"Tone Down The Mind Games": For Gemini, Libra, Moon In 3rd House
"Tone down the mind games": For Gemini, Libra, moon in 3rd house

A water dominant native hates this one trick but the airy ones love it: Mind Games.
Being inconsistent with what they say and what they do. Speaking for the sake of it. Talking to relieve their stress and anxiety. Humor as a coping mechanism to impress people.
Downsides are their habit to gossip and lie. They might not even lie maliciously but just because their mind was at so many places that they dont even know the actual reality of life. They just blurt out. Gossiping was a survival trick in primitive societies to spread information with others. I dont know why airy ones just didnt grow out of it...
Have we ever talked about airy placements potential to be abusive? "Huh, I was just joking". While the cancerian is sobbing in the corner.
Social butterfly but thats pretty much it. In worst cases they might be a charmer in public but abusive in private.
Mind games are a way to gain control and power over others. It is a way to outgrow their insecurities or avoid working on them.
An immature airy placement can dump friends like hot potatoes when they are no more stimulating. Thats not a good sign for a friend.
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More Posts from Libbee
"The little prince" quotes for signs:

鈿楩alling in love as a water sign:
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
Words are the source of misunderstandings. But you will sit a little closer to me, every day.
鈿楩alling in love as an earth sign:
It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.
You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose.
鈿楩alling in love as an air sign:
Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends any more. If you want a friend, tame me
鈿楩alling in love as a fire sign:
One could not die for you. To be sure, an ordinary passerby would think that my rose looked just like you--the rose that belongs to me. But in herself alone she is more important than all the hundreds of you other roses: because it is she that I have watered; because it is she that I have put under the glass globe; because it is she that I have sheltered behind the screen; because it is for her that I have killed the caterpillars (except the two or three that we saved to become butterflies); because it is she that I have listened to, when she grumbled, or boasted, or ever sometimes when she said nothing. Because she is my rose.
I believe in ghosts but I do not believe in "good people".

"Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people" - Carl Jung.
Self knowledge reveals that evil voice exists in the mind of every person alive. The constant and consistent evil voice judges, belittles, insults and ridicules others. A dysfunctional person speaks the evil voice and traumatizes others. But a self aware person suppresses the evil voice and speaks socially acceptable things.
Excuse the dreaded mother for once. The 8th house moon mother is infamous for her unstable and volatile emotional state. She is the primitive queen of her psychoemotional throne and yet she is her own worst enemy. Mara is the Buddha himself, Buddha is his own demon. Do not demonize Mara because he is not there where he is supposed to be. He is not in the hell, but inside Buddha himself.
Identified with an archetype, the individual is inflated and ignorant of his own inner life. He believes the social mask to be the real him. He defends himself against the accusations of adverse judgments of his character. He tightly holds close to his heart the self identity he believes himself to be. He is what others say he is. He is what he thinks he is. He is the few things his consciousness allows him to see.
Products of creative expressions paint an incomplete picture of the human psyche. Movies, TV shows, novels, youtube, myths are but a polarized division of human character. Rama is the great loving warrior prince but Ravana is the evil cruel monster king. The inner division of Rama and Ravana gives rise to neurotic, the mother who is battling against her own evil forces struggles to give birth to a saint. Saint is an archetype, not a personality.
"The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either - but right through every human heart - and through all human hearts." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago.
Fear anyone who knows not his evil. He will show you his evil in the broad day light. Defensive and stubborn, he will shine in his ignorance. Self knowledge will tear him apart. It will demand change and sacrifice of what he holds so dear to his heart.
Evil voice is there in everyone's head and it speaks to everyone. No ear is an exception. Evil has no favourites. What appears to be a "good person" is born of habits, practice, genes and upbringing. A good person is made up of his actions which are good or bad that he chooses after thinking of the consequences in forseeable future. He is not so good after all. Speak only good things, the filtered and calculated things on social media. Social media is nothing but the civilization on screens. Social rules apply to online world. Speak the hive mind, walk with the herd, clap when they clap, boo when they order and believe that you are nothing more than the persona, the "good person".
Self development series: "I am so bad at judging people".

For 7th, 8th, 12th housers, scorpio, cancer, pisces risings and placements. Also for airy signs placements.
You were born, you had family friends neighbours, you watched TV movies, you find a boyfriend/girlfriend, graduate get a job get married, have kids and life goes on. But who are you? And how do you know who the people in your life are? How do you identify others, how do you judge who is who? There is something called "projection" that happens when two people meet, or even watch a celebrity on TV, or even read something in a letter or on a website. How would you know what I am like from my posts? You will project, assume, judge.
Projection is a psychic process, it happens automatically and spontaneously, it is not under our will power to control our projection. Just like you breath to survive, you have to project to live in the society. No, you cannot be a hermit for too long. You have to go out, work, date, marry, buy grocery - projection is a necessity.
Everybody is not the same. People are different from each other - some qualities are dominant in them and some are sleeping. You project your own dominant (good or bad) qualities on others. For example, if you have jealousy in you, you will easily spot it in others too.
It is especially for those who are more irrational and impulse driven. They would think that just because they are honest, somebody else is honest too because both are just the same, especially if that somebody says the right things like "yeah I want to connect deeply with you". How we judge others, react to them depends on our projections. But how exactly do I judge someone else? In archetypes. Archetypes are images, emotions, factors and motifs that arrange the psychic elements into certain images. Carl Jung observed in his practice that similar patterns repeated in every patient assisted by similar meanings - he called these patterns motifs and proposed that the archetypes are universal in nature, reside in the collective unconsious and are inherited by each generation. How a person reacts to a situation in 2023 is how a person reacted in 1723 - patterns are the same.
Archetypes are not singular but a combination of many elements. For example, have you watched any typical romance movie? You see a silly lover boy and a next door girl, falling in love, going through made up scenarios and end up together. These kind of characters are simplified and basic levels of archetype. Reality is 10脳 more complicated than fairytales.
So when a scorpio girl falls in "love" with the boy she met last week, she is actually projecting and seeing archetypes in him that may not be there. She falls for the inner image of the ideal boy, her own masculine part animus and is driven by her feelings. I see a handsome/rich/funny/intelligent/top college graduate boy? "He must be a good man, he must be what I think he is". Did he just say he loves me even though we met in a chatroom 2 days back? "Of course, I know this is love". I swear if water placements dont tell the funniest "love stories", I will eat my hat. Madam/sir, this is projection, not love. Though I would not advice against making mistakes. You learn from your mistakes. Make 100 mistakes but in the end you will learn to judge people's character the right way.
I read something interesting about projection so i will share. We are all energy. The way we project is believed to be godly or divine process. Projection happens from the background of the psyche, that is the autonomous inner inages that come and go on their own happen from the very bottom of our psyche. Therefore, those who are gifted in astrology are the ones who project very consciously. In fact, the most accurate astrologers are those who are the most watery/most in touch with their unconscious life. This is why 8th house is called the house of occult and also signifies the unconscious.
Joseph Campbell has said, "The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight". An evolved native is a good judge of character because he/she knows his/her own inner life, corners of personality, sleeping qualities, spends a lot of time exploring their own inner world and self reflection. This is why water people make detective type because they can really read the energy, tone of voice, pattern of behaviour, body language, expressions and intentions of people. Though, do not be too caught up in assumptions - projection is after all a means to understand yourself, your own individuation and identity.
Relationship 7th-8th house nexus observation

*It is strictly what I have seen in people around me. I will call them "person" so as not to reveal who they are. This is vedic/sidereal observation.
7th lord in 8th or 8th lord in 7th house have a connection with transformations triggered by relationship or marriage.
7th lord in 8th house: Wedding happened suddenly in a rush. Families were looking for a potential partner and suddenly the marriage is fixed and done in 2-3 months.
Life of native and spouse changed drastically after marriage. Person 1 went from living a comfortable lifestyle to lower level lifestyle. Person 2 went from lower lifestyle to engaging with upper level wealth family.
Native with 7th in 8th house planet has a up and down full life. Very rollercoaster type. The spouse and native were each other's supporter when there was nobody else. Situation was such that only spouse was there in the most vulnerable period and weakest point.
The spouse is somewhat hidden from the rest of the family of native. As if the family of native dont know the spouse fully. There are aspects to their personality that they hide.
The native marry into family where in laws support them financially. Person 2 was financially motivated by in laws. Person 3 was financially aided by in laws when their own family did not.
It seems that the spouse does not have a cordial relationship with the inlaws. It might be because the 8th house native comes from narcissistic family line so they might be surprised after marriage to see ongoing emotional and psychological abuse in the family although from the outside everything seems normal and decent.
Significant wealth/status/class inequality between native and spouse family.
If inner planets are involved then the transformation is psychological and emotional. Person 4 was triggered to do complete self transformation after break up. By transformation, I mean change of identity and perspective of the world.
8th house native is some kind of mysterious being. Spends a lot of time alone lost in thoughts. Addicted to something. Either alcohol or money. Private personality and very unpredictable. The affairs of their marriage is hidden from the rest of the family so they might be surprised to know of the facts because neither party makes a show of their personal life.
Of course, native and spouse meet in secretive manner. No public arrangement.
Depending on the dignity of the planets and placements the native and spouse can learn significant life lessons through the transformations and challenges of life. Especially on the psychological levels. Psychology = spirituality. It is a very spiritual marriage if the partners are both awakened.
Descending into the unconscious.

The danger of the unconscious underworld is that it is pretty difficult to come to the shore by sheer will. Then to make progress upon the land demands directedness and stability of thoughts and emotions. One cannot make any progress in the land if he keeps hopping back into the unconscious.
Learning to explore the unconscious is a voluntary and conscious activity. It is not a mere jump into the ocean but a step by step walk along the waves, from the feet to the knees to the neck deep and then a final dive into the world of the unknown.
Exploring the 8th house of the unknown should not be a jump from the platform. Because then you fall straight into the deep ocean and struggle to swim afloat. A lot of activities in daily life can become this platform which connect the conscious to the unconscious. Music, myth, movies, stories etc are such doors to the unconscious - the thin veil where the order of sanity is distinguished from the chaos of the disorder. This is why, many people report escaping into another world when listening to music or reading a novel.
Lifestyle changes to accommodate this venture can help. A strong ego acts as an anchor in times of flood or unprecedented danger in the ocean. A helping hand or a companion can help as well, for when you lose the sight of the shore or forget that you need to breath, the rescue can come from a psychoanalyst or a friend.
Solitary diving, nevertheless, into the occult is an adventure one must partake. If the unconscious does not drown you at all, at least you will learn to swim. Just remember, going from one extreme to the other will not help in the occult. It will not help in the conscious world either. You cannot be a doctor one day and an engineer the other day. You cannot be a mystique one day and a psychotic the next day.