Hi @astroismypassion
Hi @astroismypassion
I would just like to add that with Scorpios, there is a tendency to take offence at everything. It is not just that they are sensitive (which they are) but there is also a general tendency in humans and cultures to resort to a lot of subtle emotional abuses in daily lives. Scorpios don't do well with disrespect because (1) they are sensitive to energies of people and can sense vanity, superficiality, insecurities, power attitude, arrogance in others and (2) they pay attention to everything people around them say, nothing goes under their radar, nothing goes unnoticed. It is not a joke to say that a Scorpio mentally keeps a list of every disrespectful thing ever said by anyone towards themselves and their loved ones.

So, a lot of social habits that humans resorted to for survival purposes like gossiping, dominance, hierarchies, power structures do not go well with Scorpios. The truth is that a lot of social structures are based on narcissism, rigidity, control and herd mentality. While Scorpios crave authenticity, flexibility, transformation and individuality. They do not like exaggerating their emotions, do not like to speak superfluous language and do not like public display of their lives because it appears inauthentic to them.
When immature, Scorpios go around labelling "You Are Fake" to everyone. But with more experience and intuitive insights, they start to do self reflection and withdraw their projections when they realize that what they see in others is actually attributes of themselves. This is like the phenomenon of total internal reflection where the rays of light are completely reflected back to the original medium and form image on the surface. This way Scorpio is able to see the different dimensions of their own personality.
“The line between good and evil runs not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

So when Scorpios (I am Scorpio rising) mature, they have more patience and tolerance with people instead of irritation. They can be psychoanalyzing people all the time, which just aids to their own spiritual journey. On one hand, it helps them filter out people who are trustworthy and those who are not. On the other hand, it helps them attain self knowledge that the world truly is a dream like state.
What’s your opinion on intensity/transformation difference between Scorpio moons and Scorpio risings?
Hello dear,
now I have a lot of Scorpio Rising and Scorpio Moon people who read this blog, so I will try to give honest opinion, but still not to offend anyone in any shape.
Both can appear somewhat not completely adapt to social settings, group settings. There is something awkward about their behaviour and the fact that they are aware of that sometimes makes it even more awkward. Both are far more attractive in physical appearance, identity, but also in terms of energy, but they don't recognize it enough themselves. Also, kings and queens of having no profile picture or changing it up every 5 days. Might not be as much active on their on social media account, not posting much. But be sure, they do peak others' social media account rather often.
It's all about nuances with them. They will mirror you back. If you are cold, reserved and detached, they will mirror that back to you and not be as talkative with you. If you appear stuck up, arrogant, they will dislike that and not see you as a trust worthy person and might even avoid further getting to know you or interactions with you. Huge dislike of stuck up people. Any arrogant people really. Also, wealthy people (like materially abundant), not that great either. They much prefer artistic, quiet types that have rich inner world, but need to be somewhat defended or sheltered. Scorpio Rising also is a master of this persona, of being much more confidence than they really are. An overbearing parental figure, usually the father. Like they are closer to mother, but likes dad more, because mother is too pushy or suffocates the native.
Now, this is just my awkward at the core trope. They can be somewhat unware of certain things or they are aware of them, but they don't try to "save" the situation by pretending, like other Moon placements would. They don't try to make you feel more comfortable, they would just let the vibe be authentic and as it is. If it's awkward, they will embrace it and just let it be as it is. Your Scorpio Moon person won't try to force you to make you feel more comfortable or relaxed and at ease, they won't try to say or do something that would make the interaction less awkward. They often know how to compliment others around them well. It's like they would compliment and talk in an uplifting people around them and forget themselves. Because often times they don't see themselves as unique, creative or special enough. They also really don't think they are that good-looking, when in reality they ARE. Like classic example is Margot Robbie, Scorpio Moon, when asked about a movie, she would compliment all the actors, but talk about how not sexy enough she felt or how she messed a scene up. They constantly uplift other people, but not themselves. Overbearing mother the native has.
This is how I seem them. But I think generally there's quite a great distinction if you ask me. Just like I don't really see Scorpio Risings being that similar to Scorpio MCs. Like I still don't see it.
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More Posts from Libbee
Hello! I have a 10th house stellium, sun, mercury, and jupiter in libra
But i have moon, saturn, Lilith in 8th house, scorpio venus and pluto conjunct ac in the first house.. can i still be considered a scorpio/8th houser with these placements?, do you think your posts would resonate with me?.
Hey there,
Yes if you have moon and Saturn in 8th house and Scorpio venus, you should be able to relate to my posts. If you have not felt a connection already then perhaps you might in future. My posts on these placements are inspired by my experience especially after spiritual awakening and figuring out life, so that is a particular context around transformation and spirituality. It depends on what age and stage of life you are at, which mahadasha and antardasha you have run or are running.
Natal Chart Placements - 4th house, 8th house, and 12th House

The 4th, 8th, and 12th house in Astrology deals with your secretive side or the side you would rather not broadcast. It matters which sign and element you have in these houses to have more context. People with air in their 4th, 8th, and 12th house are likely to have intuitive messages or knowing about certain things. It's like the information just trickles through the atmosphere into their subconscious. Some of these people are flat out psychics or have abilities whether they honor them or not. Certain elements in these houses won't really have intuitive type of behavior. Let's explain a little bit. Someone with Aries in their 4th house will be comfortable and maybe even private about the things they do or get into. They are comfortable with taking action which basically makes them assertive. Someone with Aries in their 8th house is secretive and more protective of the things they do or get into. Their passionate side may show a bit more dramatic. The anger will either show freely or it will be hidden until a climax. The ruler of Aries which is Mars and the house that it is in will determine how one's passion or anger is shown.
💣Venus in the 8th💣
If you have this placement, I bet you go crazy for stories about forbidden love affairs and were probably a hoe for Twilight.
Your love life feels cursed and rich at the same time. Every relationship and encounter has had a level of edge and profoundness to it, and deep down that's how you like it. You're the kind who remembers the names of your one night stands, because they had that part of you. You like to think that sticky situations, forbidden love, scandals, all that good stuff, just love to follow you around, but in reality it's you who can't leave all of that alone. You have an unconscious need to sabotage and purge yourself through relating. It's as if drama fulfills your experiences. Jealousy, worship, and knowing that you turn people on and are attractive to them can all be like dopamine to you. This is where it gets scary. You can easily measure your worth by how wanted you are by others, and could get to a point where you're not fulfilled unless you have someone hooked on you or are hooked on them. If you don't come to terms with this, you can easily develop a victim mentality and end up not taking responsibility for your actions
If you and your lover haven't gone through the throws of each other's psyche, your relationship isn't there yet. Depth equals substance. Demonstrated devotion and vulnerability is what will really make you confident that people want you. You'd love for someone to look at you and think "mine". There's a part of you, no matter the sign your Venus falls in, that wants someone to own your entire being and give themselves to you in return. You sometimes expect this right off the bat in relationships and mess things up with these expectations. In the beginning of a relationship, you probably find yourself thinking something's off if you don't think you're willing to die for them yet. You need to remind yourself that true intimacy takes time. It's not something you can just shop for. It also takes trust which is something you struggle to have sometimes. When someone breaks your heart, you can't bear it. The pain is real on all levels, even physical, that's why you want to avoid it at all costs. It's exhausting. You dread having to give your entire self to someone all over again just to get fucked over a second time.
No one knows shit about your love life unless you want them to, and the ones you do tell won't know everything. Your loved ones are YOURS. They're your babies, and you dare other people to mess with them. The capacity in which you love is boundless and deeper than most people. The Plutonic lessons in your life are learned through experiences with others, which is usually painful. If you chose to evolve positively, you will grow to be able to withstand anything and gain unspeakable wisdom. Your deepest desire is to belong to someone who will love you from head to toe and never leave.
Obsessions for 8th Housers?

Do 8th housers get obsessed with someone and stay obsessed for years? It may not be romantic interest but even someone who displays the traits and emotions that the native embodies inside - quite literally the shadow work.
It happens in their life that they often get obsessed with someone, thinking about them all the time, when they speak they only speak about that person, they cannot even attempt to think about someone else, their emotions are tied to that person's behaviour, their memory is flooded with that person, they think about all the conversations with them and all the encounters with them, they make up scenarios in their head, begin their day with that person and end with that person. The subject of their obsession may not even know that the native is obsessed with them, native pretends everything is normal on the outside but secretly inside they are obsessing over that one person like crazy
You would wonder what the hell is this? Is it something deeply psychological issue? It turns out that these natives get obsessed with people who have something in their physical or material life that the native lacks but wants to have. 8th house deals with intense emotions and envy too is felt intensely. They are often not happy at the success of others and may even feel envious of other people's accomplishments. 8th house is psychologically complicated for a reason. If the native does not have certain things in life, he feels envious and bitter against someone who does have that thing. It could be something like respect in society, powerful job, elite lifestyle, somebody's looks or intelligence.

The natives may not even realize they are doing it and since envying someone is frowned upon socially as ethically incorrect, they feel ashamed of their emotions and add to the self-sabotage. That something is wrong with them or that they are a bad person for envying someone else's good fortune. Even talking about this behaviour is taboo because who wants to admit that they are an envious and greedy person? The envy is not unfounded because in - the material world a lot of people compete for few resources so most people are bound to lack the resources; - not everyone starts from the same point in life; - not everyone has the same natural inclination or potential; - not everyone wins the genetic lottery or is exceptionally lucky; - not everyone has the required intelligence or ability to understand concepts. The usual things that successful people say "I am here because I worked hard, the harder I work the luckier I get" is not quite correct because our decisions, choices, thoughts, instincts, impulses, motivations are often unconscious and only make sense in the hindsight. They also underestimate the extreme luck they had to beat the competition and know the right method that makes them successful at something.
On top of that, many of them go on to flash, rub it in other's faces, identify with their success and use it for hierarchy control. That others are inferior to them, "you are an inferior human because you are not as successful as me". Often they do it unconsciously because they do not realize it is their insecurities and inferiority complexes, despite the success, that they still want to prove themselves to others and maintain their dominance over others. It is true that not everyone who gets successful in life is capable of handling that success emotionally, it goes to their head, they become arrogant and flamboyant, they are convinced that they are great and special, that they know better than others, that they must be better humans with better karma. This is no surprise, what I am telling is the insights I have observed over the years.
Take this astrology page, for example. I know astrology because it was a natural impulse in me, it is easier for me to understand the language of astrology than others who are simply not meant for it, since it is my natural interest I also spend a lot of time thinking about it so I automatically get better at it naturally, for some reason I was born with the genetic lottery in occult and a natal chart with karmic influences in the field of occult. None of my family members are into astrology and some of them do not even know the basics. Astrology is like Spanish to them, completely dumbfounded they are when they see the birth chart. Does this mean I am a better human than them because I understand something they do not? Can I use the astrological knowledge to dominate and show off to others? No, that is arrogance, pride, being self-important and being delusional that my astrology knowledge is something I willed. I did not will it, it happened to me. And it is not permanent and eternal, I will die someday and with that my astrology gifts will end too. It is my purpose for this lifetime, not eternally giving.

For these reasons, 8th house is the shadowy and complicated thing that we do not understand on the surface. How easy it is to slip into entanglements of pride, ego, arrogance, possession over your material accomplishments. What we do not realize is that behind the glamour of success is deep fear of uncertainty, insecurity, lack of agency over one's life and fear of losing everything they have gained in life. Fear of losing good fortune makes someone dominate others so nobody else takes their place, become arrogant because internally they do not believe they actually deserve their good fortune, manipulate and misguide others so they do not become successful like them, build a brand for themselves so they leave a legacy and remain important even after death, they try to act like they know the secrets of success because they cannot digest that their success might just be a fluke or gamble of luck.
However, if these tendencies are ignored and dismissed, they bottle up inside and inflate the native's ego. With transition to 8th house or activation of 8th house in its ruler's dasha, this inflated ego is threatened and forced to collapse, undergo change and transform. The end result is to gradually realize that ego is merely an attachment to material form but what we forget to see is the wholeness of Self beyond the ego. When you go beyond "I, my, mine, myself", you realize that you are a nameless, faceless and invisible something. How scary is it to be a nothing in nowhere as a nobody! So you cling to the past, identity, material life, out of fear that you will never come back from the underworld.
So the obsessions that happen to 8th housers are indication of personal issues that native denies. For eg, it may be someone you deeply hate, even the way they talk just disgusts you, the way they move sends chills down your spine, you hate their vibes and how selfish they are. But at the same time, you are obsessed with them, does this person deserve your obsession? No. But can you shake it off? Not unless you accept the hard truth that you are just as selfish, deceitful, egotistical as the subject of your obsession. The rule of 8th house is that awareness and consciousness will set you free while denial and refusal to look into the shadow will keep you trapped.
Similarly, if you are envious of someone's fortune, can you identify your insecurities and label them? Can you achieve that fortune in some way? If not, can you adjust your perception around it? Often feelings are the guiding lights in this house. What no one can tell you, you feel your way through it. Here is no guru and no mentor, here is you and your feelings. That is why being in tune with your feelings is painful, mentally uncomfortable and tiring but essential task for 8th housers. Lucky are those who identify this psychological hurdle. There are many 8th housers who never realize that they can solve their own problems with change of perception or becoming more conscious of their feelings. Often, the obsessions with people will end when you are self-aware and witnessing your feelings, no matter how uncomfortable they are.
Lana Del Rey is not an 8th houser?

I have often read about Lana Del Rey giving 8th houser vibes on tumblr so i checked out her birth chart. 21 June 1985; 16:47 PM; New York. Well, in vedic birth chart, her 8th house is empty and she has stellium in 9th house of Sun, Mercury and Mars in Gemini. She is Libra rising with Saturn and Ketu conjunction in 1st house and Venus and Rahu in 7th house, along with Moon in 10th house in cancer.
This seems like her personality. Ketu is also the ruler of 8th house and its placement in ascendant gives her the spiritual and transformative vibes. Though I hope it is not her makeup and aesthetics that we confuse for 8th house energy? 😳
8th housers have a hidden life and that is a result of their inner turmoil. I am yet to see a celebrity with proper 8th house placements and how it impacts their public image and emotional life!