minuviliss - the tumblr journal
the tumblr journal

7 posts

Okay People.

Okay people.

I'm at the twichy stage now.

The stage where I'm ready to say f*ck it, and make a run for the outside world.

Now I know what 15 days in hell feel like.

Note to future self- do more good deeds, hell is not a nice place.

  • cec75
    cec75 liked this · 2 years ago
  • minuviliss
    minuviliss liked this · 4 years ago

More Posts from Minuviliss

5 years ago
Im In Awe Of The Lyricism Of The Masters, But Its Always, The Simplicity That Feels Closer To The Heart....

I’m in awe of the lyricism of the masters, but its always, the simplicity that feels closer to the heart....

Maybe poets embellish everything too much. But, they are dreamers, who just wish to find beauty in ruin, in chaos, in tragedy and in death.....and Icarus was a tale of eternal tragedy through and through.

But his tale is hardly a warning, it is simply a lesson, to never be afraid of flying too high.

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4 years ago

I miss college?

I don’t really know what day of lockdown it is, i stopped keeping track a while ago.

As a sci background student who shifted to arts in college, I can confirm, that college is easier than school, anything at that level is easier than 6 hour school then 6 hour of coaching, intermediate was a nightmare filled with sleep deprivation, depression, anxiety and stress,maybe that made transition to college easier.

In quarantine, like a looser, i miss the all nighters, the sleep deprivation, the ungodly amount of caffeine, the awful food, the too chirpy in ungodly hours classmates, the really torturous classes, dumb friends who are not really close friends cuz ur in ur first semester.

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5 years ago

Self Isolation

I don’t really get tumblr, but I’m about ready to tear my damn hair outta boredom, really need something to do with my fingers and this, has still got more appeal to it than my long reading list and huge pile of assignments, that I can’t bring myself to even look at.

So, college kicked us out about three days ago, the Covid-19 outbreak is forcing the Government to close down everything, my Sunday entrance exam just got postponed, and they’ll probably be having a public curfew that day. I read today, that the last pandemic was the ‘Spanish flu’, it killed about 50 million people after the end of the first world war in 1918, more than a century ago, but it wasn’t this widespread...

Apparently its too contagious, and anyway, its a bit understandable, it is difficult for humans to live without contact, but what I don’t get is why the hell are people still travelling?, like seriously ”Oh yeah ! its a global pandemic, I hear its great for vacation” they’re finding British tourists that are tested positive in Kerala.

At home, you can feel the trepidation, the worry, the fear that an uncertain future brings but things still hold normalcy, its still home except for a few laws-            ‘no friends‘  ‘wash hands more often‘  ‘be good, stay home‘  ‘and for god’s sake take a shower.’ All we want is the time to pass, and this shit storm to get over with, but fact remains that we’re barely at the first stages of this crisis.

What would living in the middle of world wars must’ve felt like, what would’ve Anne Frank felt like hiding in Amsterdam, hiding to survive? We’re not having aerial bombings and no genocidal maniac is killing people, so its a gross comparison but we’re hiding and isolating ourselves to stay safe as well.

Not thinking much about it helps.....

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4 years ago

The world used to make more sense when we were kids, it was a much more fair and saner world.

This world hasn't made sense in a very long time.

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5 years ago
Yep, Im Digging My Way Through Nikita Gill.

Yep, I’m digging my way through Nikita Gill.

I’m not much of a religious person, but I was born in an Indian family,and I was left free to form my own opinions on religion. For me its more about the colours, the bells, the passion...its more about culture than about faith.

‘Kali’is the complete antithesis of any other Goddess in the Hindu pantheon, she’s all blind rage and unbridled power, her first impression on  the viewer is fear.

In India, ‘Kali’ is a mother, a protector, a lesson to all men, that a woman’s rage can burn their world to the ground.

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