! ✨🌙

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1 year ago

・ 。゚☆° *.Hekate(100)・ 。゚☆° *.

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Hekate, the triple moon goddess. I can't think of a name that's more badass than that 😭. This was a lovely request made by @moonpluto . Hekate is the goddess of magic and mediumship, so my theory is that her asteroid talks about your spiritual gifts. I will be interpreting this through the houses by using tarotstrology, a concept that I got from @taisoleil.

If you'd like to purchase a personal paid reading or reiki service from me, then you can click here to book 🌌.

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First House

Natives with Hekate in their first House could have very strong clairaudient abilities or are just extremely sensitive about they hear. This asteroid indicates a long journey of struggling to accept who they are and being able to see the good within themselves. I feel like these individuals are powerfully gifted with psychic abilities, but don't want them and have tried to walk away from those parts about themselves and their purpose, multiple times. Their purpose could include helping the world in some way but they get overwhelmed by the responsibility and feel singled out on why it has to specifically be them to fulfill this role. They channel stuff with ease but could purposely ignore their intuition, guidance that they literally hear from their guides, or any other outside voices in order to keep their peace. It's like they're scared of their own power.

Second House

Hekate in the second House could indicate a high sensitivity to what you feel, acute clairsentience. It's imperative for these individuals to energetically cleanse themselves often and to seek new atmospheres. They don't do well in old houses (especially haunted ones),  thrifted objects, old habits, or anything old or used stuff in general because they can easily pick up what took place which could either be really good or really bad. Having short-term homes, meeting new people, and trying new things is what makes people with this placement thrive in life. Sacrificing and starting over is something that they probably experienced a lot in this lifetime but eventually accepted and used to their advantage. They could have introverted personalities and are easily drained around crowded people and spots. This could also mean probably preferring to not have a cluttered home and loathe the idea of hoarding anything. They could be pushed to learn different protective methods like cord cutting rituals.

Third House

People with Hekate in their third House could be excellent prophets. They're very skilled at guessing games, finishing other people's sentences, and great at foretelling the future but extremely spot on with predicting someone's downfall. Their vibe kind of reminds of the stereotypes about black cats and Bruno from Encanto. They could be accused of hexing or throwing evil eye at others, or could just be seen as someone who brings bad luck because of how they warn others about something that could happen. These are very misunderstood individuals because their help is seen as someone else's demise when really you people are saving lives. You could often have people apologizing to you later in life because I'm picking up scenarios where you're always the go-to person for advice but people end up getting mad at what you tell them, and if you guys are readers then I can definitely see people accusing you of being a fraud or a liar only to find out that you were right about something all along. The powerful thing about your gift, is your honesty, and that's what scares people. You may have to learn to only warn the people that are mature enough to hear what you have to say.

Fourth House

Natives with the fourth house Hekate placement are talented alchemists and manifestors. I keep picking up the fact that energy can be created but not destroyed. These people are always able to turn destruction and nothingness into something amazing. They're excellent at spell-work (jars, candles, oils, etc) are not the type to follow traditional methods because they're able to succeed regardless of what they do or don't have. They could be heavily into new age spirituality and are always into experimenting with new ways and methods to practice it. I feel like they will, if not already, become widely accepted mentors. They're able to introduce spirituality and the occult in a way that makes people feel welcome, easier to understand, and open to accepting it. Even though they're not traditionalists, they value the importance of still knowing the history and reasoning behind stuff while also still giving it respect. Because of their intellect, they're able to convince or convey their point to those who would typically oppose their beliefs (whether it be traditional spiritualists/occultists, agnostics, or scientists). Do not underestimate these individuals because they know their stuff and will argue you down.

Fifth House

Hekate in the fifth house could indicate helping others heal their childhood trauma. You could possibly trigger deja vu or nostalgia in people, but you're able to sit down with them and help sort out their feelings regarding the past and how to let them go. I feel like this is a combination of clairvoyance and clairsentience because I'm getting that how you connect with people is like astral projecting into their younger years and pinpointing when and what started the problem and knowing exactly how they feel to where you sympathize with them and are able to give them the precise guidance that they need.

Sixth House

The sixth house containing Hekate could indicate being really in tune with your higher self and helping others do the same. This looks like shifting people out of a materialistic mindset. I feel like you're able to persuade people into dropping superficial facades if they have one. You reveal to others what their true selves consists of and are able to help them de-program any values that they've learned that's holding them back. You trigger people to make changes in their lives instead of being stubborn with not growing their self-awareness or how they view themselves. They could have a special connection with animals or this can also be interpreted as being able to "tame the beast" within others.

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Seventh House

The spiritual gifts of people with the 7h hekate placement, involve mending others trust issues and willingness to be open to love and to receive help. You guys could have healing hands because I'm getting that y'all could really excel in being reiki practitioners. You're able to soothe others with your physical touch (people could love your hugs). You could attract partners that are closed off or have something about themselves that make you want to help them, but this could end up with you possibly living vicariously through them by wanting to fix everything that they're going through.

Eighth House

Natives with Hekate in their eighth house have powerful emotions. When people do you wrong, you want them to burn. I feel like you guys are able to curse others by what you're feeling, or it's kind of like, the pain that's inflicted on you gets returned to the sender, but worse. When people betray you, it's like they're digging their own graves because the karma that they get manifests as mayhem in their lives. This could also indicate being more on the shadow worker side, healing others with darkness, instead of light.

Ninth House

Natives with Hekate in their Ninth house could be great at telepathy, but most importantly, communicating with the other side as well as receiving messages from the spiritual realm. Your most dominant Clair is clear knowing. Individuals with this placement could have pivotal roles in channeling messages for the collective, but could have difficulty with channeling for themselves. It seems as if they're too knowledgeable with everything to the point where their spiritual team blocks them on purpose from knowing too much about their own future.

Tenth House

People with Hekate in the Tenth house could have a strong purpose with healing, mediumship, and divination. (Literally all three) These people are seen as supernatural with their gifts and could literally have a famous or at least very well known reputation for their abilities. These individuals may have started from nothing and experienced a lot of losses and betrayal in order to build their way to the top and share their wisdom with others. They could have had to pull themselves out of darkness and anguish about their existence in order to become a light for others to show the way, meaning that they started off as shadow workers before the become light workers.

Eleventh House

This is interesting. I'm getting that Hekate in the 11th house could indicate living a long life because your gifts get better with time. You guys could also look very youthful as you age. I'm picking up this scenario where you guys will be known as the medicine person in your community. Someone that's well known, loved, and sought out for your metaphysical and holistic methods. You guys are gifted with utilizing different herbs and other natural ingredients to help cure sicknesses. There's also something about your smile that positively changes something within other people. People could see you as an earth angel, which makes sense with your talents regarding natural remedies.

Twelfth House

People with Hekate in their Twelfth house could indicate having access to rare and ancient knowledge about spirituality and the occult, you guys may even have this knowledge passed down in your family. You guys could seem "two-faced", you keep your interest and knowledge about this field to yourself and you're very discreet about your practices. Your dreams may also play a huge part in how you pick up information that most people don't know about or try to keep hidden.

 *.Hekate(100) *.

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6 years ago

Virgo rising


Chart Ruler: Mercury

Reactive, intelligent, technical, youthful. Synthesising mind with material, the needs of the self with other

Spends money like: A Libra

Interacts with surroundings: As a Scorpio

Psychological base energy: Sagittarian

Creative energy: Capricorn

Work energy: Aquarian

Attracts: Piscean energy

Approaches death with: Aries energy

Finds meaning in existence with: Taurus energy

Dreams of becoming: A Gemini essence

Befriends: Cancer types

When nobody is looking: A Leo

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6 years ago


(Astrology indicators for different proffesions)

Part 1: Singers

Have you ever thought to became a singer? Maybe you still can’t decide what to do after graduating school and you’re considering signing as one of possible jobs?

Well, in this post I wrote some of astrology placements that can indicate your abilities for becoming a singer

Beginner level:

1. You need to have a really strong Neptune. How to see if it is strong? For start, look at the house of Neptune: the best house is 5th, but if you want to be a singer 2, 6, 10 are pretty good too. If your Naptune located in a different house don’t worry just keep reading.

2. Aspects. The most important one is Neptune sextile Pluto. This one gives you a powerful voice( all big stars like Adele, Beyonce, Celine Dion have this aspect). It makes this “wow listen what a wonderful voice” effect.

If you have any other aspects it would be a big plus to you. Neptune - Uranus: unique, easy to recognise voice (negative aspect gives you a little bit annoying voice, but if you work out this aspect you can make it better and make it very special. Just take vocal classes and practise as much as you can)

Neptune - Moon: charming and magnetizing voice

Neptune - Venus: a beautiful aesthetic voice.

So mostly to become a recognizing singer you should have either Neptune sextile Pluto or Positive aspects from Neptune to URANUS, Venus, Moon

Plus Neptune - Mercury: it’s an aspects to communicate with people through music

Neptune - Saturn: pos aspect gives you disciplined voice, easy to train and neg gives you always breaking one (but of course you can train it too you just need to put much more efforts)

Intermediate level:

3. Neptune in aspects to planets in 2, 5, 10 houses or Taurus, Pisces

4. House of Neptune in 2, 5, 10 or Taurus, Pisces

Besides, ruler of Neptune’s house can indicate your style in signing.

So that was most popular combinations for more details you need to analyze the whole chart:)

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6 years ago

Having a Leo sun/mercury, gemini moon, venus/jupiter in 10th, neptune in 5th and a lot of sun-mercury-MC, sun-uranus, moon-mercury-neptune, and venus-jupiter-MC aspects; I identify to this so much c:

Placements that describe a performer, and others more of a painter?


• Leo, Capricorn, or Gemini Sun/Moon/Mercury• Lots of fire/earth influence• Lots of Venus/Neptune/Sun influence• Sun in the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th house• Venus in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 10th house• Saturn in the 2nd, 5th, 10th house• Jupiter in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, 10th houseNeptune in the 1st, 5th house• Sun in aspects to Mercury/AC/MC/Neptune/Moon/Venus/Jupiter• Venus in aspects to Mercury/AC/MC/Neptune/Moon/Jupiter/Saturn


• Libra, Pisces, or Aquarius Sun/Moon/Mars• Moon in the 1st, 5th, 7th, 8th, 12th house• Neptune in the 5th, 7th, 12th house• Sun in the 5th, 10th house• Sun aspected to Neptune/Venus/Uranus• Venus aspected to Moon/MC/Neptune• Moon aspected to Mercury/Neptune/Sun

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6 years ago

Placements that make somebody have strong will power?

- Sun / Mars in Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Leo, Cancer- Ascendant in Scorpio, Aries, Capricorn, Leo, Aquarius, Sagittarius- ASC/moon in aspect to sun/Mars/Saturn/Uranus/Pluto- Sun/Mars/Saturn/Uranus/Pluto in aspect to each other/Jupiter- Sun/Mars/Saturn/Uranus/Pluto in the 1st/3rd/5th/8th/10th house- Leo/Aries/Capricorn/Aquarius/Scorpio/Sagittarius dominance- Sun/Mars/Saturn/Uranus/Pluto dominance

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6 years ago

moon in the houses

hardest to truly know:

moon in 8th | moon in 12th | moon in 10th

most self-involved:

moon in 1st | moon in 2nd | moon in 5th 

most sacrificial:

moon in 4th | moon in 6th | moon in 7th

most intellectual:

moon in 3rd | moon in 9th | moon in 11th

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6 years ago

The 10th House (MC)

sun in 10th: determined to succeed, hard working, respected by others, born to lead, strong at heart, desires to influence others positively, conscious about public image, has difficulty following orders

moon in 10th: wants to be admired, unconsciously needs to fulfil ambitions, urge to contribute to social issues, nurturing, can be moody, intuitive, has a need for approval, sensitive to criticism, sympathetic to the less fortunate

jupiter in 10th: generous, mature approach towards career, highly respected by others, knowledgable, has inner strength, works hard to gain success, persevering, reliable, may find it hard to have fun/relax, tends to dismiss feedback, can be overbearing

mercury in 10th: sincere approach towards career, works best when given freedom, effective communicator, may have trouble working with others, authoritative, strong in beliefs, analytical, rational

venus in 10th: devoted, creative attributes, charming, can be materialistic, bound to be successful, has good team spirit, good people skills, wants to be honoured, values social image, confident, more logical than emotional

mars in 10th: has good management skills, political mind, serious, concerned about career and public image, driven by success, has trouble working in a group, meticulous, ambitious, may come off as cold, sarcastic humour, competitive

saturn in 10th: dominating personality, strong character, patient, feels pressured to excel, has high standards, wise, has humility, challenged by authority, fears failing, may be too controlling

uranus in 10th: has an independent nature, wants to create new things, hard working, gets bored easily, stubborn, conservative, restless in a career, needs some free will to succeed, strong willed

neptune in 10th: wants to inspire others, always searching for something more, idealistic, finds it hard to commit, sensitive to rejection, can feel lost, likes helping others, can lose confidence if efforts are not recognised

pluto in 10th: can come off as controlling, ambitious, strong, determined, perfectionist, fears the unknown, traditional, dislikes change, loves to be challenged, driven to succeed, can become consumed by career, wary of authority, secretive

aries in 10th: self image rooted in public roles, assertive, loses temper easily, authoritative, determined to be the best, can be impulsive, comfortable in the spotlight, ambitious, hard working

taurus in 10th: wants to be known for status or wealth, charming, may have trouble following orders, may be seen as materialistic, wants to reach physical/ sensual satisfaction

gemini in 10th: gets bored easily, works best in a fast paced/challenging career, ‘jack of all trades’, may be seen as childish, likes talking, may struggle to show true self to the public

cancer in 10th: cares deeply about success, wants to be looked up to, ambitious, helpful, can be too emotional, sensitive to the feelings of others, easily adapts to different situations, good planner, naturally creative, trustworthy

leo in 10th: wants to be praised, needs to shine in a career, self oriented; can be too dominating in a group, confident around others, leadership qualities, feels destined for greatness, generous, highly organised, may take criticism too personally

virgo in 10th: needs mental stimulation in a career, wants to express ideas freely, likes to write, talented at analysing, naturally critical, take commitments seriously, can see the big picture, can be blunt

libra in 10th: works best with a partner, charming, graceful, indecisive, world is centred around relationships, harmonious, conscious of social position, can make good connections, excels in a team, may become withdrawn

scorpio in 10th: dedicated to career, focused, comes across as powerful in public, can be aggressive, self motivated, excels when inspired, sympathetic, experience intense transitions; change may be hard

sagittarius in 10th: optimistic towards goals, hard working, often travels abroad for a career, may waste potential looking for a purpose, overthinks a lot, intuitive, likes to plan everything, conservative, can appear stubborn, needs independence in a career

capricorn in 10th: cautious, comes across as determined in public, takes career seriously, success comes through hard work, wants to care for others, patient, careful, not afraid of competition, needs a stable career

aquarius in 10th: innovative in a career, thinks long term, group oriented, eccentric, has the ability to find enlightenment, normally an outcast, loves learning, positive, must have freedom in a career

pisces in 10th: indecisive towards career, works well when helping others, artistic, sensitive to psychic energies, lacks practicality, introverted, struggles with change, susceptible to outside influences

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6 years ago

Gemini moon in 9th, Cancer Venus in 10th, Sagittarius Mars in 3rd (7th in Pisces) and my answers:

1) D 2) A 3) A 4) E 5) I've never been on a relationship so I don't know haha 6) C if he starts to flirt, or D if he's just interested in being friendzoned lol 7) A, I guess 8) A, I can't stand someone without a personality 9) A, B and C 10) Honestly I'd say C 😂

Kinda wanna see how people see love, and react to it.

Add in your Moon, Venus, and Mars (along with their houses). (Optional: Add your 5th house and 7th house). I’ll add some scenarios, and you just choose which you’re more likely to do etc, etc. I’ll make it atleast 10 questions because I know how fun these are. (Be honest). (P.S. if one of them is relatable but you want to add in a little opinion of yours, you can go ahead and do so).

1. Someone tells you they like you. A) Honestly tell them how you feel. B) Like them because they like you. C) You give everyone a shot. D) Sugarcoat your feelings. (Have a hard time giving a direct answer).

2. Your significant other cheats on you. A) Dip, you don’t believe in second chances. B) You give them a second chance. (Explain why)

3. Your significant other has a bad habit of being cheesy… A) Cringe but let them be. B) Blush C) You’re just as cheesy. D) You brutally tell them to stop.

4. You prefer…(I know all of these are important in a relationship, but pick one that is a MUST, a top priority). A) Honesty B) Trust C) Independence (in a relationship) D) Understandings E) Communication

5. When a relationship ends terribly..you A) Move on easily. B) Cry about it, but you’ll move on eventually. C) Hold a grudge. D) Stick to them, and just hope they come back.

6. When it comes to talking to someone new who’s interested in you…you  A) Flirt back, show your interest too. B) Play hard to get. C) Push them away. D) Keep it simple, you prefer to be friends first. (Take it slow).

7. A friend has an interest to the same person you do… A). You tell them. B). Confess your feelings before your friend does. C). Let your friend have them. D) Neither of you will have them, friendship comes first.

8. When you look for someone, you look more at their…(first impressions) A) Personality. B) Appearance.

9. You’re more of a…. A) Things happen for a reason type of person. B) I get what I want type of person. C) I won’t give up type of person. D) Easily worried, and gives up too easily type of person.

10. When it comes to liking someone you… A) Tell them. B) You just wait for the right time. C) Never tell them, you’re afraid of rejection.

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6 years ago

One of my placements 👑✨



“I am too intelligent, too demanding, and too resourceful for anyone to be able to take care of me entirely. No one knows me or loves me completely. I have only myself.” ~ Simone de Beauvoir

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6 years ago

Somebody with venus in the 10th wont date someone that is below them in the social hierarchy and makes them look bad or will negatively impact their reputation. Social upwards mobility through relationships.

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5 years ago

My kind of intelligences:

Musical: Neptune in 5th, Cancer Venus in 10th (maybe, it's linked to art so)

Social: Leo Sun in 11th, Mercury in Leo, Jupiter in 10th

Linguistic: Sag Mars and Pluto in 3rd, Gemini moon in 9th


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