Self Development Series: "I Am So Bad At Judging People".
Self development series: "I am so bad at judging people".
![Self Development Series: "I Am So Bad At Judging People".](
For 7th, 8th, 12th housers, scorpio, cancer, pisces risings and placements. Also for airy signs placements.
You were born, you had family friends neighbours, you watched TV movies, you find a boyfriend/girlfriend, graduate get a job get married, have kids and life goes on. But who are you? And how do you know who the people in your life are? How do you identify others, how do you judge who is who? There is something called "projection" that happens when two people meet, or even watch a celebrity on TV, or even read something in a letter or on a website. How would you know what I am like from my posts? You will project, assume, judge.
Projection is a psychic process, it happens automatically and spontaneously, it is not under our will power to control our projection. Just like you breath to survive, you have to project to live in the society. No, you cannot be a hermit for too long. You have to go out, work, date, marry, buy grocery - projection is a necessity.
Everybody is not the same. People are different from each other - some qualities are dominant in them and some are sleeping. You project your own dominant (good or bad) qualities on others. For example, if you have jealousy in you, you will easily spot it in others too.
It is especially for those who are more irrational and impulse driven. They would think that just because they are honest, somebody else is honest too because both are just the same, especially if that somebody says the right things like "yeah I want to connect deeply with you". How we judge others, react to them depends on our projections. But how exactly do I judge someone else? In archetypes. Archetypes are images, emotions, factors and motifs that arrange the psychic elements into certain images. Carl Jung observed in his practice that similar patterns repeated in every patient assisted by similar meanings - he called these patterns motifs and proposed that the archetypes are universal in nature, reside in the collective unconsious and are inherited by each generation. How a person reacts to a situation in 2023 is how a person reacted in 1723 - patterns are the same.
Archetypes are not singular but a combination of many elements. For example, have you watched any typical romance movie? You see a silly lover boy and a next door girl, falling in love, going through made up scenarios and end up together. These kind of characters are simplified and basic levels of archetype. Reality is 10× more complicated than fairytales.
So when a scorpio girl falls in "love" with the boy she met last week, she is actually projecting and seeing archetypes in him that may not be there. She falls for the inner image of the ideal boy, her own masculine part animus and is driven by her feelings. I see a handsome/rich/funny/intelligent/top college graduate boy? "He must be a good man, he must be what I think he is". Did he just say he loves me even though we met in a chatroom 2 days back? "Of course, I know this is love". I swear if water placements dont tell the funniest "love stories", I will eat my hat. Madam/sir, this is projection, not love. Though I would not advice against making mistakes. You learn from your mistakes. Make 100 mistakes but in the end you will learn to judge people's character the right way.
I read something interesting about projection so i will share. We are all energy. The way we project is believed to be godly or divine process. Projection happens from the background of the psyche, that is the autonomous inner inages that come and go on their own happen from the very bottom of our psyche. Therefore, those who are gifted in astrology are the ones who project very consciously. In fact, the most accurate astrologers are those who are the most watery/most in touch with their unconscious life. This is why 8th house is called the house of occult and also signifies the unconscious.
Joseph Campbell has said, "The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight". An evolved native is a good judge of character because he/she knows his/her own inner life, corners of personality, sleeping qualities, spends a lot of time exploring their own inner world and self reflection. This is why water people make detective type because they can really read the energy, tone of voice, pattern of behaviour, body language, expressions and intentions of people. Though, do not be too caught up in assumptions - projection is after all a means to understand yourself, your own individuation and identity.
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More Posts from Libbee
Who takes decision in your life?
![Who Takes Decision In Your Life?](
🌸 for anyone who resonates
I was met with one question "Who is in control of your life?" People replied "Me"; i thought to myself what was my answer? I never felt like i chose my choices. Sometimes they were wishful thinking that happened to come true. But most of the daydreams did not come true. Hint: No I didnt fall in passionate thrilling romance with a bad boy who only has soft place for me. Not to say that fantasies are useless. Fantasies are psychic processes that tell you a lot about yourself. They are not waste of time either. Fantasies tell you have a creative bone that is urging to express outside. Most of the times fantasies are when we are really bored stressed unsatisfied lonely insecure in life. Fantasies can be a way to quickly satiate unfulfilled desires.
But somewhere fantasies create unrealistic expectations that are almost impossible for the life we currently actually have. And that is a pretty shitty way to live. To be always living in glamour of fantasies, anticipating it and hightened expectations. Not to forget that for every 1 successful person there are 100s of those who do not succeed. "Just try harder", "Good luck next time", "You probably didnt work the right strategy" but the real answer is "I dont know why you did not succeed". I personally dont believe in law of attraction because it did not work for me. So I instead chose to go with the flow of the tao and let fate bring whatever result it wants.
Jeff Bezos once said "When a company comes up with an idea, it's a messy process--There's no 'aha' moment." What it means is that rather than panicking for the final result, try to solve the mess that the process is. As an 8th houser, my life + my parents' life (both 8th housers) have been very unpredictable; just when we thought things were stable something would create ripples and disturb the calm waters. From one extreme to the other, we were all affected by each other's fate and ups downs. Being a child, I would get neurotic thinking "why is my life not carefree like others", "why cant i be stable for one day", "does everyone have such rollercoaster life"? Then I would think "perhaps if we get through this life would calm down", "perhaps this is the last challenge", "just this time then i will enjoy life". Little did I know that 8th house is highly karmic and fated. Same for Saturn/Saturn in 8th house/Pluto placements. When life feels fated, you have no choice but to surrender to the forces. Because the more you consciously push the more life resists your movement. Problems of 8th house are not going to mild, we just learned to be calm in emergency, control our panic, calmly take logical decision and manage our life as much as possible. The lesson for these people was "to choose their emotional reaction".
"However simple an impulse appears to be, every nuance of its particular character, its strength and direction, its course, its timing, its aim, all depend on special psychic conditions, in other words on an attitude. And the attitude consists of a constellation of contents so numerous that they cannot be counted" - Carl Jung. My current life attitude is somewhere between cynicism, hopeful pessimism, taoism and stoicism. A mix of all these work for me. What it means is that instead of obsessing over things not under my conscious control (like result of an exam, behaviour of other people, fate of a relationship), I only focus on things under my control that is effort, reason and mind.
It is not passivity or defeatism. It is a life lesson for people who have faced many misfortunes to be prepared for the future and to make peace with the past.
Self development series: learning to handle life.
![Self Development Series: Learning To Handle Life.](
For 8th housers, scorpio placements - stretch to cancer, pisces placements and risings.
*knocks* Hello, astro world, it's me.. look at my birth chart please and tell me what's wrong with me? Why is my life a mess..? Why do I attract such narcissistic, controlling, manipulative people in my life? Why do i feel like I dont exist and am constantly transforming..? I have a weird relationship with my family.. I have so much trauma... I just want answers...
Just a regular day in the life of natives with vulnerable placements. Until they heal their trauma (which can take years), they would not know how to handle their life. How to not fuck up their relationships, mood, reactions, career, body, mind. The hidden gift of these natives is to be in touch with their insticts and emotional life. They do not just exist but are in tune with their emotional states. When unevolved, they act on their impulses, feelings, imagination, thoughts mindlessly.
When evolved, they have a conscious control over their impulses, feelings, imagination and fantasies. This is a gradual process, not overnight, and one filled with many trials, challenges and fallings. Contrary to the stereotypes, these natives are not doomed to be crybabies/crazy all their lives. They certainly can handle their life, depending upon the whole chart, timing of planets and the luck.
The trick is to know when to be rational and when to let loose. The trick is to change your lifestyle in such a way as accommodates things you can control. For eg, do not buy tubs of ice cream if you know you binge eat in maniac state. The trick is to live in the flow, be in the flow of life, mindfulness comes naturally to you when you are not giving in to every self destructive impulse. The trick is to set values for yourself. For eg, do not do casual hookup if you know you will get attached and obsessive. The trick is to hold yourself to higher standards of behaviour. The trick is to find fellow similar/compatible placement natives who will make your life a little easier. The trick is to become aware of your own inner narcissist and stop feeding him/her what they crave, instead choose the opposite action.
There is a thin line between chaos and order, that these natives know very well of. Sometimes they feel like they do not belong to this world, they are misfits, as if they want to go back to home. As if they daily life is very harsh and tiresome to them. Beware not to fall into the grips of substance abuse and/or criminal gangs. At the end of the day, you are responsible for your life. You have to live anyway, so why not make it worthwhile?
"Everything of which I know, but of which I am not at the moment thinking; everything of which I was once conscious but have now forgotten; every thing perceived by my senses, but not noted by my conscious mind; and everything which, involuntarily and without paying attention to it, I feel, think, remember, want, and do; all the future things that are taking shape in me and will sometime come to consciousness: all this is the content of the unconscious." - On the Nature of the Psyche, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, CW 8, par. 382.
Scorpio/8th house dominant/stellium: Social circle.
![Scorpio/8th House Dominant/stellium: Social Circle.](
Jaded, cynical, skeptical, guarded, high boundaries: That's how we describe an evolved scorpion/8th houser. They have seen a lot of bad stuff in life. They choose their social circle wisely.
Superficial parametres like looks, fame, titles, tags, money are byproduct of one thing - character. It does not matter to them that you are a high achiever unless you reflect that in your character.
Just-world fallacy is a cognitive bias which assumes that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. That what you get is what you deserve. That a successful person must deserve their success. An evolved scorpion just does not believe in this. They have seen far too many successful people with bad characters.
Scorpions choose their social circles based on character not external success. They choose people who are emotionally mature, self aware, know their emotional patterns, can self reflect and choose their behaviour. Scorpion has no time for immature people and they do not care for people pleasing. An evolved scorpion knows that a person who values a goal bigger than themselves can make money as a byproduct of their interest. They choose a doctor who actually genuinely enjoys studying, learning, helping people as a friend over a doctor who is just in the profession for title and money. Mars as the ruler of scorpio gives them the potential to perform and achieve their goals, but for the right reasons.
With sorpions, what you see is what you get. They are both emotional and rational. They are intuitive, thinkers and rationalize. An evolved scorpion is a lone warrior, on the hero's journey, no energy for drama and gossip, no time for toxicity and superficiality. This is because they intuitively know that life has to have a meaning. They do not merely live for pleasures. They live for purpose and dedication.
How so? Scorpion/8th house are both connected to strong libido energy. An unevolved scorpion can be a fuckboy, wasted, chaotic, problematic person. But an evolved scorpion is the anti-thesis. Libido as a life force, creative energy, kundalini, awakening, initiation, enlightenment, inner wisdom is what drives them. Many scorpion are also into occult subjects, but even without occult they are definitely into psychological exploration and philosophy.
Sigmund Freud has described libido as the instinctual physiological or psychic energy associated with sexual urges and, in his later writings, with all constructive human activity. This libido is the strength of an evolved scorpion because they are the ones who are most in touch with their conscience. Why scorpion? All signs can read astrology but nobody does it like scorpion. It is just like that. All signs have their innate qualities which share many similarities with others, mutually, but there is something about scorpion which sets them apart. This is where their reputation of dark, mysterious and psychic comes from, because they are internally judging others for all signs of character flaws and defects.
Their authenticity is remarkable. They keep their persona as close to the Self as possible. They like to live by their true values and the instincts. You cannot make them choose to be inauthentic at gun point. This is why they are also very conscious of karma and moral compass. They speak what they internally believe to be true and therefore they befriend those who are also on the quest for self knowledge.
Death of the fool
![Death Of The Fool](
The evergreen fool. The believer of faith in goodness and light. Naive and gullible. He is the sparrow in his nest, singing a good melody, ignorant of the hungry predators hawking upon him. He is friends with the sun, the clouds, the tree and the leaves. Protected, inexperienced and untouched, the sparrow sings morning and evening. Clueless, impulsive and reckless. Childish, child like and the infantile. The fool is on a journey to sacred lands. Good intentions in heart, fueled by feelings, lacking life experiences and projecting his goodness on others, the fool is a tasty treat for dinner.
Do not mistake the fool for the poor fellow. His innocence is disgusting. He dwells in the unconscious and fears his own reality. Who even risks their life to make some new friends? The sparrow jumps off the nest, thinking it can fly, travel the skies and perhaps make some friends with the big gruesome creatures up there in the playground.
![Death Of The Fool](
Acts before thinking, reckless, impulsive, rash, gullible. Fool is everything he should not be. Learn a thing or two about the world you are born in. Know a thing or two about the life force that ignites you. But the fool does not care. He is on an adventure, enthusiastic and intense. Excited to materialize his fantasies, the sparrow greets the horrific eagles. "They are just like me, see, they can fly and so do I, we are just the same!" Off the cliff, it happened. He is gone. Oh-he is gone. Where is he? Oh-find him, where is he? In the eagle's feast, singing a melody in his mind, the sparrow recalls his nest. Bring him back to the nest, the safety of his mind. One last melody, one more time.
The journey of fool never ends well. Maturity and self awareness are important to adulthood. Remember this, fellow fools.
"Tone down the mind games": For Gemini, Libra, moon in 3rd house
!["Tone Down The Mind Games": For Gemini, Libra, Moon In 3rd House](
A water dominant native hates this one trick but the airy ones love it: Mind Games.
Being inconsistent with what they say and what they do. Speaking for the sake of it. Talking to relieve their stress and anxiety. Humor as a coping mechanism to impress people.
Downsides are their habit to gossip and lie. They might not even lie maliciously but just because their mind was at so many places that they dont even know the actual reality of life. They just blurt out. Gossiping was a survival trick in primitive societies to spread information with others. I dont know why airy ones just didnt grow out of it...
Have we ever talked about airy placements potential to be abusive? "Huh, I was just joking". While the cancerian is sobbing in the corner.
Social butterfly but thats pretty much it. In worst cases they might be a charmer in public but abusive in private.
Mind games are a way to gain control and power over others. It is a way to outgrow their insecurities or avoid working on them.
An immature airy placement can dump friends like hot potatoes when they are no more stimulating. Thats not a good sign for a friend.