Showing The Good Of/Redeeming The Horde, Several Pieces At A Time
Showing the Good of/Redeeming the Horde, Several Pieces at a time
Lady Liadrin: After the Fall of Quel'thalas, Liadrin was forced to kill her now Scourge adoptive father, Vandellor (seen in Bastion). This, combined with the already present stress of the Fall itself, causes her to fall into survivors guilt and bloodlust. If you had watched your friends die painfully and then been forced to murder the man who you would have died alone without, wouldn't you do the same? She is abandoned by the Light in her moment of need and, because of this, lashes out at M'uru, draining the Naaru of it's power and taking Astalor's offer. She does this in anger, and regrets it immensely. She has since rejoined the real Light, being forgiven by the main thing she has wronged. If it can forgive her, so can you.
Grand Magister Rommath: I could go on for days about Rommath, and I probably will. If you've ever been in an abusive relationship, be it romantic, platonic, queerplatonic, familial or any other kind, you know how incredibly difficult it is to get out. You think what you're doing is right. I mean, they can't be that bad, they're your partner in crime! The one you rely on! They're your friend! But they aren't your friend. You're being lied to. For you, it could have been them making you drink more alcohol until you depended on it and they were your best supplier. For me, he (my online best friend) cut me off from most real life socialization, isolating me and making me dependent on him for any social stimulation. For Rommath, it was the Fel. We know that Fel magic is highly addictive. We know that most Sin'dorei are getting a highly filtered version of it that is considerably safer to consume than raw Fel magic. We know that Rommath and Kael'thas are two of the only exceptions. We know that it quite literally drove Kael'thas to going insane and harming his friends.
Imagine being in Rommath's situation. Completely dependent on the now somewhat insane Kael for Fel magic, which you would die without, seeing Kael fall apart. You've been friends (maybe more) for more than most mortals are even alive. You stick around because you can help him. In this action, you throw yourself right into Sargeras' line of fire. You're no longer just dependent on magic, no no no. You're dependent on Fel magic. The edges of your razor sharp psyche begin to break apart, remaining sharp enough to cut diamond, but no longer in the way that a knife is. It's more like the violently shattered glass of the mirror you punched when you realized that your once blue eyes were blazing lime green and brighter than fire. You can see that you're not ok. You can see that it's slowly starting to change you. It changes your mind, bringing the rage further up. It changes your body. You look pale and tired in those shards of mirror on the floor.
But you can't leave. If you leave, he'll die. It'll be all your fault. You keep going. Further away from the light. Further away from the Arcane magic you held so dear. All you have is Kael. All you have is Kael and pure, unadulterated fury.
Can they really blame you for using that fury to try and save your people?
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More Posts from Legendaryevokercupcake
Rommath is so fucking done with everyone's shit.
He's done with Kael'thas's weird magic shit.
He's done with Lor'themar's avoidance shit.
He's done with Liadrin's noble shit.
He's done with Jaina's "I'm not racist but..." shit.
He's done with Anduin's pretending everything can be solved with peace shit.
He's done with Khadgar's done with everything shit.
He's done with Halduron's drunk shit.
He's done with Thalyssra's "IS THIS MAN SECRETLY ELISANDE?" shit
He's done with Valtrois' "IS THIS MAN SECRETLY GAY?" shit because it's not a secret at all he's very blatantly gay
He's done with Belo'vir's horse girl shit (Should out to Salonar the Horseman for being some red haired elven horse girl lmao)
This man
is just
You know what? Same.
Um... heyyyy... maybe choose a different new character to replace Bright...
Warcraft has a whole fuckton of money right now so I would reeeaaaally advise against naming a sneaky, sus af redhead...
Almost the exact same name as Blizzard's SNEAKY SUS REDHEAD who they will probably defend with their lives because if their representation goes out the window, *DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUH* less money
All I'm saying is please don't accidentally get sued for plagiarism
Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. Do not babygirlify the old alcoholic man. I babygirlified the old man.
Alexstrasza: Personally, I like Sabellion more.
Kalecgos, Merithra, Khadgar, Medivh, Malygos, Sindragosa, Chromie, Nozdormu, Soridormi, Pelagos, Ebyssian, my 50 characters, Anduin Wrynn, Llane Wrynn (who has been watching Azeroth like a reality TV show since he died), Cindrethresh, Left and Right, the rest of the Blacktalon, the Mag'har Orcs, half of Azeroth: ...
Cindrethresh is babygirl
(Also what the frick frack tic tac are their pronouns- they give hardcore transmasc energy but everyone is calling them by she/her so IDK)