logi1974 - Hasenbär auf Reisen
Hasenbär auf Reisen

1575 posts

Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially

Joe's Beerhouse is a must visit place for a hearty dinner in Windhoek. Lanterns illuminate the partially open-air dining area. Locals and foreigners mingle and drink craft Camelthorn Brewing Company beers while sat around picnic tables and makeshift barrel tables with wooden tops. A patchwork roof covers some of the boma encircles the dining area and the crowd is always a lively. Being a former Namibian colony, German cuisine influences many of the dishes in Namibia. Coupled with a strong focus on meat, Joe’s Beerhouse is a meat lover’s paradise. Anything from ribs, steaks, schnitzels and kebabs can be found on the menu. This restaurant is the perfect place to celebrate the start or finish of a great safari adventure.


Joe's Beerhouse ist ein Muss für ein herzhaftes Abendessen in Windhoek. Laternen beleuchten den teilweise offenen Essbereich. Einheimische und Ausländer mischen sich und trinken Craft-Biere der Camelthorn Brewing Company, während sie an Picknicktischen und provisorischen Fasstischen mit Holzplatten sitzen. Mit Strohdächern gedeckte Bomas umgeben den Essbereich und das Publikum ist immer lebhaft. Als ehemalige namibische Kolonie beeinflusst die deutsche Küche viele Gerichte in Namibia. Gepaart mit einem starken Fokus auf Fleisch ist Joe’s Beerhouse ein Paradies für Fleischliebhaber. Auf der Speisekarte findet sich alles von Rippchen, Steaks, Schnitzel und Kebab. Das Restaurant ist der perfekte Ort, um den Beginn oder das Ende eines großartigen Safari-Abenteuers zu feiern.

Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
Joe's Beerhouse Is A Must Visit Place For A Hearty Dinner In Windhoek. Lanterns Illuminate The Partially
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    logi1974 liked this · 2 years ago

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2 years ago
Family killed on dream holiday as aircraft nosedived into river after take-off
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2 years ago

The Cuando rises in the Bié highlands of Angola and flows southeast. Later it is followed by the border with Zambia. The Cuando then flows through Namibia's Caprivi Strip near Kongola and forms the border with Botswana on its southern edge. In this section it forms the inland delta of the Linyanti Marshes and then turns abruptly to the east. From here it is called Linyanti and - after passing the temporarily dry Lake Liambezi - Chobe. The river empties into the Zambezi at Kazungula, where Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe meet.


Der Cuando entspringt im Hochland von Bié in Angola und fließt in Richtung Südosten. Später folgt ihm die Grenze zu Sambia. Der Cuando durchfließt dann den Caprivizipfel Namibias bei Kongola und bildet an dessen Südrand die Grenze nach Botswana. In diesem Abschnitt bildet er das Binnendelta der Linyanti-Sümpfe und wendet sich dann abrupt nach Osten. Ab hier wird er Linyanti genannt sowie – nach Passieren des zeitweise trockenen Liambezi-Sees – Chobe. Bei Kazungula am Vierländereck von Botswana, Namibia, Sambia und Simbabwe mündet der Fluss in den Sambesi.

The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border
The Cuando Rises In The Bi Highlands Of Angola And Flows Southeast. Later It Is Followed By The Border

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2 years ago

Common dwarf mongooses are the smallest African carnivores. They have a large pointed head, small ears, a long tail, short limbs, and long claws. They show a unique social behaviour through their symbiotic relationship with hornbills in the search for food. While the mongooses are foraging, they disturb numerous insects for the hornbills to catch. In return, the hornbills ensure that the coast is clear for the mongooses by warning of any approaching predators.


Südliche Zwergmangusten sind die kleinsten afrikanischen Fleischfresser. Sie haben einen großen spitzen Kopf, kleine Ohren, einen langen Schwanz, kurze Gliedmaßen und lange Krallen. Sie zeigen ein einzigartiges Sozialverhalten, indem sie mit Hornvögeln eine Symbiose bei der Nahrungssuche eingehen. Während die Tiere auf der Jagd sind, scheuchen sie verschiedene Insekten auf, die von den Hornvögeln gefangen werden können. Im Gegenzug übernehmen die Hornvögel die Sicherung der Umgebung und geben Alarm, wenn Fressfeinde auftauchen.

Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,
Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,
Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,
Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,
Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,
Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,
Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,
Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,
Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,
Common Dwarf Mongooses Are The Smallest African Carnivores. They Have A Large Pointed Head, Small Ears,

Common dwarf mongoose

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2 years ago

Close to Sossusvlei, Deadvlei is a clay pan characterized by dark, dead camel thorn trees contrasted against the white pan floor. The pan was formed when the Tsauchab River flooded and the abundance of water allowed camel thorn trees to grow. However, the climate changed and the sand dunes encroached on the pan, blocking the river from reaching the area.  The trees are estimated to be approximately 900 years old, however they have not decomposed due to the dry climate.


In der Nähe des Sossusvlei liegt das Deadvlei eine Tonpfanne, die für dunkle, abgestorbene Kameldornbäume charakteristisch ist, die sich vom weißen Pfannenboden abheben. Die Pfanne entstand, als der Tsauchab-Fluss noch Wasser führte und dadurch Kameldornbäume wachsen ließ. Das Klima änderte sich jedoch und die Sanddünen drangen in die Pfanne ein und hinderten den Fluss daran, das Gebiet zu erreichen. Das Alter der Bäume wird auf etwa 900 Jahre geschätzt, sie sind jedoch aufgrund des trockenen Klimas nicht verrottet.

Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted
Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted
Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted
Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted
Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted
Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted
Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted
Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted
Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted
Close To Sossusvlei, Deadvlei Is A Clay Pan Characterized By Dark, Dead Camel Thorn Trees Contrasted

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2 years ago

Pure joy!!

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