Vyranoth And Malygos Lore Vyranoth And Malygos Lore Vyranoth And Malygos Lore Vyranoth And Malygos Lore
Vyranoth and Malygos lore Vyranoth and Malygos lore Vyranoth and Malygos lore Vyranoth and Malygos lore
Speak it into existence people!
They're siblings and you can't tell me otherwise. IDFK man I just want a Vyranoth redemption arc
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More Posts from Legendaryevokercupcake
Parental communism
Sauron : *took elrond as a hostage*
Gil Galad : let go off my Elrond!
Maglor, Maedhros, Galadriel, Celeborn, Eärendil, Elwing : our Elrond.
Sauron : the fuck?!
elrond, while being held hostage in sauron's arms : well at this point, I have too much of a parents
Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. I babygirlified the old man.
Okay but listen, Horde bias isn’t real. It never was. Bias is rather hard to have in a game like World of Warcraft and most developments for players such as races and armor are rather even. Story-wise, however, is a different thing entirely.
There never was a bias to the Horde.
The Horde has gotten the shit end of the stick as far as story and lore goes in World of Warcraft. While the Alliance gets grand memorials, deep lore-rich stories for their leaders, and storylines shown in game driving their faction, the Horde doesn’t really get any of that. The Horde doesn’t have a grand district in any city memorializing our fallen like the Alliance does. Our leaders, if they do anything at all, are villains or well on their way to being such, disliked by both factions. A major, over-arching storyline for the Horde? We haven’t had that since Pandaria, and that was with our Warchief as the bad guy. See where I’m going with this?
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Cindrethresh is babygirl
(Also what the frick frack tic tac are their pronouns- they give hardcore transmasc energy but everyone is calling them by she/her so IDK)
Which Shaw?
Um... heyyyy... maybe choose a different new character to replace Bright...
Warcraft has a whole fuckton of money right now so I would reeeaaaally advise against naming a sneaky, sus af redhead...
Almost the exact same name as Blizzard's SNEAKY SUS REDHEAD who they will probably defend with their lives because if their representation goes out the window, *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUH* less money
All I'm saying is please don't accidentally get sued for plagiarism