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182 posts

Keep Thinking About How Bucky Affectionately Calling Steve "punk" In CATFA Is Essentially The Era Equivalent

keep thinking about how Bucky affectionately calling Steve "punk" in CATFA is essentially the era equivalent of a gay guy saying "hey f@g" and how there's really people out there convinced he's straight

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More Posts from Logansgaar

5 months ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Peter goes to have dinner at Bucky's the day before he's set to "meet" the Avengers as their newest recruit, unaware the man is already tense from an episode earlier that day. Curious to see what type of music Bucky listens to, Peter's snooping sets off the Winter Soldier's killer instincts.

Peter Parker Bingo Round 2 SFW: Music [ @pparkerbingo ] WinterSpider Bingo Round 1 SFW: Modern Tech [ @winterspider-bingo ]

Part 4 of when you've nothing to remember, you've nothing to lose featuring Peter as Bucky's cat sitter.

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5 months ago

The thing about MCU Bucky is that he was an unmarried 26 year old man living with another man in a culture where it was the norm to marry at 18. Bucky spent a decade continuously choosing Steve over a normative life. He was only stopped from continuing to live this way because he was drafted into WW2.

Like. That's kind of gay even if Bucky was heterosexual

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5 months ago

Just because I've seen old quoras about it and none of the answers seem to take into account this very important detail:

Tobey's Spider-Man dodging a New York train isn't evidence that he would've gotten out of the way of the train that hit Tom's Spider-Man. There's no way in fact. The one that hit Peter 1 in Far From Home is considerably faster than the one that Peter 2 dodged, it was an international bullet train going at around 360 mph. The one Peter 2 dodged (and was also hit by) was a New York city train barely hitting 60 mph now let alone 20 years ago.

So yeah, no matter how much you prefer Peter 2, dodging a train going x6 slower than the one that hit Peter 1 doesn't mean a thing.

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5 months ago
I Had About Twelve Inappropriate Jokes.
I Had About Twelve Inappropriate Jokes.

I had about twelve inappropriate jokes.

5 months ago

let the gay criminals dress fancy, please marvel

This Before And After Is Wild.

This before and after is wild.

I get that this is supposed to be "grounded" and stuff but you really had to suck the colors out of everything??

The only one who looks good is Taskmaster, which isn't saying much since her suit in BW was horrendous.

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