Just Realized Peter And Bucky Have Both Been Taken Out By A Train Before, So Many Missed Opportunities
Just realized Peter and Bucky have both been taken out by a train before, so many missed opportunities for dark jokes
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More Posts from Logansgaar
Reporters in 2028, running after the Avengers post-mission: Spider-Man, Winter Soldier! You have previously suggested that the two of you were once romantically involved but not confirmed if you still are. Would you like to give us an update on your respective dating statuses?
Bucky, 85 yrs since his celeb Howlie days: No. Mind your business.
Peter, coached by Pepper Potts and MJ for years: James means we have a right to personal life privacy in every way - we're here to save people, not be reality stars! Thanks.
Peter goes to have dinner at Bucky's the day before he's set to "meet" the Avengers as their newest recruit, unaware the man is already tense from an episode earlier that day. Curious to see what type of music Bucky listens to, Peter's snooping sets off the Winter Soldier's killer instincts.
Peter Parker Bingo Round 2 SFW: Music [ @pparkerbingo ] WinterSpider Bingo Round 1 SFW: Modern Tech [ @winterspider-bingo ]
Part 4 of when you've nothing to remember, you've nothing to lose featuring Peter as Bucky's cat sitter.
Peter curing Norman instead of killing him, even when the Goblin just stabbed Peter 2 in front of him, because he knew Norman was not mentally cognizant of his actions and would've never otherwise hurt May paints a whole different light on Tony going after Bucky and Peter's loyalty to him.
I think it'd be interesting to see that debate/see how that influences Peter's rose-tinted glasses, posthumously too.
Neither Norman nor Bucky had a choice in what they did, they only differ in that Norman tested on himself and Bucky was experimented on, so Bucky had even less autonomy than Norman (yet he was made to atone...wtf). Just...gah Marvel really missed an opportunity there. This isn't about who's right or who's wrong btw, just addressing how much May's death and Norman and the Green Goblin would inform Peter's perspective on Tony (given he has now gone through exactly the same thing as Tony did, only he witnessed it happen, and made a different call.)
Peter had the chance to continue and didn't, I think that's an incredibly powerful sign that he isn't Tony's protégé anymore.

I had about twelve inappropriate jokes.
He’s never beating the gay allegations