An adult guy in his 30's. A place for my creative side and whatever else I want. it's a SFW blog but still minors DNI. Please and thanks. Remember to have water and meditate everyone. Find your peace.
137 posts
Lifeisarageroom - 30's Male. Rage Zone. - Tumblr Blog

QMX Alien Xenomorph Zippermouth Plush


Hot take here but if I had to choose only one, Care>sexx. Yes or yes?

Merrill meets Sir Pounce-A-Lot š

I used to have a British friend who would call me. I would get her to say things in her cute little accent like table. Hahaha. It was so cute and amusing.

[ID in alt text]
I bought one of those multi-coloured pens today and tried drawing a picture with it! I've also started rewatching Black Sails :))
Woke up in the middle of the night so so sick. This is... Awful. I welcome any distractions.
In a constant state of 'i was thinking about you but didn't want to bother you'.
A streaming services corporate headquarters talking about me: "this person has watched the same movie over four hundred times this year alone. F***. Maybe we should just send them a freaking copy/DVD of it and save our servers. What a freak."
Tumblr: The place where it's acceptable to talk to yourself.
Polar bears are cool. Just hanging out, sipping on coca cola with there nephew haha.
My heart has 'Fragile' stamped on it.
I'm all out of forgiveness. Which sucks. I don't want to be angry. Resentful. Etc. I really don't. It's a burden on one's soul. But... Some things.... You just can't forgive... It's weighting me down. Feels like I'm drowning... Life can be hard.. I hope anyone that sees this is well. Have water. Food. Self care. Meditate. Stay safe. Blessings to you all.